AIMP 歷史版本列表
AIMP 是一款功能齊全的音樂播放器,設計時考慮到音質和寬廣的可定制功能。支持三十種音頻格式。音頻處理為 32 位,清晰的聲音。該播放器具有一個帶有額外內置音效的 18 頻帶圖形均衡器。您可以擴展 Winamp 的輸入,DSP 和 Gen 插件的現有功能。所有本地和全球熱鍵都可以自定義。完整的 Unicode 支持。您可以將音頻 CD 轉換為 MP3,OGG,WAV 或 WMA。同樣,您可以將電腦... AIMP 軟體介紹更新時間:2012-12-22
What's new in this version:
- Tag Editor: Cover art now stored to special section in FLAC format
- Player: The Algorithm of catching CUE sheets for audio files with double extension has been improved
- Fixed: Audio Converter - Sample format saves incorrectly for command line encoders
- Fixed: Audio Converter - Error occurs when trying to remove virtual track from disk
- Fixed: Radio Capture - Unable to choose command line encoder for capture
- Fixed: The "Ctrl+Del" hotkey is intercepted by playlist from secondary text input elements
- Fixed: The content of playlist stops drawing in some cases
- Fixed: Player doesn't play sound, if initialization of DSP-plugin failed
- Fixed: Player doesn't detect CD-drive at "A" letter
What's new in this version:
- Audio Converter - Track Number column has been added
- Audio Converter - %IN macro is now supported
- Tag Editor - M4A Tag column has been added
- Audio Library - Added an ability to edit tags of playable file
- Fixed: Equalizer presets created incorrectly during install on Windows with non-Russian locale
- Fixed: Radio Capture - Doesn't transfer tags to the file when capturing stream in AAC format without transcoding
- Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Cover Art from folder does not display for virtual files
- Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Extended information about radio station does not display, if Editor has been called from "Quick File Info" dialog
- Fixed: Skin Engine - Fully transparent elements in old skins does not drawn correctly
- Fixed: Skin Engine - Delayed update of visualization elements
What's new in this version:
- Playlist: Quick search can be finished now by pressing ESCAPE key
- Fixed: Browse Folder Dialog - selected folder adding to the playlist independent from checkmark state
- Fixed: Sound Engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctly
- Fixed: Tag Editor - Lyrics does not "break" by lines for M4A format
- Fixed: Tag Editor - track number does not save to playing file
- Fixed: Audio Library hangs in some cases when "add files" or "rescan tags" operation is active
- Fixed: Audio Library - alphabetic index has inverted scrolling by mouse wheel
- Fixed: Known memory leaks
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects
What's new in this version:
- Fixed: Audio Converter removes points from the file name
- Fixed: Incorrect calculated avtoimya for the playlist, if the folder name contains the point
- Fixed: Player hangs when parsing tag some files in APE
- Fixed: Window player behaves correctly after pressing a combination Win + Down
- Fixed: Minor errors and omissions
What's new in this version:
- Common: Localizations has been updated
- Sound Engine: The algorithm of advanced channels processing has been improved
- Skin Engine: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved
- Plugins: Rendering speed of visualizations has been increased
- Plugins: Compatibility with Client v2 has been improved
- Fixed: The Audio Converter ignores command line switches
- Fixed: The Audio Converter raises an exception, if "move output to..." options is active and target path is empty
- Fixed: The Audio Converter increases tempo of composition twice when encoding to MP3 Mono format
- Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist in some cases
- Fixed: Player resumes playback on startup incorrectly, if previously playing file has been removed from the playlist
- Fixed: Player resumes playback queue incorrectly, if two or more playlists has same name
- Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the Tag Editor's genre selector menu
- Fixed: The Audio Library does not suggest to create a new group in some cases when navigating by fields values
- Fixed: %IN macros is expanded incorrectly when sending files from playlist to external directory
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects
What's new in this version:
- Fixed: File is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied when dragging the file from the playlist
- Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist
- Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad
- Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window
- Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to Windows Registry on applying settings
