ACDSee Photo Studio Standard (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 ACDSee Photo Studio Home 2023 26.0.0 Build 2224 (64-bit)

ACDSee Photo Studio Standard (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

ACDSee Photo Studio Standard 64bit 允許攝影師在一個地方執行創意攝影過程和分配的所有基本元素。管理你不斷增長的照片收藏從來沒有這樣的痛苦。 ACDSee 包裝的工具可以幫助您組織照片,完美展現自己的最佳狀態,並激發您的朋友和家人。 ACDSee 64bit 具有令人印象深刻的一系列自動功能,旨在保持您的工作流程,大量新過濾器以保持創造力,并快速訪問云,ACDSee... ACDSee Photo Studio Standard (64-bit) 軟體介紹

ACDSee Photo Studio Home 2021 24.0.1 Build 1671 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Added RAW support for the following camera models:
- Canon EOS R5 (Uncompressed RAW only)
- Canon EOS R6 (Uncompressed RAW only)
- GoPro FUSION (64-bit only)
- GoPro HERO5 Black (64-bit only)
- GoPro HERO6 Black (64-bit only)
- GoPro HERO7 (64-bit only)
- GoPro HERO7 Black (64-bit only)
- GoPro HERO8 (64-bit only)
- Nikon A1000
- Nikon D6 (14-bit Lossless RAW only)
- Nikon Z5
- Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV
- Panasonic LUMIX DC-G100 (DC-G110)
- Pentax 645D
- Pentax 645Z
- Pentax K-S1
- Sony ZV-1 (DCZV1/B)

New Features:
- Added Color EQ in Edit mode
- Added Split Tone in Edit mode
- New and improved Batch Rename including the ability to make custom presets
- Added support for importing face data from Lightroom and Picasa (64-bit only)
- Added a toggle option to search either the entire database or the current file list selection
- Added GoPro .GPR file support (64-bit only)

Performance Improvements:
- Faster startup performance improvement, especially while working with keywords and categories
- Faster mode switching performance, especially while working with keywords and categories
- Faster RAW decoding performance
- Faster Database Maintenance loading performance
- Faster decoding performance for tiled HEIC images (64-bit only)

- Improved watermark with relative positioning
- Improved crop with relative positioning
- Improved Batch Resize with a preset
- Added the ability to manually add a PC target with a QR code in the Mobile Sync app
- Help files are online

ACDSee Photo Studio Home 2020 24.0.1 Build 1671 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Added RAW support for the following camera models:
- Canon EOS R5 (Uncompressed RAW only)
- Canon EOS R6 (Uncompressed RAW only)
- GoPro HERO5 Black
- GoPro HERO6 Black
- GoPro HERO7
- GoPro HERO7 Black
- GoPro HERO8
- Nikon A1000
- Nikon D6 (14-bit Lossless RAW only)
- Nikon Z5
- Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV
- Panasonic LUMIX DC-G100 (DC-G110)
- Pentax 645D
- Pentax 645Z
- Pentax K-S1
- Sony ZV-1 (DCZV1/B)

New Features:
- Added Color EQ in Edit mode
- Added Split Tone in Edit mode
- New and improved Batch Rename including the ability to make custom presets
- Added support for importing face data from Lightroom and Picasa (64-bit only)
- Added a toggle option to search either the entire database or the current file list selection
- Added GoPro .GPR file support (64-bit only)

- Faster startup performance improvement, especially while working with keywords and categories
- Faster mode switching performance, especially while working with keywords and categories
- Faster RAW decoding performance
- Faster Database Maintenance loading performance
- Faster decoding performance for tiled HEIC images
- Improved watermark with relative positioning
- Improved crop with relative positioning
- Added Histogram pane in Develop mode
- Added Snapshot pane in Develop mode
- Added color pickers for Pixel Targeting
- Improved Batch Resize with ability to create presets
- Added the ability to manually add a PC target with a QR code in the Mobile Sync app
- Added more lens correction profiles
- Help files are online

