Vivaldi 歷史版本列表
從 Opera 的創造者,一個 Vivaldi 瀏覽器是快速的,但也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,並把用戶放在第一位。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.63235896 Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是相反。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?使用 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,您將能夠自定義所有更多內容,如鍵盤快捷方式,鼠標手勢等。選擇版本:... Vivaldi 軟體介紹Vivaldi (32-bit)Vivaldi (64-bit)
What's new in this version:
- [Address bar][Keyboard] Selecting an item from the drop down after typing a full domain displays only the domain
- [Address bar] Cannot backspace in URL bar while holding Shift
- [Address bar] Copy URL with IDN is broken
- [Address bar] No autocompletion when writing URL path
- [Address bar] Removes autocomplete value when pasting
- [Address bar] Should not use shortest item for typed history
- [Address bar] URL sometimes URL-decoded when it should not be
- [Bookmarks] Adding separator results in empty bookmark with white icon
- [Bookmarks] Editing URLs is broken
- [Calendar] Can not update event from invite mail
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 110.0.5481.195
- [Crash] When playing some accelerated videos and you drag tab to new window
- [Crash][Mail] Do not try and send when there is no network connection
- [Integration] Sometimes title missing for dragged desktop shortcut
- [Linux][Media] Change proprietary codecs to 110.0.5481.100-110326
- [Media][Fullscreen] Video consumes full space of page when leaving fullscreen
- [Menus][Tabs] Moving a tab to a new window via the context menu ‘workspaces’ should not be listed
- [Notifications] Clicking HTML5 notifications should activate corresponding tab when requested by the site
- [Panels] Zoom button in the web panel became bigger
- [Web Specs] Vivaldi ignores CSS media display-mode fullscreen and has broken JS MediaList API
- [Windows][Installer] Add to Windows taskbar on install
What's new in this version:
- Update of ffmpeg
- Update of AOM AV1 (3.6.0) Codec
- Update of vpx (1.13.0) Codec
- Update of x264 (3106) Codec
- Update of the Japanese language file
- Added Slovenian language file
- Fixed minor bugs
What's new in this version:
- Update of ffmpeg
- Update of AOM AV1 (3.6.0) Codec
- Update of vpx (1.13.0) Codec
- Update of x264 (3106) Codec
- Fixed minor bugs
What's new in this version:
- two new Nikon Z lenses
- a new Sigma LensType
- a new Olympus LensType
- bug writing negative MIE GPS coordinates
- bug where a duplicate XMP could be generated when writing XMP to a JPEG XL image which already contained XMP
- problem where HEAD lines may be duplicated in an output file if the -p option was combined with -w+ or -W+
- Decode more new Nikon tags (thanks Warren Hatch)
- Decode Photoshop LayerColors, LayerSections and LayerVisible tags
- Improved Verbose output for QuickTime-format files
- Set family 1 group name for Garmin GPS from uuid atom
- Enhanced -progress option to allow message to be displayed every NUM files
- Significant improvements to parsing of Nikon ShotInfo records for newer models
- Removed hex dump of APP segments from -v3 output when writing
What's new in this version:
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 110.0.5481.181
What's new in this version:
- Update of ffmpeg
- Update of AOM AV1 (3.6.0) Codec
- Update of vpx (1.13.0) Codec
- Update of x264 (3106) Codec
- Fixed minor bugs
What's new in this version:
- Added option to build RNP library with OpenSSL backend (use "--with-librnp-backend=openssl" configure option)
- Thunderbird now warns user that OpenPGP is disabled if RNP library is outdated or missing
- "Get Messages" did not retrieve messages from Gmail accounts using a local folder as a deferred inbox
- Various visual and UX improvements
- Various security fixes
What's new in this version:
- Various crash fixes
What's new in this version:
- [New][Windows Panel] Display all windows
[Address Bar]:
- Remove the prioritization of search queries in the typed history
- Address field updates too late after redirect
- Autocomplete doesn’t find anything
- Autocomplete doesn’t take the shortest URL when comparing 2 URLs
- Autocomplete doesn’t work in a private window
- Autocomplete recommends bookmarks with a longer nickname
- Autocomplete stops working after opening a tab with the autocompleted word
- Autocomplete value isn’t used when clicking input
- Backspace reverts the selected URL to input search term
