Zoner Photo Studio X 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2309.2.506

Zoner Photo Studio X 歷史版本列表

Zoner Photo Studio X 將幫助你與你的照片。一切從下載到您的計算機編輯和共享,在一個地方。加入世界各地的數百萬用戶,為您的數碼照片獲得最佳工具! Zoner Photo Studio X 將幫助你的方式,同時也節省了你大量的時間花在處理你的數碼照片。下載,整理和編輯您的照片,並通過照片產品分享。嘗試 Zoner Photo Studio X 免費為 30 天沒有義務!Zoner ... Zoner Photo Studio X 軟體介紹

EarthView 7.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: important updates of timezone and city databases
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

R for Windows 4.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

C-level facilities:
- The definition of DL_FUNC in R_ext/Rdynload.h has been changed to be fully C-compliant. This means that functions loaded _via_ for example R_GetCCallable need to be cast to an appropriate type if they have any arguments.
- .Machine has a new element sizeof.time_t to identify old systems with a 32-bit type and hence a limited range of date-times (and limited support for dates millions of years from present).

Package installation:
- (Windows) The default C++ standard had accidentally been left at C++11 when it was changed to C++14 on Unix

- As "POSIXlt" objects may be "partially filled" and their list components meant to be recycled, length() now is the length of the longest component
- as.POSIXlt.Date() could underflow for dates in the far past (more than half a million years BCE)
- as.Date.POSIXlt(x) would return "1970-01-01" instead of NA in R 4.2.2, e.g., for
- x - R CMD check failed to apply enabled _R_CHECK_SUGGESTS_ONLY_ to examples and vignettes (regression in R 4.2.0)
- R CMD check did not re-build vignettes in separate processes by default (regression in R 4.2.0)
- Running examples from HTML documentation now restores previous knitr settings and options (PR#18420)
- Quartz: fonts are now located using Core Graphics API instead of deprecated ATS which is no longer supported in the macOS 13 SDK (PR#18426). This also addresses an issue where the currently used font in the Quartz device context was not correctly retained.
- (Windows) Math symbols in text drawing functions are again rendered correctly (PR#18440). This fixes a regression in R 4.2.1 caused by a fix in PR#18382 which uncovered an issue in GraphApp due to which the symbol charset was not used with TT
- Symbol font face.
- (Windows) Installing a package with a src/Makefile.{win,ucrt} file includes ~/.R/Makevars.win64 in the search for user makevars, as documented in "R Installation and Administration" and done for packages with a src/Makevars.{win,ucrt} file.
- format(<POSIXlt_w/_unbalanced_sec>, "....%OS") with n > 0 no longer accidentally uses the unbalanced seconds, thanks to Suharto Anggono's report (including patch) in PR#18448.
- solve.default(a, b) works around issues with some versions of LAPACK when a contains NA or NaN values.
- When UseMethod() cannot dispatch, it no longer segfaults producing the error message in case of a long class(), thanks to Joris Vankerschaver's report (including patch) in PR#18447.
- When example(foo, ..) produces graphics on an interactive device it needs to open itself, it now leaves devAskNewPage() unchanged even when it was FALSE, thus fixing a 14 years old ''.
- packageDescription() again catches errors from encoding conversions. This also fixes broken packageVersion() in C locale on systems where iconv does not support transliteration.

RStudio 2023.03.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- RStudio now displays a splash screen on startup, while the R session is being initialized
- Updated RStudio Desktop installer on Windows to detect running RStudio by process name
- Whether pending console input is discarded on error can now be controlled via a preference in the Console pane
- Improved handling of diagnostics within pipeline expressions
- Improved handling of diagnostics within glue() expressions.
- Completions within R Markdown documents now respect the knitr root.dir chunk option if set
- RStudio now provides autocompletion results for packages used but not loaded within a project.
- Improved handling of missing arguments for some functions in the diagnostics system.
- Code editor can show previews of color in strings (R named colors e.g. “tomato3” or of the forms “#rgb”, “#rrggbb”, “#rrggbbaa”) when Options > Code > Display > [ ] enable preview of named and hexadecimal colors is checked.
- Fixes the bug introduced with rlang >= 1.03 where Rmd documents show the error message object 'partition_yaml_front_matter' not found upon project startup
- Name autocompletion following a $ now correctly quotes names that start with underscore followed by alphanumeric characters
- Suspended sessions will now default to using the project directory, rather than the user home directory, if the prior working directory is no longer accessible
- The fuzzy finder indexes C(++) macros
- Improved handling for large amounts of message() output in the Console pane
- Build output is now truncating when very large amounts of output are produced (e.g. from C++ compilation warnings).
- Memory usage in the environment pane now works correctly on Linux when using cgroups v2
- Fixed an issue where code execution could pause in RStudio Server after closing the browser tab even with active computations. (Pro #3943)
- Chunk output calls format() method on vctrs-based classes stored in a dataframe

- RStudio attempts to infer the appropriate version of Python when “Automatically activate project-local Python environments” is checked and the user has not requested a specific version of Python. This Python will be stored in the environment variable “RETICULATE_PYTHON_FALLBACK”, available from the R console, the Python REPL, and the RStudio Terminal
- Shiny for Python apps now display a “Run App” button on the Source editor toolbar. (Requires shiny Python package v0.2.7 or later.)

