meditation retreat中文

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meditation retreat中文

meditation center中文靜心中心…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋meditation ... the shape of a meditation center , and by august 15 it was ready for the retreat ,meditation retreat. 5个回答 [我来回答]. 內觀退省 2017-07-06 22:26 回答:27.56.*.*. 禅修 2013-05-23 12:21 回答:匿名. 打坐禅 2013-05-23 12:23 回答:匿名. ,retreat 休息寓所,撤退,隱居,退避,避難所(vi.)撤退,隱退,放棄,向後傾(vt.)退(棋) ,retreat中文:撤退…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋retreat的中文翻譯,retreat的 ... withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; "the religious retreat is a form ... ,沪江词库精选retreat是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、 ... withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; move back; (military) a bugle ... ,The army made the enemy retreat from the border; The wealthy owner went to a retreat to relax from the heavy work; The retreat of the flood took more than a ... ,检查“ spiritual retreat”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中spiritual retreat的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 ,... 期精進禪觀」教學為例=The Practice of Meditation in Humanism-Oriented Buddhism--Using the Instruction in "the Samatha & Vipassana Meditation Retreat for ... ,譯mindfulness 與meditation 這兩個關鍵. 字是很重要的,如此一來使用中文的學. 界與實務界才能用一個 ... 天的靜默閉關(silent retreat),這類的靜默閉關在台灣最容. ,觀(梵語:विपश्यना,vipaśyanā,巴利語:vipassanā),又譯為內觀,音譯為毗缽舍 ... 意為洞識),因為英文前綴字in- 有向內的意思,sight是觀看,因此中文又譯作內觀,字面上的意義是往「內」去「觀」察身心的實相。但是英文前 ... (1987) The Art of Living : Vipassana Meditation: As Taught by S. N. Goenka.

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meditation retreat中文 相關參考資料
meditation center中文翻譯,meditation center是什麼意思:靜心 ...

meditation center中文靜心中心…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋meditation ... the shape of a meditation center , and by august 15 it was ready for the retreat

meditation retreat的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文,英文 ...

meditation retreat. 5个回答 [我来回答]. 內觀退省 2017-07-06 22:26 回答:27.56.*.*. 禅修 2013-05-23 12:21 回答:匿名. 打坐禅 2013-05-23 12:23 回答:匿名.

retreat 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典

retreat 休息寓所,撤退,隱居,退避,避難所(vi.)撤退,隱退,放棄,向後傾(vt.)退(棋)


retreat中文:撤退…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋retreat的中文翻譯,retreat的 ... withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; "the religious retreat is a form ...

retreat是什么意思_retreat的中文翻译及音标_用法_同义词_例句 ...

沪江词库精选retreat是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、 ... withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; move back; (military) a bugle ...

retreat的中文翻釋和情境影片範例- VoiceTube 翻譯字典

The army made the enemy retreat from the border; The wealthy owner went to a retreat to relax from the heavy work; The retreat of the flood took more than a ...

spiritual retreat中的中文-英文-中文字典|格洛斯贝 - Glosbe

检查“ spiritual retreat”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中spiritual retreat的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。

國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網中文期刊篇目系統:「人間佛教禪法 ...

... 期精進禪觀」教學為例=The Practice of Meditation in Humanism-Oriented Buddhism--Using the Instruction in "the Samatha & Vipassana Meditation Retreat for ...

正念與內觀的譯詞及比較 - 華人正念減壓中心

譯mindfulness 與meditation 這兩個關鍵. 字是很重要的,如此一來使用中文的學. 界與實務界才能用一個 ... 天的靜默閉關(silent retreat),這類的靜默閉關在台灣最容.

觀(佛教) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

觀(梵語:विपश्यना,vipaśyanā,巴利語:vipassanā),又譯為內觀,音譯為毗缽舍 ... 意為洞識),因為英文前綴字in- 有向內的意思,sight是觀看,因此中文又譯作內觀,字面上的意義是往「內」去「觀」察身心的實相。但是英文前 ... (1987) The Art of Living : Vipassana Meditation: As Taught by S. N. G...