Wireshark (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page15

最新版本 Wireshark 4.2.3 (64-bit)

Wireshark (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Ethereal 網絡協議分析儀已經改名為 Wireshark 64 位。名字可能是新的,但軟件是一樣的。 Wireshark 的強大功能使其成為全球網絡故障排除,協議開發和教育的首選工具.Wireshark 是由全球網絡專家撰寫的,是開源功能的一個例子。 Wireshark 64 位被世界各地的網絡專業人士用於分析,故障排除,軟件和協議開發和教育。該程序具有協議分析儀所期望的所有標準功能,以及其... Wireshark (64-bit) 軟體介紹

GameMaker Studio 2.3.2 Build 556 查看版本資訊


pgAdmin 4 5.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Show the login roles that are members of a group role be shown when examining a group role
- Make the container distribution a multi-arch build with x86_64 and Arm64 support
- Make ‘kerberos’ an optional feature in the Python wheel, to avoid the need to install MIT Kerberos on the system by default
- Added ‘–replace’ option in Import server to replace the list of servers with the newly imported one
- Added zoom scaling options with keyboard shortcuts in runtime

- Use schema qualification while accessing the catalog objects
- Make the ‘Save Data Changes’ icon to be more intuitive

- Fixed alignment issue under preferences for the German language
- Fixed color issue on the statistics tab for collection node in the safari browser
- Fixed an issue where adding/updating records fails if the table name contains percent sign
- Ensure that autovacuum and analyze scale factors should be editable with more than two decimals
- Fixed an issue where % displayed twice in explain analyze for query and table
- Rename text ‘table’ with ‘relation’ in the statistic tab for explain analyze
- Fixed an issue where the properties tab for collection nodes is unresponsive after switching the tabs
- Fixed an issue where the Save button is enabled for functions/procedures by default when open the properties dialog
- Fixed an issue where hanging symlinks in a directory cause select file dialog to break
- Allow underscores in the Windows installation path
- Remove the “launch now” option in the Windows installer, as UAC could cause it to run as an elevated user
- Ensure that cell content being auto selected when editing the cell data
- Ensure that SQL formatter should not add extra tabs and format the SQL correctly
- Fixed encoding issue when database encoding set to SQL_ASCII and name of the column is in ASCII character
- Ensure that the user should be able to kill the session from Dashboard if the user has a ‘pg_signal_backend’ role
- Ensure that the view/edit data panel should not be opened for unsupported nodes using the keyboard shortcut
- Ensure PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL looks sane when initialising a container deployment
- Improve the web setup script for Linux to make the platform detection more robust and overrideable
- Ensure that SQL formatter should not use tab size if ‘Use spaces?’ set to false
- Fixed an issue where the user is unable to create a subscription if the host/IP address for connection is
- Ensure that proper error message should be shown on the properties and statistics tab in case of insufficient privileges for a subscription
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Create Slot’ option is disabled in case of the same IP/host provided but the port is different
- Ensure the Python interpreter used by the runtime ignores user site-packages
- Fixed an issue where the user is not able to change the connection in Query Tool when any SQL file is opened
- Ensure that the venv activation scripts have the correct path in them on Linux
- Fixed an issue where schema diff showing wrong SQL when comparing triggers with different when clause
- Ensure that the template database should be visible while creating the database
- Fixed string index out of range error where the dependent tab is in focus and selecting any publication or table
- Fixed an issue where the dependent tab throwing an error when selecting any login/group role
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect values visible in the dependents tab for publication
- Fixed an issue where copy/paste rows in view data paste the wrong value for boolean type
- Ensure that the primary key should be visible properly in the table dialog
- Ensure that toggle buttons are accessible by most screen readers
- Fixed an issue where the top menu disappears when entering into the full screen for minimum screen resolution
- Ensure that the grantor name should be visible properly for the security tab in the table dialog

Wireshark 3.4.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

The following vulnerabilities have been fixed:
- wnpa-sec-2021-03 Wireshark could open unsafe URLs

