Cloud Secure

最新版本 Cloud Secure 1.0.7

Cloud Secure 1.0.7

Cloud Secure 1.0.7
隨著 Cloud Secure 你可以鎖定 Dropbox,谷歌驅動器等 PC 和訪問您的文件在受保護的視圖!擔心您的雲帳戶並不安全?不要怕,我們已經把你覆蓋了。要以前所未有的方式維護雲安全,您可以在 PC 上密碼保護您的雲帳戶,而不僅僅是網頁!這個軟件可以幫助你鎖定 Dropbox 和鎖定 Google Drive 以及更多!立即下載 Cloud Secure for Windows PC!

Cloud Secure 功能:

Cloud Secure 可幫助您輕鬆管理所有云帳戶上的安全; 為了保證您的數據安全,您不需要付出任何努力。所有受支持的雲服務都會自動鎖定在您的電腦上,您只需從一個界面就可以在 PC 上查看和訪問您的雲帳戶.

Cloud Secure 在您的雲帳戶被鎖定時繼續同步您的文件和文件夾。這可以幫助您保持您的文件遠離窺探,而不會干擾在後台同步文件。這是非常重要的,因為您無需解鎖雲帳戶即可開始同步。一切都是無縫的.

Password 受保護的接口
Cloud Secure 可以讓您從一個界面訪問所有的雲帳戶。您無法查看沒有正確密碼的帳戶。這意味著您可以與任何人共享您的 PC,而不會有數據丟失,刪除或修改的風險.

Cloud Secure 限制您的文件從竊取您的數據的訪問,竊取您的數據,並保護您的數據未經您的同意刪除。這意味著您的文件和文件夾得到了很好的保護,讓您完全放心.

注意:7 天試用版.


檔案版本 Cloud Secure 1.0.7

檔案名稱 cloud-secure-pd.exe
檔案大小 4.8 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者, Inc.
更新日期 2019-10-02

What's new in this version:

Cloud Secure 1.0.7
- This version has been updated for enhanced performance on Windows 10

Cloud Secure 1.0.6
- Change log not available for this version

Cloud Secure 1.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

Cloud Secure 1.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

Cloud Secure 1.0.3
- Minor bugs has been fixed, improvement in the cloud security feature and the user interface has been improved

Cloud Secure 1.0.2
- Minor Bug Fixing and optimized cloud locking for faster protection and improved user interface

Cloud Secure 1.0.7 相關參考資料
Release notes | Istio on GCP | Google Cloud

Fixes a known security issue from version 1.1.3-gke.0. ... Fixes a known security issue with the same fixes as OSS Istio version 1.0.7 .

Vulnerabilities in Bitbar Run-in-Cloud 1.0.7 - CyberSecurity Help

List of known vulnerabilities in Bitbar Run-in-Cloud in version 1.0.7. ... Secure your network perimeter; Receive alerts on latest vulnerabilities; 14-days free trial.


Vulnerabilities in OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

... in OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Deploy in version 1.0.7. ... Secure your network perimeter; Receive alerts on latest vulnerabilities ...


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Connectivity fixes which resolve unreliable cloud to device methods and twin updates are in 1.0.7. To get these changes, be sure to update ...

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