Visual Studio Community 歷史版本列表 Page9

最新版本 Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.9.1

Visual Studio Community 歷史版本列表

Visual Studio Community 是一個功能齊全,可擴展的免費 IDE,用於為 Android,iOS,Windows 以及 Web 應用程序和雲服務創建現代應用程序。嘗試用於 Windows PC 的 Visual Studio Community,以獲得功能齊全且可擴展的 IDE; Visual Studio Express. A 的全新替代方案全新的基於工作負載的安裝程序優化了... Visual Studio Community 軟體介紹

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.3
Bidirectional text control character rendering:
- To prevent a potentially malicious exploit that allows code to be misrepresented, the Visual Studio editor will no longer allow bidirectional text control characters to manipulate the order of characters on the editing surface. A new option will cause these bidirectional text control characters to be shown with placeholders. The bidirectional text control characters will still be present in the code as this behavior only impacts what is rendered in the code editor.

VS with bidirectional text control characters replaced with placeholders:
- This functionality is controlled in ToolsOptions. Under the Text EditorGeneral page there is an option for “Show bidirectional text control characters”, which will be checked by default. When checked, all bidirectional text control characters will be rendered as placeholders. Unchecking the option will revert to the previous behavior where these characters are not rendered.
- A Unicode character is considered a bidirectional text control character if it falls into any of the following ranges: U+061c, U+200e-U+200f, U+202a-U+202e, U+2066-U+2069.
- Fixed a crash in the Web Forms Designer
- Fixed an issue where CSS completion for !important would insert text at the wrong location in HTML or Razor files.
- Fixed a regression with Xamarin.Forms XAML Hot Reload conflicting with libraries that shared similar dependencies, such as SignalR. Xamarin.Forms XAML Hot Reload should now be able to interoperate no matter what is loaded in your application.
- Fixed an issue where Project Overview Pages, Diagnostic Tools or Performance Profiler windows would sometimes be blank.
- Fixed an issue in razor file editing where the cursor would sometimes jump to a different location mid-typing.
- From Developer Community
- Developer Community has a full list of fixes available in 17.0.
- Bug in Visual studio 2022 + Xamarin + SignalR (method not found)
- HtmlLanguageClient: HtmlLanguageClient failed to initialize. Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview (64-bit) Version 17.0.0 Preview 5.0
- Strange things happens in css editing in a .razor file (Blazor)
- In a blazor page (*.razor) adding semi-colon to c# line of code causes cursor to jump

Security Advisory notice:
- CVE-2021-43877 .NET Vulnerability An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in ANCM which could allow elevation of privilege when .NET core, .NET 5 and .NET 6 applications are hosted within IIS
- CVE-2021-42574 Bidirectional Text Vulnerability Bidirectional text control characters can be used to cause code to be rendered in the editor differently from what is contained on disk

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.2
Issues Addressed in this release of 17.0.2:
- Fix for silent-bad codegen with memmove-like operations with overlapping data
- Added messaging in the output Window that appears when using C++ Modules or Header Units. This contains currently known issues using Modules or Header Units with IntelliSense.
- Fix issue with CMake Overview Pages and CMakeSettings editor being stuck on "Waiting for IntelliSense to finish initializing..."
- Corrected an issue where a templated destructor involved in a class hierarchy with data member initializers may be instantiated too early, potentially leading to incorrect diagnostics about uses of undefined types or other errors.
- Added Python 3.9.7 to Python workload. Removed Python 3.7.8 due to a security vulnerability.
- Fixed an issue where the Find Next (F3) and Find Next Selected (Ctrl+F3) would sometimes jump to the first occurrence in the file instead of the next occurrence.
- Resolve issue where dates in version control user interfaces were not respecting the customer's operating system locale.
- Address an issue on Windows 11 where customers set the Windows Terminal as default and the debugger can't stop debugging a console app properly and prevent future starts.

