Wise Program Uninstaller

最新版本 Corona SDK 2017.3184

Corona SDK 2017.3184

Corona SDK  2017.3184
Wise Program Uninstaller 是一個免費的替代 Windows 程序卸載程序和其他付費軟件卸妝。通過“安全卸載”和“修復程序”,您可以像 Windows 一樣刪除或修復程序。此免費贈品可以幫助您卸載有害程序或強行卸載程序,您不能通過 Windows 或其他程序卸載。此外,它也可以消除可能使你瘋狂的殘餘條目。備受期待的 Wise Program Uninstaller 具有許多吸引人的優點,如易於使用,簡單而優雅的圖形用戶界面,等等。

Wise Program Uninstaller 功能:

Ensures 清潔和徹底的軟件卸載
Wise Program Uninstaller 是卸載 Windows 軟件的完美解決方案,允許您卸載程序快速,完全使用其簡單和用戶友好的界面。內置的掃描引擎將在卸載後掃描並刪除所有與左側相關的文件,文件夾和註冊表項目,確保軟件完全從您的計算機中刪除.

對於一些固執的軟件或軟件破解的卸載程序,他們不能通過傳統的方式卸載。 “強制卸載”’ 智者計劃的選項派上用場。它掃描您的系統的所有文件和註冊表,與此軟件相關聯,並徹底刪除它們,就像您從未安裝該軟件。

找到您想要卸載的軟件 Fast
Features 一個直觀和現代的界面,Wise Program Uninstaller 也允許你根據名稱,大小,日期和審查來組織應用程序,以便快速找到要卸載的軟件。或者你可以直接輸入名稱來查找軟件.

你可以添加‘ 卸載 Wise Program Uninstaller’ 選項的上下文菜單中的設置,然後您可以卸載軟件,通過右鍵單擊其圖標,而無需打開 Wise Program Uninstaller.

完全自由和完全兼容幾乎所有的 Windows 版本
Wise Program Uninstaller 是免費的,允許您完全卸載安裝在您的程序(64 位和 32 位)系統。它已被開發並經過全面測試,可在 Windows 8 和 Windows 8.1 及其他 Windows 操作系統(Windows XP 及更高版本)上運行良好。不管你擁有什麼 - 一台台式機或一台筆記本電腦.


檔案版本 Corona SDK 2017.3184

檔案名稱 Corona-2017.3184.msi
檔案大小 79.7 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 WiseCleaner
官網 http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-program-uninstaller.html
更新日期 2017-12-19

What's new in this version:

Corona Native builds are now supported on Windows:
- Starting with this build, Windows developers can now use Android Studio to build native based apps including building plugins, linking to native Android libraries similar to the way Mac based users have been able to do for some time.
- You will find a new “Native” folder in Corona’s Start menu folder, which has our standard “App” template in it. Copy that folder to your project directory and use “Open an Existing Android Studio project” option with Android Studio.

New Welcome Window:
- When you first start Corona you’re presented with a Welcome Window with a list of recent projects, icons to start new projects and open existing projects. This window has been redesigned with a more modern look.

Windows Live Server now supports both Bonjour v2 and v3:
- Bonjour is Apple’s library that lets Corona Live Server work on Windows. Until recently, Bonjour v3 was included with the installation of iTunes. However, Apple no longer includes Bonjour with iTunes. The standalone version of Bonjour is version 2. Live Server now can use either v2 or v3 of Bonjour.

Gradient paint now supports arbitrary directions:
- Previously you could only set directions like 0, 45, 90 and 180 when constructing a gradient fill using the fill.rotation value. It can now take a number allowing you to have gradients at other angles.

Windows text renderer is rewritten:
- Windows text renderer was rewritten to better match other platforms behavior, fixing number of bugs.

Google’s ContentProvider path traversal vulnerability warning:
- This public build also contains an update that addresses Corona made apps that get flagged in Google Play with the “ContentProvider path traversal vulnerability” warning. If you’re getting this warning in Google Play, simply rebuild with this version of Corona.

Corona can now use the latest Java:
- Corona has been updated to use 64 bit Java installations. You no longer need to install a specific version of Java, just have the latest version installed.

Corona SDK 2017.3184 相關參考資料