- Support for v2 format of Quarto crossref index
- Support for RHEL7 and CentOS7 and fixes missing Pandoc for RMarkdown

Posit Workbench:
- Rebranded Workbench from RStudio Workbench to Posit Workbench to match Posit Software, PBC’s new branding terminology and iconography
- Adds -l (long) option to rserver-url. When /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver-url -l <port number> is executed within a VS Code or Jupyter session, the full URL where a user can view a server proxied at that port is displayed
- Support launcher-local-proxy load balancing option to ensure that session requests are always proxied from the local workbench server in a cluster. Eliminates the need to open a range of ports in the firewall for sessions to be reached by other workbench servers
- Redesigned the session launch dialog from the homepage to show all session types at once
- Enabled the Job Launcher with the Local Launcher by default in clean installations of Workbench
- Enabled all session types (Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio Pro, and VS Code) by default in clean installations of Workbench and added warnings to the Session Launch dialog and the Posit Workbench log when the components for a session type is not installed
- Add support for disabling RStudio Pro sessions

Posit Workbench VS Code Sessions:
- Install VS Code session support (code-server) with Posit Workbench instead of requiring a separate download
- Updated code-server to version 4.7.1 (VS Code version 1.71.2)
- Sets the UVICORN_ROOT_PATH environment variable to the proxied port URL for port 8000 in VS Code and Jupyter sessions, allowing FastAPI applications to run without additional configuration.
- Workbench now checks for the code-server binary in the WORKBENCH_VSCODE_PATH environment variable (if present) then the vscode-exe setting in vscode.conf, or falls back to the preinstalled version and finally the PATH. This allows more flexibility when launching sessions on Kubernetes or Slurm clusters.
- Add support for launching Workbench Jobs through VS Code Sessions

Posit Workbench VS Code Extension:
- Install VS Code Extension with Posit Workbench instead of requiring a separate download
- Introduce Workbench Job management to VS Code Extension
- Added a pop-up notification when working with certain relevant filetypes that makes it easier to find the Workbench Extension. This notification is a one-time view per user. It can be re-enabled in the user settings (vscode-ext#96).
- Rebranded the interface to match Posit Software, PBC’s new branding terminology and iconography
- Fixed extension servers appearing in Proxied Servers list (vscode-ext#116)
- Added support for Flask, including a help dialog and the Posit Workbench Flask Interface code snippet, for proxying Flask applications
- Added a FastAPI help dialog and the following code snippets for setting the root_path in FastAPI
- Posit Workbench Uvicorn Root Path Snippet
- Posit Workbench FastAPI Uvicorn Root Path Snippet
- Added a Warning notification that appears when a uvicorn process was started with a custom port, without the root-path argument. These processes will now appear in the Proxied Servers view with a warning icon
- Fixed mislabelling of Shiny app in Proxied Servers list

Posit Workbench Jupyter Sessions:
- Workbench now checks for the jupyter binary in the WORKBENCH_JUPYTER_PATH environment variable (if present), then the jupyter-exe setting in jupyter.conf, and finally the PATH. This is allows more flexibility when launching sessions on Kubernetes or Slurm clusters.
- Fixed an issue where Workbench would not install the jupyter extension automatically if the configured jupyter path was a symlink to the actual install location. We now follow the symlink.
- Disabled session-cull-timeout in jupyter.conf by default for clean installations of Workbench to prevent possible data loss due to Jupyter storing all state in the browser

Posit Workbench Jupyter Extension:
- The Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab extensions have been updated to match with the new Posit Software, PBC branding

Deprecated / Removed:
- Removed the Tools / Shell command
- Deprecated the vscode.conf “min-ext-version” option for specifying the minimum version of the Posit Workbench VS Code extension as the extension is now bundled with Workbench and Session packages rather than being downloaded
- Removed the “rstudio-server install-vs-code” admin command for downloading and configuring code-server; code-server is now installed with Workbench, use the “rstudio-server configure-vs-code” command for configuration
- It is highly recommended that you disable session culling in Jupyter sessions by done by setting session-cull-minutes=0 in jupyter.conf to prevent potential data loss

