android tango example

相關問題 & 資訊整理

android tango example

Adding the Cardboard Android SDK for Project Tango VR ... sample project available at ...,There is a git project which already migrates the samples to Android Studio - ,Example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] Java API ... These examples use the Gradle build system and were developed using Android Studio 2.1. ,Project Tango [deprecated] UnitySDK Example Projects ... Google-Unity/ - General Android lifecycle management; Plugins/Android/ - General Android and ... ,JNI example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] C-API ... These examples use the Gradle build system and were developed using Android Studio 2.1. ,JNI example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] C-API - googlearchive/tango-examples-c. , If you have never created an Android app before, you can get ... You should now have a directory called tango-examples-java on your machine., We loved this awesome example of a bike route captured with the Strava app and visualized using the Unity Maps SDK and Apple's ARKit.

相關軟體 Tango for Windows 資訊

Tango for Windows
Tango for Windows 是一款免費的移動視頻通訊服務,可以讓您與朋友和家人聯繫,方便地捕捉和分享生活中的每一刻。當你聽到伴隨它的笑聲時,探戈讓你看到一個微笑; 讓你看到伴隨著她的話的她眼中的閃爍。通過 Tango for PC 離線安裝程序,您可以隨心所欲地捕捉生活.Tango 可在 PC,iPhone,iPod touch,iPad,Windows Phone 7 以及所有 Andr... Tango for Windows 軟體介紹

android tango example 相關參考資料
Developing VR for Tango with Java – Dario Laverde – Medium

Adding the Cardboard Android SDK for Project Tango VR ... sample project available at ...

Tango sample apps on Android Studio, with Gradle - Stack Overflow

There is a git project which already migrates the samples to Android Studio -

GitHub - googlearchivetango-examples-java: Example projects for ...

Example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] Java API ... These examples use the Gradle build system and were developed using Android Studio 2.1.

GitHub - googlearchivetango-examples-unity: Project Tango ...

Project Tango [deprecated] UnitySDK Example Projects ... Google-Unity/ - General Android lifecycle management; Plugins/Android/ - General Android and ...

GitHub - googlearchivetango-examples-c: JNI example projects for ...

JNI example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] C-API ... These examples use the Gradle build system and were developed using Android Studio 2.1. at master · googlearchivetango ...

JNI example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] C-API - googlearchive/tango-examples-c.

Google Tango初學者教程- 掃文資訊

If you have never created an Android app before, you can get ... You should now have a directory called tango-examples-java on your machine.

AR on Android with Tango + Unity + Cats – Points of interest

We loved this awesome example of a bike route captured with the Strava app and visualized using the Unity Maps SDK and Apple's ARKit.