Patent troll

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Patent troll

2012年8月1日 — 專利戰是常見的商業行為,美國於1993年用專利蟑螂或專利流氓(Patent Troll)來形容積極發動專利侵權訴訟的公司。此外,亦有人用專利海盜來 ... ,Patent trolls are neither using nor marketing the inventions covered by their patents, but instead plan to make money by threatening or filing lawsuits. Using the ... ,A patent troll is a derogatory term used to describe a company that uses patent infringement claims to win court judgments for profit or to stifle competition. ,A patent troll uses patents as legal weapons, instead of actually creating any new products or coming up with new ideas. Instead, trolls are in the business of ... ,Who are patent trolls? A non-practicing entity (“NPE”) or patent troll, as it is sometimes pejoratively called, is an entity which enforces ... ,2019年8月28日 — 在專利產業中,專利蟑螂(patent troll)的角色一直不容忽視,他們多半不自己進行產品的生產或銷售,僅靠著專利授權談判或訴訟來賺取和解金 ... , ,专利流氓又称专利蟑螂(英語:Patent Troll),用于形容一些積極發動專利侵權訴訟以獲取賠償,卻從沒生產其專利產品的個人或公司。至2008年為止美国是全 ... ,一、Patent Troll名稱的緣由及定義. Patent Troll的中文翻譯,有翻成專利怪獸,也有翻成專利流氓、專利地痞或專利蟑螂。Troll一詞在英文字典裡的意思是指居住在 ...

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Patent troll 相關參考資料
IP小辭典:專利蟑螂(Patent Troll) - 北美智權

2012年8月1日 — 專利戰是常見的商業行為,美國於1993年用專利蟑螂或專利流氓(Patent Troll)來形容積極發動專利侵權訴訟的公司。此外,亦有人用專利海盜來 ...

Patent troll - Wikipedia

Patent trolls are neither using nor marketing the inventions covered by their patents, but instead plan to make money by threatening or filing lawsuits. Using the ...

Patent Troll Definition - Investopedia

A patent troll is a derogatory term used to describe a company that uses patent infringement claims to win court judgments for profit or to stifle competition.

Patent Trolls | Electronic Frontier Foundation

A patent troll uses patents as legal weapons, instead of actually creating any new products or coming up with new ideas. Instead, trolls are in the business of ...

What is a Patent Troll? | Metis Partners

Who are patent trolls? A non-practicing entity (“NPE”) or patent troll, as it is sometimes pejoratively called, is an entity which enforces ...

北美智權報第243期:使用「Patent Troll」就是誹謗?未必!

2019年8月28日 — 在專利產業中,專利蟑螂(patent troll)的角色一直不容忽視,他們多半不自己進行產品的生產或銷售,僅靠著專利授權談判或訴訟來賺取和解金 ...

專利情報: 誰是Patent Troll眼中大肥羊? - 科技產業資訊室 ...

專利流氓- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

专利流氓又称专利蟑螂(英語:Patent Troll),用于形容一些積極發動專利侵權訴訟以獲取賠償,卻從沒生產其專利產品的個人或公司。至2008年為止美国是全 ...

淺談專利蟑螂(Patent Troll)對美國產業的影響 - 台一國際智慧 ...

一、Patent Troll名稱的緣由及定義. Patent Troll的中文翻譯,有翻成專利怪獸,也有翻成專利流氓、專利地痞或專利蟑螂。Troll一詞在英文字典裡的意思是指居住在 ...