PCDJ DEX 3.15.2 查看版本資訊


RStudio 1.3.1093 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix an issue where a PAM session would be attempted for Launcher sessions when no password is available, potentially locking users out of their accounts
- Fix an issue causing logs to fail to load in the admin panel when using the local time zone
- Fix an issue where syslog and monitor log entries could contain newlines in them, preventing the admin logs page from properly displaying log entries
- Fix an issue where failing to open the Slurm job output file could result in hanging tail -f child processes
- Fix an issue where a delay in the creation of the Slurm job output file could result in a hanging “Determining session network” page when opening a session
- Fix an issue where auth-none would not load sessions
- Fix session crashing on Windows desktop
- Fix an issue where launching many sessions simultaneously could cause a segfault
- Fix an issue where invalid logging statements were not properly skipped in the Admin log page, causing a crash of the rserver-admin process
- Fix an issue where sharing a project would cause extra rserver processes to be spawned into a hanging state, requiring external cleanup
- Fix an issue where invalid logging statements were not properly skipped in the Admin log page, causing a crash of the rserver-admin process
- Fix an issue where sessions running on Slurm compute nodes with names longer than 20 characters could not be entered
- Fix an issue where users could not launch sessions via Kubernetes or Slurm if they belonged to a group that was innumerable
- Fix an issue where users could not be added to shared projects when auth-required-user-group was set in some configurations
- Fix an issue where global replace gave unexpected results outside of a project

RStudio 1.3.1073 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Compatible with R graphics engine version 13 (R 4.1.0+)
- Add support for configurable rsandbox path in Server Pro
- Add support for running Slurm plugin in unprivileged Docker containers

- Fix issue where files could not be uploaded when using RStudio Server load balancing
- Fix issue where the Crash Handler notification prompt would never go away
- Fix issue with slow shutdown on Windows
- Fix issue where Launcher debug logs could contain user’s plain text password
- Fix issue where some log entries could not be displayed on the admin logs page
- Fix “TypeError” when sign-in using IE11
- Fix issue where users belonging to more than 101 groups could not launch Kubernetes sessions
- Fix problem with moving Console between left and right columns
- Fix issue with rstudioapi::setCursorPosition() not scrolling cursor into view
- Fix issue with rmarkdown and packrat packages being eagerly loaded on IDE launch
- Fix issue with folded chunk outputs getting stuck at top of IDE
- Fix issue where Slurm Launcher jobs could not be started on systems with root squash configured for the user home directory
- Fix issue where locking an account would cause an infinite redirect loop on the sign-in page
- Fix issue where Jupyter sessions could not be started when the home directory was a root squash mount
- Fix issue where large R objects in the environment pane could not be expanded
- Fix issue where Session Server settings for a saved server could not be modified

RStudio 1.3.1056 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Compatible with R graphics engine version 13 (R 4.1.0+)
- R 4.0.0’s raw string literals are now handled properly by the diagnostics engine
- Allow projects to reopen after a crash
- Added spellcheck blacklist item for preview Latvian dictionary
- Allow multiple space-separated domains in www-frame-origin for Tutorial API (Pro)
- Update rstudioapi highlightUi call to accept a callback variable containing an R script to be executed after the highlight element has been selected
- Adds class attributed to RMarkdown chunks, their control buttons, and their output based on their given labels
- Add option www-url-path-prefix to force a path on auth cookies
- Add additional keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+`) for Focus Console Output accessibility command
- Always set application role for screen readers and removed related accessibility preference checkbox
- Update NOTICE for Ace editor license