- Fixed: The exception "Cannot open the file" occurs on multithreading encoding from a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE)
- Fixed: Audio Library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it generates report about the favourite audio files
- Fixed: Memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 Encoder
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects
What's new in this version:
- Audio Converter: Displaying the progress of conversion operation in window caption has been added
- Common: Localizations has been updated
- Player: The following equalizer presets has been added: Headphones / Reggae / Ska / Techno
- Fixed: Audio Converter incorrectly calculates target sample rate in some cases
- Fixed: Playback cursor does not resets after playlist clearing
- Fixed: Incompatibility with the Skype - its not allow to drop the files on the input box, if its not focused
- Fixed: Bugs with displaying the Equalizer Window when using old skin
- Fixed: Track removes from playing queue twice at the start of playback
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects
What's new in this version:
- Updated localization
- Fixed: Player does not allow sound output through the WASAPI on Windows 8
- Fixed: The player will not play until the end of short files
- Fixed crackling when switching from track to track when the equalizer
- Fixed: Showing incorrect information about the bitrate for some stations
- Fixed: Windows Explorer stops displaying the data from the tags file in the format of WMA Lossless, after filling the AIMP-th
- Fixed: DropWheel displayed incorrectly on the skins for AIMP2
- Fixed: Evaluation of the track in the playlist is not visible when using skins from AIMP2
- Fixed: In some cases the incorrect information is displayed on the format of the track in the Quick Tag Editor
- Fixed: Incorrect definition of bit rate and duration of some OGG-files
- Fixed: Files are added back to front when you add the dialog "Find new files"
- Fixed: Problems with displaying a TrayControl-
- Fixed: The player begins to play some tracks are disabled when you switch to a different playlist playback via hotkeys
- Fixed: Minor errors and omissions
What's new in this version:
- Localizations were updated
- Playlist: Algorithm of CUE sheets catching for the audio files has been improved - support of files with double extensions has been added
- Fixed: Buffer for DMO effects is not cleared after playback stopping
- Fixed: Information about the duration of the files is read incorrectly from the playlist in PLS format
- Fixed: Autoname for equalizer preset generates incorrectly for the virtual files
- Fixed: "Default" button in DSP Manager resets all of its settings to their default values only on the second pressing
- Fixed: Number of the track in the playback queue cuts off in playlist in some cases
- Fixed: Folder and Files aren't sorted by thier names on adding them from Windows Explorer
- Fixed: Data from CUE sheets aren't caught up for files in .DTS
- Fixed: Applications hangs on attempt to play file without audio data, but with tags
- Fixed: Player doesn't allow to add files in AIFF format to playlist
- Fixed: Small scratches can be heard on quiet tracks when equalizer is switched on
- Fixed: Plugins - Online Radio Browser: Error occurres on attempt to switch to "IceCast" tab, if one of the record doesn't contain information about the bitrate
- Fixed: Plugins - Some visualizations from AIMP2 don't work on AIMP3
- Fixed: Plugins - Lastfm Client Helper crashes on attempt to show plugin settings, if Lastfm Client doesn't installed
- Fixed: Plugins - List loses focus after changing state of plugin
What's new in this version:
+ Basque localization was added
* Localizations were updated
* Player: Radio station name is now set automatically on starting playback, if it has not been set before by the user
* Tag Editor: Track number is no longer stored in the ID3v1, if it value more than 255
- Fixed: Player - part of the next track sounds in the end of current track, if "shuffle" mode is active
- Fixed: Player - "A-B Repeat" function drops playback position to beginning in some cases
- Fixed: Tag Editor - buttons in footer panel doesn't display, if height of the screen less than 600 pixels
- Fixed: Tag Editor - the table doesn't update after using tag autofill function
- Fixed: Plugins - plugin doesn't start scrobbling sometimes
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects