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微軟認證資料庫管理員(MCDBA)為微軟針對SQL Server資料庫所推出的獨立認證,特別針對資料庫管理員所設計,持有此認證的專業人員,可被視為具有管理SQL Server以及設計資料庫應用的專業能力與知識。MCDBA最早是自SQL Server 7.0開始推出,歷經SQL Server 2000時期,兩個時期的認證要求差不多,都是要求通過四科 ... ,MCDBA,MCDBA 「微軟認證資料庫管理員(MCDBA)」懂得設計、實作及管理Microsoft SQL Server™ 資料庫。 ,Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) 認證可證明您具備設計、實作及管理SQL Server 資料庫的能力。 ,MCDBA是Microsoft Certified Database Administrator 即微軟認證之「資料庫管理師」,只要通過微軟公司的認證考試即取得該項資格,是一張國際級的資訊專業證照,此認證是專為衍生實體資料庫設計、開發邏輯資料模型、創造實體資料庫、以Transact-SQL來設計資料服務、管理及維護資料庫、設定及管理安全措施、監控及有效運用 ... ,MCDBA是微软认证数据库管理员(Microsoft Certified Database Administrator)的简称,是由微软于1999年推出的。MCDBA 2000证书是微软在推出SQL Server 2000之后推出的一门专门针对数据库开发和管理人员的证书,满足了市场对数据库专业人才的需求。通过获得高级MCDBA证书,个人可以证明自己拥有领导企业成功地 ... , Learn about MCDBA certification, Unicode strings, ISQL/w query results, ODBC driver installation, DUMP TRAN commands, and the new Index Tuning Wizard., When the Microsoft Certified DBA (MCDBA) program began a few years ago, I cut the program some slack. It provided a reasonable method of evaluating basic SQL Server competence and gave IT professionals a way to show that they knew at least a little bit a, The bottom line is that the MCDBA-MCITP:DBA certification means many different things to many different people. However, in our opinions, if it is used as a mechanism to learn about SQL Server to genuinely expand your knowledge then it should be consider,Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) certification information from, the IT certification resource center. , If this sounds like you, then we are one and the same. I am still sitting on my MCDBA SQL Server 2000. Shame on me at least, but not necessarily on you. So, what are we to do? How can we fix this, assuming we want to fix it? The answer is simple. UPGRADE

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mcdba 相關參考資料
微軟認證資料庫管理員- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

微軟認證資料庫管理員(MCDBA)為微軟針對SQL Server資料庫所推出的獨立認證,特別針對資料庫管理員所設計,持有此認證的專業人員,可被視為具有管理SQL Server以及設計資料庫應用的專業能力與知識。MCDBA最早是自SQL Server 7.0開始推出,歷經SQL Server 2000時期,兩個時期的認證要求差不多,都是要求通過四科 ...

MCDBA _ Microsoft簡介_ 證照中心– 104教育網

MCDBA,MCDBA 「微軟認證資料庫管理員(MCDBA)」懂得設計、實作及管理Microsoft SQL Server™ 資料庫。

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA)

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) 認證可證明您具備設計、實作及管理SQL Server 資料庫的能力。

MCDBA認證歡迎蒞臨鼎新知識學院網站 - 鼎新電腦

MCDBA是Microsoft Certified Database Administrator 即微軟認證之「資料庫管理師」,只要通過微軟公司的認證考試即取得該項資格,是一張國際級的資訊專業證照,此認證是專為衍生實體資料庫設計、開發邏輯資料模型、創造實體資料庫、以Transact-SQL來設計資料服務、管理及維護資料庫、設定及管理安全措施、監控及有效運用 ...


MCDBA是微软认证数据库管理员(Microsoft Certified Database Administrator)的简称,是由微软于1999年推出的。MCDBA 2000证书是微软在推出SQL Server 2000之后推出的一门专门针对数据库开发和管理人员的证书,满足了市场对数据库专业人才的需求。通过获得高级MCDBA证书,个人可以证明自己拥有领导企业成功地 ...

Questions, Answers, and Tips: MCDBA Certification | IT Pro

Learn about MCDBA certification, Unicode strings, ISQL/w query results, ODBC driver installation, DUMP TRAN commands, and the new Index Tuning Wizard.

Is the MCDBA Worth It? | IT Pro

When the Microsoft Certified DBA (MCDBA) program began a few years ago, I cut the program some slack. It provided a reasonable method of evaluating basic SQL Server competence and gave IT professiona...

The Value of the MCDBA and MCITP DBA Certification

The bottom line is that the MCDBA-MCITP:DBA certification means many different things to many different people. However, in our opinions, if it is used as a mechanism to learn about SQL Server to gen...

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) - GoCertify

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) certification information from, the IT certification resource center.

Microsoft Certifications: I Am an MCDBA, What Are My Options for the ...

If this sounds like you, then we are one and the same. I am still sitting on my MCDBA SQL Server 2000. Shame on me at least, but not necessarily on you. So, what are we to do? How can we fix this, as...