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Wavebox (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Wavebox 可讓您將所有網絡工具整合在一起,以便更快,更智能地工作。從網頁到桌面,在一個整齊打包的應用程序!將您最喜愛的網絡工具鏈接到 Wavebox 非常簡單,並且都有完整的通知支持。 Wavebox 與您的操作系統無縫集成,讓您保持完美的最新狀態。 Wavebox 建立在您已經每天使用的技術之上。這是為了充分利用世界各地的開發人員投入到項目中的所有努力,並在使用 Wavebox 時為您提供... Wavebox (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Postman 7.3.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Postman 7.3.6 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where slashes were not displayed properly in response body
- Fixed an issue where data after backslash was getting encoded even if is was not an escape sequence
- Fixed an issue where new line and quotes were not displayed properly in response body
- Fixed a bug where tabs used to go in conflicted mode
- Fixed an issue where response body was not getting copied using context menu action

Postman 7.3.5 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where SSO login was not working for Enterprise login

Postman 7.3.4 (64-bit)
- Improved pm.variables.has method to search in all the scopes
- Updated response viewer to show headers in a tabular view
- Updated request headers to be title case for consistency
- Updated response-viewer to show different stages of request accurately
- This release replaces the rich editor used for displaying the response from Ace Editor to Monaco editor
- In addition to changing the editor for the response section, the pretty view no longer does transformations on the response text. All transformations are handled as text formatters inside the editor. Combined, these two above changes give better performance, reduced memory footprint and remove bugs in response pretty view
- Fixed an issue where app crashed on de-structured usage of pm assertions
- Fixed an issue where collection runner was not identifying JSON format when selecting data file
- Fixed an issue where export collection dialogue breaks on expanding (macOS)
- Fixed an issue where loader window was not appearing centered on using multiple monitors on Linux
- Fixed a bug where parsing CSV file containing double quotes as escape character caused error
- Fix a bug causing app to crash when form-data has malformed file value
- Fixed a bug where multipart/form-data boundary was inconsistent for digest auth
- Fixed a bug where pm.sendRequest crashes the app for the non-string raw body
- Fixed a bug causing non utf8 charset responses to not show in the response-viewer
- Fixed a bug where using quotes inside unquoted csv field caused error
- Fixed a bug where collection export was not working when example request was empty
- Fixed a bug where undo history was reset after performing a beautify action
- Fixed a bug where floating point numbers were rounded off in response pretty view
- Fixed a bug where JSON response pretty view removed extra characters surrounding the JSON text
- Fixed a bug where emoji in response viewer caused uneven line heights
- Fixed a bug where search pop-up would hide the scrollbar in response pretty view
- Fixed a bug where cookies were not stored when the cookie path did not match the request path
- Fixed an issue where collection sidebar history items did not have pointer cursor on hover
- Fixed a bug where links in response viewer were encoded when opened in a Tab
- Fixed a bug in Examples causing editor to beautify on every key-stroke
- Fixed an issue where app was opening only once by clicking on "Run in Postman" button and not launching again.
- Fixed an issue where requests sent to servers that use TLS renegotiation were not working
- Fixed issue where OAuth2 window was showing blank screen on requesting token
- Fixed a bug where changing the response language was not formatting correctly

Postman 7.2.2 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 7.2.1 (64-bit)
- Added new code generators behind an experimental flag
- Added support for cookie syncing via the Interceptor
- Updated cURL, Swagger 2.0, OpenAPI 3.0 importer versions
- Added fork labels in all collection listing views
- Change Text color in no-response empty state to content-secondary
- Fixed some performance issue to handle large response
- Fixed a bug causing cookie settings in runner to not persist when rerun
- Updated internal CSV parser to fix bugs with data files parsing in runner
- Increased request label length in sidebar
- Bubbled up response save error to show in UI

Postman 7.2.0 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where browse view History items are unclickable
- Fixed a bug where workspace delete modal does not show thumbnail in the collection runner
- Fixed a bug where long collection name breaks UI in collection browser and add folder modal
- Fixed an issue where key value editors have inconsistent borders and overlaps with borders of 2 pane view
- Fixed a bug where upgrade button did not refresh to team button on plan upgrade
- Fixed a bug where app was crashing due to client certificate password mismatch
- Fixed a bug where URL path variables were not parsed correctly
- Fixed a bug where params with empty keys were getting filtered
- Fixed a bug where invalid url crashes the app
- Fixed an issue where the request URL is shown instead of request name when trying to save the request to another collection
- Added password masking to client certificate passphrase
- Revised placeholder copy for adding a description
- Removed `last modified just now` from collection browser
- Fixed an issue where description support markdown does not link to any documentation.
- Invite multiple users by uploading .txt or .csv files
- Added support for GraphQL request and schemas
- Updated collection runner to support selecting and reordering requests/folders before run
- Added faker library support to add `$random*` dynamic variables

