AIMP 歷史版本列表 Page71

最新版本 AIMP 5.30 Build 2531

AIMP 歷史版本列表

AIMP 是一款功能齊全的音樂播放器,設計時考慮到音質和寬廣的可定制功能。支持三十種音頻格式。音頻處理為 32 位,清晰的聲音。該播放器具有一個帶有額外內置音效的 18 頻帶圖形均衡器。您可以擴展 Winamp 的輸入,DSP 和 Gen 插件的現有功能。所有本地和全球熱鍵都可以自定義。完整的 Unicode 支持。您可以將音頻 CD 轉換為 MP3,OGG,WAV 或 WMA。同樣,您可以將電腦... AIMP 軟體介紹

AIMP 2.61 Build 583 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added localizations: Chinese (Traditional)
- BASS Libraries were updated
- Localizations were updated
- Manuals were updated
- Fixed: incorrect reading of the cover arts from ID3v2.4 tags
- Fixed: information in the Aero Peek wasn't updated if the cover art of the current file has been changed
- Fixed: playback progress wasn't updated in the taskbar in some cases
- Fixed: bug with creation of the playlist when import files from other applications
- Fixed: small bugs

AIMP 2.61 Build 570 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Manuals were updated
* BASS Libraries were updated
* Skins were updated
- Fixed: playback of the file didn't start from the beginning in some cases
- Fixed: bug with multiple folders selection in the dialog
- Fixed: Some WV files couldn't be played
- Fixed: bug with reading duration from some WMA files
- Fixed: bug with multiple selection in the playlist
- Fixed: bounds of the looped section were dropped if file position had been changed manually

AIMP 2.61 Build 560 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Manuals were updated
- BASS Libraries was updated
- Tags reading core was optimized
- License agreement was updated
- Localizations were updated
- Fixed: auto shutdown fails, if pause between tracks was switched on
- Fixed: sometimes the name of the radio station can be lost from playlist item
- Fixed: small bugs in plugins core
- Fixed: small bugs in skins engine

AIMP 2.60 Build 551 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Localizations were updated
* Manuals were updated
- Fixed: bug with reading some WavPacks
- Fixed: CUE files can't be played, if has unicode characters in the file name
- Fixed: program crash on closing, if Queue Manager shown
- Fixed: sending title of the current track to the DSP/General-plugins
- Fixed: Fixed: small GUI bugs

AIMP 2.60 Build 528 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added ability to switch tracks by click on tray-icon
- Localizations were updated
- Fixed: bug with loading some All-In-One skins
- Fixed: bugs in parser of CUE-files
- Small other bugs were fixed

AIMP 2.60 Build 525 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Localizations were updated
- Fixed: Critical bug in "Update checker"
- Fixed: Critical bug with writing tags in some OGG-files
- Small other bugs were fixed

AIMP 2.60 Build 520 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Three new skins were added
* Localizations were updated
* Help files were updated
* Small bugs were fixed