XnView 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 FireAlpaca 2.11.17 (64-bit)

XnView 歷史版本列表

XnView 是一個多格式的圖形瀏覽器,查看器和轉換器。它可以讀取 GIF,BMP,JPEG,PNG,TARGA,多頁 TIFF,相機 RAW,JPEG 2000,MPEG,AVI 和 QuickTime 等 500 種文件格式。 EXIF 和 IPTC 元數據也被支持。圖像查看器有一個類似瀏覽器的瀏覽器,允許瀏覽目錄內容。 XnView 支持紅眼修正,作物和 JPEG 圖像轉換無損,生成 HTM... XnView 軟體介紹

FireAlpaca 2.11.17 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug where soft edges of watercolor brushes were always enabled at startup

MedCalc 22.021 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

MedCalc 22.021
- Fixed a problem in the legend for scatter diagram in case a trendline and subgroups were selected
- Some minor bugs fixes

MedCalc 22.020
- Fixed some minor bugs

MedCalc 22.019
- Added an option for a secondary Y-axis in Histograms
- Fixed some minor bugs

MedCalc 22.018
- Fixed a bug in the display of the result of the D'Agostino-Pearson test for normal distribution Create summary statistics table

MedCalc 22.017
- Change log not available for this version

MedCalc 22.016
- New: Waterfall charts

MedCalc 22.014
- Fixed some minor display problems

MedCalc 22.013
- New: Comparison of trimmed means of paired samples
- New: Yuen-Welch test for the comparison of 2 independent trimmed means

Computional notes are given on Calculation of Trimmed Mean, SE and confidence interval
Revision of the definition of "percentage trimmed":
- In previous MedCalc versions, for a 20% trimming, the program would trim 10% at the lower tail and 10% at the higher tail, so 20% in total. This was in agreement with Excel
- In the new MedCalc version, for a 20% trimming, the program trims 20% at the lower tail and 20% at the higher tail, so 40% in total. This is in agreement with SPSS, R and other major statistical packages.
- For the summary statistics report, when recalling older analyses, MedCalc will adapt the % value of the trimmed mean. When you selected a 20% trimmed mean in the old version, the report will show that this is now called a 10% trimmed mean. The reported trimmed mean will remain the same. For new analyses, the new definition will be applied automatically.
- For the trimmed mean spreadsheet functions there will be no conversion and the calculated trimmed mean will always be that corresponding to the revised definition. The calculated trimmed mean will be different.

- Fixed a bug that could cause the program to produce an error when using MedCalc Help in the Help menu

MedCalc 22.012
- New: Comparison of trimmed means of paired samples
- New: Yuen-Welch test for the comparison of 2 independent trimmed means

Computional notes are given on Calculation of Trimmed Mean, SE and confidence interval
Revision of the definition of "percentage trimmed":
- In previous MedCalc versions, for a 20% trimming, the program would trim 10% at the lower tail and 10% at the higher tail, so 20% in total. This was in agreement with Excel
- In the new MedCalc version, for a 20% trimming, the program trims 20% at the lower tail and 20% at the higher tail, so 40% in total. This is in agreement with SPSS, R and other major statistical packages.
- For the summary statistics report, when recalling older analyses, MedCalc will adapt the % value of the trimmed mean. When you selected a 20% trimmed mean in the old version, the report will show that this is now called a 10% trimmed mean. The reported trimmed mean will remain the same. For new analyses, the new definition will be applied automatically.
- For the trimmed mean spreadsheet functions there will be no conversion and the calculated trimmed mean will always be that corresponding to the revised definition. The calculated trimmed mean will be different.

MedCalc 22.009
- Change log not available for this version

MedCalc 22.007
- Fixed a bug that caused text not to be displayed correctly in graph text boxes

MedCalc 22.005
- Change log not available for this version

MedCalc 22.004
- Fixed bugs in MedCalc scripts (ForEach and Proc statements)

MedCalc 22.001
- Version 22 introduces a new file format. The new format is faster and lighter. Important: files saved in MedCalc version 22 cannot be read by previous MedCalc versions. Files saved in all previous MedCalc versions can be read by this version; but when saved, the new file format is used.
- New: Scripts
- Redefined the CELL function.
- Fixed a bug in Case control matching when saving the matched data to a new file.
- In Diagnostic test (2x2 table): when predictive value is 0 or 100%, a Clopper-Pearson confidence interval is reported.
- New operators ! (Not), && (And), || (Or)
- The operator != can be used as an alternative to the <> (Not equal) comparison operator. E.g. 5!=1 is true.

