Kotlinx serialization enum
2023年1月16日 — The value of your enum variable itself is independent from the serialized value and remains an object ( State.BAD etc) rather than a string. ,*/ package kotlinx.serialization.internal import kotlinx.serialization.* import kotlinx ... ENUM private val elementDescriptors by lazy Array ... ,2017年11月2日 — Here is a generic Enum serializer that uses @SerializedName annotation on Enum fields. NOTE 1: The contents of companion object are 100% ... ,2022年12月16日 — I am using Kotlin 1.7.21 with kotlin serialization 1.4.1 on the JVM. Out-of-the-box, this setup does not work, because enums are serialized as ... ,Encodes a enum value that is stored at the index in enumDescriptor elements collection. Corresponding kind is SerialKind.ENUM. E.g. for the enum enum class ... ,With Kotlin 1.3.60, this snippet generates a (lint?) warning in Android Studio: Explicit @Serializable annotation on enum class is required when ... ,2020年2月26日 — I use Kotlon class enums with Spring/Hibernate and 99.9% of the time they do what I want when these values are serialized into a JSON. ,Unfortunately, it is not Open Source. I cannot provide the project. the Spring Boot project (which fails) has a dependency on another Kotlin project. ,Encodes a enum value that is stored at the index in enumDescriptor elements collection. Corresponding kind is UnionKind.ENUM_KIND. E.g. for the enum enum ... ,2024年6月15日 — Learn how to serialize a Kotlin enum property to JSON using Kotlin libraries.
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Kotlinx serialization enum 相關參考資料
Kotlin Serialisation with Enum (kotlinx.serialisation library)
2023年1月16日 — The value of your enum variable itself is independent from the serialized value and remains an object ( State.BAD etc) rather than a string. https://stackoverflow.com Enums.kt
*/ package kotlinx.serialization.internal import kotlinx.serialization.* import kotlinx ... ENUM private val elementDescriptors by lazy Array ... https://github.com SerialName for Enums · Issue #31 · Kotlinkotlinx.serialization
2017年11月2日 — Here is a generic Enum serializer that uses @SerializedName annotation on Enum fields. NOTE 1: The contents of companion object are 100% ... https://github.com How to polymorphically serialize a Kotlin enum that ...
2022年12月16日 — I am using Kotlin 1.7.21 with kotlin serialization 1.4.1 on the JVM. Out-of-the-box, this setup does not work, because enums are serialized as ... https://stackoverflow.com encodeEnum
Encodes a enum value that is stored at the index in enumDescriptor elements collection. Corresponding kind is SerialKind.ENUM. E.g. for the enum enum class ... https://kotlinlang.org kotlinx.serialization: False warning "Explicit @Serializable ...
With Kotlin 1.3.60, this snippet generates a (lint?) warning in Android Studio: Explicit @Serializable annotation on enum class is required when ... https://youtrack.jetbrains.com Changing how an enum value is serialized - Support
2020年2月26日 — I use Kotlon class enums with Spring/Hibernate and 99.9% of the time they do what I want when these values are serialized into a JSON. https://discuss.kotlinlang.org kotlinx.serialization: "Enum class does not have .values ...
Unfortunately, it is not Open Source. I cannot provide the project. the Spring Boot project (which fails) has a dependency on another Kotlin project. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com kotlinx.serialization.Encoder.encodeEnum
Encodes a enum value that is stored at the index in enumDescriptor elements collection. Corresponding kind is UnionKind.ENUM_KIND. E.g. for the enum enum ... https://sandwwraith.github.io Serialize Enum Property to JSON in Kotlin
2024年6月15日 — Learn how to serialize a Kotlin enum property to JSON using Kotlin libraries. https://www.baeldung.com |