Postman 7.1.1 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where search in the sidebar would continue to show results from previous search results
- Fixed a bug where workspace collections view in browse mode was crashing if collection owner account was deleted
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to open a new tab on clicking plus icon in some flows
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to send files while sending requests
- Fixed a bug that caused proxy matching for URL with ports to fail

Postman 7.1.0 (64-bit)
- Introducing APIs in Postman
- Create API constructs which mirror your real world APIs, directly within the Postman desktop or web app
- Add and edit your schemas, and generate collections from them at the click of a button
- Link related entities such as collections, environments, mock servers and monitors to APIs
- Version your APIs, and tag collections under them to keep track of changes
- Mock, document, monitor and publish multiple versions of your API simultaneously using tagged revisions of collections
- Improved the ability to work with files and fixed issues around file exports
- Added support for cookie control in collection runner
- Added support for accessing cookies in `pm.sendRequest`
- Added support for payload hash in Hawk authentication
- Signing out now warns you if you have any unsynced changes
- You can now close the last open tab in a workspace
- Added support for adding asynchronous tests when using `pm.test` by passing `done` callback
- Fixed a bug where group history delete action used to crash the app
- Fixed a bug where quotes get encoded in query parameters
- Fixed a bug where trailing spaces in an URL was getting removed
- Fixed a bug where cookies are not saved for IPv6 addresses
- Fixed a bug where pm.sendRequest cookies are not saved in app
- Fixed a bug where team notifications were not shown in the same app session where the team was created
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the request count in the collection was different from the actual number of requests shown
- Fixed a bug where folders with invalid references to requests were not allowed to be deleted or duplicated
- Fixed a bug where dragging a duplicate key inside environments modal is dragging 2 rows with it
- Fixed a bug where markdown renders with incorrect spacing
- Fixed a bug where next and previous buttons in ace editor search box work exactly opposite to intended functionality
- Fixed a bug where after saving the request the first duplicate key in query params is deleted
- Fixed a bug where the last user in team workspace doesn't see a proper error message in toasts while leaving workspace
- Fixed a bug where method name not showing up for older history in browse mode
- Fixed an issue where Postman was getting set as the default app to handle HTML files on Linux
- Fixed an issue where editing the description of a variable via the environment quick look also edits the description of other variables
- Fixed issues while importing Postman data dumps
- Various bugfixes in the OpenAPI 3.0 importer
- Fixed URL encoding issues while calculating payload hash in multiple authorizer modules
- Fixed a bug where the request body button types are not vertically aligned in the center

Postman 7.0.9 (64-bit)
- Added support for custom CA certificate
- Added support for PFX client certificate
- Added support for request mutation using pre-request scripts
- Added support for Proxy authentication (Basic Auth)
- Added request size details in tooltip
- Added detailed timings in tooltip of response time
- Added support for API Key type authentication
- Users can now suggest people to be invited to their team
- Improvement of UI representation of temporary headers
- Fixed a bug where interrupting the script execution crashes the App
- Fixed a bug where port 443 is not matched implicitly when using client certificates
- Fixed a bug where AWS signature was not calculated correctly
- Fixed a bug where error responses during team invite flows were not bubbled up
- Fixed a bug where Postman Runner doesn't show Pre-request script assertion results
- Fixed a bug where Test filter is not working when retrying the run in collection runner
- Fixed a bug where open tabs can't be selected in the find and replace section
- Fixed issue where Postman window opened off-screen on restoring from minimized state
- Fixed issue where Postman window was always opening in windowed mode despite closing in maximized mode
- Fixed an issue where collection gets imported multiple times when clicking Run in Postman button [Windows]
- Fixed a bug where app doesn't receive sync changes after clicking the sync icon
- Fixed a bug where the sync indicator was wrong incase where sync was disabled for a user
- Fixed a bug where removing a collection after creating it in the same app session was not synced
- Fixed a bug where environment values were not updated immediately after the request finishes
- Fixed a bug where add account and cancel flow did not used to load the correct window for the user
- Fixed a bug where examples in the original request were not copied when saving it request as new request
- Context menu does not show up in Import modal (Paste Raw Text)
- Fixed UI issue in console related to clear button and search box
- Fixed a bug where App was crashing while opening another 3rd party App using custom protocol from an OAuth2 window
- Fixed some inconsistencies in rendering markdown between Postman Dashboard/Documentation and Postman App
- Fixed editing variables from quick look when the order of session-variable is not the same as variables
- Fixed a bug where environment dropdown on applying a filter has empty spaces/rows
- Fixed a bug in request name where if the name is too large then it wraps onto multiple lines
- Fixed a bug in request name where if the user has only view permissions still it is able to edit the name
- Fixed issue where a saved cookie is not removed when the cookie is updated by subdomain with a prior expiration date
- Fixed issue where user cannot edit cookies with same name under the same domain but has different path
- Fixed example title is too short in the dropdown list of examples issue
- Fixed a bug where highlighting text while renaming request in Sidebar drags the whole request
- Fixed a bug where example response preview sections was not working
- Fixed a bug where selection focus is lost from request URL when path variables are removed
- Added UI feedback states when setting up account after signing in. Without this, quitting the app might cause corrupt data
- Fixed issue regarding correctly focusing the requester window when user tries to create another app instance
- Fixed focussing issue related to the search box inside the text editor
- Fix for no-cache and postman-token settings