Experimental ARM64 and RedHat 9 support:
- Experimental (preview) support for Linux aarch64 platforms, such as the Raspberry Pi and AWS Graviton
- Experimental (preview) support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 and compatible platforms, such as Rocky Linux 9

- Fixed an issue where the console history scroll position was not preserved when switching focus to a separate application
- Fixed an issue where Find in Files could omit matches in some cases on Windows
- Fixed an issue where the Git History window inverted the display of merge diffs
- Fixed an issue where Find in Files could fail to find results with certain versions of git
- Fixed visual mode outline missing nested R code chunks
- Fixed an issue where chunks containing multibyte characters was not executed correctly
- Fixed bringing main window under active secondary window when executing background command
- Fix for schema version comparison that breaks db in downgrade -> upgrade scenarios
- Fixed an issue in the Electron build of the IDE on Macs where users could not clone a git repository via password-protected SSH or HTTPS
- Fixed scroll speed sensitivity for Mac and Linux and added a preference to adjust it
- Fixed an issue in server environments where invoking systemd directly could lead to orphaned processes and undefined behavior. Processes are now cleaned up more consistently as a part of server or launcher shutdown.
- RStudio sessions now shut down and suspend properly when they receive a SIGTERM signal, as they have for SIGUSR2
- Fixed an issue where ssl-hsts-include-subdomains=1 would render Workbench non-functional. The setting now works as expected.
- Fixed an issue where the suspend-session, suspend-all, and kill-all subcommands of rstudio-server did not work when using the Launcher.
- Fixed conflicting keyboard shortcut for toggling screen reader support on macOS
- Fixed issue with session-ssl that prevented resuming some sessions in a load-balanced environment
- Fixed intermittent problem where sessions in the Posit Workbench homepage would display incorrect status over NFS
- Fixed an issue where Workbench Job output would somtimes fail to show

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.415 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.415
- Print – Print Photos – fixed problems with adding pictures in Portrait orientation
- Print – Photo Books – fixed problem with photos’ crop setting when adding further photos
- Develop – Retouching Tools – fixed problem with brush settings when switching to another picture
- Navigator – fixed problem with displaying files from Google Drive
- RAW – added support for reading RAW files from the Fujifilm X-H2S, Fujifilm X-S10, Nikon D6, and Nikon Z fc

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.409
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.404
- Zonerama – fixed problem with album sorting
- Manager – fixed problem with assigning keyword when dragging a keyword onto a preview
- Develop – Healing Brush – fixed problem with pressure when using a drawing tablet
- Develop – fixed problem with auto-save functionality for non-destructive edits in certain cases
- Develop – fixed resolution problem when saving photos from the Fuji XE3
- RAW - added support for loading RAW files from Canon EOS 90D

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.403
- Manager – fixed problem with restoration of the previous tab mode after switching in from the Develop module
- Manager – Batch Edit EXIF – fixed problem with entry of multi-line text
- Edit – Place Text – fixed problem with entry of multi-line text
- Batch Filter – fixed problem with adding a filter when using an increased font size in Windows

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.393
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.381
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.380
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.375
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.374
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.373
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.372
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.371
Customize previews:
- For the first time in the history of ZPS X, you have complete freedom when it comes to displaying information for photo previews, including formatting and colors. It’s all up to you now!
- Visual configuration of preview
- Support for format strings
- Separate settings for each preview

Customize thumbnails:
- With the spring update, you finally have control over how thumbnails appear in the Manager module and filmstrip. Image information is cleaner and more streamlined.
- Tip - Find all thumbnail settings in the menu (Ctrl+M)

Newly customizable thumbnail layout:
- This new feature makes customizing the Manager a breeze. You get direct access to a number of settings using fewer clicks. Plus, it stays open for further changes.

Newly redesigned Browser:
- What can be enhanced in photo viewing? Everything! The Browser works with RAW files faster and more efficiently than before. It also supports fast previews and you can customize its appearance.
- Customizable appearance
- Option to display metadata
- Separate settings for viewing and browsing
- Advance photos with a click of the mouse
- Improved video viewing
- New blending effects

Faster workflow:
- Less loading time is our long-time goal. Introducing more new features to speed up your workflow.

