2021年11月19日 — Murmur means to speak quietly, often in a low continuous voice, so it's hard to understand. 'I love you', she murmured in her sleep. “Do you ... ,mumble · vt. 含糊地說,咕噥著說;抿著嘴嚼 · vi. 含糊地說話,咕噥 · n. 含糊的話,咕嚕[C] ... , ,Mumble rap,又稱SoundCloud rap,是一種定義鬆散的嘻哈形式,中文的通俗念法為嘟噥饒舌。在2010年被廣泛上傳到了影音串流平台SoundCloud上。此種饒舌形式的特色為歌詞 ... ,MUMBLE翻譯:含糊地說,咕噥。了解更多。 ,MUMBLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand…。了解更多。 ,英英释义 · talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice · grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty;. the old man had ...,英英釋義 · talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice · grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty;. the old man had ...,2021年11月19日 — Mumble means to speak quietly, often in a low voice, making it difficult to understand. She's always mumbling and complaining very quietly, so I ... ,2021年11月19日 — Mumble means to speak quietly, often in a low voice, making it difficult to understand. She's always mumbling and complaining very quietly, so I ...
相關軟體 Mumble 資訊 | |
Mumble 是一個免費和開源的音頻聊天軟件,有一個目標是提供每個人在群組環境中聊天的能力。  這包括為學校項目,商務會議或(最常見的)有組織的視頻遊戲設置大量人員的語音通話。在 Mumble 的幫助下,可以極大地豐富這個以及許多其他在線通信會話,這些會話可以控制用戶權限的管理以及對於想要嚴格控制誰可以與誰交談的主持人有吸引力的其他功能(對於使用在商業上,或者在為每個遊戲會議,團體或遊戲... Mumble 軟體介紹
mumble是什麼意思 相關參考資料
BBC Learning English - 一分钟英语 三种不一样的“轻声说”
2021年11月19日 — Murmur means to speak quietly, often in a low continuous voice, so it's hard to understand. 'I love you', she murmured in her sleep. “Do you ... mumble - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
mumble · vt. 含糊地說,咕噥著說;抿著嘴嚼 · vi. 含糊地說話,咕噥 · n. 含糊的話,咕嚕[C] ... Mumble - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 Mumble rap - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mumble rap,又稱SoundCloud rap,是一種定義鬆散的嘻哈形式,中文的通俗念法為嘟噥饒舌。在2010年被廣泛上傳到了影音串流平台SoundCloud上。此種饒舌形式的特色為歌詞 ... MUMBLE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
MUMBLE翻譯:含糊地說,咕噥。了解更多。 https://dictionary.cambridge.o MUMBLE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
MUMBLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand…。了解更多。 https://dictionary.cambridge.o mumble是什么意思
英英释义 · talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice · grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty;. the old man had ... mumble是什麼意思
英英釋義 · talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice · grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty;. the old man had ... 三种不一样的“轻声说”: whisper、murmur、mumble
2021年11月19日 — Mumble means to speak quietly, often in a low voice, making it difficult to understand. She's always mumbling and complaining very quietly, so I ... 三種不一樣的「輕聲說」: whisper、murmur、mumble
2021年11月19日 — Mumble means to speak quietly, often in a low voice, making it difficult to understand. She's always mumbling and complaining very quietly, so I ... https://learningenglish.rti.or |