MedCalc 20.305
- Fixed a bug in Case control matching when saving the matched data to a new file
- In Diagnostic test (2x2 table): when the predictive value is 0 or 100%, a Clopper-Pearson confidence interval is reported

MedCalc 20.218
- Fixed a problem with the display of the Diagnostic test dialog box

MedCalc 20.217
- In Frequency tables (Chi-squared test) and Fisher's exact test, moved the option to show all percentages from the results window to the dialog box. This fixes a problem with copying-pasting results to other programs
- Fixed a bug in the Categorize function, which could cause the function to always return the default value
- Fixed a problem with multiple monitors

MedCalc 20.216
- In Frequency tables (Chi-squared test) and Fisher's exact test, moved the option to show all percentages from the results window to the dialog box. This fixes a problem with copying-pasting results to other programs.
- Fixed a bug in the Categorize function, which could cause the function to always return the default value
- Fixed a problem with multiple monitors

MedCalc 20.214
- In Frequency tables (Chi-squared test) and Fisher's exact test, moved the option to show all percentages from the results window to the dialog box. This fixes a problem with copying-pasting results to other programs.
- Fixed a bug in the Categorize function, which could cause the function to always return the default value
- Fixed a problem with multiple monitors

MedCalc 20.211
- Some improvements for high resolution screens and minor user-interface changes

MedCalc 20.2
- Added several new options for Correlogram and Correlation table
- Changed the methodology of the calculation of the P-value in the Mann-Whitney test, the Signed rank sum test and paired samples Wilcoxon test. In these tests, when an exact P-value can be calculated, the program will also report the Normal approximation method P-value in a footnote below the table.
- Changed some more visual aspects of windows and dialog boxes (mainly corrections of low contrast issues in Windows 11)
- Corrected a problem that caused the file selector box to remain hidden behind the MedCalc main window when printing to a file or PDF
- Corrected a problem that could fail a logical expression when data were missing.

MedCalc 20.123
- Changed the methodology of the calculation of the exact P-value in the Mann-Whitney test. The new algorithm is based on the U statistic. Exact P-values are reported when both sample sizes are ≤25 and there are no ties.
- In Correlation tables added an option to hide the upper-right triangular part

MedCalc 20.121
Frequencies bar chart: provided options:
- to enter the counts
- to sort the bars by magnitude
- for horizontal display

- Mann-Whitney test: use the large sample statistic when either size is larger than 15 (previously 20)

MedCalc 20.118
- Improved integration with Windows 11

MedCalc 20.116
- Import of Excel *.xls files: changed the handling of text cells (removed the leading apostrophe that was added in previous MedCalc versions).

MedCalc 20.115
- Fixed a bug in Passing-Bablok regression that caused the scatter diagram not to show the regression line when Bootstrapping was enabled.
- Fixed a bug that could cause errors in the post-hoc test of the Friedman test.

MedCalc 20.114
- Fixed a bug in Passing-Bablok regression that caused the scatter diagram not to show the regression line when Bootstrapping was enabled

MedCalc 20.113
- Fixed a bug in Outlier detection when the Shapiro-Francia normality test was used. In that case the linked values did not always redirect to the correct cases in the spreadsheet.

MedCalc 20.112
- Fixed a bug that could cause, in some cases, the use of wrong markers for subgroups in scatter diagrams

MedCalc 20.110
- Fixed a bug in the display of the selected significance level for the post-hoc tests in Anova and Kruskall-Wallis test

MedCalc 20.109
- Fixed a bug in the normality test for residuals in several tests (the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were not displayed)
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

MedCalc 20.106
- Change log not available for this version

MedCalc 20.105
- Change log not available for this version

MedCalc 20.104
- Corrected a problem in the calculation of Nagelkerke's R2 in Logistic and Probit regression, in case of a large null model −2 Log Likelihood
- Corrected a problem that caused failure of saving very large Excel files (*.xlsx)
- When bootstrapping takes a long time, a dialog box is displayed with the estimated time left, and a button to interrupt the procedure
- New: scientific, mathematical and system Constants
- New functions: Random, Pow10, CountIf, SumIf, BOXCOX Box-Cox transformation, and BOXCOXINV inverse of the Box-Cox transformation
- Improved speed of several statistical procedures

MedCalc 20.100
- Corrected a problem in the calculation of Nagelkerke's R2 in Logistic and Probit regression, in case of a large null model −2 Log Likelihood
- Corrected a problem that caused failure of saving very large Excel files (*.xlsx)
- When bootstrapping takes a long time, a dialog box is displayed with the estimated time left, and a button to interrupt the procedure
- New: scientific, mathematical and system Constants
- New functions: Random, Pow10, CountIf, SumIf, BOXCOX Box-Cox transformation, and BOXCOXINV inverse of the Box-Cox transformation
- Improved speed of several statistical procedures

MedCalc 20.027
- Fixed a problem that caused the program to block when ROC curve analyis was used in very large sample

MedCalc 20.026
- Fixed a bug that caused the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test not to calculate a small sample size test statistic in some circumstances

MedCalc 20.023
- Fixed a bug in the Undo function of the spreadsheet
- Reversed the order of the arguments in the spreadsheet functions CELL and CELLVALUE

MedCalc 20.022
- Added an option to create a backup copy (*.mc1.bak.zip) when you save a *.mc1 file. See Save options.
- Some user-interface and performance improvements

MedCalc 20.019
- In Reports added a button to extract an analysis or graph into a separate window
- Added an option to increase the number of decimal places used in reports, see Reports options
- The dialog boxes for the calculators in the Tests menu and Sample size menu are now non-modal. This means that you can have several calculators open at the same time, without preventing access to the rest of the program.
- Improved algorithm for identifying data points in graphs

MedCalc 20.018
- In Reports added a button to extract an analysis or graph into a separate window
- Added an option to increase the number of decimal places used in reports, see Reports options
- The dialog boxes for the calculators in the Tests menu and Sample size menu are now non-modal. This means that you can have several calculators open at the same time, without preventing access to the rest of the program.
- Improved algorithm for identifying data points in graphs.

MedCalc 20.015
- Added an option to slightly shift ("jitter") coincident data points in scatter diagrams so that the markers do not completely overlap. See Applying jitter in scatter diagrams.
- Several other minor improvements.

MedCalc 20.014
- Several minor bug fixes and improvements.

MedCalc 20.013
- Fixed a bug in Logistic regression which caused the regression curve not to be displayed in the graph.

MedCalc 20.010
- Modified report for Cox proportional-hazards regression includes Harrell's C-index with 95% confidence interval.
- Revised layout of Copy graph options and Export graph options
- In Copy graph options, provided an option Also copy in SVG format. Copying graphs in SVG format is recommended when you are using Office 2016 (when all Office updates are installed), Office 2019 or Office 365.
- Added the confidence interval of the difference in Comparison of correlation coefficients.
- Fixed a bug in the calulation of the specificity corresponding to the Youden index in ROC curve analysis.
- Fixed a problem in formatting the legend in Bland-Altman plots.

MedCalc 20.006
- The Bland-Altman plot and Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject procedures now also generate a report in addition to the graph.

MedCalc 20.0.5
- Added Partial area under ROC curve and Comparison of partial areas under ROC curves
- In Comparison of Precision-Recall curves added a choice between paires samples or independent samples design.

