Beyond Compare 歷史版本列表 Page11

最新版本 Beyond Compare 4.4.7 Build 28397

Beyond Compare 歷史版本列表

Beyond Compare 允許您快速輕鬆地比較您的文件和文件夾。通過使用簡單而強大的命令,您可以專注於您感興趣的差異,忽略那些您不感興趣的差異。然後,您可以合併更改,同步文件並為您的記錄生成報告.比較文件和文件夾 您可以高速比較整個驅動器和文件夾,只檢查大小和修改時間。或者,逐字節比較徹底驗證每個文件。 FTP 站點,雲存儲和 zip 文件無縫地集成在一起,強大的過濾器使您可以將所見僅限於您... Beyond Compare 軟體介紹

TagScanner 6.0.31 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Additional tweaks for Discogs service
- Added incremental search by all tag fields on main list and list of transformations
- Default ID3v1 genres list expanded by almost 50 new genres
- Improved: Reading of WAV files with ID3v2 chunk identifier in upper case
- Translation: Chinese Traditional

TagScanner 6.0.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated support for Discogs to reflect latest changes in API for multiple artists tracks
- Updated support for MusicBrainz to work with updated search engine
- Additional protection logic for fragmented mpeg4 files
- Program no longer test on Windows XP/2003, but should work on these systems
- Translation: Portuguese (Brazil)

Beyond Compare 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Cloud Services:
- Added support for Amazon S3 time limited credentials requiring a security token
- Added support for loading Amazon S3 credentials from 'credentials'/'config' files or environment variables

- Fixed support for comparing files on FTP sites that have extensions containing characters that aren't valid on the local system
- Fixed using SFTP to connect to WPEngine and other ProFTPD SFTP servers that require new encryption algorithms

EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Amazon Cover Art Search works again
- Using the new protocol, because Amazon does not allow the use of Product Advertising API anymore
- Improved multi-monitor support
- Move app correctly between the monitors, remember the state of the window
- Access MusicBrainz service with secure (https/ssl) protocol
- All Internet connections are now secure except freedb that does not support it
- Updated website links in the app

TagScanner 6.0.29 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New placeholders: %_cover_size% , %_cover_width% , %_cover_height%
- New function: if2(x1,x2,x3,...) returns first non-empty argument
- Improved: Bypass of malformed WAV files
- Improved: Additional information for classical music from Discogs
- Improved: Adittional processing of subtracks from Discogs
- Additional checks for names conflict on folder renaming

Beyond Compare 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Cloud Services:
- Fixed uploads to Dropbox failing silently for files larger than 150 MB

File Formats:
- Improved "XML Tidy" handling of user defined entities
- Fixed "XML Sort" and "XML Tidy" to preserve original character encoding

Folder Compare:
- Linux: Fixed support for 'Align filenames with different Unicode normalization forms'
- Version information is now shown for any file types associated with the Version Compare
- Fixed file operation "Pause/Resume" button's hint when paused
- Unix: Fixed file timestamps being off by up to 2 seconds due to a lossy UTC <-> local conversion

- Fixed SFTP/SCP connections not closing after an error (e.g., user cancel on "Unrecognized SSH host key" dialog)

- Added Simplified Chinese as an official language for Windows and macOS
- Linux: Added context menus for KDE5
- Windows: Fixed BcClipboard incompatibility with MS Excel, PowerShell ISE, and Visual Studio
- Updated copyright date to 2018

- Generated reports are now encoded with ANSI if both input files are ANSI on Windows, and UTF-8 for all other cases. The UTF-8 byte order mark is only written on Windows
- Folder Compare Reports using "Include links to file reports" now uses child session settings

Text Edit:
- Find & Replace "Replace with" can now use n and r to add line breaks when using regular expressions

Text Views:
- Fixed copying forcibly wrapped lines

- Fixed Picture Compare "Summary" report crash

TagScanner 6.0.28 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated support for Discogs service
- New: Format value feature are now available in transformations
- New: Now you can automatically override any embedded cover with your file
- New functions: $min(x,y), $max(x,y), $round(x)
- Improved: Very long file paths support for tag editing
- Improved: Picture column now shows filename of external cover (if available) if embedded cover is empty
- Changed: Metadata inside WAV LIST INFO chunks now saved with Windows default (ANSI) encoding
- Translation: Bulgarian

EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.5 查看版本資訊


EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Codec updates:
- Vorbis updated to 1.3.6 with libogg 1.3.3
- FLAC (1.3.2) updated with libogg 1.3.3
- Opus (1.2.1) updated with libogg 1.3.3
- Correctly detect and decode mono MP3 files that have (invalid) stereo VBR header
- Always keep the original creation date of the file(s) on metadata update
- Minor user interface improvements

TagScanner 6.0.27 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated support for CoverArtArchive base which used by Musicbrainz service
- New function: $in(x,y) returns true, if X contains Y
- Fixed: Unable to clear Album Artist field inside Vorbis in some cases
- Changed: $strpos function now case insensitive
- Updated playback engine