XviD4PSP 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 XviD4PSP 8.1.53

XviD4PSP 歷史版本列表

XviD4PSP 是一個用戶友好的總部視頻和音頻編碼或 remuxing 免費軟件。裡面的所有編解碼器和組件,沒有任何增加。 Xvid4PSP 是一個易於使用和高品質的所有功能於一身的程序轉換視頻 PSP,PS3,iPod,黑莓,Iphone,任天堂 DS,Xbox 360,索尼愛立信,諾基亞,Itouch,藍光和 PC 如 AVI,DV ,MP4,M2TS,MKV 與 H.264,XviD,MP... XviD4PSP 軟體介紹

XviD4PSP (32-bit)XviD4PSP (64-bit)

XviD4PSP 8.1.15 查看版本資訊


XviD4PSP 8.1.14 查看版本資訊


XviD4PSP 8.1.12 查看版本資訊


XviD4PSP 8.1.11 查看版本資訊


XviD4PSP 8.1.10 查看版本資訊


XviD4PSP 8.0.107 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Links to builds of the 8th series can be found in the comments
- Fixed Internet access on 32-bit assemblies
- Fixed the definition of information about the system
- The program has been completely rewritten using the latest technology
- Based on an updated coding core
- Support for working with HDR
- Support for work on Windows systems in HiDPI mode
- Significantly faster program launch
- Significantly faster sound wave scans and more compact volume shots
- Saving and loading tasks
- Ultra fast log without loss of speed, independent of the number of messages
- Added more deinterlacing methods
- Jobs can now be dragged with the mouse on all systems
- Completely new and flexible Metadata tab
- The preview can now show the volume figure
- Unified management of filters, codecs and streams from the Streams tab
- Ultra fast interface
- Native view on all platforms
- Support for macOS Mojave dark theme
- Now works on Linux too
- Can decode video with variable frame size
- Knows how to limit the load on the processor
- Can encode video with hardware codecs: VideoToolbox, NVENC
- Knows how to open and encode VapourSynth scripts
- Knows how to use VFW / ACM decoders
- Supports files from Debugmode FrameServer
- More complete settings for XviD, x265 codecs
- Knows how to change the location of the media stream
- The frame rate filter can create VFRs and interpolate intermediate frames
- The encoding rate test allows you to test the encoding rate of your video card

Balabolka 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed the using of SpeechPro Text-To-Speech
- Resources for French language were updated

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Find dialog has new toggle button "Hi", it means "Highlight all matches". Matches are highlighted with a rounded border, which color is taken from "SeparLine" syntax theme item. Editor also auto-scrolls to the first match, like in Sublime.
- command "find next" in multi-selections now supports "in selection"+"wrapped search" (with the forward search)
- option "find_hi_max_lines"
- option "find_hi_move_caret"
- option "find_hotkey_op_hi"
- option "find_hidden_buttons" is extended, it can now hide several toggle-button options
- lexer C++: code-tree improvement: change icons for "namespace"; detect "struct name<T>"; avoid C++ keywords "requires" in code-tree
- lexer C++: highlight labels, in "goto label;" and "label: statement;"
- lexer Bash: highlight numbers in form like "100suffix"
- sync Asian code-page convertion code with Lazarus patch (Support EUDC to PUA Microsoft mapping)

- option "ui_active_border" changed to integer, allowing setting the border width
- changed default values of "find_suggest_sel"/"find_suggest_cur_word" to be like in ST3
- Find dialog has changed layout: removed input-field labels; shortened button captions to "|<" (find first), ">" (find next), "<" (find previous), "..." (show menu with "count all", "extract all" etc)

Tribler 7.7.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed pyqtsignal handling on low storage
- Added ability to send issues automatically in case TEST_SENTRY_URL is defined
- Renamed error_reporting_requires_user_consent
- Changed mousePressEvent signature
- Returned from on_received_metainfo if the dialog closed
- Updated download progress in channels on dl polls
- Fixed default search order for FTS queries
- Changed mocked config to corrupted source file
- Fixed crash on perform_files_request when dialog is closed
- Added "closed" property to DialogContainer
- Added xinerama as debian depenedency
- Fixed full-text search query
- Fixed sorting search result by health (#5880)
- Added sql_default value to self_checked column
- Removed db_session from column_exists upgrader utility
- Fixed style issues
- Added v10 test database and update upgrader tests
- Converted torrent_checked set to dict
- Added torrent checker tests
- Removed redundant return
- Added db v8->v10 upgrader test
- Made torrent_checked a property
- Fixed database upgrade issues
- Fixed torrent checker tests
- Load torrents_checked from db to bootstrap
- Added self_checked column to TorrentState
- Fixed Search breadcrumb error
- Fixed remote preview for channels
- Added an option to run Tribler with sentry URL for tests
- Applied error_reporting_requires_user_consent in case of core 's errors
- Added prefix TEST to consts
- Added Discovery Booster
- Added an option to automatically send exceptions
- Increased the size of nodes in trust graph slightly
- Updated trustview endpoint tests
- Fixed issue with clicking node in Trust graph UI
- Added test for refresh query parameter in trustview endpoint
- Improved logging and exception message in Trust graph
- Added missing refresh parameter in trustview endpoint.
- Fixed Trustgraph max node issue
- Fixed preview_clicked pyqtsignal handler issue
- Fixed database upgrader & tests
- Fixed GUI emit interface mismatches
- Returned false if PyQt5 is not available on user confirmation
- Converted PyQt5 to local import in tribler common.
- Renamed variable last_fresh_time
- Fixed pylint issue
- Added popular torrents checking in torrent checker
- Fixed bug in relay payouts
- Updated IPv8 pointer
- Added release for Sentry
- Used mds instead of metadata_store
- Rollback "Tribler starts on event mechanism"
- Added try-except block to dependency message box
- Added value check
- Added to makedirs the argument exist_ok=True
- Removed unused sync_channels strategy
- Kept python modules in a report
- Added breadcrumbs to UI
- Added user identification for GUI errors
- Stopped spamming breadcrumbs after error
- Adopted signal C++ signatures
- Wrapped connect() calls for extended tracebacks
- Fixed broken pre-commit on Mac

XviD4PSP 8.0.105 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
