BleachBit 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 BleachBit 4.4.0

BleachBit 歷史版本列表

BleachBit 快速釋放磁盤空間,不知疲倦地守衛你的隱私。免費緩存,刪除餅乾,清除互聯網的歷史,撕碎臨時文件,刪除日誌,並丟棄垃圾,你不知道在那裡。專為 Linux 和 Windows 系統設計,它可以清理包括 Firefox,Internet Explorer,Adobe Flash,Google Chrome,Opera,Safari 等在內的上千種應用程序。除了簡單地刪除文件之外,Ble... BleachBit 軟體介紹

DBeaver 7.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Problem with unreachable last row/column was fixed
- "Open With" action now uses configuration from last data export
- Find/replace issues were fixed (scroll to found cell)
- Bug in reference panel was fixed (multiple value selection)
- Filter value auto-completion was fixed (popup close)
- Virtual unique keys management was improved

- SQL editor: multiline code templates apply was fixed
- Number of bugs were fixed in the Simple navigator view
- Transaction management was improved (redundant transaction commit confirmations were removed)
- GIS viewer: many new (and cool) tiles were added
- Active catalog/schema selector UI was improved
- Connection edit dialog was fixed (error during page switch)

- Connection settings (SID/Service) save was fixed
- Session terminate was fixed (for non-RAC databases)

- Foreign key creation was fixed
- View DDL extraction was fixed (auto-format was disabled)

- HANA: unique key creation was fixed
- Firebird: procedure metadata refresh was fixed
- Problems with remote RDP connections (app crash) were fixed
- Japanese localization was significantly improved
- We have migrated to Eclipse platform 2020-03
- Many other minor bug fixes and improvements

NumPy 1.18.3 查看版本資訊


Twine 2.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated version of SugarCube story format, 2.31.1

Cyotek WebCopy 1.8.0 Build 652 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash which occurred if contentfilters.json was not present in %appdata%CyotekWebCopy1.0

Cyotek WebCopy 1.8.0 Build 651 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added additional options to proxy server configuration, allowing the use of system proxies and user defined bypass lists
- The poster attribute of video elements is now detected

- Fixed a crash that could occur when verifying the initial path
- The Internet Explorer DOM provider failed to process some pages if an attribute request failed with an DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH error
- The Limit Crawl Depth, Limit Distance from Root URL, Maximum Files, Maximum File Size and Minimum File Size options would be processed if they had previously been set even if subsequently disabled
- Proxy settings dialog now does a better job of validating the address
- Fixed a crash when clicking help links in stand alone tools
- Fixed a crash which could occur when using the Select URI dialog
- Speculative fix for a crash when painting list views
- Speculative fix for a crash trying to capture a form
- Speculative fix for a crash setting the same folder

DBeaver 7.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Database navigator:
- Simplified database structure view was added
- Navigator view settings and presets were added

Object editor:
- Context menu was added to the object breadcrumbs
- Object alter script now can be opened in SQL editor

Data editor:
- Preference and data format changes now applying immediately (without data refresh)
- Scrollbar position reset in columns reorder/filtering was fixed
- Number of selected rows/columns/cells now shown in the status bar
- Query filter history save/load was fixed
- Floating point numbers (4-byte precision) rendering was fixed
- SQL Editor: quick search tool was added (ctrl+alt+shift+f)
- Driver copy was fixed (problem with read-only URL)

- PGPASS support was fixed
- Database information (ctype, collate) reading was fixed
- Problems with default database change were fixed
- OID types rendering fix
- Domain metadata reading was fixed (base type qualified name)
- Extra options were added to database backup/restore wizards
- Redshift: data type resolution was fixed (array types)

SQL Server:
- Driver download and "reset to default" was fixed
- Default schema detection was added
- Problems with read-only query results were fixed
- Column comments edit was fixed

- Permission editor was fixed (schema privileges)
- Index rename support was added

- Security tree (Exasol 7) was fixed
- Auto-completion for builtin functions was added
- Foreign keys metadata was fixed
- Oracle: "drop procedure" support was fixed
- SAP HANA: driver download was fixed
- Firebird: driver version was upgraded (4.0)
- Many other minor bug fixes

Prepros 7.2.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Upload notifications
- Added a tooltip showing the actual compile time in compile log
- Added an option to allow self signed certificates while uploading files with FTP

- Shift+click a folder to select all files
- You can now add just the theme folder to Prepros while developing WordPress themes

- @babel/core to 7.9.0
- @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining to 7.9.0
- @babel/preset-env to 7.9.0
- @babel/preset-flow to 7.9.0
- @babel/preset-react to 7.9.4
- Autoprefixer to 9.7.5
- Marked to 0.8.2
- Dart Sass to 1.26.3
- Terser to 4.6.7
- Webpack to 4.42.1

DBeaver 7.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Search/replace in selected rows support was added
- Problem with Find/Replace and scrolling was fixed
- Floating point numbers rendering/copying was fixed (precision fix)

SQL editor:
- Connection initialization was fixed (active schema set)
- Auto-completion for DROP/ALTER procedure/function was added
- Auto-completion for asterisk (*) was fixed
- Auto-completion for table aliases was disabled
- Auto sync with database navigator was fixed (proper catalog/schema change)

- ERD viewer: table resize support was added
- Query manager: full query text view was fixed
- Connections invalidate was fixed (redundant connections open) and invalidate performance was improved

Schema compare (simple:
- Compare progress visualization was fixed
- Stored procedures body compare was fixed
- SSH tunnel: default user name (current OS user) is used when user name not set

- PGPASS authentication was added
- Unique key indexes visibility was fixed
- Schema permissions viewer/editor was added
- Function/procedure create dialog was fixed
- Options for tables/functions DDL viewer now saved
- Enum values editor was added
- Array values copy-paste was fixed

- Automatic driver download was added
- View constraints create/drop support was added

- Automatic driver download was added
- Table references read was fixed

SQL Server:
- Driver download  (native artifacts) was fixed
- Custom SQL query result editor was fixed
- Schema selector (main toolbar) was fixed

- SQLite: column rename support was added
- Snap package was significantly improved
- Many other minor bug fixes

NumPy 1.18.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This small elease contains a fix for a performance regression in numpy/random and several bug/maintenance updates

TagSpaces 3.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- implementing switch for toggling tags visibility
- star2 improving handling of key bindings
- star2 restore showing tags in the compact list mode
- star2 added confirmation for opening external links
- star2 upgrading to electron 7
- star2 code base migration to Typescript with Prettier
- star2 updating Armenian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanize and German translations
- star2 add menu with link to help in the Search area and location manager
- star2 lazy loading thumbnails
- star2 allowing spaces as separator for tags
- bug fixed crash on document save in some cased
- bug fixed wrong panel in drawer or vertical panel
- bug changing default markdown formats