Postman 7.0.7 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where raw body was not synced correctly for history requests

Postman 7.0.6 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 7.0.5 (64-bit)
- Version 7.0 rolls out a new system for managing roles and permissions that will help make sure everyone on your team can access to what they need.
- Better experience while sharing collections
- Workspaces sync more quickly
- Learning Centre is now called Bootcamp. And now it also shows up in a tab too. New name, new home.
- Fixed issue regarding visualisation of x-www-form-urlencoded parameters in Postman console
- Show year in collection activity feed
- Fixed console not opening on switching accounts
- Fixed toggling sidebar via keyboard doesn't change 'Show/Hide Sidebar' button state
- Fixed rendering of disabled body parameters in Postman console
- Fixed an issue where falsy values were not rendered in Postman console
- Fixed the issue of Postman console removing extra whitespaces from the string
- Added titles for path variables and query params
- Content-Type support for form-data multipart
- Fixed collection description value and width in edit mode (Collection Browser)
- Fixed rendering of disabled headers in Postman console
- Bug fix for search results in collection selector UI
- [Linux] Fixed an issue where the app was not clearing old app updates
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip for system generated headers blocks the header-value
- Fixed an issue where console search field is not allowing users to paste copied text through mouse.
- Clearing history in the App deletes only those on Sync
- Fixed a bug where requests did not open in tab properly
- Fixed a bug where http version for code generation was appending undefined
- Fixed Response Cookie Expiration Date not showing
- Add word break for long response header values
- Fixed the issue of wrong pathname being displayed in Postman console

Postman 6.7.4 (64-bit)
- Added support for disabling keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed an issue that caused file path to disappear while reordering form-data fields
- Fixed an issue that caused errors with self signed SSL certificates in OAuth2

Postman 6.7.3 (64-bit)
- Stability and performance improvements

Postman 6.7.2 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where SSL certificates were not verified when a request is re-sent

Postman 6.7.1 (64-bit)
- Added support for forking and merging collections
- Added support to comment on requests
- Added support for JSON schema assertion in scripts
- Added support for AJV validator
- Users can now search for the selected text by using Find option in right-click menu
- Disabled the auto updates on Linux when installed using SNAP
- Fixed an issue where Learning Center modal was not reopening after successful Sign In
- Fixed conflict state flow to account for the name and description changes in a request tab
- Fixed a bug which caused the browse view to crash
- Fixed a bug where skipped label in response tests view was not visibl
- Fixed bugs around OpenAPI imports
- Fixed a bug where contents were being replaced in closed tabs using find and replace
- Fixed an issue where few collections were shown even after switching workspace [GitHub #5494]
- Fixed a bug that caused requests to fail when the URL protocol is not in lowercase
- Fixed a bug where order of the fields in form-data was not respected
- Fixed a bug which caused requests having form-data body to fail on redirects
- Fixed a bug where nested variables are not substituted correctly
- Fixed a bug that caused negated assertions to persist
- Fixed a bug where 308 permanent redirects were not handled correctly

Postman 6.6.1 (64-bit)
- Added support for importing OpenAPI 3.0
- Invite people through a shareable link
- Added support for re-opening recently closed tabs
- Improved learning centre with more lessons and skills
- New setting to turn off tab save confirmation dialog
- Detailed assertion failures are shown in the Collection Runner
- Show test assertions from pre-request script in the Collection Runner

Postman 6.5.3 (64-bit)
- Fixed a vulnerability in code snippet generation flow

Postman 6.5.2 (64-bit)
- Added support for custom HTTP methods
- Added support for sending body with GET requests
- You can now find and replace across collections, environments, globals and open tabs
- Added support for saving responses with history
- Fixed a bug where right click actions were not working for response headers
- Fixed a bug where PDF responses were rendered as raw text
- Fixed a bug where custom response code was not rendered if the response message was empty
- Fixed a bug where disabled environment values were used in generated code snippets
- Fixed a bug where disabled request headers were shown in Postman console
- Fixed a bug where closing snippet section in scripts tabs was not remembered for new tabs
- Fixed a bug where resizing panes in two pane layout did not refresh line-wrapping in script editors
- Fixed a bug where some response types were not rendered correctly in response preview
- Fixed a bug where postman generated Authorization headers were not included in code snippets
- Added configuration to disable icons in tab titles

