
最新版本 The Dude 7.1

The Dude 7.1

The Dude 7.1
XYplorer 是 Windows 的文件管理器。它具有選項卡式瀏覽功能,強大的文件搜索功能,多功能預覽功能,高度可定制的界面,可選的雙窗格功能,以及大量獨特的方式來有效地自動執行頻繁重複的任務。它是快速和輕便的,它是創新的,它是便攜式的。立即下載 XYplorer!

XYplorer 免費功能:

它的 Portable
XYplorer 是一個便攜式文件管理器。它不需要任何安裝,將所有配置數據存儲在應用程序數據文件夾中,並且運行它不會更改您的系統或註冊表。隨身攜帶,並從 USB 棒開始。文件管理去.

它的 Tabbed
Tabs 讓你最容易地切換文件夾。拖動它們,隱藏它們,鎖定它們,命名它們或者將文件放到它們上面。這些選項卡可以單獨記錄各個會話的配置。最重要的是你可以得到 tabsets 和雙窗格.

它的功能性 -
XYplorer 的設計使你更快。在一個有吸引力的界面中增加了許多可用性增強功能,有助於簡化工作流程並提高效率。你一定會節省很多時間.




注意:你可以評估未經註冊的免費試用版本最長為 30 天。如果您想在 30 天后繼續使用,則必須購買許可證。在註冊時,所有的試用版限制都會立即被刪除.


檔案版本 The Dude 7.1

檔案名稱 dude-install-7.1.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Donald Lessau
官網 http://www.xyplorer.com/
更新日期 2021-12-09

What's new in this version:

- updated Linux Kernel based on version 5.6.3
- completely new NTP client and server implementation
- completely new User Manager implementation
- merged individual packages, only bundle and a few extra packages remain
- new Command Line Interface (CLI) style (RouterOS v6 commands are still supported)
- support for Let's Encrypt certificate generation
- support for REST API
- support for UEFI boot mode on x86

- CHR FastPath support for "vmxnet3" and "virtio-net" drivers
- support for "Cake" and "FQ_Codel" type queues
- support for IPv6 NAT
- support for Layer 3 hardware acceleration on all CRS3xx devices
- support for MBIM driver with basic functionality support for all modems with MBIM mode
- support for MLAG on CRS3xx devices
- support for VRRP grouping and connection tracking data synchronization between nodes
- support for Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN)

- completely new BGP implementation with performance improvements
- completely new IPv6 stack
- completely new MPLS implementation with interface lists, multipath and LDPv6 support
- completely new OSPF implementation with performance improvements
- completely new routing filtering with script-like rule syntax, RPKI support and large and extended community filtering
- support for IPv6 ECMP and VRF (including VRF-lite)
- support for IPv6 recursive routing and policy routing

- support for L2TPv3
- support for OpenVPN UDP transport protocol
- support for WireGuard
- support for ZeroTier on ARM and ARM64 devices

- completely new alternative wireless package "wifiwave2" with 802.11ac Wave2, WPA3 and 802.11w management frame protection support (requires ARM CPU and 256MB RAM)

The Dude 7.1 相關參考資料
Download The Dude - MajorGeeks.Com

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Dude for 7.1? - MikroTik - Forum

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The Dude 7.1 Download for Windows Change Log ...

What's new in this version: Changed: - updated Linux Kernel based on version 5.6.3 - completely new NTP client and server implementation


The Dude 7.1 Download | TechSpot

The Dude 7.1. Application by MikroTik which can dramatically improve the way you manage your network enviroment. What's New.


The Dude 7.1 for Windows - Download

Download the latest version of The Dude for Windows. Graphically represent a network. The Dude is a suprising app that you can use to graphically manage a ...


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The Dude Download (2021 Latest) - FileHorse

3 天前 — The Dude 7.1 LATEST. Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. User Rating: Click to vote. Author / Product:.