MedCalc 20
- Added transparency option for drawing objects (text box, rectangle, ellipse).
- Added a shaded area option for the confidence interval of a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, ROC curve, Linear regression, Probit regression, Passing-Pablok regression and Bland-Altman plots (right-click on the confidence interval curve and select a fill color in the "Format..." dialog box).
- Added Sample size calculation for Area Under the Precision-Recall curve.
- Changed the method of calculating the confidence interval for the AUC of precison-recall curves to the Logit method of Boyd et al (2013). The bootstrap method remains available for calculating the confidence interval for the difference of AUCs of two precison-recall curves.
- Added a Subgroups option in Comparison of multiple methods.
- Possibility to enter user-defined values that indicate missing values (e.g. NaN, -99999). This can be found in File menu ➔ Properties ➔ Missing values tab.
- Color option for missing values (Options panel).
- New spreadsheet functions USRMISSING() and ISMISSING().
- Moved option Enter key moves cell pointer to the Edit menu.
- Expanded color palette for graphs; includes selected colorblind safe colors (Wong, 2011).
- New color selectors.
- Added icons for common menu items.
- Some bug fixes and minor improvements.
- Files created or saved witMedCalc 20 of MedCalc will not be readible by older versions of the software (no backward compatibility). If you exchange a MedCalc file with a colleague who has an older version, he/she can always freely download the most recenMedCalc of MedCalc from our website.

MedCalc 19.8
- Moved the Export graph options (image width & height, DPI) to the Options panel in the Tools menu.
- Added the (exact mid-P double sided) P-value for incidence rate ratio.
- Fixed a problem with the display of numbers (in some cases) when using a digit grouping symbol.
- Provided an option to make all the markers the same across all individuals in Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject.

MedCalc 19.7.4
- Added an option in Comparison of multiple methods to calculate differences as variable − reference or reference − variable.
- Some improvements for high resolution screens.

MedCalc 19.7
- Added Violin plots.

MedCalc 19.6.4
- Several bug fixes, minor changes, and improvements.

MedCalc 19.5.3
- Added Egger's and Begg's tests for publication bias in meta-analysis.

MedCalc 19.5
- Precision-recall curve
- Comparison of precision-recall curves

Added support for SVG files (an image file format):
- SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics
- SVG images can be edited with Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape (Free!), and other popular vector drawing programs (and even with a text editor)
- SVG images are scalable
- SVG images can be printed with high quality at any resolution
- SVG graphics do NOT lose any quality if they are zoomed or resized

MedCalc 19.4
- Added Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test.
- Added the C-statistic (which is the area under the ROC curve) in Cox proportional-hazards regression.
- Added an option to create a Heat map in scatter diagrams.
- Minor change in the drawing of CI bars in Kaplan-Meier survival curves.
- Corrected a problem in the evaluation of the OR() function.
- Corrected a problem in copying/pasting results from dialog panels.

MedCalc 19.3
- New reports feature allows to compile several analyses into one single report.
- Completely revised Help (F1) function: when your computer is connected to the internet (and can reach https://www.medcalc.org) the help function shows the same complete documentation as the manual on the website.
- Support for Windows XP has been dropped.

MedCalc 19.2.5
- New spreadsheet function AGGREGATE.

XnView 2.51.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- NConvert: Clear

Postman 10.23.5 查看版本資訊


Wappalyzer for Chrome 查看版本資訊


novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 444 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 444
- Fixed: Compatibility with latest Windows 11 Insider Preview build 26058

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 438
- Add-in for Word 2013 crashed when trying to set previous default printer back
- Corrections to the add-in for Office logs

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 437
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 436
- Indonesian translation was incomplete
- Exceptions thrown when trying to send PDF via email with Outlook
- Licensed versions reverted to trial in rare occasions

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 434
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 432
- Added: Start menu shortcut for the Profile Manager tool
- Updated: UI changes for the Licenses list in Printer Manager
- Fixed: temp PDF generated for sending emails via Ouath and Outlook was not deleted
- Fixed: Office Addin was not loaded when app name contains a space character (novaPDF OEM)

novaPDF Pro 11.9 Build 423
- Added: New option in the Permissions list in Add Printer functionality to disable duplex
- Fixed: Co-Branding tool correction for old ini files
- Fixed: Corrections for printing some PDF files

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 417
- Added: New macro for My Documents folder that shows everywhere when macros are used for folder paths

- When PDF save location was set to server, printer monitor status was not updated
- Correction for activation when server connection fails via https
- Error on client in some situations when the Tools msi was not installed on server

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 411
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 404
- Updated: Improved conversion for transparent patterns
- Fixed: Object streams correction
- Fixed: Paper forms management correction