Postman 6.4.4 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.4.2 (64-bit)
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements for tabs
- Made the the position of tab actions fixed
- Added more visibility when a request or response is in a conflicted or deleted state
- Fixed a bug where undo stack wasn't cleared if a different request opens in the same tab
- Fixed a bug where duplicate parameter keys disappear when unchecked
- Fixed a bug where save example did not preserve response status code
- Fixed a bug where the response view formatting used to reset when switching tabs
- Fixed a bug where closing single unsaved tab attempts to close all tabs after having cancelled close all tabs once
- Fixed a bug where request description didn't scroll when viewing in tab
- Fixed a bug where body resets to pretty view when changing tabs
- Fixed exporting collection variables with disabled entries
- Fixed a bug where generated collection links were not shown until app restart
- Fixed a bug in renaming a personal workspace
- Fixed text-wrapping issues in runner
- Fixed a bug to show long test names in tooltip inside run results
- Added link to view monitor results on dashboard after creating one
- Fixed a bug where long variable names were overflowing in the variable hover dropdown
- Fixed a bug where collection variables were not resolved in generated code snippets

Postman 6.3.0 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where multiple slashes were being removed
- Fixed a bug where certificates were not working if only one of CRT or Key file was used
- App will now log warning messages in the Postman Console if it fails to read files while sending requests
- Fixed a bug where cut/copy/paste from context menu was not working in Ace editor
- Fixed a bug where response search bar was showing up over the find overlay
- Fixed a bug where search query in API network and template category were not being persisted
- Exporting collections in v1 format is deprecated

Postman 6.2.5 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where there was an extra 'sessionValue' field in request body while exporting a collection
- Fixed an issue where the shortcut icon disappeared on update for Windows users
- Fixed data editor dropdown width while selecting file/text
- Fixed a bug where the request was stripped off from examples while importing a collection

Postman 6.2.4 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where _postman_id was added to folders and requests in exported collections in v2 and v2.1 formats
- Fixed a bug where sending a request was not finishing when globals were missing
- Fixed a bug where restoring collections were not working

Postman 6.2.3 (64-bit)
- Sharing collections and team workspaces are now available for all users
- Added a quicker way to invite others to the current workspace
- Use current values of variables to work with collections, environments and globals without sharing sensitive values with your team. Current values do not sync to Postman/'s servers
- Edit current values of the variable from the Quick Look view
- Resource usage can now be tracked from the app
- Improved memory usage when working with large values in environments or globals
- Fixed an issue where users were not able to save new requests
- Fixed an issue where selected environment on startup does not populate variables
- Fixed an issue where exporting collection generates incorrect request url
- Fixed an issue where diff is not showing in activity feed
- Fixed an issue where dropdown was being rendered out of screen bounds
- Fixed an issue where deleting an active run through different runner window crashes the first one
- Fixed an issue where setting inherit as the auth type for folders shows wrong auth inheritance
- Fixed an issue where postman throws error when environment value is undefined
- Fixed an issue where API documentation was not being create through +New Button
- Fixed a bug where variable was getting deleted after setting it's value to null
- Fixed a bug where `clientId` was being sent in the body when using `client-credentials` grant-type in OAuth-2
- Fixed a bug where simultaneous actions were not reflected correctly on UI
- Fixed a bug where a Requester window was not opening when a Console window was already open [macOS]
- Removed `client-secret` field for OAuth-2 implicit grant type
- Added support for having multiple cookies with same name but different paths
- Fixed a bug where users having edit permissions on a collection were not able to delete requests using the keyboard shortcut
- Fixed a bug where the folder level code was not visible until the text editor is clicked

Postman 6.2.2 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.1.4 (64-bit)
- Improvements in network stabilization
- Fixed a bug where secure cookies were not persisting

Postman 6.1.3 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug which prevented copying the response using the copy icon
- Fixed a bug where the Runner was not opening with pre-filled collection/folder
- Fixed a bug where Monitors and Mocks were not being created through New Button
- Fixed a bug where notifications were not being displayed
- Added support to disable hardware acceleration using an external environment variable