From Developer Community:
- Developer Community has a full list of fixes available in 17.0.
- It is impossible to search on selection if part of a single row is selected Visual Studio 2022
- Blazor C# completion can occasionally show wrong information
- PackageId:AndroidImage_x86_API25_Private;PackageAction:Install;ReturnCode:3;
- Ctrl-F3 sometimes jumps to top of document
- Ctrl-f3 has changed behavior from visual studio 2019 to visual studio 2022
- Visual Studio 2022 Test Explorer always showing test as "Not Run"
- Intellisense in blazor razor components
- Visual Studio 2022 show wrong add/delete icons in source control tree
- VS 2022 IntelliSense is taking a while or wont even come up in some scenarios.
- Intellisense in Razor files (.cshtml) is still not working in VS 2022

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.0
- devenv.exe is now 64-bit only

Azure Cloud Services:
- Azure Cloud Service (classic) and Azure Cloud Service (extended support) projects are now supported

- The v143 build tools are now available through the Visual Studio installer as well as the standalone build tools.
- The new Hot Reload experience is now available to native C++ applications when running under the debugger. It supports both MSBuild and CMake projects. For more information see our Hot Reload section below.
- You can now build and debug natively on WSL2 without establishing a SSH connection. Both cross-platform CMake projects and MSBuild-based Linux projects are supported.
- Visual Studio now supports the buildPresets.targets option in CMakePresets.json. This allows you to build a subset of targets in your CMake project.
- The Project menu in CMake projects has been streamlined and exposes options to "Delete Cache and Reconfigure" and "View Cache".
- CMake Overview Pages have been updated to support CMakePresets.json.
- Implemented /scanDependencies flag for outputting C++20 module dependencies for CMake projects as described in P1689r3. This is a step towards support for building modules-based projects with CMake and we are working on completing this support in later releases.
- You can now debug processes running on a remote systems from Visual Studio with LLDB.
- We have upgraded the version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to version 3.21. See the CMake 3.21 release notes for details on what is available.
- LLVM tools shipped with Visual Studio have been upgraded to LLVM 12. See the LLVM release notes for details.
- The MSVC toolset now defaults to SHA-256 source hashing in debug records. Previously, the toolset used MD5 for source hashing by default.
- The Game development with C++ workload now installs the latest Unreal Engine with support with for Visual Studio 2022
- Made improvements in C++ IntelliSense when providing navigation and syntax highlighting for types from imported Modules and Header Units
- Improved C++ IntelliSense performance by optimizing cached header usage and symbol database access, providing improved load times to get into your code
- The IntelliSense Code Linter for C++ is now on by default, providing instant as-you-type suggestions and fix suggestions for common code defects
- Support for libfuzzer under the switch -fsanitize=fuzzer. See the documentation for more details.
- We have improved null pointer dereference detection in our code analysis tooling
- Code analysis now enforces that return values of functions annotated with _Check_return_ or _Must_inspect_result_ must be checked
- Added support for gsl::not_null to code analysis
- Updated to NDK r21 LTS in C++ Mobile Development workload
- C++ AMP headers are now deprecated. Including <amp.h> in a C++ project will generate build errors. To silence the errors, define _SILENCE_AMP_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS. Please see our AMP Deprecation links for more details.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Attach to process dialog improvements
- Exception helper improvements
- Force Run to Click
- Memory Dump Diagnostic Analysis
- We have released a new type of breakpoint called Dependent Breakpoint, which allows you to configure a breakpoint to be enabled only if another breakpoint is first hit.
- We have added more updates to the Extrenal Sources node , you can now see the module under the sub-node "Modules without Sources" and load the symbols form solution explorer itself.
- Breakpoint Gutter improvements
- Temporary Breakpoint
- Drag and Drop Breakpoint
- External Sources Node in Solution Explorer
- Attach to process dialog improvements

- Added Color Tabs for vertical and horizontal tabs
- Added Theme Pack and worked with VS Code theme authors to launch collection of custom themes
- Built Theme Converter to convert VS Code themes to work in Visual Studio 2022
- Added capability to sync Visual Studio theme with Windows theme
- Added new document management capabilities inclduding customizing tab width, bolding active document, and additional close button in docwell

- Added subword navigation
- Autosave is now available as a preview feature
- Multi-caret copy/paste experience

- Removed APIs from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Client assemblies
- VS SDK contains several breaking changes and Visual Studio 2019 extensions will not work in 2022. See VSSDK documentation for more information.
- VS SDK Reference assemblies are no longer installed to the VSSDKVisualStudioIntegrationCommonAssemblies folder. If your build was relying on these assemblies, please migrate your project to use NuGet packages instead. For offline scenarios:
- Keep an in-org nuget feed from which to restore the nuget packages.
- Check in the binaries.
- Added ILanguageClient breaking change fixes

Cloud Services:
- Azurite will be used for local emulation of Azure Storage instead of the older and no longer actively developed Azure Storage Emulator.