- Announce text of warnings bar via screen reader
- Fix issue where projects using renv sometimes failed to load
- Fix issue where attempts to create clusters via parallel package failed on macOS
- Fix display issue with keyboard shortcut in Modify Keyboard Shortcuts dialog
- Fix ‘truncating string with embedded nuls’ warning being emitted when saving R Notebook
- Fix Compare Results and other incompatibility with newer versions of the shinytest package
- Fix Terminal to work with both Git-Bash and RTools4 MSYS2 installed on Windows
- Fix auto-activation of JAWS screen reader virtual cursor in Console Output region
- Fix dependency installation for untitled buffers
- Fix failure to open source files when debugging some functions in R 4.0.0 (work around R bug in deparse())
- Fix failure to use the first project template and default open files
- Fix issue where R_LIBS_SITE could be forcibly set empty, overriding the value in /etc/R/REnviron
- Fix keybinding failure when global keybindings exists but user keybindings don’t
- Fixed Chromium issue when using RStudio Desktop on Linux systems with newer glibc
- Fixed install issue where service scripts would not be created if there was no /lib/systemd path
- Fixed issue where an attempt to create more sessions than the license limit would fail with a generic error
- Fixed issue where users could not save files in home directory if specified by UNC path
- Fixed issue where file upload would fail when the file already existed
- Fix sign out from the Admin Dashboard when behind a path-rewriting proxy
- Fix “Login as user” from the Admin Dashboard when using Launcher sessions
- Fix issue with first esc keypress being ignored
- Fix issue with spellcheck not working with realtime turned off
- Fix error when some HTML comments are included in R Markdown documents
- Fix issue where toolbar buttons were missing on initialization
- Fix error in Viewer pane when previewing Distill blogs
- Fix misalignment of some number cells in the data viewer
- Fix C++ autocompletion results missing on macOS in some contexts
- Fix misleading errors report for verify-installation without Launcher (Pr
- Fix Global Options failure to launch when missing secondary repositories
- Send keyboard focus to the Source pane when creating new files
- Fix failure to open HTML widgets from the Viewer in an external web browser on Windows with R >= 4.0.0
- Fix “cannot access the file” error with rstan when Viewer is open
- Fix launching jobs from working directories with spaces on their names (Pr
- Update editor toolbar when R Markdown documents are switched to/from Notebook mode in YAML header
- Fix error when invoking spell check manually on some languages
- Fix RStudio Desktop Pro Job Launcher connections and path mappings
- Fix painting of Appearance pane in Global Options on RStudio Desktop
- Fix Alt+- shortcut to insert assignment operator in R Markdown documents
- Fix issue with duplicated signature tooltips in R Markdown documents
- Fix issue with chunk toolbars not showing up in some cases
- Fix RStudio Server Pro issue where R version modules would sometimes not be able to modify the PATH environment variable (Pr
- Fix dealing with expired sessions due to inactivity or signed out when using multiple browser tabs
- Fix dropdowns not repopulating after being closed via keyboard shortcut
- Fix errors occurring during verify-installation command

RStudio 1.3.959 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dramatically improved accessibility support, including support for screen readers, keyboard navigation improvements, focus indicators and contrast improvements, and more
- Real-time spellchecking with customizable dictionaries and inline correction suggestions
- Dozens of other productivity improvements, including auto-save, global search and replace, and Shiny background jobs
- All preferences and settings are now saved centrally in plain text files, and can be set by admins and backed up by users
- Compatibility with iPad OS 13 for RStudio Server
- RStudio Desktop Pro can now function as a client for RStudio Server Pro; access your server’s compute power and environments with the convenience of a windowed desktop application

Dramatically improved accessibility for sight-impaired users, including:
- Keyboard focus management and visibility upgrades
- Improved keyboard navigation
- Compatibility with popular screen readers
- Compliant contrast ratios and other accessibility improvements
- User preference for disabling user-interface animations such as when zooming panes

Spell Check:
- Real-time spell-checking engine for checking while editing
- Customizable dictionaries and word ignore lists preloaded with common R terms
- Inline correction suggestions

Preferences and Configuration:
- All user preferences and settings can now be set using a plain JSON file
- All user preferences can now have global defaults set by a system administrator
- New diagnostics commands for editing the prefs file, resetting state, and viewing pref system data
- Editor themes, snippets, file templates, and keybindings are now portable and can be installed by admins
- The content of new file templates (New R Script, New R Markdown, etc.) can now be controlled by users or administrators
- renv
- New projects can be initialized with renv, giving them an isolated project environment