Postman 6.1.2 (64-bit)
- Linux apps will now automatically download and install updates
- Enterprise users can now control who can view workspaces within the team
- Minor updates and bug fixes will now be applied on background silently
- Performance improvements in startup
- Improvements in the sign-in/signup flow
- Switching theme changes the theme in all open windows
- Fixed an issue that caused sync conflicts with history requests
- Fixed an issue that caused desktop shortcuts to be recreated after update
- Fixed a bug where total request time in an exported run was a concatenated string
- Fixed a bug where globals were not being updated without being logged in
- Fixed a performance issue which caused a visible lag while adding query params

Postman 6.0.10 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.0.9 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.0.8 (64-bit)
- Organize your API work through the use of personal and team workspaces
- Changes to environments shared in team workspaces now sync automatically with your team
- Fixed an issue where files selected in request `form body` were not remembered
- Fixed a bug where `Download as JSON` was not working for Globals
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from switching to the `Build` view when offline
- Fixed a bug where a workspace was not switched to `Browse` view after the user was removed from the it
- Improved the experience around joining/leaving team workspaces

Postman 6.0.7 (64-bit)
- Organize your API work through the use of personal and team workspaces
- Changes to environments shared in team workspaces now sync automatically with your team
- Fixed an issue that led to high CPU usage

Postman 6.0.6 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 5.5.3 (64-bit)
- Fixed a rare issue where duplicating a folder added multiple copies of requests within the folder

Postman 5.5.2 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug which affected syncing

Postman 5.5.0 (64-bit)
- Added API Network: Browse through a list of authentic API publishers and import their collections with one click
- Fixed a rare issue on Windows where tabs were not being persisted across restarts

Postman 5.4.1 (64-bit)
- You can now add variables, authorization, pre-request and test scripts to a collection. This will apply to all requests in the collection.
- You can now add authorization, pre-request and test scripts to a folder. This will apply to all requests in the folder.
- Fixed an issue where closing the secondary window quits the application [Windows]
- Fixed an issue where headers were lowercased in generated code

Postman 5.3.2 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where the last open tabs were not restored on app restarts
- Fixed an issue where focus was not restored when switching to the app
- Fixed new window shortcuts on Windows and Linux
- Fixed a rare issue that prevented users from signing back in
- Various stability and security improvements

Postman 5.3.1 (64-bit)
- You can now add multiple user accounts and switch between them seamlessly
- Fixed an issue where some OAuth 2.0 tokens were not being used with requests
- Fixed an issue where getting a new OAuth 2.0 token was not working for some providers
- Fixed an issue where getting a new OAuth 2.0 token flow would not complete

Postman 5.3.0 (64-bit)
- Create documentation, mock servers, monitors, environments and more from the 'New' button in the header bar
- Explore Postman features by importing custom collection templates
- Add NTLM (Beta) and Bearer Token authorization methods to requests
- Find anything easily across all your collections, environments and globals (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F)
- Redesigned authentication interface for ease of use
- Automatic retries for Digest authentication
- Added ability to force close tabs without prompting for save
- Added ability to select additional monitoring regions
- Mock servers can now be made either private or public
- Authorization data is generated by Postman automatically and is not saved with your requests
- Fixed a rare issue where environment variables get disabled after sending the request

Postman 5.2.1 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where request body within duplicated folder was hidden from UI

Postman 5.2.0 (64-bit)
- All new Status bar for quick access to useful actions
- Add ability to set a custom proxy to be used for requests made through the app
- Share collections and invite users to your team from the Team Library
- Introducing the PM API for cleaner and more robust pre-request & test scripts
- Fixed an issue which prevented request reordering within a collection
- Fixed various issues around Sync conflicts
- Fixed an issue that caused path variable values to be deleted when importing a collection
- Fixed an issue where Postman dynamic variables were not being populated in the autocomplete dropdown

vMix 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed issue with MP4 Fault Tolerant recordings when Audio Bitrate was higher than 192 Kbps
- Fixed issue with MultiCorder when a source is offline
- Added support for latest Bluefish Nitro capture drivers

- Added ability to select the Input Number when adding the input
- Added option to right click input "cog" menu to move an input to a numbered position instead of dragging
- Added ability to hide an individual input's audio mixer if it is not needed
- Added shortcut/activator templates for X-Keys XKE-124 Video Switcher Kit and upcoming XKE-64 Replay Kit
- Added scrolling support to Data Sources source toolbar
- Added Fault Tolerant option to MP4 recording. Requires using vMix Video Tools to index before use in some video editors
- Added "Increase Buffer Size" option when adding an NDI input. This is useful for smoothing jittery video of NDI-HX sources on some networks at the expense of latency
- Added "High Output Performance Mode" in Settings -> Performance. Improves render time when outputting 4K60 video when used with high end graphics cards (GeForce 1080+)
- Reduced GPU Mem usage of Web Browser input by over 50%
- Various fixes and improvements to vMix AV
- Fixed upside down video in MultiCorder with some types of sources
- Fixed MP3 playback issues with some files
- Fixed issue where a broken Stream Deck profile could crash vMix
- Fixed issue where some GT title elements would load up hidden from a preset if they were previously hidden by a transition
- Fixed Triggers list showing incorrect input numbers
- Fixed Triggers not activating on use of T-Bar
- Fixed issue where some spreadsheets may have millions of blank rows that were being imported causing high memory usage in vMix
- Limited Excel source to importing only first 20,000 rows to prevent this. If more than 20,000 rows are needed please contact us
- Fixed MultiView layout setting not saving correctly in Preset
- Small performance improvements across the board