Fisheye Lens correction:
- In the Develop Module, you can now use LCP profiles for fisheye lenses to correct the intensity of distortion and vignetting

The Create module is now the Print and Video modules:
- We have big plans for video editing and photo products. For this reason, we are splitting the Create module in two. In the Print and Video modules, you can find the same popular functions that work as they did before with many more new features to come.
- Updated video editing

Zonerama goes global:
- Your favorite, free online photo gallery now has a second data center in Florida. For photographers based in North America, this means faster photo loading. Zonerama automatically selects the right data center during account creation.
- Tip - If you are extra tech-savvy, you can request a transfer between data centers in settings

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.356
- Manager – fixed a problem with keyboard shortcuts for colored labels in Preview mode
- Develop – fixed a problem with the loading of certain black-and-white DNG files from a scanner
- Create – Photo Book – fixed a problem with setting a font for a template
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.353
- Export – fixed problems with export to the HEIF and AVIF formats for grayscale files
- Browser – Fixed problem with the displaying of video resolution info in Details mode
- Keyboard shortcuts – added ability to change the keyboard shortcuts for assigning colored labels
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.352
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.350
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.349
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.346
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.344
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.343
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.342
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.324
- Create – Canvas Prints – new formats added: 20 x 15 cm (8" x 6") and 20 x 20 cm (8" x 8")
- Create – fixed problem with dragging large numbers of items from the filmstrip
- Editor – Morphing Mesh – fixed problem when shifting mesh endpoints
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.320
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.319
- Develop – fixed problem with mask display for tools in Mask Only mode
- Create – Export – fixed problem with output quality for large images
- Create – Photo book – fixed problem with changing text colors during layout changes
- Create – Collage – fixed problem with framing of freely placed images
- Viewer – fixed preview quality problem for JPEG images
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.317
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.315
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.314
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.313
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.311
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.286
- Export – fixed problem with blurriness in pictures that had edits from Develop and cropping
- Filters – Denoise – fixed crash on certain PC configurations
- Formats – fixed problem with opening certain pictures in the HEIF format
- Create – Collage – fixed problem with framing free-floating (unanchored) pictures
- Create – Photo book – fixed problem with text on a book’s spine

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.283
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.279
- Create – Canvas Print – added new formats: 20 x 30 cm and 60 x 90 cm
- Create – Canvas Print – improved export to PDF
- Create – fixed problems when working with styles
- Manager – fixed problem during scanning to the PDF format
- Develop – fixed problem with the loading of certain Filter Brushes
- Other minor enhancements and fixes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.277
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.276
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.274
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.273
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.272
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.262
- Develop – Retouching tools – fixed a problem with retouching after using Align Horizon
- Develop – fixed a problem with DCP profiles and white balancing
- Manager – fixed a problem with photo groups
- Manager – Sort Pictures – fixed a problem with adjustments from Develop
- Filters – Specific Crop – fixed a problem with applying this function to multiple pictures
- Other minor fixes and improvements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.254
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.250
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.246
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.245
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.239
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.232
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.228
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.225
– Color Shift – completely reworked; added Advanced Mode
- Split Toning – new tool for quickly toning a a picture – overall, or in lights and shadows separately
- Quick Preview – new option for setting preview quality to speed up editing
- Anonymize – new feature for automatic license plate automatic detection

- Catalog – various optimizations for faster work with files and faster thumbnailing
- Other minor enhancements and error fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: 2020 Spring Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.204
- Manager: Multi-page Documents – fixed a problem that had been breaking integration for Ghostscript 9.28 and higher
- Create: Export to PDF – Fixed problem with saving PDF file descriptions
- Zonerama: fixed a problem that had been causing a server communication error
- Video: fixed a problem concerning video files with a shifted audio track
- Video: improved compatibility with certain video file formats
- Manager: Filter – fixed a problem with changing the filter settings

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.198
- Fixed a problem that caused occasional crashes when closing the Import tab
- Fixed a problem with shifting times for certain types of track logs
- Fixed error that had occurred when showing the map for choosing GPS coordinates
- Fixed a problem with sending postcards
- Fixed a problem with the controls for text settings in newly created text boxes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.195
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.193
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.189
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.184
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.182
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.181
- Export: more configurable and finishes faster
- Catalog: option of 1:1 previews for RAW files
- Manager: faster photo rating
- Create: Collage – new template options
- Create: Calendar – new weekly and desk calendars
- Develop: Annotations – a new tool for adding text and objects
- Minor improvements and fixes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1904.2.175
- Change log not available for this version

RStudio 2022.12.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for v2 format of Quarto crossref index

