get up

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get up

你也可以說「get up with the sun」或「get up with the chickens」,這些的意思是「非常早起」(get up very early)。 瀏覽教材. No, they get up early! 不,他們 ... ,1. 起床 What time does he get up? 他幾點起床? 2. 變得猛烈 The wind is getting up. 風越刮越大。 ,2021年1月13日 — What have you been getting up to? They got up to all sorts of things on the hen night. What did you get up to on your holiday? She usually gets up ... ,2021年1月6日 — What have you been getting up to? They got up to all sorts of things on the hen night. What did you get up to on your holiday? She usually gets up ... ,2021年1月13日 — get up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to stand up: 2. If the wind gets up, it starts to grow stronger: 3. a set of clothes…。了解更多。 ,2021年1月13日 — Get up and show your appreciation. He knocked the drink over as he was getting up from the chair. 'Don't get up. I'll let myself out. ,最近天氣這麼冷,起床變得好痛苦阿關於起床,英文有兩個大家常搞錯的用法,現在就來簡單說明一下1. wake up “醒來”,指張開眼睛,從睡夢中醒 ... ,2017年11月10日 — wake up或get up都可以當作廣義的起床,但他們有細微的不同! wake up 醒來. 無論你是被鬧鐘吵醒、被寵物踩醒、被家人叫醒,只要你不再是 ... ,英文「醒來 」可以用「wake up」表達,跟get up不一樣的是:醒來可能還賴在床上,而get up則是完全起床. 例句:. Penny was woken up by her alarm two ...

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get up 相關參考資料
get up (【片語動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words

你也可以說「get up with the sun」或「get up with the chickens」,這些的意思是「非常早起」(get up very early)。 瀏覽教材. No, they get up early! 不,他們 ...

get up - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

1. 起床 What time does he get up? 他幾點起床? 2. 變得猛烈 The wind is getting up. 風越刮越大。

get up to sth 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...

2021年1月13日 — What have you been getting up to? They got up to all sorts of things on the hen night. What did you get up to on your holiday? She usually gets up ...


GET UP TO STH在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge ...

2021年1月6日 — What have you been getting up to? They got up to all sorts of things on the hen night. What did you get up to on your holiday? She usually gets up ...


GET UP在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

2021年1月13日 — get up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to stand up: 2. If the wind gets up, it starts to grow stronger: 3. a set of clothes…。了解更多。


get up漢語(繁體)翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

2021年1月13日 — Get up and show your appreciation. He knocked the drink over as he was getting up from the chair. 'Don't get up. I'll let myself out.


《用字選擇》wake up v.s. get up - KEEP CALM 學英語 - 痞客邦

最近天氣這麼冷,起床變得好痛苦阿關於起床,英文有兩個大家常搞錯的用法,現在就來簡單說明一下1. wake up “醒來”,指張開眼睛,從睡夢中醒 ...

「起床」的英文到底是wake up還是get up? - Just Eng Time 助 ...

2017年11月10日 — wake up或get up都可以當作廣義的起床,但他們有細微的不同! wake up 醒來. 無論你是被鬧鐘吵醒、被寵物踩醒、被家人叫醒,只要你不再是 ...

醒來≠起床「wake up」和「get up」不一樣! - 空中美語部落格

英文「醒來 」可以用「wake up」表達,跟get up不一樣的是:醒來可能還賴在床上,而get up則是完全起床. 例句:. Penny was woken up by her alarm two ...