Winamp 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 Resolume Avenue 7.15.0 rev 23381

Winamp 歷史版本列表

Winamp 是由 Nullsoft 製作的免費多媒體播放器。它支持眾多的音頻和視頻格式。它還播放流媒體視頻和音頻內容,既有現場錄製,也有錄製的,在全球範圍內進行創作。 Winamp 支持多種音頻(MP3,OGG,AAC,WAV,MOD,XM,S3M,IT,MIDI 等)和視頻類型(AVI,ASF,MPEG,NSV)的播放。下載 Winamp PC 的離線安裝程序安裝! 它有一個非常可定制的媒體庫... Winamp 軟體介紹

Winamp 5.33 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: [gen_ml] unicode tree item title support
- Improved: [NDE] speed optimizations
- Improved: [ml_history] localized dates
- Improved: [ml_local] Unicode media library support
- Improved: [ml_playlists] now uses m3u8 to retain unicode file info
- Improved: [ml_playlists] playlists in send-to submenu
- Improved: [ml_pmp] playback-from-device of unicode filenames
- Improved: [ml_wire] moved discover page to main page
- Improved: [pmp_p4s] auto-detection of supported file formats
- Fixed: playlist directory loading fix (again)
- Fixed: recursive playlist loading
- Fixed: video lockup when switching video display settings
- Fixed: HTML playlist generation
- Fixed: temp file cleanup after burning
- Fixed: Alt+L from video window
- Fixed: fullscreen video display drawing glitch
- Fixed: recursive shortcut loading
- Fixed ASX Loader not reading local relative paths correctly
- Fixed: [gen_ml] & needs expanding to && for any menu entries showing filenames
- Fixed: [in_cdda] crash on exit when ejecting CD
- Fixed: [in_flac] not saving genres.txt in multiuser directory
- Fixed: [in_mp3] create id3v2 tag when writing album artist
- Fixed: [in_mp3] workaround for id3v2.4 tags with badly formatted frame sizes
- Fixed: [in_vorbis] writing blank metadata instead of erasing
- Fixed: [in_wave] sometimes not remembering custom extensions
- Fixed: [in_wm] stack overflow on hi-def multichannel audio with replaygain enabled
- Fixed: [in_wm] File Info editor album artist not saving
- Fixed: [ml_local] Modern skin pledit winshade 'Manage Playlist' button bug
- Fixed: [ml_local] ignoring files with ellipsis (...)
- Fixed: [ml_local] editing disc via 'edit selected items'
- Fixed: [ml_local] sorting fix
- Fixed: [ml_local] ratings menu
- Fixed: [ml_local] crash when sorting by replaygain
- Fixed: [ml_local] deadlock when retrieving title to guess metadata
- Fixed: [ml_local] no longer causes unicode files in playlist to display ?????
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] time column and 'status' in statusbar
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] send-to another playlist makes playlist file appear rather than contents
- Fixed: [ml_pmp]
- Fixed: [ml_pmp] Metadata showing as -1
- Fixed: [ml_rg] multi-channel files being calculated incorrectly
- Fixed: [ml_transcode] bad/missing metadata on transcoded files
- Fixed: [ml_transcode] error on overly long filenames ("can't open destination file")
- Fixed: [ml_wire] podcasts that change titles not updating properly
- Fixed: [pmp_p4s] mass storage devices showing as Plays For Sure devices in Vista
- Fixed: [vis_milk] multi-user issues
- Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus encoder 8.0.3
- Updated: [enc_flac] Flake r117
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] Jump to File Extension 0.97.11

Winamp 5.33 Full Beta 1079 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: [gen_ml] unicode tree item title support
- Improved: [NDE] speed optimizations
- Improved: [ml_history] localized dates
- Improved: [ml_local] Unicode media library support
- Improved: [ml_playlists] now uses m3u8 to retain unicode file info
- Improved: [ml_playlists] playlists in send-to submenu
- Improved: [ml_pmp] playback-from-device of unicode filenames
- Improved: [ml_wire] moved discover page to main page
- Improved: [pmp_p4s] auto-detection of supported file formats
- Fixed: playlist directory loading fix (again)
- Fixed: recursive playlist loading
- Fixed: video lockup when switching video display settings
- Fixed: HTML playlist generation
- Fixed: temp file cleanup after burning
- Fixed: Alt+L from video window
- Fixed: fullscreen video display drawing glitch
- Fixed: recursive shortcut loading
- Fixed ASX Loader not reading local relative paths correctly
- Fixed: [gen_ml] & needs expanding to && for any menu entries showing filenames
- Fixed: [in_flac] not saving genres.txt in multiuser directory
- Fixed: [in_mp3] create id3v2 tag when writing album artist
- Fixed: [in_mp3] workaround for id3v2.4 tags with badly formatted frame sizes
- Fixed: [in_vorbis] writing blank metadata instead of erasing
- Fixed: [in_wave] sometimes not remembering custom extensions
- Fixed: [in_wm] stack overflow on hi-def multichannel audio with replaygain enabled
- Fixed: [in_wm] File Info editor album artist not saving
- Fixed: [ml_local] Modern skin pledit winshade 'Manage Playlist' button bug
- Fixed: [ml_local] ignoring files with ellipsis (...)
- Fixed: [ml_local] editing disc via 'edit selected items'
- Fixed: [ml_local] sorting fix
- Fixed: [ml_local] ratings menu
- Fixed: [ml_local] crash when sorting by replaygain
- Fixed: [ml_local] deadlock when retrieving title to guess metadata
- Fixed: [ml_local] no longer causes unicode files in playlist to display ?????
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] time column and 'status' in statusbar
- Fixed: [ml_pmp]
- Fixed: [ml_rg] multi-channel files being calculated incorrectly
- Fixed: [ml_transcode] bad/missing metadata on transcoded files
- Fixed: [ml_transcode] error on overly long filenames ("can't open destination file")
- Fixed: [ml_wire] podcasts that change titles not updating properly
- Updated: Coding Technologies aacPlus encoder 8.0.3
- Updated: [gen_ff] Freetype 2.3.1

Winamp 5.32 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: [ml_local] new filters for three pane view (album artist, genre, publisher)
- New: [ml_local] option to rescan metadata for selected files
- New: [ml_transcode] Transcoding tool. Convert your files from one format to another.
- New: [pmp_activesync] Support for Windows Mobile devices
- Improved: send-to in songticker right-click menu
- Improved: [ml_local] album artist, disc, replaygain, composer, full path columns
- Improved: [ml_local] localized dates
- Improved: [ml_local] folder browsing dialog
- Improved: [ml_rg] lower thread priority to prevent system slowdowns
- Fixed: classic skin playlist time drawing glitch
- Fixed: slow load-time with playlist of network share files
- Fixed: CD burning with Windows 98/ME
- Fixed: flickering with non-overlay video display
- Fixed: [gen_ml] treeview icons on Windows 98/ME
- Fixed: [gen_ml] modern skin docked toolbar mode not remembered
- Fixed: [gen_ml] listview flicker reduction
- Fixed: [in_flac] crash when viewing info (alt+3) on non-existent files
- Fixed: [in_mp3] incorrect length reported with Easy CDDA Extractor encodes
- Fixed: [in_mp4] unable to play truncated M4A files
- Fixed: [in_vorbis] crash with very short files
- Fixed: [jnetlib] HTTP timeouts on streams with character 255 in HTTP headers
- Fixed: [ml_disc] CD View sometimes causing flickering of all open windows
- Fixed: [ml_history] crash when disabling & re-enabling view
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] corrupt display when scrolling
- Fixed: [ml_wire] crash when parsing podcasts with badly formed dates

Winamp 5.3 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Unicode filename and title support
- New: M3U8 (Unicode) playlist support
- New: optional 24bit playback for many codecs (turn it on in Preferences->Playback)
- New: Replaygain support for MP3, AAC, Vorbis, M4A and WMA
- New: added ml views & playlists to Play-> submenu of right click popup menu
- New: added interface/x-winamp3-skin mimetype for WAL skins
- New: [ml_dash] Personalized content portal
- New: [ml_disc] optional replaygain scanning after rip (turn it on in cd ripping prefs)
- New: [ml_pmp] Transcoding. Converts incompatible files on-the-fly for your portable device.
- New: [ml_pmp] Playback now works for playsForSure and Creative NJB devices
- New: [ml_pmp] "Copy to Library" - transfer songs from any device to your local library (uses CD rip settings)
- New: [ml_pmp] Video sync support for portables
- New: [ml_rg] replaygain scanner (access via Send To menu)
- New: [pmp_ipod] gapless playback support on newer models
- New: [pmp_usb] USB drive support. Now all those thumbdrive MP3 players can work with Winamp.
- Improved: fullscreen video seekbar
- Improved: ATF updates
- Improved: DC filter on spectral visualization, to remove bass bias
- Improved: preference cleanups
- Improved: faster PLS writing
- Improved: 24bit EQ support
- Improved: "Close Winamp" option after installation (after clicking 'Send')
- Improved: [enc_aacplus] Improved AAC and aacPlus encoding!
- Improved: [enc_aacplus] saves itunes/ipod-compatible gapless information
- Improved: [enc_lame] added preset medium and fast medium
- Improved: [enc_wma] VBR and lossless modes
- Improved: [gen_ff] better sample rate display
- Improved: [in_cdda] faster ripping speeds through improved buffering and multithreading
- Improved: [in_dshow] AVI metadata reading
- Improved: [in_dshow] better WAV support
- Improved: [in_mp3] 24bit MP3 playback, 64bit internal precision
- Improved: [in_mp3] streaming id3v2 support
- Improved: [in_mp3] replaygain support for MP3 playback
- Improved: [in_mp3/in_mp4] 24bit AAC playback
- Improved: [in_mp3/in_mp4] itunes-compatible gapless playback
- Improved: [in_mp3/in_mp4] mp3-in-mp4 container support
- Improved: [in_mp4] FAAC-compatible (mostly) gapless playback
- Improved: [in_wave] better outputs bits-per-sample choosing
- Improved: [ml_playlists] added missing entries from pledit context menus
- Improved: [ml_playlists] option to not show playlists in send-to menu
- Improved: [ml_pmp] Only relevant columns shown in song views
- Improved: [ml_pmp] "Getting Metadata" now much faster
- Improved: [ml_pmp] devices can now be renamed
- Improved: [ml_pmp] added progress to portables tree item (no more switching views)
- Improved: [ml_pmp] metadata guessing based on filename
- Improved: [ml_pmp] improved GUI performance
- Improved: [pmp_ipod] support for iTunesLock
- Fixed: Burning files that require resampling
- Fixed: multiple copies of Winamp when opening too many files/folders from explorer
- Fixed: freeze when exiting Winamp while minimized
- Fixed: Delay/hang when loading dead stream url's
- Fixed: crash when directdraw fails to create primary surface
- Fixed: 4x burn speed limit with Pro
- Fixed: registry handling when disassociating filetypes
- Fixed: better detection of video input plugins
- Fixed: [dsp_sps] 24 bit fix
- Fixed: [enc_aacplus] more compatible HE AAC MP4 file creation
- Fixed: [enc_lame] broken vbr presets
- Fixed: [enc_lame] 24bit input support
- Fixed: [enc_lame] bitrate lower bound on alt-presets
- Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB lookups clearing the ENTIRE playlist cache
- Fixed: [gen_ff] layerfx not being redrawn on colortheme change
- Fixed: [gen_ff] gradient drawing glitch and crash
- Fixed: [gen_ff] custom color themes bug
- Fixed: [gen_jumpex] hang when suspending or hibernating
- Fixed: [gen_ml] tree icon fixup (divide by zero crash in ICM32.dll)
- Fixed: [in_cdda] cutoff of last few sectors
- Fixed: [in_dshow] crash when using DSP/EQ on anything bigger than 16bit stereo
- Fixed: [in_dshow] seek to key frame
- Fixed: [in_midi] truncated playback of some MIDI files
- Fixed: [in_mod] title display bug for module streams with no title
- Fixed: [in_mp3] crash when editing ID3 tags
- Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 and ID3v1 Comment & Genre tags shared
- Fixed: [in_mp3] Inaccurate Time Remaining display for AAC files
- Fixed: [in_mp3] do Viz after DSP
- Fixed: [in_mp3] Icecast stream title UTF-8 support
- Fixed: [in_mp4] detection of HE AAC in file info box (Alt+3)
- Fixed: [in_wm] DRM Video playback on certain hardware
- Fixed: [in_wm] freezeup when seeking a paused wma
- Fixed: [in_wm] Hang with dead WMV link in pledit in Repeat mode
- Fixed: [in_wm] freeze when stopping streams that have rebuffered
- Fixed: [in_wm] small memory leak on each track play
- Fixed: [in_wm] Windows Media Screen Codec not playing properly
- Fixed: [ml_disc] CD ripping / playlist generation bug
- Fixed: [ml_disc] CD Ripping view showing up when clicking on other ml views
- Fixed: [ml_history] Ctrl+H shortcut
- Fixed: [ml_local] fixed crash when trying to create a new view before mldb has loaded
- Fixed: [ml_local] background scan crash when media library DB isn't loaded
- Fixed: [ml_local] scheduled background scan always starting at startup
- Fixed: [ml_online] Online Media bugfix (don't try to play NULL streams)
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] losing stream titles
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] sort by title
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] Send To from local media to ml playlist replaces instead of enqueues
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] Enqueue as default broken in left pane
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] Playlist title > rt-click > New Playlist = broken
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] tracklength bug
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] playlist paths issue
- Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfers stalling after encountering a dupe
- Fixed: [out_ds] volume not hitting 0dB when using log or hybrid volume control
- Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Artist list on iPod not sorting "The" correctly
- Updated: Coding Technology aacPlus Decoder 8.0.0
- Updated: [gen_ff] Freetype 2.2.1
- Updated: [gen_ff] libpng 1.2.12
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] Jump-to-File 0.97.7
- Updated: [in_wave] libsndfile 1.0.16
- Updated: [libmp4v2] MPEG4IP mp4v2 1.5
- Updated: [enc_lame] LAME 3.97b3
- Updated: Sonic Engine

Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 868 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* New: [ml_pmp] automatically sync your ml playlists with your portable device
* New: Core Media Library Components subcategory in the installer options
* Improved: [in_mp3] faster mp3 replay gain scanning
* Improved: Filenames now shown for Gen & ML plugins in Prefs
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] non-english filenames fix
* Fixed: [ml_disc] CD view right-click menu options
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] various fixes based on crash reports
* Fixed: [in_mp3] "Size: x bytes" data missing in File Info box
* Fixed: [in_mp4] msvcp71.dll dependency
* Fixed: a few reported typos in prefs
* Fixed: duplicate media library entries bug (unfortunately your old duplicate entries will still exist)

Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 857 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: crash when aacPlusDecoder.w5s isn't present
- Fixed: Sonic Engine install under Win98SE/ME
- Fixed: ReplayGain preamp resets to -6.0 dB (b843-specific)
- Fixed: [in_mp3] %bitrate% & time display in pledit for mp3 streams (5.25-specific)
- Fixed: ReplayGain info not being saved for files with id3v1 tags only (b843-specific)
- Fixed: [in_wm] freeze on seek with right keyboard cursor (5.25-specific)
- Fixed: [ml_disc] auto add ripped files to mldb (5.25-specific)
- Fixed: [ml_rg] crash on unsupported formats (b843-specific)
- Fixed: [ml_rg] Abort button now working (b843-specific)
- Improved: fixes for video plugin detection
- Improved: [in_mp3] minor id3v2.4 tag reading fixes
- Improved: [in_mod] 24bit/surround/stereo options moved to Prefs > Playback
- Improved: [in_mp3] increased streaming info box size
- New: aac/m4a/ogg replaygain support we're idiots & we copy & paste from
- New: [in_mp3] aac/mp3 replaygain in alt+3 dialog box
- New: [ml_pmp] auto-transcoding for incompatible formats
- New: [ml_playlists] added 'playlist entry' and 'read extended info' to menus
- Updated: Sonic Burning/Ripping Library (requires reboot)

Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 843 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: unicode titles for streams (build 834-specific bug)
- Fixed: [in_mp3] icecast utf-8 stream title support
- Fixed: [in_mp3] lame vbr header reading (build 834-specific bug)
- Fixed: [ml_local] crash when deleting files (via watcher) before ml has loaded
- Improved: bumped up gain of spectral analyzer
- Improved: [in_mp4] better sample duration calculation when the decoder is outputting at a different samplerate than specified in the MP4 data
- Improved: [pmp_usb] metadata reading in background, general touch-ups
- Improved: [in_mp3] faster preparation during burning, transcoder support
- New: [in_mp3] replaygain support for MP3 playback (enable in Prefs > Playback)
- New: [ml_rg] replaygain scanner (beta only, for now - access via Send To menu)
- Updated: [enc_lame] LAME 3.97b3

Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 834 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: [in_mp4] detection of HE AAC in file info box (Alt+3)
- Fixed: [enc_aacplus] more compatible HE AAC MP4 file creation
- New: "Close Winamp" option after installation (after clicking 'Send')

Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 825 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: playlist extension registry writing
- Fixed: remote playlists nested within a playlist
- Fixed: dialog fixes (font change had knocked some things out of whack)
- Fixed: xp themed dialogs
- Fixed: rogue winamp agent registry Run key
- Fixed: [dsp_sps] 24 bit fix
- Fixed: [in_dshow] seek to key frame
- Fixed: [in_mp3] do Viz after DSP
- Fixed: [in_mp3] made genre dropdown bigger again (only effects pre-XP os's)
- Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Crash when clicking 'switch to vis/video' button
- Fixed: [gen_ml] tree icon fixup (working around an OS bug that was causing CreateDIBSection to sometimes crash (divide-by-zero in ICM32) using V4 bitmap header struct)
- Fixed: [ml_local] fix for setting the watch folders extension list
- Fixed: [ml_local] fixed crash when trying to create a new view before mldb has loaded
- Improved: expanded 24bit warning
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] jtfe 0.97.7h (build 57)

Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 812 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

warning when selecting 24bit output
fixed: [ml_disc] Play tracks after CD Ripping fix
fixed: [ml_local] bg scan crash when media library DB isn't loaded
fixed: [ml_history] Ctrl+H shortcut
fixed: registry keys created even on unregistered file types
fixed: systray tooltip not showing
fixed: crash on uninstallation
fixed: [in_wm] freeze when stopping streams that have rebuffered
fixed: freeze when exiting Winamp while minimized
fixed: burning with 24bit enabled
fixed: [in_dshow] AVI >2GB fix
fixed: [playlist] PLS loading fix