BleachBit 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 BleachBit 4.4.0

BleachBit 歷史版本列表

BleachBit 快速釋放磁盤空間,不知疲倦地守衛你的隱私。免費緩存,刪除餅乾,清除互聯網的歷史,撕碎臨時文件,刪除日誌,並丟棄垃圾,你不知道在那裡。專為 Linux 和 Windows 系統設計,它可以清理包括 Firefox,Internet Explorer,Adobe Flash,Google Chrome,Opera,Safari 等在內的上千種應用程序。除了簡單地刪除文件之外,Ble... BleachBit 軟體介紹

Prepros 7.2.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- @babel/core to 7.8.6
- @babel/preset-env to 7.8.6
- CoffeeScript to 2.5.1
- Less to 3.11.1
- Dart Sass to 1.26.2
- Terser to 4.6.6
- TypeScript to 3.8.3
- Webpack to 4.42.0

- PHP, HTML, CSS and JS files can now be imported from Pug files

DBeaver 7.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tasks management: data transfer, backup-restore, SQL execution
- Git integration
- SSH agents and jump servers support
- And a lot of other great things

Data viewer and data editor UI major improvements:
- GIS/geo-spatial viewer
- JSON viewer
- Logical columns, primary and foreign keys
- References panel
- Advanced row coloring

SQL editor major improvements:
- Smart-commit mode
- Enhanced SQL parser and auto-complete proposals

DBeaver 6.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Read-only columns UI was improved (icon + explanation were added)
- Filter text content assistant was significantly improved
- Row count calculation control UI ws fixed
- "Set default value" shortcut was changed
- Ordering in record mode was fixed
- Data change confirmation was fixed
- Plaintext presentation rendering was fixed (extra spaces)
- Numbers native representation mode (no client-side formatting) was added

SQL editor:
- Export from query task was fixed
- Output tab now remains active after query execute
- Auto-commit toggle was fixed (rollback is performed on mode switch)
- Connection initialization was fixed ("Not connected to a  database" bug)
- Column values assistance was added
- Numbers color and font was fixed

ERD viewer:
- Entity/schema diagram "reset" action was added
- "Show views" option handle was fixed
- Connections and drivers:
- Variables support was improved (now all properties may contain variables)
- Maven artifact version resolution was fixed (null version bug)
- External drivers configuration support was added (see wiki)

- Query cancellation was fixed
- Hyperlinks and "Go to object" action were fixed (now they use current database instead of default one)
- Schema privileges were added in DDL
- Indexes read was fixed (redundant primary key constraint was removed)
- Arrays of domain types support was fixed
- Column copy-paste support was added

- Identifiers redundant quotation was fixed
- Column copy-paste support was added

- Default schema detection was fixed
- Double compilation of package was fixed
- PL/SQL parser was improved (case .. when .. end)

- DB2: alter column DDL was fixed (column modifiers were added)

- SQL Server: metadata search was fixed (wrong object types bug)

- AWS Athena: error position highlighting was added

- Sybase: legacy versions (12 and earlier) support was improved
- A lot of minor bugfixes

BleachBit 3.2 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 6.3.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A lot of minor bugfixes

Prepros 7.2.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue preventing Prepros from running local node modules while using custom tools

DBeaver 6.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- SQL script execute task was added
- Variables support was added
- Grouping of tasks by project/type was added
- Active database/schema now saved for custom SQL queries
- Target table mapping was fixed for database-to-database data transfer

Data viewer:
- Column filter UI was improved (multi-value select, value search)
- Null XML columns support was fixed
- Column value transformations and coloring was fixed
- Context menu was improved (layout was change, missing commands were added)
- Problem with missing toolbar actions was fixed
- Hex editor coloring was improved, dark theme support was added

SQL editor:
- Auto-complete now respects active schema
- Database output read was fixed (async mode)
- Hyperlinks and object navigation were fixed
- Aliases generation algorithm was improved

- Database restore task was fixed (target database)
- SQL parser was fixed (BEGIN/END keywords)

- Oracle: procedures/views source code editor was fixed
- MySQL: database restore log level config was fixed
- Netezza: views and procedures source extraction was fixed
- Hive: view editor was fixed
- Neo4j: arrays support was fixed, SQL parser was fixed
- Metadata editor: current database detection was fixed
- Tooltips for database navigator were improved
- Variables in connection parameters now enabled by default
- Connection type permissions save was fixed
- Dark theme support was improved in the main toolbar and in different dialogs
- SSH agents support was fixed (now we use ssh-agent on Linux)
- SSH + private key + password: configuration dialog was fixed
- A lot of minor bugfixes

Prepros 7.2.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated Dart Sass to 1.24.5
- Updated Node Sass to 4.13.1
- Updated Terser to 4.6.3
- Updated Autoprefixer to 9.7.4
- Updated Babel and Babel Plugins to 7.8.3
- Updated TypeScript to 3.7.5
- Added an option to append output suffix even when the output file doesn't overwrite the input file
- Minor bug fixes

Prepros 7.2.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated Dart Sass to 1.24.5
- Updated Node Sass to 4.13.1
- Updated Terser to 4.6.3
- Updated Autoprefixer to 9.7.4
- Updated Babel and Babel Plugins to 7.8.3
- Updated TypeScript to 3.7.5
- Added an option to append output suffix even when the output file doesn't overwrite the input file
- Minor bug fixes

Prepros 7.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- HTTPS Preview Server
- Bundle JavaScript files with Webpack
- Install, update and manage packages with NPM
- Brand new Remote Inspector
- Dart-Sass compiler
- SVG Optimization
- You can now add your own tools to process files
- Minify ES6+ code with Terser
- Open project in your favorite code editor from context menu

- Brand new UI
- You can now set image quality while optimizing images
- There are a lot of new things, bug fixes and performance improvements under the hood. 3,596 commits to be exact.