Beyond Compare 歷史版本列表 Page9

最新版本 Beyond Compare 4.4.7 Build 28397

Beyond Compare 歷史版本列表

Beyond Compare 允許您快速輕鬆地比較您的文件和文件夾。通過使用簡單而強大的命令,您可以專注於您感興趣的差異,忽略那些您不感興趣的差異。然後,您可以合併更改,同步文件並為您的記錄生成報告.比較文件和文件夾 您可以高速比較整個驅動器和文件夾,只檢查大小和修改時間。或者,逐字節比較徹底驗證每個文件。 FTP 站點,雲存儲和 zip 文件無縫地集成在一起,強大的過濾器使您可以將所見僅限於您... Beyond Compare 軟體介紹

DS4Windows 1.7.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated images provided by carloshbcabral and FuriaESP
- Added support for Razer Raiju Ultimate and CronusMax PS4OutputMode. Changes provided by mika-n
- Updated Welcome Dialog to use ViGEm Installer 1.6.115
- Fixed 360 steering wheel emulation mode for dualshock4 controller output. Change provided by mika-n

TagScanner 6.0.35 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved layout of some interface elements for hiDpi modes
- Fixed: Memory leak while tagging OGG files
- Fixed: Support for WMA files
- Updated OpenSSL libs
- Translation: German

DS4Windows 1.7.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue with new installs not initializing a virtual controller
- Moved Form classes to separate namespace
- Added Razer Raiju Tournament Edition support
- Fixed migration of DS4 Touch Button status. Touchpad Button can now be used with a virtual DS4

DS4Windows 1.7.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Up-Left DPad direction for DS4 output device

DS4Windows 1.7.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DualShock 4 controller emulation type has been added. ViGEmBus will emulate a DS4 v.1 when the option is enabled
- Updated ViGEmClient library to use notification queue for DS4 target
- Linked touchpad related delegates to class instance rather than linking to interface. Speed boost
- Added "Unload on trigger release" option for Load Profile special action
- Fixed issue with Gyro Toggle being used when not enabled in a profile
- Changed Welcome Dialog to use the new official ViGEm Bus Driver installer. The installer will install ViGEm Bus Driver version
- Fixed ViGEmBus driver check to work with ViGEmBus version as well as
- Allow setting a custom Steam folder location
- Raised sixaxis dead zones

DS4Windows 1.7.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed force feedback notification queue for ViGEmClient library

DS4Windows 1.7.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Re-enabled force feedback support
- Updated ViGEmClient library to include a queue for force feedback notifications. This should fix the stuck force feedback issue
- Use ref locals to curb array access for KB+M routines
- Added support for the PS4 Fun Controller
- Use wrapper method for MapVirtualKey when using older scan code option. Fixes issues with arrow keys not being interpreted correctly in some situations
- Tweaked sensitivity axis scaling to reach max values
- Allow Load Profile action key to be used without unload trigger. Allows multiple Load Profile special actions to work together
- Added brute force feedback timer fix implemented by mika-n. Should help with worst case scenario of the rumble getting stuck

Lazarus 2.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DS4Windows 1.7.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Disabled force feedback support for now
- Updated code to use newer stable ViGEm.NET client library
- Added runtime option for toggling touchpad movement. No longer edit profile setting and store old setting temporarily
- Now skip updater execution if new updater version could not be downloaded
- Added null check for Enable_Controls method
- Resolved crashing and stability issues with x86 build caused by ViGEm.NET client library

DS4Windows 1.7.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated some color picker options to update lightbar with preview
- Removed set rumble to zero call for touchpad button up event
- Corrected force feedback motor values used in event handler added from SONYWA connection sync change. Only affects Sony Wireless Adapter connections