- Fix for schema version comparison that breaks db in downgrade -> upgrade scenarios
- Fix for Quarto crossref indexing/completion not working with Quarto v1.0
- Fixed homepage session status problems
- Fixed regression in spotted-wakerobin that prevented sessions from starting when launcher-sessions-use-password=1
- Fixes the bug introduced with rlang >= 1.03 where Rmd documents show the error message object 'partition_yaml_front_matter' not found upon project startup
- Fixed regression in spotted-wakerobin that prevents R sessions from starting when the crashhandler reports an error
- Fixed problems with load balancing when database connections are timed out, and fail to restore (pro #3714)
- Fixed an issue where chunks containing multibyte characters was not executed correctly
- Fixed an issue with signing the Ubuntu 22 package by switching the compression to a supported type
- Fixed visual mode outline missing nested R code chunks
- Fixed Cannot read property 'python' error when creating new projects on some systems

Polypane 12.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved Add support for the ::slotted() CSS selector

- Fix Issue that prevented Next.js dev server from loading
- Fix Prevent removal of trailing slashes on URLs

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.409 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.409
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.404
- Zonerama – fixed problem with album sorting
- Manager – fixed problem with assigning keyword when dragging a keyword onto a preview
- Develop – Healing Brush – fixed problem with pressure when using a drawing tablet
- Develop – fixed problem with auto-save functionality for non-destructive edits in certain cases
- Develop – fixed resolution problem when saving photos from the Fuji XE3
- RAW - added support for loading RAW files from Canon EOS 90D

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.403
- Manager – fixed problem with restoration of the previous tab mode after switching in from the Develop module
- Manager – Batch Edit EXIF – fixed problem with entry of multi-line text
- Edit – Place Text – fixed problem with entry of multi-line text
- Batch Filter – fixed problem with adding a filter when using an increased font size in Windows

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.393
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.381
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.380
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.375
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.374
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.373
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.372
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.371
Customize previews:
- For the first time in the history of ZPS X, you have complete freedom when it comes to displaying information for photo previews, including formatting and colors. It’s all up to you now!
- Visual configuration of preview
- Support for format strings
- Separate settings for each preview

Customize thumbnails:
- With the spring update, you finally have control over how thumbnails appear in the Manager module and filmstrip. Image information is cleaner and more streamlined.
- Tip - Find all thumbnail settings in the menu (Ctrl+M)

Newly customizable thumbnail layout:
- This new feature makes customizing the Manager a breeze. You get direct access to a number of settings using fewer clicks. Plus, it stays open for further changes.

Newly redesigned Browser:
- What can be enhanced in photo viewing? Everything! The Browser works with RAW files faster and more efficiently than before. It also supports fast previews and you can customize its appearance.
- Customizable appearance
- Option to display metadata
- Separate settings for viewing and browsing
- Advance photos with a click of the mouse
- Improved video viewing
- New blending effects

Faster workflow:
- Less loading time is our long-time goal. Introducing more new features to speed up your workflow.

Fisheye Lens correction:
- In the Develop Module, you can now use LCP profiles for fisheye lenses to correct the intensity of distortion and vignetting

The Create module is now the Print and Video modules:
- We have big plans for video editing and photo products. For this reason, we are splitting the Create module in two. In the Print and Video modules, you can find the same popular functions that work as they did before with many more new features to come.
- Updated video editing

Zonerama goes global:
- Your favorite, free online photo gallery now has a second data center in Florida. For photographers based in North America, this means faster photo loading. Zonerama automatically selects the right data center during account creation.
- Tip - If you are extra tech-savvy, you can request a transfer between data centers in settings

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.356
- Manager – fixed a problem with keyboard shortcuts for colored labels in Preview mode
- Develop – fixed a problem with the loading of certain black-and-white DNG files from a scanner
- Create – Photo Book – fixed a problem with setting a font for a template
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.353
- Export – fixed problems with export to the HEIF and AVIF formats for grayscale files
- Browser – Fixed problem with the displaying of video resolution info in Details mode
- Keyboard shortcuts – added ability to change the keyboard shortcuts for assigning colored labels
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.352
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.350
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.349
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.346
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.344
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.343
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.342
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.324
- Create – Canvas Prints – new formats added: 20 x 15 cm (8" x 6") and 20 x 20 cm (8" x 8")
- Create – fixed problem with dragging large numbers of items from the filmstrip
- Editor – Morphing Mesh – fixed problem when shifting mesh endpoints
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.320
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.319
- Develop – fixed problem with mask display for tools in Mask Only mode
- Create – Export – fixed problem with output quality for large images
- Create – Photo book – fixed problem with changing text colors during layout changes
- Create – Collage – fixed problem with framing of freely placed images
- Viewer – fixed preview quality problem for JPEG images
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.317
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.315
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.314
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.313
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.311
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.286
- Export – fixed problem with blurriness in pictures that had edits from Develop and cropping
- Filters – Denoise – fixed crash on certain PC configurations
- Formats – fixed problem with opening certain pictures in the HEIF format
- Create – Collage – fixed problem with framing free-floating (unanchored) pictures
- Create – Photo book – fixed problem with text on a book’s spine

