Box Sync

最新版本 FontLab 7.0.0 Build 7276

FontLab 7.0.0 Build 7276

FontLab 7.0.0 Build 7276
Box Sync 是一個 Windows 桌面同步應用程序,使您的所有文件在雲中的安全和保密,同時讓他們在您的計算機上可用,並在任何設備與 Box 移動應用程序,從任何地方訪問。無論您的工作方式如何,Box Sync 都能幫助您保持文件的有序,安全並始終與您的業務保持同步.

為了配合這些功能,Box Sync 還為各種規模的企業提供了同步功能,可同步超過 100,000 個文件並支持長度超過 256 個字符的文件名和文件路徑中的特殊字符。所有這一切都運行在一個智能,高效的算法,帶來驚人的性能和可靠的 Box Sync 的經驗.

Box Sync 產品特點:
同步只有你需要的– 選擇性地同步和同步 Box 上的任何文件夾,包括子文件夾。通過只同步重要的文件和文件夾節省時間和磁盤空間。始終在保存和 ndash 上同步; 只需點擊任何應用程序中的保存,即可將文件上傳並更改為 Box。無需下載,編輯和重新上傳您正在處理的文件。在任何地方添加文件– 將文件直接拖放到 Box Sync 文件夾– 不需要先創建文件夾。單個文件現在可以存在於 Box 上的所有文件和文件夾根文件夾中。輕鬆分享鏈接– 通過從桌面文件或文件夾進行簡單的右鍵單擊,快速共享。從本地 Box Sync 文件夾共享文件從未如此簡單。自動獲取更新– 無縫的自動更新確保您始終運行最新版本的 Box Sync. 注意:需要.NET Framework.


檔案版本 FontLab 7.0.0 Build 7276

檔案名稱 FontLab-7-Win64-Install-7276.exe
檔案大小 85.1 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Box
更新日期 2020-01-16

What's new in this version:

- With FontLab 7, you can edit curves precisely without zooming (Cmd/Ctrl+drag), improve consistency of the weight (thickness measurement, equalize uneven stems), quickly create kerning classes (now also both-sided) and fix clashing kerning combinations
- FontLab 7 fully supports variable fonts. You can open and export both CFF2- and TrueType VFs, with intermediate glyph masters and conditional glyph substitution, avar axis mapping and STAT axis instances. You can view multiple masters at the same time (as overlaid wireframes, and as cousins on the sides), and edit them (Edit across Layers, Match when Editing).
- FontLab 7 now understands glyph naming from other font editors, and can automatically generate OpenType features based on different glyph naming schemes (it’s easy to batch-rename glyphs, too!).
- Built on a solid 64-bit foundation, FontLab 7 runs smoothly on macOS Catalina, on Windows 10, on older systems, and even on Linux! FontLab 7 focuses on stability, productivity and technical excellence. We’ve incorporated countless user requests, as well as some of our ideas that didn’t make it into the previous release

FontLab 7 is versatile and battle-proven:
- Designers from all over the world have used the app to create massive variable font families (Grand Gothik by Parachute, Circe Slab by Alexandra Korolkova & Oleksa Volochay / ParaType, Fact by Alexandra Korolkova & Manvel Shmavonyan / ParaType, Bolyar Sans by Jordan Jelev & Vassil Kateliev / Fontmaker), ambitious historical revivals (CAL Bodoni by Dave Lawrence / California Type Foundry), decorative one-offs (Wanchy by Matthijs Herzberg), and color OpenType fonts like the titling font for the Joker movie by Chad Danieley.

Many open-source font projects have been made with FontLab:
- Download the VFC/VFJ work files and explore the techniques used by the designers: Lato by Łukasz Dziedzic, Graduate by Eduardo Tunni, Science Gothic by Thomas Phinney, Brandon Buerkle, Igor Freiberger, Vassil Kateliev, Secuela by Fernando Haro / deFharo, or Optician Sans by Fábio Duarte Martins / Scannerlicker & ANTI Hamar.

FontLab 7.0.0 Build 7276 相關參考資料 - FontLab 7 User Manual - FontLab Help Center

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