- Broken modifier click in the address field
- Can not add a / at end of an already visited URL as the typed history dropdown appears
- Cloned tab can have no URL
- Crops subdomains from local domains
- Display typed text in TypedHistory for search query items
- Doesn’t display the type of blocked permissions
- Doesn’t escape brackets “[” and “]” in Address bars when copying the address from the address bar
- Dropdown is searching for every typed character
- Horizontal selection in the address bar not cleared correctly when trying to re-select
- Improving typed history
- Paste and go does not work if the buffer contains part of the address
- Pasted word in the address field doesn’t evoke suggestions
- Selecting text from an unfocused Address Field using horizontal dragging is not possible if “Select Address on Activation” is enabled
- The best result is removed when navigating in the dropdown
- Typed history must autocomplete on text than the title
- Typed history title is cut when navigating in the dropdown
- URL Field can select the wrong best ‘result based’
- Use a new typed history algorithm for autocomplete
- [Crash] Error message when typing an address: additional fix
- [Crash] On autocomplete for some users
- [Keyboard] A search term shouldn’t get the autocomplete value when selected from the drop-down
- [Keyboard] Ctrl Backspace doesn’t delete words in the address field
- [Settings] Allow disabling of autocomplete on item title
- [Settings] Disabling select address on activation setting dysfunctional
- Add Accept header to CalDAV requests
- Align edges of a calendar entry in month view
- All day event synced on the day before when the timezone offset is positive
- Can not drag to resize event
- Changing “This and Upcoming” does nothing
- Clearing search doesn’t return you to the previous calendar view
- Default to the agenda view in the calendar panel
- Editor still shows after the event is created
- Error setting property of read-only object
- Event Property Icons are hard to see Calendar Event Property Icons are hard to see
- Event update from server not saved in Vivaldi
- Google Tasks mark completed not set
- Hide “New Event Created” notifications for new events added to synced/remote calendars
- Incorrect time for floating time events
- Notification not shown for recurring event reminder
- Open Calendar Manager from the Task panel icon using the right and middle mouse click
- Panel empty state
- Prevent 0 of 0 (NaN%) status bar message
- Remove gap around unfocused add event button
- Timeless tasks created with invalid timezone data
- Upload valid iCal for events with event exceptions
- Warnings logged when copying event
- Wrong due date set for Google Task
- Wrong time for midnight in day/week view
- Need better error handling around decrypting oAuth refresh_token
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 110.0.5481.111
- [Clock] System inherited clock’s Japanese format is wrong
- [Commands] Add Content Scripts to Chained Commands
- [Crash] After opening the link in a new window
- [Crash] When opening Chrome Web Store
- [Crash][Tabs] When moving grouped tabs from one window to another
- [Crash][Panels] When adding web panel
- [Developer Tools] Undocking results in an empty window on the first attempt
- [Downloads] Refresh the Downloads panel empty state graphic
- [Dropdown] Doesn’t remove correct item
- [Extensions][Panel] Popup inaccessible when placed in panel
- [Fast forward] Make Fast Forward work on single-page web apps
- [Feeds] Update supported formats in the Accept header for feeds
- [History] Doubled history calendar overflow
- [History] Week view duplicate header row
- [Linux][Updates] Repository not setup on first install or upgrade on RPM distributions
- [macOS] Add “Quit warning” menu element
- [macOS] Fullscreen window controls inaccessible
- [macOS][Media] Certain videos will not play
- [macOS][Menus][Tabs] Tab stacks are not listed in the global window menu
- Added Threaded sorting option on top of the search list
- Contacts only show results for one email address when clicked
- Copy to Note context menu from email now includes the selected text
- Detect HTML file signature in text/plain emails and switch to HTML rendering mode
- Disable notifications during initial account sync
- Extra item “displaying mails for” text searching
- Fixed default show trash/archive/junk in Received folder
- Fixed move to trash/junk/archive folder mixup