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 398
- Updated: Reduced size of setup files

- FTP options set when uploading files
- Attach other files via Outlook emails error when folder was missing
- Changes for the Microsoft Store app

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 384
- Save to Drafts and Open Outlook email option
- Macro for server computer name

- Updated: Document printing management improved (reduced print queue timeouts)

- Windows driver restrictions check for setup
- Missing field when importing printers from novaPDF 10
- Cancel jobs re-added by spooler after service restart

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 374
- More UI language translation improvements
- Conversion of large Excel documents
- Tray app text inconsistencies

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 367
- Outlook and OAuth emails on Windows 11 22H2
- Read license errors on some systems
- Start Profile Manager from the Tray app
- Check for updates issue on some restricted systems

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 357
- Added: Option constant to set HTML body for Outlook emails in COM

- Error when using a particular PDF to overlay with
- Older versions did not show correct licensing error message
- Column ordering in novaPDF Printer Monitor

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 352
- Added: New macro for Color that returns printing color (black and white, color, greyscale, monochrome)

- Licenses can be unblocked during a limited period of time
- Activation button was not functional for blocked licenses
- UI changes for license management window

novaPDF Pro 11.6 Build 345
- Added: New option to open folder of the original PDF
- Updated: Check for updates window UI adjustments for multiple languages
- Updated: Romanian translation
- Fixed: Compression level options in COM

novaPDF Pro 11.5 Build 334
- Added: Predefined Outlook Voting options

- Application windows are loading faster now
- Spanish translation for the user interface
- Restart app message after changing language

novaPDF Pro 11.5 Build 333
- Added: Premium edition - view more on https://www.dopdf.com/compare.html
- Added: Option to permanently activate a Premium license
- Updated: Improved activation process for slow networks (Premium edition)
- Updated: UI for the activation process (Premium edition)
- Fixed: Always try to download the corresponding MSI files when using the web installer

novaPDF Pro 11.4 Build 323
- Not Available text on activation window
- Deactivate license option failed in some cases
- Command prompt windows were displayed during installation
- Addin for Office did not work with version 7 printers
- Inversed User and Domain macro in file name
- Crash when merging with a damaged PDF

novaPDF Pro 11.4 Build 287
- Duplex options that can be configured manually and included in the PDF
- Permanent licenses with limitations that do not require re-activation
- Turkish translation for the user interface
- Delete license functionality in Printer Manager

- Detect restrictions for PrintNightmare and show warning message
- License activation mechanism
- Unlicense depending on computer usage

- Activation expire warning message
- Overwrite warning message when merging PDF files
- Issues when printing a file created by Foxit PhantomPDF with non-Unicode fonts
- Document info when merging PDFs is replaced with what was configured in profile
- Use 64-bit version of email client if the 32 bit cannot be started

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 248
- Added: Developer option to select profiles file in the co-branding tools
- Updated: Polish translations for the user interface
- Fixed: Tray app translations in multiple languages
- Fixed: Restart tray app after changing the language

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 239
- Added: Indonesian language
- Updated: Conversion improvements for specific image types
- Updated: Improved error logging

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 236
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 225
- Fully compatible with Windows 11
- Option to rotate landscape pages automatically
- Macro placeholders for security passwords
- Macro placeholder for the computer where the print job is started
- Use wildcards for attaching other matching files to emails

Updated: Online activation works without https as a fallback option

- SMTP emails were not sent when using the x64 version of the email tool
- Activation error when using TLS 1.2 or newer
- License error when upgrading to new versions
- Error message when trying to overwrite an open PDF
- Empty Check for updates window when offline

novaPDF Pro 11.2 Build 187
- Option to use digital signature timestamps certified by independent servers
- 6 new predefined digital signature timestamp servers

- Support for creating secure channels with TLS v1.3 for SMTP connections
- Support for new SFTP host keys

- Error when printing to a paused printer
- Error message when trying to overwrite an open PDF

novaPDF Pro 11.1 Build 181
- Include other file attachments in the generated PDF files
- Define and use PDF attachment presets

- All users registry entry for update frequency option
- UI changes for activation window

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 170
- Added: Progress window when printing via the Outlook addin

