WinSCP 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 Tableau Desktop 2024.1.0

WinSCP 歷史版本列表

WinSCP 是一個開源免費的 SFTP 客戶端,FTP 客戶端,WebDAV 客戶端和 Windows 客戶端。它的主要功能是在本地和遠程計算機之間進行文件傳輸。除此之外,WinSCP 提供腳本和基本的文件管理器功能.WinSCP 功能:圖形用戶界面(GUI)翻譯成多種語言與 Windows 集成(拖放,URL,快捷方式圖標)U3 支持所有文件的常用操作支持 SFTP 和 SCP 協議通過 SS... WinSCP 軟體介紹

AORUS Engine 2.1.5 查看版本資訊


AORUS Engine 2.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support more models

WinSCP 5.19.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Translation updated: German

Back-propagated fixes from 5.20–5.20.2 releases:
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1m
- XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.4.6

WinSCP 5.19.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A complete list of files that are part of a background transfer can be shown
- Support for PPK version 3 keys from PuTTY 0.75
- Stream interface in .NET assembly
- With SFTP protocol files can be streamed to stdout and from stdin in scripting
- Support SHA-256 fingerprints of TLS/SSL certificates
- Extension Synchronize with another remote server
- Improved FTP support for VMS servers (and potentially for other non-Unix-like systems)
- Compatibility with Google Cloud Storage when using S3 protocol to access the buckets

WinSCP 5.19.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Translation updated: Hungarian
- Showing release date on the About dialog
- Support for custom certificate store files
- Allow other 2xx responses to PWD command, not only the standard 257
- Bug fix: When there are both site folder and site with the same name and the site was selected when closing the Login dialog, when reopening, the folder was selected instead

WinSCP 5.19.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features and enhancements include:
- A complete list of files that are part of a background transfer can be shown
- Support for PPK version 3 keys from PuTTY 0.75
- Stream interface in .NET assembly
- With SFTP protocol files can be streamed to stdout and from stdin in scripting
- Support SHA-256 fingerprints of TLS/SSL certificates
- Extension Synchronize with another remote server
- Improved FTP support for VMS servers (and potentially for other non-Unix-like systems)
- Compatibility with Google Cloud Storage when using S3 protocol to access the buckets

WinSCP 5.19.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Translation completed: French
- Restored compatibility with FTP servers that return malformed cdir and pdir entries in directory listing
- Fix from PuTTY 0.76: Avoid crash in MIT Kerberos for Windows on session restart
- SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.76. It brings the following change: After 30 or so simultaneous sessions, Pageant stops working. win-pageant-max-connections

- Empty local drive could not be entered
- TLS settings in default site settings is not restored when opening Login dialog in some cases
- Memory leak when deleting completed background transfers
- Hang when running under Task Scheduler or a similar service with session logging enabled

WinSCP 5.19.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Translation updated: Italian
- Considering global passive/active mode settings when importing sessions from FileZilla
- Incrementing port numbers for secondary connections of tunneled sessions with fixed forwarding port number

- Failure when automatically opening a workspace on startup with too many sessions
- Failure when reading a key file without a trailing newline
- Failure when SFTP server resolves . path to an empty string

WinSCP 5.19.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When installing an extension from a URL, not saving the extension with BOM
- Not aborting “Keep remote directory up to date” function when connection is lost while deleting files or looking for differences and the session is reconnected. 1994
- When handling URL in an existing WinSCP instance, session settings from a stored site named after the URL hostname are not used. 1992
- It was possible to move toolbar on progress windows
- When installing an extension from a file, it is always saved in UTF-8 with BOM, disregarding the original encoding. 1993
- When “Keep remote directory up to date” function was started from command-line, disconnects were not detected
- When connection was lost and not reconnected, the “Keep remote directory up to date” window was not closed

Symfony 5.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix referencing aliases from RegisterEntryPointsPass
- [Validator] propagate the object being validated to nested constraints
- [Translator] fix handling plural for floating numbers
- [Messenger] fix redis messenger options with dsn
- [Messenger] Fix transporting non-UTF8 payloads by encoding them using base 64
- [Uid] fix checking for valid UUIDs
- [Form] check parent types for label_format and translation_domain
- [RateLimiter] Fix infinite values with NoLimiter
- [Validator] Fix DebugCommand
- [PhpUnitBridge] Allow relative path to composer cache
- [HttpKernel] Configure the ErrorHandler even when it is overriden -grekas)
- [PropertyInfo] Fix breaking change with has*(arguments...) methods
- [Console] [Command] Fix Closure code binding when it is a static anonymous
- [Notifier] [OvhCloud] “Invalid signature” for message with slashes
- [Uid] Unable to extend Uuid/Ulid and use fromString()
- [DoctrineBridge] Add username to UserNameNotFoundException
- [HttpFoundation] Drop int return type from parseFilesize()
- [HttpClient] Add check for constant in Curl client
- [HttpFoundation] Revert #38614 and add assert to avoid regressions
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container injection with TypedReference
- Fix problem when SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION is empty string value -r-schranz)
- [DependencyInjection] Skip deprecated definitions in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [Messenger] [AmazonSqs] Fix auto-setup for fifo queue
- [DoctrineBridge] Take into account that indexBy="person_id" could be a db column a referenced entity
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix circular loop with EntityManager
- [DependencyInjection] Don't trigger notice for deprecated aliases pointing todefinitions
- [HttpFoundation] use atomic writes in MockFileSessionStorage
- Make EmailMessage & SmsMessage transport nullable
- [Serializer] Rename normalize param
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor
- [Mailer] Fix missing BCC recipients in SES bridge
- [Config]  fix handling float-like key attribute values
- [Yaml] a colon followed by spaces exclusively separates mapping keys and values
- [Cache] fix possible collision when writing tmp file in filesystem adapter -grekas)
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.2
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 4.4
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 5.1
- [Security]  Move the handleAuthenticationSuccess logic outside try/catch block -)
- [DependencyInjection] Support PHP 8 builtin types in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass -)
- [VarDumper] fix mutating $GLOBALS while cloning it
- [DependencyInjection] Fix InvalidParameterTypeException for function parameters -)
- [HttpFoundation] parse cookie values containing the equal sign
- [DependencyInjection] do not break when loading schemas from network paths on
- [Finder] apply the sort callback on the whole search result
- [TwigBridge] Remove full head content in HTML to text converter
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix UidNormalizer priority
- [Validator] propagate groups to nested constraints
- [WebProfilerBundle] take query and request parameters into account when matching
- [FrameworkBundle] Dump abstract arguments
- [Yaml] keep trailing newlines when dumping multi-line strings
- [Form] disable error bubbling by default when inherit_data is configured
- [Lock] Fix config merging in lock
- [Yaml] do not dump extra trailing newlines for multiline blocks
- [Messenger] fix postgres transport when the retry table is the same
- [Form] fix passing null $pattern to IntlDateFormatter
- [Security] Fix event propagation for AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent when -egistered
- [Validator] Update Isin message to match the translation files
- [Messenger] Fix stopwach usage if it has been reset
- [Uid] Handle ValueErrors triggered by ext-uuid on PHP 8
- [VarDumper] Fix display of nullable union return types
- [VarDumper] fixed displaying "mixed" as "?mixed"
- [Mailer] Handle failure when sending DATA
- [Security] Fix event propagation for globally registered security events
- [TwigBridge] allow null values in form helpers
- [ProxyManagerBridge] fix PHP notice, switch to "friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts"
- [Security] Add RememberMe Badge to LoginLinkAuthenticator
- Supports empty path for slack DSN