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收割(莊稼);收割(田地)裡的莊稼;收穫 The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field. 農民們忙著在田裡割稻。 2. 獲得,得到 Our firm is likely to reap a big ... ,reap the benefit, reward, etc.翻譯:得到收益/報酬等。了解更多。 ,reap /r'ip/ 共發現7 筆關於[reap] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] reap (vt.)收割,收獲,獲得(vi.)收割,得到報應來源(2): The ... ,In doing so, you but sow the wind to reap the whirlwind . 這樣做,你只能得到更壞的結果。 He had certainly feltthat he should reap some sort of a harvest . 他已經 ... ,reap的意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. to get something good by working hard for it: 2. to cut and collect a crop of grain。了解更多。 ,reap的例句. reap. One pepper farmer showed lack of interest in his crop, it became overgrown by weeds and nothing was reaped. ,3 天前 - reap翻譯:收割,收穫;獲得。了解更多。 , reap的發音。怎麼說reap。聽英語音頻發音。了解更多。 ... Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. us. reap verb在美式英語中怎麼發音 ...,經Reap使用信用卡支付任何營運開支,例如僱員出糧、商鋪或辦公室租金和貨物成本等,從而提升營運資金擴展生意。除了簡單即時獲得流動資金外,同時賺取信用卡 ...

相關軟體 REAPER 資訊

REAPER 是一個完整的數字音頻製作應用程序的 Windows 和 OS X,提供完整的多軌音頻和 MIDI 錄音,編輯,處理,混音和母版工具集。 REAPER 支持廣泛的硬件,數字格式和插件,並且可以全面擴展,腳本化和修改. 選擇版本:REAPER 5.7.0(32 位)REAPER 5.7.0(64 位) REAPER 軟體介紹

Reap 相關參考資料
reap - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

收割(莊稼);收割(田地)裡的莊稼;收穫 The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field. 農民們忙著在田裡割稻。 2. 獲得,得到 Our firm is likely to reap a big ...

reap the benefit, reward, etc.漢語 - Cambridge Dictionary

reap the benefit, reward, etc.翻譯:得到收益/報酬等。了解更多。


reap 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典

reap /r'ip/ 共發現7 筆關於[reap] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] reap (vt.)收割,收獲,獲得(vi.)收割,得到報應來源(2): The ...

reap中文,reap是什麼意思,reap發音和翻譯::收獲… - 查查綫上辭典

In doing so, you but sow the wind to reap the whirlwind . 這樣做,你只能得到更壞的結果。 He had certainly feltthat he should reap some sort of a harvest . 他已經 ...

reap在劍橋學習詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

reap的意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. to get something good by working hard for it: 2. to cut and collect a crop of grain。了解更多。


REAP在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

reap的例句. reap. One pepper farmer showed lack of interest in his crop, it became overgrown by weeds and nothing was reaped.


reap漢語(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

3 天前 - reap翻譯:收割,收穫;獲得。了解更多。


REAP的英語發音 - Cambridge Dictionary

reap的發音。怎麼說reap。聽英語音頻發音。了解更多。 ... Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. us. reap verb在美式英語中怎麼發音 ...


網上付款平台助您現金周轉| Reap -

經Reap使用信用卡支付任何營運開支,例如僱員出糧、商鋪或辦公室租金和貨物成本等,從而提升營運資金擴展生意。除了簡單即時獲得流動資金外,同時賺取信用卡 ...