Git Tooling:
- Multi-repo support under a preview flag for any Solution that spans different repositories (i.e. Solutions with projects hosted in different Git repositories)
- Publish to Azure DevOps is now fully supported in the create git repository experience
- Status bar enhancements including a new ability to view and open repositories from an empty VS and display a count of unpulled commits
- The overflow menu on the Git Changes window is now available for local only repositories with additional git operations
- Unified Diff toolbar containing the number of added/deleted lines and a discoverable configuration options
- Commit details enhancements including a more responsive and user friendly UI

Help Menu:
- During 17.0 we have remodeled the Help Menu with Get Started material and helpful Tips/Tricks.
- Provides more collaboration with our development team by adding things such as access to Developer Community, Release Notes, the Visual Studio product Roadmap, and our Social Media pages.

Hot Reload Experience:
- Hot Reload is now available to .NET developers through the Visual Studio debugger and without the debugger for many .NET 6 application types
- Hot Reload is now available to C++ developers when using the Visual Studio Debugger

- Whole line completions predict your next chunk of C# code based on your current context, and presents it as an inline suggestion to the right of your cursor.
- Whole line completions are now compatible with the newest builds of JetBrains ReSharper. Note that updating the line completion context based on ReSharpers custom completions list item selection is not supported - if required, ReSharper users can opt to use Visual Studio native IntelliSense instead, as documented here

- We have released a new JavaScript/TypeScript project type that builds standalone JavaScript/TypeScript projects with additional tooling. You will be able to create Angular and React projects in Visual Studio using the framework version installed on your computer.
- JavaScript and TypeScript testing is now available in the Visual Studio Test Explorer
- NPM GUI available, so you can now download NPM modules the same way you download Nuget packages

- The .NET 6 SDK is included in Visual Studio 2022

.NET Productivity:
- Introduce parameter refactoring can move a new parameter from the method implementation to its callers
- Track Value Source for data flow analysis
- Option to underline variables that are re-assigned
- Added search option in Generate Overrides dialog
- Quick info for XML tags now preserve whitespace and CDATA blocks
- Find All References window will now group multi-target projects
- Refactoring to remove repetitive types in Visual Basic
- Go to Implementation will no longer navigate to members with abstract declarations that are also overridden.
- Synchronize namespaces to match your folder structure from Solution Explorer
- Configure background code analysis from Solution Explorer
- Nullable reference types is now enabled by default for new .NET projects
- C# 10.0 File-scoped namespace refactoring
- Navigate to decompiled sources is now on by default
- Refactoring to prefer null check over type check
- XML comments will now automatically generate an tag when a method explicitly throws exceptions
- Inheritance Margin is now enabled by default

Programming languages:
- C#10

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Editor:
- Reduced UI freezes and improved performance on solution startup
- Faster semantic colorization up to 2x in some solutions
- F7 (view code) support in Razor files
- Snippet support in razor files which will complete a snippet session with a single tab instead of pressing tab-tab
- Better formatting in @code blocks when there's nested HTML and Razor Components
- Hot Reload support in Razor files
- Performance improvements
- Formatting and indentation enhancements
- New Razor editor colors
- TagHelpers are now colorized and have quick info classification support and completion tooltips
- Angle brace highlighting and navigation for Razor constructs
- Comments now have auto-completion, smart indentation, auto-inclusion of commenting continuations, and block comment navigation

Remote Testing:
- Very early experimental preview of enabling running tests on remote environments such as linux containers, WSL, and over SSH connections

Test tools support:
- Show in Test Explorer
- New versions of the test platform starting with 17.0 will not be able to run Generic tests and Ordered tests. These specific features only shipped as part of an early version of MSTestv1 and are not included in MSTestv2. We see very low usage of these features and ordered tests is now considered contrary to best testing practices.
- Some test experiences will not be available in 17.0 including creating new TestSettings files and the TestSettings editor. Test runs will still be able to use TestSettings files, however TestSettings was replaced with RunSettings and we encourage users to migrate improved performance and functionality. Read more.
- Web Load Test and Coded UI Test support updates. Coded UI Tests and [Web Load Tests](Cloud-based load testing service end of life | Azure DevOps Blog ( were officially deprecated in 2019. To minimize impact to users there is minimum support for these features in Visual Studio 2022. We strongly encourage users to move off Coded UI Test and Web Load Test.