- New QR Code support in GT Designer
- Creates a QR code image that can be dynamically updated from the vMix Title Editor, Data Sources and Shortcuts
- New "Show Visible Toggle" option in GT Designer
- When enabled allows turning on or off selected images and text fields in the vMix Title Editor and Shortcuts
- New High DPI support in vMix User Interface for high resolution displays
- Updated Restream API integration
- Fixed audio corruption issue with some AJA capture devices
- Substantially improved performance of Image Sequence, especially in 4K and 60p workflows
- Fixed rare with countdown timer after closing a title input

- MarkIn/MarkOut values added to XML API
- Fixed issue when updating a GT title from multiple sources at the same time.
- Fixed VST3 issue with Nectar 3 plugin

- Added "preview" overlay flag to vMix XML API to identify the difference between an overlay displayed on the output vs preview
- Fixed WAV file recording not working when using new vMix AVI format
- Fixed large preview window showing up as blank when resetting camera input
- Fixed error when using Replay on inputs that disconnect/reconnect often
- Fixed Adobe Premiere import issue with vMix AVI when recording cameras without audio

- GT: Added Blink Continuous transition
- GT: Added Square/Rounded option for rectangle Stroke borders
- GT: Fixed issue where custom image in a preset did not always override the template image
- Added support for plug and play MIDI and X-Keys devices while vMix is still running. (Important note: this will not resolve issues where devices are disconnecting on their own, in these cases, this indicates a system fault that is outside of our control)
- Added additional caching in vMix Social to help with long photo download times on Facebook servers
- Updated Twitch streaming quality presets based on recommendations from Twitch team
- Added "Auto" thread setting in streaming quality, which will select the optimal number of threads to use on high-core machines. Not applicable to hardware encoding

- Fixed issue with Restart not working correctly with GT Tickers
- Fixed issue where some YouTube accounts reports duplicate Stream Now streams, causing an error in vMix

- Fix when starting overlay of GT templates that have had all animations removed
- GT animations will now only automatically trigger if autoplay/autopause are enabled
- Renamed Flash / RTMP input to Flash, as it is recommended to use Stream VLC input instead for RTMP
- Fixed stutter in VLC RTMP playback if frame rate is misreported by server
- Fixed Mark Out for some video formats occurring too early on some video formats
- Updated The Extreme scoreboard to work correctly when using countdown in clock fields

- VMix Social updated Facebook source to now show a dropdown box of all pages an account has access to. Previously a box was provided to type in a page name which may have caused confusion due to Facebook security policies of only allowing admin access to pages
- X-keys XKE-40 support added
- Fixed Live Pause not working on Desktop Capture input on some systems
- Fixed padding issue with VLC input when bringing in RTMP 1080p sources
- List input now provides better performance when using images
- Display -> Outputs dropdowns support up to 300 inputs
- Fixed issue with MultiCorder activator
- Fixed issue where Vimeo streaming destination did not show any streams when over 200 videos were in an account

- Virtual PTZ behaviour is now more consistent with a physical PTZ including edges of the frame being cropped out when used with MultiView and Overlays
- Added checkbox in PTZ settings to have PTZ thumbnails always displayed on input previews even while moving
- Fixed Audio Settings button displaying error if already open
- Fixed some Facebook pages/groups not showing up if user has a very large number on their account (> ~30)
- Facebook destination will now stop the stream on Facebook just prior to stopping in vMix, previously vMix would be stopped first which
depending on the processing time on Facebook may lead to a "stream has been interrupted" message on Facebook instead of an ended notice
- Fixed scrolling issue in input and mixer sections on some systems
- Improved sync on MP4 video playback
- Fixed Web Browser input audio not working on some systems
- Fixed typo in Scoreboard 3- Lineup 11 template leading to inconsistent data source auto assignment

GT - Easy to use, high-performance, animated graphics:
- Over 100+ animated title, scoreboard, ticker and social templates to choose from in HD and 4K
- Four way ticker support: create custom tickers with top, bottom, left or right scroll directions
- GT Designer Standard allows creating custom static titles and animated tickers in all vMix edition
- GT Designer Advanced allows creating custom animated titles along with the ability to import from Adobe Photoshop PSD files
- Spell check support added to built in vMix Title Editor
- New Clock dropdown box in Title Editor provides built in presets to add common clock formats to a title

