Zoner Photo Studio X

最新版本 R for Windows 4.3.2

R for Windows 4.3.2

R for Windows 4.3.2
Zoner Photo Studio X 將幫助你與你的照片。一切從下載到您的計算機編輯和共享,在一個地方。加入世界各地的數百萬用戶,為您的數碼照片獲得最佳工具! Zoner Photo Studio X 將幫助你的方式,同時也節省了你大量的時間花在處理你的數碼照片。下載,整理和編輯您的照片,並通過照片產品分享。嘗試 Zoner Photo Studio X 免費為 30 天沒有義務!

Zoner Photo Studio X 特點:

自動一鍵增強和快速顏色調整,甚至數百張照片一次。感謝 Zoner Photo Studio,您的照片編輯工作總是會很快.

Besttaking Enhancements

由於在編輯器中支持圖層,即使是最高級的編輯工作也是為您打開的。如何給你的景觀更有趣的天空,或添加動物的副本?隨時隨地 Zoner Photo Studio X.

Solarrama 無限在線畫廊,在社交網絡上直接分享,在節目內部創建的照片產品 - 如何炫耀你的照片取決於你!

複製照片快速從相機到 Computer
Zoner Photo Studio X 識別您的相機中的照片,並自動將它們分類到文件夾中。如果你告訴它,它也會重命名,標記它們,甚至備份它們。這就像你自己的照片管家.

組織照片收集手段遠不止是文件夾。 Zoner Photo Studio X 提供了一個廣泛的工具,讓您的收藏有組織,無論你有幾十,幾百,或數千張照片.


照片編輯只是一個開始。 Zoner Photo Studio 提供了多種方式與在線的家人,朋友和全世界分享照片。如果您喜歡製作日曆,相冊或帆布圖片,那麼您很幸運 - Zoner Photo Studio 讓您可以將它們組合起來,然後點擊幾下鼠標即可訂購專業的打印和發送.

注意:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 R for Windows 4.3.2

檔案名稱 R-4.3.2-win.exe
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Zoner, Inc.
更新日期 2023-11-01

What's new in this version:

New features:
- The default initialization of the "repos" option from the repositories file at startup can be skipped by setting environment variable R_REPOSITORIES to NULL such that getOption("repos") is empty if not set elsewhere.
- qr.X() is now an implicit S4 generic in methods.
- iconv(to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT") is emulated using substitution on platforms which do not support it (notably Alpine Linux). This should give a human-readable conversion in ASCII on all platforms (rather than NA_character_).
- trans3d() gains options continuous and verbose addressing the problem of possible "wrap around" when projecting too long curves, as reported by Achim Zeileis in PR#18537.
- tools::showNonASCII() has been rewritten to work better on macOS 14 (which has a changed implementation of iconv()).
- tiff(type = "quartz") (the default on macOS) now warns if compression is specified: it continues to be ignored.

- There is some support for building with Intel's LLVM-based compilers on x86_64 Linux, such as (C) icx, (C++) ipcx and (Fortran) ifx from oneAPI 2023.x.y.
- There is support for using LLVM's flang-new as the Fortran compiler from LLVM 16.0.x (preferably 17.0.0 or later).

- R CMD check reports the use of the Fortran 90 random number generator RANDOM_NUMBER() and the subroutines to initialize it. 'Writing R Extensions' has example code to use R's RNGs from Fortran.

- substr(x, n, L) nchar(x)
- contrib.url(character()) now returns 0-length character() as documented, which also avoids spurious warnings from available.packages() et al. in the edge case of an empty vector of repository URLs.
- readChar(., 4e8) no longer fails
- lapply(, no longer warns falsely for some base vector components.
- Communication between parent and child processes in the multicore part of parallel could fail on platforms that do not support an arbitrarily large payload in system functions read()/write() on pipes (seen on macOS where a restriction to INT_MAX bytes is documented, without doing a partial read unlike Linux). The payload is now split into 1Gb chunks to avoid that problem.
- qqplot(x,y, conf.level=.) gives better confidence bounds when length(x) != length(y)
- norm(, "2") now gives zero instead of an error, as all the other norm types
- Build-stage Rd macros packageAuthor and packageMaintainer now process Authors@R, fixing NA results when the package DESCRIPTION omits Author and Maintainer fields.
- Formatting and printing complex numbers could give things like 0.1683-0i because of rounding error: -0i is now replaced by +0i.
- postscript() refused to accept a title comment containing the letter "W"
- isoreg(c(1,Inf)) signals an error instead of segfaulting, fixing PR#18603.
- tiff(type = "Xlib") was only outputting the last page of multi-page plots.
- tools::latexToUtf8() again knows about ~{n} and other letters with tilde, fixing a regression in R 4.3.0, and about ^{i} as an alternative to ^{i} (similarly with other accents). Furthermore, LaTeX codes for accented I letters are now correctly converted, also fixing related mistakes in tools::encoded_text_to_latex().
- tar(*, tar = "internal") no longer creates out-of-spec tar files in the very rare case of user or group names longer than 32
- bytes, fixing PR#17871 wit
- When using the "internal" timezone datetime code, adding a fraction of a second no longer adds one second, fixing PR#16856
- from a patch by Ivan Krylov.
- tools::checkRd() no longer produces spurious notes about "unnecessary braces" from multi-line Rd results of Sexpr macros.

R for Windows 4.3.2 相關參考資料
1.1 Installing R - An Introduction to R

To get up and running the first thing you need to do is install R. R is freely available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems from the Comprehensive R ...

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Download the latest R update for Windows. The new R 4.3.2 version is now available for free.

Download R for Windows 4.3.2

R is a free software environment language designed for statistical analysis. Your download will automatically start in 5 seconds.

Download R-4.3.3 for Windows - CRAN

R-4.3.3 for Windows ... This build requires UCRT, which is part of Windows since Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. On older systems, UCRT has to be installed ...

Installing R (4.3.2) Mac OSX Windows - YouTube

Previous releases of R for Windows

This directory contains previous binary releases of R for Windows. The current release, and links to development snapshots, are available here. Source code for ...

R and R Studio - UVA Library - The University of Virginia

2024年1月23日 — R is a free, open-source software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, ...

windows 11 hanging with R 4.3.2 and Rstudio - General

2023年12月15日 — Hi, Windows 11 hangs when I open Rstudio Tried different install versions. no problem when working in R alone without Rstudio

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關鍵字:r for windows. The R Project for Statistical Computing. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs ...