TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 WebTorrent 軟體歷史版本 Download Page1 :: 軟體兄弟

WebTorrent 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 [var.version]

WebTorrent 歷史版本列表

WebTorrent 桌面是流式山洪。無論是來自 Internet Archive 的視頻,Creative Commons 的音樂還是 Librivox 的有聲讀物,都可以馬上播放。您不必等待它完成下載。桌面是快速的,免費的,非商業的& 開源。 WebTorrent 是一個驚人的流式瀏覽器和桌面洪流客戶端! WebTorrent PC 桌面連接到 BitTorrent 和 WebTorr... WebTorrent 軟體介紹

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WebTorrent 0.24.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support the .m2ts video container format

- Update to Electron 10.1.0
- Update the Windows installer loading image

- Fix music metadata not showing up
- Fix the "Play in VLC" functionality
- Prevent shortcuts from activating when user input elements are focused

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WebTorrent 0.23.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add macOS Notarization

- Update to Electron 10 beta

RStudio 1.3.1056 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Compatible with R graphics engine version 13 (R 4.1.0+)
- R 4.0.0’s raw string literals are now handled properly by the diagnostics engine
- Allow projects to reopen after a crash
- Added spellcheck blacklist item for preview Latvian dictionary
- Allow multiple space-separated domains in www-frame-origin for Tutorial API (Pro)
- Update rstudioapi highlightUi call to accept a callback variable containing an R script to be executed after the highlight element has been selected
- Adds class attributed to RMarkdown chunks, their control buttons, and their output based on their given labels
- Add option www-url-path-prefix to force a path on auth cookies
- Add additional keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+`) for Focus Console Output accessibility command
- Always set application role for screen readers and removed related accessibility preference checkbox
- Update NOTICE for Ace editor license

- Announce text of warnings bar via screen reader
- Fix issue where projects using renv sometimes failed to load
- Fix issue where attempts to create clusters via parallel package failed on macOS
- Fix display issue with keyboard shortcut in Modify Keyboard Shortcuts dialog
- Fix ‘truncating string with embedded nuls’ warning being emitted when saving R Notebook
- Fix Compare Results and other incompatibility with newer versions of the shinytest package
- Fix Terminal to work with both Git-Bash and RTools4 MSYS2 installed on Windows
- Fix auto-activation of JAWS screen reader virtual cursor in Console Output region
- Fix dependency installation for untitled buffers
- Fix failure to open source files when debugging some functions in R 4.0.0 (work around R bug in deparse())
- Fix failure to use the first project template and default open files
- Fix issue where R_LIBS_SITE could be forcibly set empty, overriding the value in /etc/R/REnviron
- Fix keybinding failure when global keybindings exists but user keybindings don’t
- Fixed Chromium issue when using RStudio Desktop on Linux systems with newer glibc
- Fixed install issue where service scripts would not be created if there was no /lib/systemd path
- Fixed issue where an attempt to create more sessions than the license limit would fail with a generic error
- Fixed issue where users could not save files in home directory if specified by UNC path
- Fixed issue where file upload would fail when the file already existed
- Fix sign out from the Admin Dashboard when behind a path-rewriting proxy
- Fix “Login as user” from the Admin Dashboard when using Launcher sessions
- Fix issue with first esc keypress being ignored
- Fix issue with spellcheck not working with realtime turned off
- Fix error when some HTML comments are included in R Markdown documents
- Fix issue where toolbar buttons were missing on initialization
- Fix error in Viewer pane when previewing Distill blogs
- Fix misalignment of some number cells in the data viewer
- Fix C++ autocompletion results missing on macOS in some contexts
- Fix misleading errors report for verify-installation without Launcher (Pr
- Fix Global Options failure to launch when missing secondary repositories
- Send keyboard focus to the Source pane when creating new files
- Fix failure to open HTML widgets from the Viewer in an external web browser on Windows with R >= 4.0.0
- Fix “cannot access the file” error with rstan when Viewer is open
- Fix launching jobs from working directories with spaces on their names (Pr
- Update editor toolbar when R Markdown documents are switched to/from Notebook mode in YAML header
- Fix error when invoking spell check manually on some languages
- Fix RStudio Desktop Pro Job Launcher connections and path mappings
- Fix painting of Appearance pane in Global Options on RStudio Desktop
- Fix Alt+- shortcut to insert assignment operator in R Markdown documents
- Fix issue with duplicated signature tooltips in R Markdown documents
- Fix issue with chunk toolbars not showing up in some cases
- Fix RStudio Server Pro issue where R version modules would sometimes not be able to modify the PATH environment variable (Pr
- Fix dealing with expired sessions due to inactivity or signed out when using multiple browser tabs
- Fix dropdowns not repopulating after being closed via keyboard shortcut
- Fix errors occurring during verify-installation command