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.283
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.279
- Create – Canvas Print – added new formats: 20 x 30 cm and 60 x 90 cm
- Create – Canvas Print – improved export to PDF
- Create – fixed problems when working with styles
- Manager – fixed problem during scanning to the PDF format
- Develop – fixed problem with the loading of certain Filter Brushes
- Other minor enhancements and fixes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.277
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.276
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.274
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.273
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.272
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.262
- Develop – Retouching tools – fixed a problem with retouching after using Align Horizon
- Develop – fixed a problem with DCP profiles and white balancing
- Manager – fixed a problem with photo groups
- Manager – Sort Pictures – fixed a problem with adjustments from Develop
- Filters – Specific Crop – fixed a problem with applying this function to multiple pictures
- Other minor fixes and improvements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.254
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.250
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.246
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.245
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.239
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.232
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.228
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.225
– Color Shift – completely reworked; added Advanced Mode
- Split Toning – new tool for quickly toning a a picture – overall, or in lights and shadows separately
- Quick Preview – new option for setting preview quality to speed up editing
- Anonymize – new feature for automatic license plate automatic detection

- Catalog – various optimizations for faster work with files and faster thumbnailing
- Other minor enhancements and error fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: 2020 Spring Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.204
- Manager: Multi-page Documents – fixed a problem that had been breaking integration for Ghostscript 9.28 and higher
- Create: Export to PDF – Fixed problem with saving PDF file descriptions
- Zonerama: fixed a problem that had been causing a server communication error
- Video: fixed a problem concerning video files with a shifted audio track
- Video: improved compatibility with certain video file formats
- Manager: Filter – fixed a problem with changing the filter settings

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.198
- Fixed a problem that caused occasional crashes when closing the Import tab
- Fixed a problem with shifting times for certain types of track logs
- Fixed error that had occurred when showing the map for choosing GPS coordinates
- Fixed a problem with sending postcards
- Fixed a problem with the controls for text settings in newly created text boxes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.195
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.193
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.189
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.184
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.182
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.181
- Export: more configurable and finishes faster
- Catalog: option of 1:1 previews for RAW files
- Manager: faster photo rating
- Create: Collage – new template options
- Create: Calendar – new weekly and desk calendars
- Develop: Annotations – a new tool for adding text and objects
- Minor improvements and fixes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1904.2.175
- Change log not available for this version

R for Windows 4.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- tools::Rdiff(useDiff = TRUE) checks for the presence of an external diff command and switches to useDiff = FALSE if none is found. This allows R CMD Rdiff to always work.
- On Windows, environment variable R_LIBCURL_SSL_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT can be used to switch to only 'best-effort' SSL certificate revocation checks with the default "libcurl" download method.This reduces security, but may be needed for downloads to work with MITM proxies
- (macOS) The run-time check for libraries from XQuartz for X11 and Tcl/Tk no longer uses otool from the Apple Developer Tools
- The LaTeX style for producing the PDF manuals, Rd.sty, now loads the standard amsmath, amsfonts and amssymb packages for greater coverage of math commands in the Rd eqn and deqn macros. The mathscr LaTeX command is also provided (via the mathrsfs package, if available, or the amsfonts bundle otherwise), fulfilling the wish of PR#18398
- (Windows) The default format of readClipboard() and writeClipboard() has been changed to 13 (CF_UNICODETEXT)

Installation on a Unix-alike:
- The PDF manuals (if built) can be compacted by the new target make compact-pdf (at the top level or in directory doc/manual)
- There is now configure support for LLVM clang 15 on Linux, which defaults to position-independent (PIE) executables whereas gfortran does not
- Many small changes to ease compilation (and suppress warnings) with LLVM clang 15