Toolbox population for UWP Extension SDKs:
- UWP Extension SDKs are now required to explicitly declare the types that they wish to appear in the Toolbox by listing them in their SdkManifest.xml file. The behavior of older versions of Visual Studio is unchanged; they will ignore the list of controls in the manifest and instead dynamically enumerate the control types in the SDK's assemblies.

Trusted Locations:
- We have revamped the “Trust Settings” functionality and can now show a warning whenever untrusted code (e.g. files, projects or folders) is about to be opened inside the IDE.
- Trust checks are now done at the solution folder level
- User created projects are automatically added to the trusted list
- Users can skip trust checks on temporary locations created by Visual Studio

Updates, LTSC's and Deployment:
- With Visual Studio 2022, there will be multiple simultanouely supported servicing baselines that will release in the fall and in the spring. For more details, refer to Visual Studio Release Rhythm documentation and the Visual Studio 2022 Product Lifecycle.
- The new installer that comes with Visual Studio 2022 now has the capability of configuring where the Visual Studio product should get its updates from. This allows you to choose updates from a different LTSC, or, if you're in a managed enterprise environment, you can configure the client to get its updates from a layout. The ability to configure the source for updates is new functionality that comes with the Visual Studio Installer, and thus the behavior is applicable to downlevel versions of Visual Studio too, such as Visual Studio 2019. For additional information about configuring the update channel, refer to the Update Visual Studio documentation. For additional information about making this work for network layouts, refer to the Visual Studio Administrators Guide.
- IT Administrators can now report issues without having Visual Studio installed

User Interface:
- The default icons have been updated and refreshed

Web Tools:
- The Publish summary page now has actions to start / stop remote debugging and profiling under the '...' menu on the top right corner of the 'Hosting' section
- The Connected Services page now has an action to launch Storage Explorer
- The "ASP.NET Core Empty" template that comes with .NET 6 is using the new 'minimal APIs' paradigm for which we have started to add support
- Azurite will be used for local emulation of Azure Storage instead of the older and no longer actively developed Azure Storage Emulator.
- You can add authentication to your ASP.NET Core application using Microsoft identity platform through the Connected Services experience in Visual Studio.

WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework:
- The current WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework is replaced with a new WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework, based on the same architecture used for the WPF XAML Designer for .NET (.NET Core). The Visual Studio experience will look the same, but third-party control vendors need to support the new extensibility model since the previous model based on .design.dll and Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility is deprecated. If you already created a .designtools.dll extension for .NET (.NET Core), that same extension will work for the new WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework. Please refer to the migration document below for further information about how to migrate to the new extensibility model.

XAML Hot Reload:
- XAML Hot Reload Changes - Minor changes to in-app toolbar and settings

XAML Live Preview:
- XAML Live Preview is now available for WPF, UWP, WinUI and Xamarin.Forms developers running their apps in either Android Emulator or as a UWP desktop app. Live Preview captures a running applications user interface and brings it into a docked window within Visual Studio. This makes it easier to use XAML Hot Reload to change the app while seeing those changes inside Visual Studio itself, without the need to tab back and forth between the running app and Visual Studio while making live XAML code changes.

XAML Sample Data:
- Design-Time Sample Data will now be added by default when creating DataGrid, ListBox, and ListView controls from the toolbox in WPF applications. To disable this behavior, uncheck ‘Automatically add sample data on element creation’ under Tools -> Options -> XAML Designer.”
- To learn more about Sample Data , please visit the Sample Data documentation.
- Improved XAML binding experience:
- We’ve made a bunch of improvements to make data binding fast and easy, such as quick access to the Data Binding dialog from Property Inspector, ability to set binding from Quick Actions, ability to choose the property to bind to inside the Data Binding Dialog.

Known Issues:
Mobile Development with .NET:
- Xamarin iOS deployment failing after iOS 15 update
- Android Designer Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- iOS deployment fails in VS 2022
- Android Device Manager does not have any base devices available
- iOS app "Failed to install" on remote simulator
- Traditional iOS Project property pages fail to open "Object null reference exception"
- Failed to create an archive for Xamarin iOS
- Failed to deploy to an iPhone, Error MT1001: Could not find an application at the specified directory

