CINEMA 4D 歷史版本列表 Page29

最新版本 CINEMA 4D 2024.1.0

CINEMA 4D 歷史版本列表

Cinema 4D 使得最簡單易用的專業 3D 軟件比以往更有效率。新工具以及擴展和完全重新編制的功能可幫助您更快,更輕鬆地將您的想法變為現實。改進的工作流程可幫助您實現最緊密的最後期限. MAXON 為專業 3D 藝術家提供最好的電影 4D。如果你想創造先進的 3D 圖形,但需要幫助,以確保您快速,輕鬆地創建令人 ja 目結舌的圖形,那麼這是您的選擇.快速工作,播放更多 平滑的工作流程帶來創意... CINEMA 4D 軟體介紹

WinBox 3.22 查看版本資訊


ProtonVPN 1.13.3 查看版本資訊


Silhouette Studio 4.3.372 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- firmware Update for Cameo 4 - V1.08

CINEMA 4D 21.207 查看版本資訊


Silhouette Studio 4.3.370 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Curio now performs 2mm Kraft blade action
- Studio no longer crashes when opening embroidery files
- Punches are now displayed in voids in overlapping compound paths and in the correct areas of surrounded paths.
- Studio no longer crashes when switching between layers after adding the punch tool
- Studio no longer crashes when machine becomes disconnected during Punch job
- Punch tool is no longer performed when not enabled
- Icon for Punch action buttons has been changed
- Punch is now generating marks on larger regions
- Punch Tool now ignores Weed Lines and Lines with 'No Cut' or 'Pen' actions
- Punch Marks no longer show when you connect a Cameo 4 without a Punch Tool
- Punch tool action no longer disappears if you disable it
- Punch Tool is now called the correct name
- You can no longer send a design to be 'cut out' by the punch tool
- Adding weed lines to a design no longer places the punch tool holes in the wrong place
- Removed the tool selection for punch tool
- Added Punch actions to Default Materials
- Made Punch holes easier to see on Send Panel Preview
- Punch settings are no longer being displayed on materials without the punch action Updated the speed of the default Punch actions
- Improved backward compatibility of files saved with Kraft Blade, Rotary Blade & Punch Tool settings
- A large punch icon no longer appears when using Select by Line
- An offset is no longer being applied to punch edge
- Auto (Punch) action will not produce punch marks if Punch is set to Auto

WinBox 3.21 查看版本資訊


ProtonVPN 1.12.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The "ONTOFF" text has been removed from all toggle buttons
- The transmission protocol labels -UDP" and "TCP- have been changed to "OpenVPN
(UDP)" and °OpenVPN (TCP)°
- Session Traffic, such as data transfer speed and volume precision, is now displayed using
three significant digits
- The error that caused the app to crash if you added a new profile without selecting a
default server has been fixed

Lansweeper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Having performance scanning enabled can cause SCCM scanning to trigger, even though SCCM scanning itself is no longer enabled
- Object reference errors when editing assets whose asset/user relations reference Active Directory users that no longer exist
- SCCM scanning can fail with the following DbUpdateException error: “Number 515: Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘DisplayName’, table ‘lansweeperdb.dbo.tblSccmSoftware’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails”
- Several issues with the built-in pages listing computers in a domain: missing username and user domain columns, missing machines when the Lansweeper database is hosted in SQL Compact, inconsistent asset counts
- When scanning Office 365 data, switching to a feature gated Lansweeper license and then browsing to the pages of Office 365 users, object reference errors are generated

Silhouette Studio 4.3.353 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Added preferences for certain OpenGL settings - users experiencing a black screen should test each setting in turn to resolve issues.
- The default action for older cutters is no longer sketch
- Material dropdown now saves the last used material
- Pen Holder and Sketch pen tool are now combined into one 'Pen' entry in Send
- You can no longer add a emboss and etch action to a Cameo 4 setting
- Smart Cut is no longer creating unexpected loops and hooks with certain files
- Reduced truncation issues on the Preferences Window

Silhouette Studio 4.3.356 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Added preferences for certain OpenGL settings - users experiencing a black screen should test each setting in turn to resolve issues
- Reduced truncation issues on the Preferences Window

- Greater clarity of UI in the Page Setup panel
- Reveal slider has been renamed to transparency and moved to just below height in Page Setup
- Point Edit mode is no longer activated when you drag-select, shift-click then right-click the selection
- Studio no longer enters point editing mode on ungroup
- Shift+G now toggles Snap to Grid
- Clicking an expandable menu no longer displays a copy of the menu for a second in the top left corner
- Rounded Rectangle shapes are now being created correctly
- Two-point clicking to create a puzzle shape now works
- The expandable menu now appears when the navigation buttons overlap the toolbar
- Reverted Font Creation icon to the original design
- Removed the Convert to Rhinestone option in right-click menu
- Improved the 'Show Colour palettes' button UI
- "Advanced Options" is now greyed out when stamp mat is selected
- Added padding under the "Start Scan" button in File>Scan
- Fixed tooltips for the line effects panel (in English)
- Updated the Freehand and Freehand smooth cursor icons
- Freehand tool and eraser no longer stops moving when scroll wheel is held down (on Mac)

- 'Sign in later' is now capitalised

- Punch marks are now generated when a punch tool is detected in the Cameo 4, unless Carriage 1 contains a Sketch pen
- Warning dialog now appears if you attempt to send a job with no tool or action
- The default action for older cutters is no longer sketch
- Material dropdown now saves the last used material
- Pen Holder and Sketch pen tool are now combined into one 'Pen' entry in Send
- You can no longer add a emboss and etch action to a Cameo 4 setting
- Smart Cut is no longer creating unexpected loops and hooks with certain files
- 12x12 cutting mat no longer displays in Send view when an Alta mat is selected
- Curio is now reading Reg Marks correctly
- Some improvements to Pixscan reliability
- Switching between actions correctly updates the action in the "Cut by line" area
- Kraft blade is no longer in the tool list for "No Action"
- Going to Send with the Alta selected no longer shows a grey rectangle around the mat
- "Auto" action is no longer appearing as the default action for all cutters in "Cut by Line / Fill"
- Blade depth slider is now displaying on Pop-out Cut in material summary
- Corrected 'Puncher' to 'Punch Tool'
- Maximum Devices Icon now renders correctly
- Improved Send button appearance when sending is disabled
- Updated icon for Pop-out Cut action

Designer Edition Features:
- Star Flexishape now has 5 points by default
- Fixed the slider on the clover Flexishape