Wise Auto Shutdown 歷史版本列表 Page8

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Wise Auto Shutdown 歷史版本列表

通過 Wise Auto Shutdown,您可以輕鬆地安排計算機在任何時候(每天,在指定的時間或稍後的某個時間)關閉,註銷,重新啟動,休眠和關閉電源。啟動任務後,Wise Auto Shutdown 將在後台運行,雙擊將從托盤返回到桌面的主界面。當然,Wise Auto Shutdown 會在執行自動任務前五分鐘提醒你你的選擇。 為什麼選擇 Wise Auto Shutdown?計劃您的電腦關機... Wise Auto Shutdown 軟體介紹

DAX Studio 2.9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixing bug when Display Folders were not displaying in Power BI Desktop

DAX Studio 2.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Import Power BI Performance Data
- Support for Display Folders in the Metadata pane #127
- Added options to enable/disable the automatic metadata refresh by connection type (local/network/cloud) #182
- Option to hide hidden objects in the metadata pane #167 (can also be toggled from right-click menu)
- PowerBI auto-date template and variation tables (as these can't be directly queried)
- Option for metdata search to be pinned open #151
- Option to increase width of intellisense window #152
- Adding show referenced objects option on metadata right-click (thanks @DaveStabilify) #144
- Option for setting 'Clear Cache and Run' as the default run style #86

Bug Fixes:
- Fixes handling of quotes in csv export
- Fixes scrollbars not displayed in recent files list
- Fixes error when tracing connections using Roles=
- Fixed a bug where changing connections did not always update the selected database
- Fixed issues with crash recovery of unsaved changes

- Refactored unit tests and ADOTabular dll to allow unit tests to be run automatically during appveyor builds
- Adding Database Name column to all traces to work with the new Power BI XMLA endpoint
- Updating AMO/ADOMD library references

DbSchema 8.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Feature: Create Virtual Foreign Keys dialog. Virtual foreign keys can be deduced by parsing the cached SELECT statements from the database and looking for JOINS. A new dialog is now available under Layout/Manage Virtual Foreign Keys
- Feature: Add navigation text field and history to Help Dialog
- Feature: Add Virtual Data Type. This allows defining columns using a virtual type, and change real type for each database.
- Feature: Improve in Look & Feel
- Feature: Refactor code and obsolete more old Swing Classes. DbSchema Java API has changed.
- Feature: Migrate DbSchema API JavaDoc to Gradle and generate new Documentation
- Feature: Document view columns in HTML5 documentation
- Feature: Improve validity checks for Foreign Keys and Constraints in UI
- Feature: Support Primary key specification for one column PK among the column definition
- Bug: Fix Postgres GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY statements

DbSchema 8.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Release DbPrompt Version 1.0 Beta. Free-multi-database console featuring simultaneous query execution, Groovy scripts, cron jobs, error reporting and more
- Advanced menu on clicking Fk icon near columns. Pressing the icon with CTRL pressed may jump to referring/referred table in other layouts
- Add Unicode font to Pdf generator (support for Asian text)
- Add Copy to clipboard for SQL result pane
- Improve schema synchronization. New dialog for managing renamed tables, columns..., so we can better match them during synchronization
- Improve UDT support for Cassandra. Show User Defined Types with columns in diagrams
- Add icon for MongoDb and Cassandra map and array column lists
- Implement Undo/Redo in Diagram Pane
- SQL editor / Groovy scripts can run in offline mode

Bug fixed:
- fix database combo not listing databases
- fix flickering tooltips on tip labels and checkboxes
- thread issue in ResultPane causing cells to show as null
- Redshift fix commit after select

DAX Studio 2.8.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Includes a workaround for an issue in the Power BI XMLA endpoint which prevents Timing/Query Plan traces from starting
- Moved the display of aggregate rewrite events in the All Queries trace out of preview status

Fixes the following issues:
- Display Table description in metadata pane tooltips
- Quoting all text fields when exporting to CSV
- Fixing paste behaviour when pasting over selected text
- Fixes incorrect font units of scale. font sizes will appear slightly larger as previously fonts size were implemented in pixels (96 per inch) instead of points (72 per inch)

DbSchema 8.1.4 查看版本資訊


DAX Studio 2.8.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: often not able to connect to Direct Query models in Power BI Desktop
- Prevents Power BI getting stuck at "loading..." if Power BI has a dialog window open
- Fixed: showing metadata for wrong database on initial connection
- Fixed: external tools preview feature being displayed incorrectly
- Prevents crash when trying to display tooltips under certain edge conditions
- Improved: error trapping for data export

DAX Studio 2.8.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Code Completion not correct when table names have underscores
- Fixed: Parameter dialog incorrectly triggered by @ character inside strings
- Fixed: Where SQL Profiler button was incorrectly enabled
- Fixed: "Define All Measures" option incorrectly shown when right-clicking on Measure
- Scanning for Power BI instances in connection dialog moved to a background thread

DAX Studio 2.8.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash when launching DAX Studio by double-clicking on a .dax file (related to a race condition that only occurs in release builds)
- Fixed a crash when opening a file after closing all other windows (related to the issue above)
- Attempted to fix a random crash when clicking on various tabs - this appear so to be related to this issue in AvalonDock 3.4 so we've rolled back to AvalonDock 3.3

DAX Studio 2.8.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Filter Dump Measure: right-clicking a table in the metadata pane can generate a measure that returns a string describing the active filter context in a table or in all the tables. The DAX measure generated should be copied in a Tabular model to display the filter context in a report tooltip for debugging purposes.
- Define All Measures: right-clicking a table in the metadata pane can generate the definition of all the measures defined in a table or in all the tables.
- Parameter UI - if your query contains @parameters you will be prompted for the parameter values
- Auto-Save - if DAX Studio was not shutdown cleanly it will offer to recover the files that were open
- Goto Line - ctrl+G lets you jump to a specified line number
- Updated Data Provider libraries for connecting to Azure AS, PowerBI.com and Power BI Desktop
- Support for Power BI Aggregation events in ServerTimings and AllQueries traces
- Digitally Signed - the installer, Excel Addin and Standalone executable are all now digitally signed
- Option to zoom results grid with query text (useful for when presenting)
- Optimized tracing of Direct Query for newer engine sources (which now support filtering these trace events by session id)
- Added links to dax.guide into function tooltips in code completion window
- Option to set results grid font size
- Added hotkey Ctrl-Shift-N to open a new query with the same connection as the current window

- connecting to PowerPivot models with a single quote characters (') in the file name
- defaulting Find/Replace text from the current selected text in the editor
- added VAR & RETURN to the code completion keywords
- fixed default file format to use UTF-8 (but you an still open both UCS2 or UTF-8 files)
- fix for mis-reported line numbers for errors with DaxFormatter.com
- fix to properly increment file names when exporting multiple resultsets to csv

Numerous stability fixes as a result of reported issues and crash reports including:
- fixed the formatting of the file name when saving multiple query results to a file in a single batch
- fixed crash when resizing DAX Studio to a very narrow width
- fixed crash when dragging metadata to editor while intellisense window was open
- fixed crash when querying a table with the ^ character in a column name
- fixed crash when clicking save when no document is open
- fixed occassional crashes when copying & pasting (work around for .Net issue)
- fixed numerous crashes when clicking ribbon buttons after closing all query windows