- Fixed multiple reference filtering
- Labels color does not change In non-English UI
- Lag in composer when replying to a a large message
- Moving an internal message should not add an IMAP move action to buffer table
- New mail notifications shown in bulk
- Newlines are added to replied emails with quoted text
- No notifications for read messages
- Prefer text/html|plain when text/plain|html is empty
- Prefetching stalls
- Remove buffer requests if their account is offline
- Size column
- Some threading optimizations
- Undelete doesn’t remove a message from Trash
- Very slow rendering of certain messages
- prefetching stalls
- [IMAP] Flag for Junk should be uploaded to the server
- [Keyboard][Settings] Keyboard shortcut for marking/unmarking spam
- [Notifications] Clicking on mail notification does not open the mail
- [Panel] Click on icon error icon in the panel just opens notification
- [Settings] Auto mark as read
- [Settings] No error when something is wrong in server settings
- [Settings] No way to dismiss tips or see Server/Alias tabs after in-account setup(VB-94768)
- [Menus] Add an activate entry to the window panel menu
- [Menus] Address field is empty when editing the Open Link command
- [Menus] Let the Window menu include an entry with other windows and their content
- [Onboarding] Classic selected even after clicking Essentials in the welcome dialog
- [Onboarding] Clicks go through the Add Mail Account Wizard overlay
- [Onboarding] Move panels to the right when the tab bar is on the left
- [Panels] Buttons can display the wrong badge
- [Panels] Close button is misaligned
- [Panels] Extension popup inaccessible when placed in Panel
- [Panels] Increase default Panel width
- [Panels] Scrollbar incorrectly positioned for calendar and tasks
- [Panels] Web panel counter detection broken for some sites
- [Panels][Toolbars] Status bar items don’t display well in the panel
- [Panels][Window Panel] Pin a tab stack using drag and drop
- [Popup] X to close is on top of illustration in save password dialog
- [Profiles] Replace Chrome graphics in profile selector dialog
- [Protocols] Add support for the tel://
- [Quick Commands] Remove Extra Semicolon in Quick Commands
- [Quick Commands] Support multiplication sign in the calculator
- [Quick Commands] Support division symbol and heavy minus sign
- [Reader Mode] Messing with webpage styles
- [Search] Favicon shown in wrong tab
- [Settings] Menu visual glitches
- [Settings][Protocols] Prompt the user if the site should be allowed to handle protocol
- [Settings][Spatial Navigation] Move Spatial Navigation to Keyboard
- [Spatial Navigation] Can not reach single items of unread forum posts
- [Spatial Navigation] Doesn’t handle clickable elements assigned with addEventListener
- [Speed Dial] Back arrow misplaced
- [Sync] Synchronize custom bookmark thumbnail metadata
- [Sync][Bookmarks] Synchronize custom bookmark thumbnail metadata
- [Tabs] Every tab moves to the first position when opening one too many tabs
- [Tabs] Incorrect activation order when closing tabs
- [Tabs] Pinned tabs are not saved when closing the window with Alt+F4
- [Tabs] Should not unselect after tiling
- [Tabs] Startup Pages do not always get saved
- [Tabs] Switcher UI cut off in list view with many tabs
- [Tabs] Tile set background leaks into vertical transparent Tab Bar
- [Tabs] Tiled tab layout not maintained after browser restart
- [Tabs] Vertical tab favicons show through a floating panel
- [Themes] Background Resets after Reboot
- [Themes] Many popup interface dialogs have cut corners when using medium rounding
- [Themes][History] All history analytics are black when the highlight color is black
- [Toolbars] Search and address field can’t be dragged in the editor
- [UI] Permission dialog pops up when Geolocation is Blocked or Denied
- [Welcome page] When choosing essentials the download button should be added to the address bar
- [Windows Panel][Panels] Wrong tile menu
- [Windows] Add support for custom Windows accent color on windows borders on Windows 11
- [Windows] Desktop shortcut pinned to taskbar creates duplicate taskbar icon
- [Windows] The window is bleeding 1 pixel into the other monitor when maximized
- [Windows][Installer] Default focused button should be “Accept and update” or “Install”
- [Windows][Installer] Install should be prevented on systems older than Windows 10
- [Zoom] Page zoom controls broken in the vertical toolbar