MultiCorder (4K and Pro editions):
- Added support for recording Video Call sources in addition to Output1-4
- Individual MultiCorder settings can be saved in each preset

VMix Video Codec:
- High quality, fault tolerant, low CPU codec suitable for post production editing on Windows
- ProRes-like codec with support for Adobe Premiere, Magix Vegas Pro and most other Windows video editing programs
- Supported in both the Recorder and MultiCorder

Virtual PTZ (4K and Pro editions):
- Turns any input into a Virtual PZ camera with high quality, customisable digital zoom

Live Pause:
- Live Pause (Freeze Frame) Camera, NDI and Desktop Capture inputs by clicking the pause icon under the input

- New MultiView Output layout options
- Set the title bar either above or below the MultiView Output video previews
- Customise Preview/Output headings between fixed text and input names

- Updated NDI support to latest 3.8 SDK
- Included vMix NDI Config tool allows toggling between UDP and TCP transmission to allow optimising performance based on network requirements

- SnapshotInput
- SetTickerSpeed
- TitleBeginAnimation
- LivePlayPause

- Stream Deck and Stream Deck mini support. Add the vMix plugin from the Stream Deck App store. Set buttons to live thumbnail previews via shortcuts, or colours via activators
- Joystick Z axis support
- Joystick pressure sensitive support. Allows variable speed pan/title/zoom on supports PTZ cameras including the new Virtual PTZ
- X-Keys HD15 GPIO support added

- Support for AJA Kona 5

- New GPU memory % indicator in status bar. This refers to special memory shared between the CPU and GPU and can be used to identify potential performance problems when using a large number of inputs
- Vimeo streaming provider now supports selecting a previous setup event to stream to
- SlideShow Properties window (for Photos and PowerPoint inputs) can now be resized. Rearranged image orders is now saved in the vMix preset
- New Copy From button in Input Settings can be used to copy Triggers, MultiView and Colour Correction between inputs
- New cog buttons on Preview and Output to open up associated Input Settings
- Added ability to solo Bus A or Bus B through Headphones output. Click the [S] button in the Bus mixer to toggle on/off
- Added support for resizable VST3 plugins


GT - Easy to use, high-performance, animated graphics:
- Over 100+ animated title, scoreboard, ticker and social templates to choose from in HD and 4K
- Four way ticker support: create custom tickers with top, bottom, left or right scroll directions
- GT Designer Standard allows creating custom static titles and animated tickers in all vMix edition
- GT Designer Advanced allows creating custom animated titles along with the ability to import from Adobe Photoshop PSD files
- Spell check support added to built in vMix Title Editor
- New Clock dropdown box in Title Editor provides built in presets to add common clock formats to a title

MultiCorder (4K and Pro editions):
- Added support for recording Video Call sources in addition to Output1-4
- Individual MultiCorder settings can be saved in each preset

vMix Video Codec:
High quality, fault tolerant, low CPU codec suitable for post production editing on Windows.:
- ProRes-like codec with support for Adobe Premiere, Magix Vegas Pro and most other Windows video editing programs
- Supported in both the Recorder and MultiCorder
- Virtual PTZ (4K and Pro editions)
- Turns any input into a Virtual PZ camera with high quality, customisable digital zoom

Live Pause:
- Live Pause (Freeze Frame) Camera, NDI and Desktop Capture inputs by clicking the pause icon under the input

- New MultiView Output layout options
- Set the title bar either above or below the MultiView Output video previews
- Customise Preview/Output headings between fixed text and input names

- Updated NDI support to latest 3.8 SDK
- Included vMix NDI Config tool allows toggling between UDP and TCP transmission to allow optimising performance based on network requirements.
- Shortcuts
- SnapshotInput
- SetTickerSpeed
- TitleBeginAnimation
- LivePlayPause
- Controllers
- Stream Deck and Stream Deck mini support. Add the vMix plugin from the Stream Deck App store. Set buttons to live thumbnail previews via shortcuts, or colours via activators.
- Joystick Z axis support
- Joystick pressure sensitive support. Allows variable speed pan/title/zoom on supports PTZ cameras including the new Virtual PTZ.
- X-Keys HD15 GPIO support added

