data cycle fx

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data cycle fx

2013年5月16日 — Have you tried using the easing plugin? This doesn't appear to be having an issue on my fiddle. <div class="cycle-slideshow" ... ,... the scrollVert plugin. The scrollVert effect is achieved by assignin the fx option to scrollVert . ... <div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx="scrollVert" > <img ... ,shuffle. $('#shuffle').cycle( fx: 'shuffle' ... ,fx: 'fade',// name of transition effect (or comma separated names, ex: 'fade,scrollUp ... metaAttr: 'cycle',// data- attribute that holds the option data for the slideshow ,更新:我設法通過生成逗號分隔過渡的列表,並通過他們爲 .cycle 插件的 fx: 選項的 ... src="" data-cycle-fx=tileSlide ... ,Options are set on the slideshow element using data-cycle-option-name attributes. The option ... fx, •, string, 'fade', The name of the slideshow transition to use. ,tileSlide --> <div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-timeout=0 data-cycle-next="#next1" data-cycle-prev="#prev1" data-cycle-fx="tileSlide" > <img ... ,The data-cycle-manual-fx attribute allows you to specify the transition to be used for manual transitions and data-cycle-manual-speed allows you to set the ... ,... slideshow container. <div class="slideshow" data-cycle-fx=carousel data-cycle-timeout=1000 > <img src=""> <img ... ,You can add a simple, default pager by including an empty div in your slideshow container with the class cycle-pager . <div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx= ...

相關軟體 Digsby 資訊

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data cycle fx 相關參考資料
In jquery-cycle2 when using data-cycle-fx=&quot;none&quot; I see the ...

2013年5月16日 — Have you tried using the easing plugin? This doesn&#39;t appear to be having an issue on my fiddle. &lt;div class=&quot;cycle-slideshow&quot;&nbsp;...

Cycle2 Scroll Vert - Malsup

... the scrollVert plugin. The scrollVert effect is achieved by assignin the fx option to scrollVert . ... &lt;div class=&quot;cycle-slideshow&quot; data-cycle-fx=&quot;scrollVert&quot; &gt; &lt;img&n...

JQuery Cycle Plugin - jQuery Plugins by malsup

shuffle. $(&#39;#shuffle&#39;).cycle( fx: &#39;shuffle&#39;&nbsp;...

Option Reference - JQuery Cycle Plugin

fx: &#39;fade&#39;,// name of transition effect (or comma separated names, ex: &#39;fade,scrollUp ... metaAttr: &#39;cycle&#39;,// data- attribute that holds the option data for the slideshow

jQuery幻燈片與每幻燈片轉換持續時間- 優文庫 - uwenku

更新:我設法通過生成逗號分隔過渡的列表,並通過他們爲 .cycle 插件的 fx: 選項的 ... src=&quot;; data-cycle-fx=tileSlide&nbsp;...

Cycle2 API - jQuery Plugins by malsup

Options are set on the slideshow element using data-cycle-option-name attributes. The option ... fx, •, string, &#39;fade&#39;, The name of the slideshow transition to use.

Cycle2 Tile - jQuery Plugins by malsup

tileSlide --&gt; &lt;div class=&quot;cycle-slideshow&quot; data-cycle-timeout=0 data-cycle-next=&quot;#next1&quot; data-cycle-prev=&quot;#prev1&quot; data-cycle-fx=&quot;tileSlide&quot; &gt; &lt;img&n...

Cycle2 Manual Overrides - jQuery Plugins by malsup

The data-cycle-manual-fx attribute allows you to specify the transition to be used for manual transitions and data-cycle-manual-speed allows you to set the&nbsp;...

Cycle2 Carousel - jQuery Plugins by malsup

... slideshow container. &lt;div class=&quot;slideshow&quot; data-cycle-fx=carousel data-cycle-timeout=1000 &gt; &lt;img src=&quot;;&gt; &lt;img&nbsp;... ...

Cycle2 Pagers - Malsup

You can add a simple, default pager by including an empty div in your slideshow container with the class cycle-pager . &lt;div class=&quot;cycle-slideshow&quot; data-cycle-fx=&nbsp;...