google ble
Interacting with proximity sensors like Google Beacons to give users a customized ... In contrast to Classic ... ,No.1 Scanner Utility for Bluetooth Low Energy, iBeacon and Eddystone devices. ================== Over 10,00,000+ downloads ================== ,2016年10月25日 — The BLE Tool is an application tool for developing Bluetooth low energy accessories. The BLE Tool supports the following Bluetooth GATT ...
相關軟體 Microsoft Windows SDK 資訊 | |
Microsoft Windows SDK 提供了工具,編譯器,頭文件,庫,代碼示例以及開發人員可以用來創建在 Microsoft Windows 上運行的應用程序的新幫助系統。您可以使用 Windows SDK 使用本機(Win32 / COM)或託管(.NET Framework)編程模型編寫應用程序。 Windows 10 SDK 提供了用於構建 Windows 10 應用程序的最新標題,... Microsoft Windows SDK 軟體介紹
google ble 相關參考資料
Bluetooth low energy overview | Android Developers
Interacting with proximity sensors like Google Beacons to give users a customized ... In contrast to Classic ... BLE Scanner (Scan, Connect, Find Lost BLE ... - Google Play
No.1 Scanner Utility for Bluetooth Low Energy, iBeacon and Eddystone devices. ================== Over 10,00,000+ downloads ================== BLE Tool - Google Play 應用程式
2016年10月25日 — The BLE Tool is an application tool for developing Bluetooth low energy accessories. The BLE Tool supports the following Bluetooth GATT ... |