AIMP 歷史版本列表 Page63

最新版本 AIMP 5.30 Build 2531

AIMP 歷史版本列表

AIMP 是一款功能齊全的音樂播放器,設計時考慮到音質和寬廣的可定制功能。支持三十種音頻格式。音頻處理為 32 位,清晰的聲音。該播放器具有一個帶有額外內置音效的 18 頻帶圖形均衡器。您可以擴展 Winamp 的輸入,DSP 和 Gen 插件的現有功能。所有本地和全球熱鍵都可以自定義。完整的 Unicode 支持。您可以將音頻 CD 轉換為 MP3,OGG,WAV 或 WMA。同樣,您可以將電腦... AIMP 軟體介紹

Iris 查看版本資訊


Iris 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed timer pausing when Shortcuts not enabled
- Fixed Invite link when Iris activated with license code
- Add GPU page Gamma fixed
- Add CPU page optimize UI creation


What's new in this version:

- For the first time Per monitor settings for Blue light and Brightness.
- I worked really hard the last several months for this feature and it’s finally out
- It still doesn’t work for all Iris options but works for
- Day, Night, Sleep Blue light and Brightness

Tribler 7.0.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Tribler request dispatcher with multiple priority request pools
- Fixed issues with Qt Http threads
- Fixed SSL support with treq on Windows
- Added proper resource cleanup on restarting Tribler
- Fixed error message on request manager
- Refactored Process Checker
- Checked for the existence of an index in lazy loading the list widget
- Added check for Tribler settings if it is available before starting download
- Fixed issue with log directory selection
- Fixed issues with None json results in downloads
- Torrents with invalid info hash are ignored
- Fixed few unicode issues

Iris 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Invite friends page
- Added Iris URI schemes for automation
- Keyboard shortcuts are now time-based
- Several other bug fixes I don’t remember

Tribler 7.0.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed a GUI crash when torrent health information comes in
- fixed a crash when building anonymous tunnels
- fixed a GUI crash when receiving search results
- fixed a GUI crash when clicking on home page items that are not fully loaded yet
- fixed a crash when receiving torrent metainfo from the DHT
- added a disk space monitor and implemented a warning when the amount of free disk space is low
- fixed a crash when removing RSS feeds from your channel
- fixed a crash when entering invalid numbers for the maximum download/upload rates
- fixed an issue in the GUI where the magnet link was not correctly decoded for homepage items
- fixed a crash when loading recent picked locations for downloads
- fixed a crash when a torrent with an invalid infohash is added


What's new in this version:

- 14 days Iris Pro free trial

Tribler 7.0.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Redesigned the user interface and dropped wxPython in favor of PyQt
- Made a clean separation between the user interface and the Tribler coreThis significantly improves speed and stability
- Deployed a blockchain fabric within Tribler to keep track of bandwidth contributions
- Added new RESTful API for developers
- Created a twistd plugin, allowing users to run Tribler without a user interface
- Refactored our test suite significantlyUnit tests execute faster now and are more reliable
- Improved the build process of the Tribler executable on Windows and macOS
- Updated dependencies of Tribler to the latest versions
- Fixed compatibility with latest versions of libtorrent
- Improved integration of the Twisted framework with the Tribler codebase
- Executables on Windows are now signed
- Fixed many race conditions due to context switches between various threads
- Improved error reporting functionality when Tribler crashes
- Improved the debug panel and expanded it with additional information
- Fixed various memory leaks when running Tribler for several hours or days
- Improved Unicode support
- Fixed various bugs when receiving malformed packets from other peers

AIMP 4.50 Build 2058 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Player - internet radio capture without transcoding does not work (regression)
- Skin Engine - unnecessary re-creation of the window handle during state restoring, if it was maximized (regression)
- Skin Engine - layout of content of music library and playlist re-calculates incorrectly on text scaling in some cases
- Skin Engine - small issues have been fixed
- Utilities - files does not transferred from the player in certain cases (regression)

AIMP 4.50 Build 2056 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Skin Engine - app crashes on startup, if all children are docked to main window and it in maximized state (regression)