- Exporting profiles/presets on a network file is now faster as a local copy is saved first
- Danish language
- Portuguese language
- Spanish language
- Finnish language
- Activation process

- Window position was losing focus relative to taskbar position
- Error appending file in some rare situations
- Corrections for some macros

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 141
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 134
- Links now open with the default browser
- Italian translation
- Portuguese translation
- Romanian translation
- German translation

- Fixed: Long translation texts

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 126
- Fixed: Issue when creating PDFs via the add-in for Microsoft Outlook

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 125
- PDF add-in for Microsoft Outlook
- Create PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-2u compliant PDFs
- Create PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b and PDF/A-3u compliant PDFs
- Quick Access Tray application
- N-up page layout options
- Print multiple pages per sheet (up to 16) and set page order
- Pause/Resume PDF printing process
- Set default signature when sending email via Outlook
- Request delivery receipt to emails sent via Outlook
- Change Sensitivity for emails sent via Outlook
- Detect and convert telephone links
- Ignore missing files when adding other file attachments to emails
- New options when file exists in the destination for Copy actions

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 133
- Added: Option to import/export profiles association per printer
- Updated: Several language corrections
- Fixed: Outlook problem with novaPDF scheduled tasks

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 132
- Added: Do not ask again option in Getting Started for continuing printing
- Fixed: Error creating the PDF file, the specified module cannot be found
- Fixed: Correction for importing profiles

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 130
- Updated: Optimized behavior when doing batch printing from multiple users

- Error when sending emails via Outlook from Office in different languages
- Double hyphen error in the path set via Profile Manager
- New strings and error in Printer Monitor for real time view
- Partially visible buttons in Greek
- Logs show random GSOAP error 10053 - Connection expired

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 128
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.8 Build 127
- Added: Malay language
- Updated: Set Active profile option
- Fixed: Import profiles from the same version didn't import all data
- Fixed: Delete profiles wasn't cleaning all data
- Fixed: Errors for the conversion service

novaPDF Pro 10.8 Build 125
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.7 Build 124
- Option to add the default signature in the Outlook email body as text/html
- Added Finnish language
- Added Portuguese language
- Added Nepali language

- Updated Polish language

- Corrected Printer Monitor memory leak
- COM corrected delete watermark error
- Corrected some black boxes in images
- Corrected fonts embedding
- Corrected Windows version on About
- Corrected activation error
- Help button crash

novaPDF Pro 10.6 Build 123
- Multiple corrections for the Getting Started window
- Spooler crash for simultaneous printed documents
- Profile Manager error when using wrong profile path
- Manual deactivation was unsuccessful in certain situations
- Installation corrections
- COM correction when deleting watermarks
- Co-Branding tool error when loading branding settings from file

novaPDF Pro 10.6 Build 122
- Printing Preferences dialog correction
- Manage Forms dialog correction
- COM correction when loading existing profiles

novaPDF Pro 10.6 Build 121
- New: Added Polish language for the user interface
- Update: Italian translation updated
- Update: Romanian translation updated
- Update: Improved system language detection
- Fix: PowerPoint gradient conversion error
- Fix: New COM options

novaPDF Pro 10.5 Build 120
- New: Interface is now translated into Italian
- New: Option to print document markup via the add-in for Office
- Update: Multiple translations updated
- Update: Manual activation window was redesigned
- Fix: Various fixes for the Profile Manager
- Fix: Error in ConvertOfficeDocs COM samples

novaPDF Pro 10.4 Build 119
- Update: Show "allow changing passwords" options
- Update: Translation improvements
- Fix: Minor conversion fixes

novaPDF Pro 10.4 Build 118
- Added Burmese language
- Added Polish language
- Added Romanian language

- "Use regional settings" option now uses the Windows display language
- Existing PDF files are parsed to detect Unicode strings before merging

- Vertical position of Word bookmarks was wrongfully displayed at the top of the page
- Error creating PDF file (The specific module could not be found)

novaPDF Pro 10.4 Build 117
- Added Burmese language
- Added Polish language
- Added Romanian language

- "Use regional settings" option now uses the Windows display language
- Existing PDF files are parsed to detect Unicode strings before merging