- Support for AJA Kona 5

- New GPU memory % indicator in status bar. This refers to special memory shared between the CPU and GPU and can be used to identify potential performance problems when using a large number of inputs
- Vimeo streaming provider now supports selecting a previous setup event to stream to
- SlideShow Properties window (for Photos and PowerPoint inputs) can now be resized. Rearranged image orders is now saved in the vMix preset
- New Copy From button in Input Settings can be used to copy Triggers, MultiView and Colour Correction between inputs
- New cog buttons on Preview and Output to open up associated Input Settings
- Added ability to solo Bus A or Bus B through Headphones output. Click the [S] button in the Bus mixer to toggle on/off
- Added support for resizable VST3 plugins

Mobirise 4.10.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Mobirise 4.10.7
- Mobirise AMP: new slider block with bullets, new manager for galleries and sliders, you can select the link type now: to full screen image or to your link
- Page Settings: preview of your page in Google Search
- Remove unused CSS for AMP: fixes
- Batch adding images to gallery: fixes
- Mobirise Publish: now you can publish sites made in M themes
- Fixes for shop blocks

Mobirise 4.10.5
- Link Editor updated: messenger link types are added
- New thumbnails for extensions, the Create New Site dialog is updated
- Image crop feature updated, fixed for jpg images
- Fixed disappearing parameter buttons in top right corner of block
- Minor fixes for Mobirise4
- Fix update style of global component
- Extensions: o PayPal Shopping Cart is updated: new look o TechM4: new blocks, update foran accordion block

Mobirise 4.10.3
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.2
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.6
- New "Add Block" panel: now with block categories
- Online Image Library: enlarged preview on hover
- Updated Mobirise4 and MobiriseAMP themes: fixes, new blocks
- Code Editor: fixed inserting scripts to custom HTML block
- Fix for menus (scroll-line on mobile view)
- Fixed tags in image galleries

Mobirise 4.9.5
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.4
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.3
- 'Update All' button for extensions with a progress bar
- Adding images by drag and drop in Image Media
- Adding multiple images at once to sliders and galleries (non-AMP themes)
- Updated M4 themes to latest Bootstrap v4.2.1
- Updated free MobiriseAMP theme - 20 new blocks: gallery, slider, accordion, contact forms, testimonials, google maps.
- Code Editor loading speed improved
- Bug fixes for Google Maps
- Fixes for editing menu colors
- Fixe with page cloning

Mobirise 4.9.1

Code Editor update:
- Mobirise mentions removal - clear the HTML code from "made with Mobirise" etc.
- New color schemes - light and contrast
- Undo-Redo buttons

PayPal Shopping Cart update:
- Support for AMP themes
- Subscribe and Donate options
- Info on "How to add shipping, VAT, and tax"

Mobirise 4.8.10
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.8.8
- Bug fixes: parallax in M4 themes, AMP sliders

Mobirise 4.8.6
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.5
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.1
- Custom subdomain on mobirisesite.com
- SSL certificate (url with https)
- Lightning-fast global CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- Unlimited pages
- Unlimited space and bandwidth

Mobirise 4.8.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.9
- Bug Fixes for AMP Themes: video autoplay, map layout, video lightbox

Mobirise 4.7.8
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.7
- Improved app loading
- Fixed inserting icons in menu in m3 themes
- Fixed and updated translations
- Fixed disappearance of text placeholders
- Select all text on first click
- Fixed font dropdown panel height

Mobirise 4.7.2
- Cookie Alert Extension updated - now it is "Cookie Alert and GDPR Compliance" - After activating GDPR compliance, all web forms on your website will have checkbox for agreeing to your Terms and Privacy Policy.
- Code Editor Extension updated - some fixes
- Different fixes in translation engine
- New AMP themes - StartupAMP and SpaceAMP

Mobirise 4.7.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.6
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.5
- Languages: Polish

Bug fixes:
- Issue with missing projects fixed
- Issue with missing user blocks fixed
- Mobirise 3: sliders
- Alignment in AgencyM4 and LawyerM4
- Text style for forms in StoreM4

Mobirise 4.6.4
- Themes optimization
- Languages: Romanian, Portuguese

Bug fixes:
- Mobirise 3: broken iconfonts

Mobirise 4.6.3
- New languages added: Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian
- Bootstrap is updated to v4.0.0 (stable) for all M4 themes

Mobirise 4.6.0
- Hotkey: if your Sites list is empty, you can load the list of previously used projects: open your Sites list and press Ctrl+Alt+L when it opened
- Now you can load your empty or broken project in the app to restore a previously saved site version from Site History
- SEO Extension updated: bug fixes

Wavebox 4.11.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Trello sidebar in the Outlook web app
- Improve icon resolution on Gmail accounts
- Fix sign in failing for some users on Slack
- Fix sign in for some Gmail configurations
- Fix Gmail unread count when using starred inbox

Dolibarr 10.0.1 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 69.0b10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 69.0b9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 69.0b8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 69.0b7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Quantum GIS 3.8.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