Server Security:
- New auth-timeout-minutes option signs users out after a defined period of inactivity
- CSRF hardening improvements including optional validation of the HTTP Origin header
- Add option auth-cookies-force-secure to always mark auth cookies as secure when SSL is terminated upstream
- Set HTTP header X-Content-Type-Options to discourage MIME type sniffing
- Authentication cookies are now revoked after signout
- File-serving resource endpoints can now be made more restrictive; added new restrict-directory-view and directory-view-whitelist options
- RStudio Server now uses 2048 bit RSA keys, for secure communication of encrypted credentials between server / session and client

Terminal Improvements:
- User preference to configure initial working directory of new terminals
- Command to open a new terminal at location of current editor file
- Command to insert the full path and filename of current editor file into terminal
- Command in File pane to open a new terminal at File pane’s current location
- Command in to change terminal to current RStudio working directory
- PowerShell Core option in terminal (Windows-only)
- Custom terminal shell option for Windows desktop (previously only on Mac, Linux, and server)
- Change shortcuts for Next/Previous terminal to avoid clash with common Windows shortcuts
- Suppress macOS Catalina message about switching to zsh in Terminal pane
- Add ‘Close All Terminals’ command to Terminal menu
- Zsh option in terminal for Mac and Linux desktop, and RStudio Server
- Diagnostics and Recovery:
- Add automated crash handling and reporting
- Show detailed logs and process output when R fails to start
- Add “Safe Mode” for opening sessions without profile scripts or workspace restoration

- Support for tutorials with the learnr package in a new Tutorials pane

Background Jobs:
- Add support for running Shiny applications as background jobs
- Install missing package dependencies in a background job

Auto Save:
- Changes automatically (and optionally) saved to disk after a few seconds or when editor loses focus
- Option to disable real-time backup of unsaved changes to avoid conflicts with Google Drive, Dropbox, etc
- Option to adjust idle interval for backup or saving changes

- Add global replace with live preview and regular expression support
- Enable large file uploads (over 4GB) in RStudio Server
- Improved ‘Comment / Uncomment’ handling of empty lines around selection
- Files with extension ‘.q’ are no longer indexed or parsed as R files
- Add support for an API command to return the list of R packages RStudio depends on
- Upgrade internal JSON parsing engine for speed improvements
- Improved ergonomics for history prefix navigation
- Make columns resizable in the Environment pane
- Add Word Count command
- Keyboard shortcuts for main menu items on RStudio Server (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F for File menu)
- Show number of characters when entering version control commit messages
- Update embedded Qt to 5.12.5 for Chromium update, stability and bugfixes
- Add preference for changing font size on help pane
- Warn when Xcode license has not been agreed to on macOS when command line tools required
- Improved browser tab names (project name first, complete product name) (Pr
- The diagnostics system now understands referenced symbols in glue strings
- Add preference for compiling .tex files with tinytex
- Long menus and popups now scroll instead of overflowing (#1760, #1794
- Sort package-installed R Markdown templates alphabetically
- The ‘Reopen with Encoding’ command now saves unsaved changes before re-opening the document.
- Autocomplete support for Plumber #* comment keywords
- Automatically continue Plumber #* on successive lines
- Comment / uncomment is now enabled for YAML documents
- Reflow comment has been rebound to ‘Ctrl + Shift + /’ on macOS.
- Allow fuzzy matches in help topic search
- The diagnostics system better handles missing expressions
- Keyboard shortcuts for debugging commands can be customized
- Update Pandoc to 2.7.3
- Update SumatraPDF to version 3.1.2
- Allow previewing PDFs in fullscreen mode in Sumatra PDF
- RStudio Server runtime files are stored in /var/run, or another configurable location, instead of /tmp
- Errors encountered when attempting to find Rtools installations are handled more gracefully
- Enable copying images to the clipboard from the Plots pane
- Update minimum supported browser versions
- Automatic refresh of the Git pane can now be enabled / disabled as required.
- Target directory can be changed from within the ‘Upload Files’ dialog (RStudio
- Zoom Left/Right Column commands for keyboard users
- Increase maximum plot size for large, high-DPI displays
- Make maximum lines in R console configurable; was previously fixed at 1000
- Option to only show project name instead of full path in desktop window title
- New rstudio --version command to return the version of RStudio Desktop
- Scan R Markdown YAML header for R packages required to render document
- Support use of F13 - F24 for custom keyboard shortcuts (full Mac keyboard has F13-F19, for example)
- Keyboard shortcuts for searching R help in Help pane, and next/previous help page
- Keep keyboard focus in the console during debugging
- Enable wrap-around for previous/next source tab by default
- Provide full SHA in detail of Git commits
- File monitor now ignores Packrat, renv library folders
- Make global source control commands rebindable