- Vertical position of Word bookmarks was wrongfully displayed at the top of the page
- Error creating PDF file (The specific module could not be found)

novaPDF Pro 10.3 Build 115
- Show and save Order By status for Columns in Printer Monitor
- Added Display Name setting for SMTP emails
- Added hyperlink detection support for "tel:" phone number links

- Printing Preferences stopped when broadcasting active profile change
- Corrected the PDF/A format when non-latin characters are used

novaPDF Pro 10.2 Build 114
- New: Added User tags macros in Actions file names
- New: Collect Headings from Outline Levels when using the addin
- Update: Korean and Portuguese-Brazilian translations
- Update: Corrections for the German translation
- Update: Added the possibility to show the hidden News page
- Fix: Importing printers from version 9
- Fix: Errors when using special characters in user name

novaPDF Pro 10.1 Build 112

- MSI file names were changed when installing Office addin via OEM setup
- Modifying bookmark styles in the Office addin was not always saved
- Show Installation ID field in the interface
- Client crash on Windows 7 32-bit when printing via Outlook
- Crash when converting documents with links in comments via the Office addin

novaPDF Pro 10.1 Build 111
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 108
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 107
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 105
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 104
- Fix: Activation failed under certain circumstances

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 103
- New: Added User tags that can be detected from the original document
- New: Custom Save Rules with support for regular expressions
- New: Option to remove text based on formatting
- New: Send generated PDF automatically via Outlook
- New: Password protect ZIP attachments
- New: Page visibility options by size and orientation
- New: Support for multiple overlays
- Updated: The add-in for Office applications was re-stylized
- Updated: Advanced options for managing licenses

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 102
- New: Send generated PDF automatically via Outlook
- Updated: Advanced options for managing licenses

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 101
- New: Custom Save Rules with support for regular expressions
- New: Option to remove text based on formatting
- New: Page visibility options by size and orientation
- Updated: The add-in for Office applications was re-stylized
- Updated: Support for multiple overlays
- Updated: Advanced options for managing licenses
- Updated: Realtime printers window updated

novaPDF Pro 9.6 Build 245

- Added Firewall exception for Log service
- Updated names for Firewall rules
- Save folder in Profile Manager with custom path
- Office Addin crash when converting long bookmarks
- Multiline links correction for the Office Addin

novaPDF Pro 9.6 Build 244
- New 30% faster PDF creation when printing from the network
- New Updated several interface translations

novaPDF Pro 9.5 Build 243
- Fix: File name saved without extension when using autonumber
- Fix: Open page after merging PDFs ignored Start Page option
- Fix: Printing from .Net 2.0 applications returned errors
- Fix: Co-Branding tool error when Default Files folder was empty

novaPDF Pro 9.5 Build 242
- New: News tab in the Getting Started, Printer Manager and Printer Monitor applications
- Update: Enhancements of the Status and Column features in Printer Monitor
- Fix: Hyperlink conversion via the Add-in for Word was not taking into account line spacing
- Fix: Trial period expiration was showing incorrectly
- Fix: After save actions were not executed on server locations from 32 bits computers

novaPDF Pro 9.4 Build 241
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 9.3 Build 240
- New: Interface is now translated into Spanish
- Fix: Multiple GDPR compliance changes
- Fix: Checkbox in Check for Updates to enable or disable announcements
- Fix: Installation error logs are sent only when the user chooses to do so
- Fix: Correction for client elevation rights when printing from IE

Postman 10.23.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Postman links shared on slack will provide you more contextual information and collaborative actions
- Save example responses for GraphQL requests to help collaborators better understand your API

- Improved workspace creation experience with better information around access control
- Added support for mouse buttons 4 and 5 to navigate back and forward in the desktop app
- Easier selection and importing of .proto files with an improved schema tab experience in gRPC requests
- Simplified the save request experience for empty workspaces
- Added support for MQTT subscription settings and properties. Also made seeing MQTT request/response messages more intuitive in the response timeline.

- Resolved bug that could prevent responses from being prettified on first load

Postman 10.22.0 查看版本資訊


Postman 10.20.0 查看版本資訊


Postman 10.19.7 查看版本資訊