- Rscript -e would fail if stdin were closed (Reported by Henrik Bengtsson.)
- qt(*, log.p=TRUE) in outer tails no longer produces NaN in its final steps, thus fixing PR#18360.
- tools::Rd2latex() now escapes hashes and ampersands when writing URLs, fixing LaTeX errors with such URLs in tabular.
- When isGeneric(f, fdef=*) is used with mismatching names, the warning is better understandable; reported (with fix) in PR#18370 by Gabe Becker.
- poly(x, n) now works again (and is now documented) when x is a "Date" or "POSIXct" object, or of another class while fulfilling mode(x) == "numeric". This also enables poly(x, *, raw=TRUE) for such variables. Reported by Michael Chirico to R-devel.
- write.table(), write.csv() and write.csv2() restore their numerical precision (internal equivalent of digits = 15) after an interrupt
- One can now read also byte FF from a clipboard connection
- source("") and source(character()) now give more helpful error messages.
- R CMD check --as-cran set _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ too late to have the intended effect.
- as.POSIXlt(x) now also works with very large dates x, fixing PR#18401 reported by Hannes M"uhleisen.
- Files can now be extracted even from very large zip archives
- Non-finite objects of class "POSIXlt" are now correctly coerced to classes "Date" and "POSIXct"; following up on the extension to format() them correctly.
- Added methods for is.finite(), is.infinite() and is.nan() for "POSIXlt" date-time objects.
- Non-ASCII characters are now properly displayed on Windows in windows created using GraphApp via e.g. winDialogString thanks to a workaround for an at least surprising Windows behavior with UTF-8 as the system encoding
- Find and replace operations work again in the script editor in Rgui on Windows.
- Computation of window size based on requested client size in GraphApp when running in a multi-byte locale on Windows has been fixed (regression in R 4.2.0 for users of systems where R 4.1 used a single-byte locale). Rgui again respects the number of console rows and columns given in Rconsole file.
- Rterm support for Alt+xxx sequences has been fixed to produce the corresponding character (only) once. This fixes pasting text with tilde on Italian keyboard

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.404 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.404
- Zonerama – fixed problem with album sorting
- Manager – fixed problem with assigning keyword when dragging a keyword onto a preview
- Develop – Healing Brush – fixed problem with pressure when using a drawing tablet
- Develop – fixed problem with auto-save functionality for non-destructive edits in certain cases
- Develop – fixed resolution problem when saving photos from the Fuji XE3
- RAW - added support for loading RAW files from Canon EOS 90D

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2209.2.403
- Manager – fixed problem with restoration of the previous tab mode after switching in from the Develop module
- Manager – Batch Edit EXIF – fixed problem with entry of multi-line text
- Edit – Place Text – fixed problem with entry of multi-line text
- Batch Filter – fixed problem with adding a filter when using an increased font size in Windows

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.393
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.381
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.380
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.375
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.374
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.373
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.372
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2203.2.371
Customize previews:
- For the first time in the history of ZPS X, you have complete freedom when it comes to displaying information for photo previews, including formatting and colors. It’s all up to you now!
- Visual configuration of preview
- Support for format strings
- Separate settings for each preview

Customize thumbnails:
- With the spring update, you finally have control over how thumbnails appear in the Manager module and filmstrip. Image information is cleaner and more streamlined.
- Tip - Find all thumbnail settings in the menu (Ctrl+M)

Newly customizable thumbnail layout:
- This new feature makes customizing the Manager a breeze. You get direct access to a number of settings using fewer clicks. Plus, it stays open for further changes.

Newly redesigned Browser:
- What can be enhanced in photo viewing? Everything! The Browser works with RAW files faster and more efficiently than before. It also supports fast previews and you can customize its appearance.
- Customizable appearance
- Option to display metadata
- Separate settings for viewing and browsing
- Advance photos with a click of the mouse
- Improved video viewing
- New blending effects

Faster workflow:
- Less loading time is our long-time goal. Introducing more new features to speed up your workflow.

Fisheye Lens correction:
- In the Develop Module, you can now use LCP profiles for fisheye lenses to correct the intensity of distortion and vignetting

The Create module is now the Print and Video modules:
- We have big plans for video editing and photo products. For this reason, we are splitting the Create module in two. In the Print and Video modules, you can find the same popular functions that work as they did before with many more new features to come.
- Updated video editing

Zonerama goes global:
- Your favorite, free online photo gallery now has a second data center in Florida. For photographers based in North America, this means faster photo loading. Zonerama automatically selects the right data center during account creation.
- Tip - If you are extra tech-savvy, you can request a transfer between data centers in settings