The following bugs have been fixed:
- NTP Version 3 Client Decode PDML output issue (Reference ID Issue)
- 3.4.2: public wireshark include files are including build time "config.h"
- wireshark-3.4.3/epan/dissectors/packet-s7comm.c:3521: bad array index ?
- SIP protocol: P-Called-Party-ID header mixed up with P-Charge-Info header
- Asterix CAT010 Decode Error
- _ws.expert columns not populated for IPv4
- Buildbot crash output: fuzz-2021-02-12-1651908.pcap
- gQUIC: Wireshark 3.4.3 fails to dissect a packet (gQUIC q024) that v3.2.6 succeeds

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Windows 10 and above users on 1.29.x will continue to automatically update as normal
- Windows 7 and 8 users running 1.29.x will no longer be prompted to install automatic updates
- MacOS update handling is unchanged
- Plex for Windows player functioning on Windows 7 and 8 has been a coincidence which we can’t guarantee going forward
- Our 1.30.0 release will go further and restrict installation to Windows 10 and above
- Windows 7 and 8 users are strongly encouraged to update. If this isn’t practical for your situation, here is the 1.29.0 Windows installer which will still permit installation on Windows 7 and 8 after 1.30.0 is released

pgAdmin 4 5.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Desktop Runtime (Using NWjs):
- The Desktop Runtime is now based on NWjs which integrates a browser and the Python server creating a standalone application. By implementing it using NWjs we get rid of the separate server application and the independent browser. We also get rid of QT and C++ runtime logic.
- There are two minor known issues with this feature (6255 and 6258), both of which are due to bugs in NWjs itself; Users on macOS should use the application menu to exit pgAdmin, rather than quitting from the Dock icon to avoid the first issue. The second issue may cause Windows users to see a red square instead of the normal application icon in some circumstances.

Logical Replication support:
- Logical replication uses a publish and subscribe model with one or more subscribers subscribing to one or more publications on a publisher node. We have added support for logical replication by introducing new treeview nodes and dialogues with which users can easily create/alter/delete publications and subscriptions. Support is also included in the Schema Diff tool.

Quick Search functionality:
- Added a quick search option in the Help menu to search menu items and help articles. Type at least three characters to display all the matching possibilities under Menu items and the relevant documents under Help articles.
- Make Statistics, Dependencies, Dependants tabs closable. Users can add them back using the 'Add panel' option on the context menu for the tab strip
- When running in Docker/Kubernetes, ensure logs are not stored in the container, and only sent to the console

- Use cheroot as the default production server for pgAdmin4
- Updated Javascript dependencies to the latest versions
- Fixed an issue where the focus is not properly set on the filter text editor after closing the error dialog
- Fixed an issue where the dependencies tab shows multiple owners for the objects having shared dependencies
- Fixed an issue where the Zoom to fit button in the ERD Tool only works if the diagram is larger than the canvas
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to change the background color for a server
- Fixed an issue where external utility jobs (backup, maintenance etc.) are failing when the log level is set to DEBUG
- Ensure DEB/RPM packages depend on the same version of each other
- Fixed an autocomplete issue where it is not showing any suggestions if the schema name contains escape characters

Wireshark 3.4.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Windows installers now ship with Npcap 1.10. They previously shipped with Npcap 1.00

The following vulnerabilities have been fixed:
- wnpa-sec-2021-01 USB HID dissector memory leak
- wnpa-sec-2021-02 USB HID dissector crash

The following bugs have been fixed:
- SIP response single-line multiple Contact-URIs decoding error
Adding filter while "Telephony?VoIP Calls?Flow Sequence" open causes OOB memory reads and - potential crashes.
- QUIC packet not fully dissected
- SOMEIP-SD hidden entries are off
- Problem with calculation on UDP checksum in SRv6
- Dark mode not working in Wireshark 3.4.2 on macOS
- Wireshark 3.4.0: build failure on older MacOS releases, due to 'CLOCK_REALTIME'
- TECMP: Status Capture Module messages shows 3 instead of 2 bytes for HW version
- Documentation - editorial error - README.dissector bad reference
- Cannot save capture with comments to a format that doesn’t support it (no pop-up)
- AUTOSAR-NM: PNI TF-String wrong way around
- Fibre Channel parsing errors even with the fix for #17084
- f5ethtrailer: Won’t find a trailer after an FCS that begins with a 0x00 byte
f5ethtrailer: legacy format, low noise only, no vip name trailers no longer detected
- Buildbot crash output: fuzz-2021-01-22-3387835.pcap
- Dissection error on large ZVT packets
- TShark crashes with -T ek option

