artec ray

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artec ray

Artec Ray. High accuracy long-range laser 3D scanner, ideal for precise capture of large objects. Artec Ray 3D ... ,data of the highest quality, Artec Ray scans with submillimeter distance accuracy and best in class angular accuracy. Furthermore, data capture is cleaner than ... ,The Artec Ray is a long-range, terrestrial 3D scanner with laser technology for precise capture of large objects ... ,The Artec Ray is a high accuracy long-range laser 3D scanner, ideal for precise capture of large objects such ... ,Artec Ray is a high accuracy LIDAR laser 3D scanner that is ideal for precise capture of large objects or scenes. ,工業級遠距雷射3D掃描器Artec Ray具亞毫米級精度,能快速精準完成大型物件3D掃描,最遠掃描距離可達110公尺。瞭解更多遠距3D掃描器請洽通業技研。 ,Artec Ray. 高精度遠距鐳射3D掃描器,完美適用於大型物體的精準擷取。這款遠距3D掃描器內置高級雷射技術,適合掃描例如風力發電機、船用螺旋槳、飛機與 ...

相關軟體 Artec Studio 資訊

Artec Studio
探索 Artec Studio 3D 掃描軟件的功能,該軟件使用 Artec 掃描儀的數據或 3D 傳感器(如 Kinect)進行入門級 3D 建模!強大的 3D 成像軟件對於順暢的掃描體驗至關重要。這實際上控制著掃描儀如何捕捉數據和精確度。 Artec Studio 功能最先進的 3D 數據算法,使您的結果高精度,同時使 3D 掃描直觀和用戶友好.沒有必要事先準備好你的對象,只需指向 3D 掃描... Artec Studio 軟體介紹

artec ray 相關參考資料
3D Laser Scanner Artec Ray | 3D Scanning Solution for Large ...

Artec Ray. High accuracy long-range laser 3D scanner, ideal for precise capture of large objects. Artec Ray 3D ...

Artec Ray - Artec 3D

data of the highest quality, Artec Ray scans with submillimeter distance accuracy and best in class angular accuracy. Furthermore, data capture is cleaner than ...

Artec Ray 3D Scanner | Laser Design - YouTube

The Artec Ray is a long-range, terrestrial 3D scanner with laser technology for precise capture of large objects ...

Artec Ray long-range laser 3D scanner ideal for large objects

The Artec Ray is a high accuracy long-range laser 3D scanner, ideal for precise capture of large objects such ...

Artec Ray | GoMeasure3D

Artec Ray is a high accuracy LIDAR laser 3D scanner that is ideal for precise capture of large objects or scenes.

Artec Ray 遠距3D掃描器- 通業技研3D整合專家

工業級遠距雷射3D掃描器Artec Ray具亞毫米級精度,能快速精準完成大型物件3D掃描,最遠掃描距離可達110公尺。瞭解更多遠距3D掃描器請洽通業技研。

遠距工業級3D掃描器- Artec Ray - 實威國際

Artec Ray. 高精度遠距鐳射3D掃描器,完美適用於大型物體的精準擷取。這款遠距3D掃描器內置高級雷射技術,適合掃描例如風力發電機、船用螺旋槳、飛機與 ...