
相關問題 & 資訊整理


Sign up for Mind42 to start using our free, fast and simple online mind map ...,Use it to create todo lists, brainstorm ideas, organize events, you name it...,Mind42 is a free online mind mapping software. In short: Mind42 offers you a software that runs in your browser to create mind maps - a special form of a ... ,Sign in with your existing Mind42 account to start using our free, ...,Get an overview about the different kind of mind map created on Mind42.,2017年5月20日 — 「 Mind42 」由來自奧地利維也納的程式開發者 Stefan Schuster ,在2007 年開始這個線上心智圖工具的專案,可以維持這麼多年(現在2017 年),直到今天都 ... ,Mind42 is an online mind mapping application that allows users to visualize their thinking using the proven mind mapping method. ,2013年6月5日 — Mind mapping can be: free, fast and simple. Create, publish and collaborate on the web with your mind maps. In Mind42, 42 is not only the ... ,2013年6月5日 — And that's what Mind42 is. A collaborative browser-based online mind mapping tool. Mind42 allows you to manage all your ideas, wether alone, ...

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Mindomo Desktop
Mindomo Desktop 是 Windows PC 的免費思維導圖軟件,它獨特地結合了在線編輯和協作工作。一個易於使用,獨立的思維導圖軟件,具有高度多樣化的功能。如果您正在尋找一個完整的思維導圖的經驗,Mindomo Desktop 也涵蓋了在線和手機同步.8997423 選擇版本:Mindomo Desktop 8.0.25(32 位)Mindomo Desktop 8.0.25(64 位... Mindomo Desktop 軟體介紹

mind42 相關參考資料
Sign up - Mind42: Free online mind mapping software

Sign up for Mind42 to start using our free, fast and simple online mind map ...


Free online mind mapping software - Mind42

Use it to create todo lists, brainstorm ideas, organize events, you name it...


Mind42: Free online mind mapping software

Mind42 is a free online mind mapping software. In short: Mind42 offers you a software that runs in your browser to create mind maps - a special form of a ...


Sign in - Mind42: Free online mind mapping software

Sign in with your existing Mind42 account to start using our free, ...


Mind mapping can be: free, fast, simple - Mind42

Get an overview about the different kind of mind map created on Mind42.


Mind42 完全免費線上心智圖軟體:快速、私密、可協同合作

2017年5月20日 — 「 Mind42 」由來自奧地利維也納的程式開發者 Stefan Schuster ,在2007 年開始這個線上心智圖工具的專案,可以維持這麼多年(現在2017 年),直到今天都 ...


Mind42 - Wikipedia

Mind42 is an online mind mapping application that allows users to visualize their thinking using the proven mind mapping method.


應用程式 - Mind42

2013年6月5日 — Mind mapping can be: free, fast and simple. Create, publish and collaborate on the web with your mind maps. In Mind42, 42 is not only the ...



2013年6月5日 — And that's what Mind42 is. A collaborative browser-based online mind mapping tool. Mind42 allows you to manage all your ideas, wether alone, ...