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.356
- Manager – fixed a problem with keyboard shortcuts for colored labels in Preview mode
- Develop – fixed a problem with the loading of certain black-and-white DNG files from a scanner
- Create – Photo Book – fixed a problem with setting a font for a template
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.353
- Export – fixed problems with export to the HEIF and AVIF formats for grayscale files
- Browser – Fixed problem with the displaying of video resolution info in Details mode
- Keyboard shortcuts – added ability to change the keyboard shortcuts for assigning colored labels
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.352
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.350
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.349
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.346
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.344
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.343
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2109.2.342
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.324
- Create – Canvas Prints – new formats added: 20 x 15 cm (8" x 6") and 20 x 20 cm (8" x 8")
- Create – fixed problem with dragging large numbers of items from the filmstrip
- Editor – Morphing Mesh – fixed problem when shifting mesh endpoints
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.320
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.319
- Develop – fixed problem with mask display for tools in Mask Only mode
- Create – Export – fixed problem with output quality for large images
- Create – Photo book – fixed problem with changing text colors during layout changes
- Create – Collage – fixed problem with framing of freely placed images
- Viewer – fixed preview quality problem for JPEG images
- Other bugfixes and minor enhancements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.317
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.315
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.314
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.313
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2103.2.311
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.286
- Export – fixed problem with blurriness in pictures that had edits from Develop and cropping
- Filters – Denoise – fixed crash on certain PC configurations
- Formats – fixed problem with opening certain pictures in the HEIF format
- Create – Collage – fixed problem with framing free-floating (unanchored) pictures
- Create – Photo book – fixed problem with text on a book’s spine

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.283
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.279
- Create – Canvas Print – added new formats: 20 x 30 cm and 60 x 90 cm
- Create – Canvas Print – improved export to PDF
- Create – fixed problems when working with styles
- Manager – fixed problem during scanning to the PDF format
- Develop – fixed problem with the loading of certain Filter Brushes
- Other minor enhancements and fixes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.277
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.276
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.274
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.273
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2009.2.272
- Develop – Gradient Filter, Radial Filter, and Filter Brush – expanded to include Color Shift and Curve settings
- Develop – Presets – configurable preset intensity
- Variants – multiple versions of Develop edits for a single photo
- Develop – improvements to Tone Curve; new Luma curve
- Develop – blue-dot indicator on tools already used
- Develop – automatic line straightening
- Create – New options for photo products
- Create – Shopping Cart for orders of multiple products
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: Autumn 2020 Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.262
- Develop – Retouching tools – fixed a problem with retouching after using Align Horizon
- Develop – fixed a problem with DCP profiles and white balancing
- Manager – fixed a problem with photo groups
- Manager – Sort Pictures – fixed a problem with adjustments from Develop
- Filters – Specific Crop – fixed a problem with applying this function to multiple pictures
- Other minor fixes and improvements

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.254
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.250
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.246
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2004.2.245
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.239
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.232
- This update fixes various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.228
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.2003.2.225
– Color Shift – completely reworked; added Advanced Mode
- Split Toning – new tool for quickly toning a a picture – overall, or in lights and shadows separately
- Quick Preview – new option for setting preview quality to speed up editing
- Anonymize – new feature for automatic license plate automatic detection

- Catalog – various optimizations for faster work with files and faster thumbnailing
- Other minor enhancements and error fixes
- Complete overview of the new features: 2020 Spring Update

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.204
- Manager: Multi-page Documents – fixed a problem that had been breaking integration for Ghostscript 9.28 and higher
- Create: Export to PDF – Fixed problem with saving PDF file descriptions
- Zonerama: fixed a problem that had been causing a server communication error
- Video: fixed a problem concerning video files with a shifted audio track
- Video: improved compatibility with certain video file formats
- Manager: Filter – fixed a problem with changing the filter settings

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.198
- Fixed a problem that caused occasional crashes when closing the Import tab
- Fixed a problem with shifting times for certain types of track logs
- Fixed error that had occurred when showing the map for choosing GPS coordinates
- Fixed a problem with sending postcards
- Fixed a problem with the controls for text settings in newly created text boxes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.195
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.193
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.189
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.184
- Fixed various problems

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.182
- Change log not available for this version

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1909.2.181
- Export: more configurable and finishes faster
- Catalog: option of 1:1 previews for RAW files
- Manager: faster photo rating
- Create: Collage – new template options
- Create: Calendar – new weekly and desk calendars
- Develop: Annotations – a new tool for adding text and objects
- Minor improvements and fixes

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1904.2.175
- Change log not available for this version

R for Windows 4.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- New function utils::findCRANmirror() to find out if a CRAN mirror has been selected, otherwise fallback to the main site. This behaves in the same way as tools::CRAN_package_db() and is intended for packages wishing to access CRAN for purposes other than installing packages.
- The need for this was shown by a day when the main CRAN website was offline and a dozen or so packages which had its URL hardcoded failed their checks

Installation on a Unix-alike:
- The libraries searched for by --with-blas (without a value) now include BLIS (after OpenBLAS but before ATLAS)
- The included LAPACK sources have been updated to 3.10.1

- The (full path to) the command tidy to be used for HTML validation can be set by environment variable R_TIDYCMD
- Setting environment variable _R_CHECK_RD_VALIDATE_RD2HTML_ to a false value will override R CMD check --as-cran and turn off HTML validation. This provides a way to circumvent a problematic.