- Fix issue where calling install.packages() without arguments would fail
- Fix issue where C code in packages would incorrectly be diagnosed as C++
- Fix plot history when plot() called immediately after
- Fix debug stopping past breakpoint when source windows are open
- Fix diagnostics error with multibyte characters in R Markdown documents on Windows
- Fix stale processes when invoking child R processes with large command lines
- Fix an issue where help tooltips could become corrupt when using prettycode
- Fix an issue where signature tooltips were shown even when disabled by user preference
- Fix an issue where Git did not work within projects whose paths contained multibyte characters
- Fix an issue where RStudio would fail to preview self-contained bookdown books
- Fix modal dialog boundaries extending out of the app window in certain cases
- Fix issue where session restore could fail when using multiple user l
- Fix issue where library paths were not forwarded when building package docum
- Restore ability to select and copy text in version control diffs
- Fix incorrect column names when non-dataframes with a column named x were viewed
- Fix inconsistent shading in R Markdown chunk backgrounds with folding
- Fix list column display in columns past 50 with data viewer
- Fix incorrect column type display when paging columns
- Fix incorrect sorting in data viewer when paging columns
- Fix carryover of light ANSI background colors
- Fix issue where Shiny applications using reticulate on Windows could crash on run
- Fix issue where pasting text into last chunk in document could occasionally cause hang
- Fix blank Viewer Pane when displaying most HTML widgets with R 4.0.0

RStudio 1.2.5042 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix a crash when debugging with R 4.0+

Server Pro:
- Fix a crash in rserver that sometimes occurs when a port proxy request fails to connect
- Fix a display issue for configured Launcher session limits
- Fix inability to select R version in Global Options and elsewhere
- Fix failure to start R sessions when multiple values are present in www-frame-origin

RStudio 1.2.5033 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add compatibility with recent versions of the shinytest package
- Eliminate warnings when using _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_
- Ensure compatibility with Boost 1.72.0
- Set Server Name Indication (SNI) on outbound HTTPS requests for compatibility with TLS 1.3
- Session configuration option to customize environment variables saved when session suspends

Server Pro:
- Add ability to configure Slurm command line tools location for the Slurm Launcher Plugin
- Fix an issue where the Slurm service user must have a home directory for the Slurm Launcher Plugin
- Fix an issue where errors are ignored when validating the version of Slurm for the Slurm Launcher Plugin
- Add documentation for load balancing limitations, module support, and support for multiple versions of R with the Slurm Launcher Plugin

RStudio 1.2.5019 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fully reset Connections pane objects when refreshing
- Fix incorrect memory.limit() result with R >= 3.6.0
- Unset DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES after launch on macOS to prevent spurious library load errors
- Include R/RStudio version in HTTP user agent header when installing required packages
- Eliminate warnings when using _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_
- Truncate console output in notebooks to avoid hang with long outputs
- Fix plain serif/sans-serif font rendering on macOS Catalina
- Restore First Project Template feature