Updated Protocol Support:

New and Updated Capture File Support:
- f5ethtrailer and pcapng

PyCharm 2020.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- some shortcut issues on Macs with an M1 chip
- patch updates for Apple Silicon IDE builds. Please note that it is not possible to use a patch to update from v2020.3.1 to this build on Apple Silicon
- the IDE’s behavior when you double-click on a file in Local Changes. This action now opens the file in the editor. Alternatively, you can select an option to “Show Diff Instead of File Content on Double-Click” in the context menu
- the incorrect focus when dragging a file over an IDE window in Windows 10
- the completion of field lookups for Django models
- the problem causing numpy.mean to be flagged as an unresolved reference
- Resolved the issue involving the wrong cell background for deactivated colored cell mode in Powerful Data Viewer
- the bug with newly added JSX tags causing simultaneous editing of non-related closing tags
- In React, code completion now works for dynamically evaluated className attribute values

pgAdmin 4 4.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added ERD Diagram support with basic table fields, primary key, foreign key, and DDL SQL generation
- Added support for Kerberos authentication, using SPNEGO to forward the Kerberos tickets through a browser
- Documentation of Kerberos support
- Documentation of ERD Diagram support
- Add a container option (PGADMIN_DISABLE_POSTFIX) to disable the Postfix server

- Improve code coverage and API test cases for pgAgent
- Added connected pgAdmin user and connection name in the log file
- Updated mimetype from ‘text/javascript’ to ‘application/javascript’ as ‘text/javascript’ is obsolete
- Include PostgreSQL 13 utilities in the container

- Added ‘Count Rows’ option to the partition sub tables
- Improve the explain plan details by showing popup instead of tooltip on clicking of the specified node
- Added support for expression in exclusion constraints
- Fixed incorrect log information for AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES
- Ensure that the ‘template1’ database should not be visible after pg_upgrade
- Fixed an issue where the Save button is enabled by default in Macro
- Remove extra line after Manage Macros menu while clearing all macros
- Ensure that ‘Clear All Rows’ should not work if there is no existing macro available and the user does not specify any value
- Fixed an issue where the server is disconnected error message displayed if the user creates Macro with invalid SQL
- Ensure that the macro query result should be download properly
- Added appropriate help message and a placeholder for letting users know about the account password expiry for Login/Group Role
- Updated Flask-BabelEx to the latest
- Fixed an issue where the state of the Save File icon does not match the dirty editor indicator
- Fixed an issue where the dirty indicator stays active even if all changes were undone
- Ensure that the rename panel should be disabled when the SQL file opened in the query tool
- Fixed extra parentheses issue around joins for Views
- Fixed accessibility issues in schema diff module
- Fixed an issue on refreshing files in Query Tool
- Fixed an issue where Non-admin user is unable to view shared server created using service
- Fixed accessibility issues in various dialogs
- Fixed TypeError exception in schema diff when selected any identical object
- Updated deployment documentation, refer correctly to uWSGI where Gunicorn had been referenced
- Fixed an issue of deleting records when the user tries to delete multiple records
- Ensure that the user should be able to specify an older date for the account expiration of the role/user
- Fixed an issue where the database list in the new connection window is not visible
- Added informative message when there is no difference found for schema diff
- Fixed an issue where sequences are not created
- Ensure that verbose logs should be visible for Utility(Backup, Maintenance) jobs
- Ensure that the current value of the sequence should be ignored while comparing using schema diff

Defender Control 1.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Defender control doesn’t work properly when Tamper Protection is active
- ID Protection prevent to use Defender contol on multiple pc (ID Protection removed)
- GUI Font is too small

- The / q parameter has been added. Status information can be obtained with Exit code
- Some code improvements

PyCharm 2020.3.2 查看版本資訊