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support running and debugging Python code in Docker and other containers
- Allow creating a new Docker container or using an existing container from the New Project dialog
- Update and improve the How-To for Docker
- Support auto-completion of f-string expressions
- Allow setting the display and editor color themes separately
- Add the Editor > Auto-Editing > Mutate Adjacent Quotes preference to control whether typing a quote character while the caret is adjacent to an existing quote will change the type of quotes used for that string (enabled by default)
- Improve source analysis of simple expressions, imports from modules with __all__, and global/non-local statements
- Enable structural folding in .pyi and .pi files
- Add basic syntax highlighting for Dockerfile

- Use utf-8 as the default encoding for Python files when working with Python 3
- Change the color palette and theme selection preferences to the easier to understand Display Theme and Editor Theme
- Remove deprecated commands:
- show-panel-debug-probe (use show-panel-debug-console)
- debug-probe-clear (use debug-console-clear)
- debug-probe-toggle-active-range (use debug-console-toggle-active-range)
- debug-probe-evaluate-active-range (use debug-console-evaluate-active-range)
- debug-probe-show-active-range (use debug-console-show-active-range)
- evaluate-sel-in-debug-probe (use evaluate-sel-in-debug-console)
- set-current-as-main-debug-file (use set-current-as-main-entry-point)
- clear-project-main-debug-file (use clear-project-main-entry-point)  
- set-selected-as-main-debug-file (use set-selected-as-main-entry-point)  
- Removeddeprecated symbols in the scripting API:
- kArg* magic default argument values (other than kArgNumericModifier)
- 'sheet' argument for CAPIApplication.ShowMessageDialog
- CAPIProject.Get/SetMainDebugFile (use Get/SetMainEntryPoint)
- CAPIDebugRunState.GetStackFrame (use GetStackIndex)
- Remove legacy support for Zope2 name space merging and debugging with WingDBG
- Omit minor version number from the installation directory name on Windows
- Add spaces into the app installation directory name on macOS
- Change the names of executables on Linux to wing8, wing-personal8, and wing-101-8
- The default Python is selected differently and includes inspection of Anaconda installations and framework installations (on macOS) that were previously ignored

Bug Fixes:
- Use the correct Python version for PEP 8 reformatting on a remote host
- Fix opening files from the Finder on macOS Catalina Finder when Wing is already open
- Fix goto definition on the Python 3 collections.abc module
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix find points of use and refactoring for properties
- Fix goto-definition callouts on symbols in remote files that are not yet open
- Add missing attributes errors, name, newlines, mode, and fileno to Python 2 sys.stdout/err replacement used while debugging; also add write_through for Python 3
- Fix intermittent truncation of output produced near the end of a process lifetime
- Avoid the potential for terminating debug or Python Shell processes when working on multiple remote hosts and a process ID happens to match an existing process
- Avoid warning about Python Shell restart when creating new projects
- Fix closing an editor while saving its file to a remote host
- Fix working with a remote Python that is missing the ctypes standard library module
- Don't mis-identify the type of the return values of dict items as a tuples
- Fix displaying invalid names in an import statement
- Fix inspecting values in the debugger or shell when getattr raises an exception other than AttibuteError
- Fix analysis of class and function statements after their indentation is reduced
- Fix analysis of f-strings contained inside an f-string
- Fix the icon used for Wing when launching from the command line on macOS Catalina
- Don't fail to reset the Testing tool state correctly if starting debug of a test aborts
- Update analysis correctly if the Project Home Directory or Python Path is changed in Project Properties
- Reduce application startup time

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a How-To for using Wing with PyXLL
- Support folding in .pyi and .pi files

Bug Fixes:
- Fix using the macOS Catalina Finder to open files when Wing is already open
- Fix Wing's icon on macOS Catalina when launching from command line
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix the default editor font on Catalina
- Fix analysis of named expressions used as function arguments

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