Python Tooling:
- Python Profiler fails to launch because feature hasn't been added yet
- Choosing "Python (Latest)" when creating a Conda environment displays "Python Version 0.0"
- Formatter errors out with 'black' and 'autopep8' with "Invalid patch mode '' in: No newline at end of file". A quick work around is to add a newline to the end of the file and 'black and 'autopep8' will format correctly
- Django web project commands (migrate, create, check, etc.) error out currently
- Django completions in HTML files not working
- IPython interactive mode does not work on Python 3.9
- Even if a module is successfully installed, a warning will still be displayed in the output. A quick work around is to close and re-open the VS solution

C++ IntelliSense:
- When importing a C++20 module or header unit, IntelliSense may stop working or 'There are too many errors' error is shown

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.11.2
- Fixed an issue where CMake cache generation would fail, which blocked IntelliSense, build, and debug
- Fixed warning "Evaluating the function 'System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.Listeners.get' timed out and needed to be aborted in an unsafe way" when starting debugging on some .NET and dotnet Core application.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.4
- Remove use of disallowed registers in memset
- Fixed a codegen bug involving complicated nested expressions involving the bitwise-not operator
- Fixed shader debugging for VS Graphics Analyzer
- Fixed an IntelliSense crash that occurred when processing static data members in in-class template specializations
- X64 VC Redist no longer removes runtime files when run with /installer /passive switches
- Corrected an issue where the include search order may be incorrect when prepended to "Include Directories"
- We have fixed performance problem and false positives caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of VARIANTs
- We have fixed performance problem caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of enum values as index
- Introduces Live Share language services fix that restores major code editing features for collaboration session participants (code completion, syntax highlighting, errors, etc.)
- Concurrency analyzer should no longer produce false warnings C26110 (failure to acquire lock) with auto-lock patterns
- C# and Visual Basic compilers fixed a crashed involving InternalsVisibleTo clashing with other assembly level attributes

We have fixed an issue experienced by customers packaging their projects with Windows Application Packaging Projects, such as WPF NetCore apps and Project Reunion apps:
- Error Assets file '...objwappublishwin10-x86project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. App4 (Package) C:Program Filesdotnetsdk5.0.302SdksMicrosoft.NET.SdktargetsMicrosoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets 242
- This problem was caused by the Packaging Project looking for the project.assets.json file in the wrong directory, win10-$(configuration), when it should be looking in win-$(configuration).

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.3
- an issue where Go To Definition on symbols imported from modules sometimes goes to the start of the module file rather than the symbol's definition
- an issue where visually impaired developers would face difficulty to identify the focus on the screen since the Luminosity ratio of border color is less than 3:1 for the text box
- Database Project: Dragging a file from solution explorer into an opened one is deleting the file from the file system
- an issue where using a merge statement in database projects will result in build errors
No longer send paths on disk when reporting which extensions are installed.
Fixes an issue where attempting to close the quick start window can cause Visual Studio to crash.
Fix an issue where showing tool windows sometimes crash VS.
Fix for C++ Edit and Continue in user-code when unrelated G++/GCC generated symbols are loaded in the application.
Fixes private selector usages from the iAd framework.
- a crash in VS which results from errors occurring in the XAML Designer
- an issue with the Windows Application Packaging projects that reference .netcoreapp projects are generating a .msixbundle
- failure to conduct fast up-to-date check on WAP projects which was causing those projects to be built (instead of being skipped), even when project is up-to-date and does not need modifications, further causing increased incremental build times in IDE

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.2
- The concurrency checks in code analysis got smarter. They are harder to fool with complex control flow
- This fix restores the behavior for external headers by skipping analysis of external headers and suppressing warnings from external headers
- Fixed .aspx/ascx files where users may see incomplete IntelliSense or experience slow performance
- Fixed scalability issues with the Unity CodeLens provider when working on large projects
- Reinstated translated strings in the Azure Service Authentication options page
- Fixed intermittent visual code display issues when using Resharper extension
- Fixed an issue where certain tool windows, editors, and designers would be rendered too small to display any content
- Fixes Xamarin iOS missing app icon problems, either when running an app or when trying to publish it to the App Store
- Building projects with AOT+LLVM no longer fails with an XA3001 error
- After upgrading to Visual Studio 2019, version 16.10, under certain circumstances, publishing of UWP apps may fail with error message "The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file". This is now fixed
- Fixed an issue causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when device configuration changes

Fixes three issues in MSBuild:
- Avoids MSB4017 errors when building in Azure DevOps.
- $([MSBuild]::MakeRelative()) again preserves trailing slashes in its input.
- Exclude globs with a trailing ** pattern again exclude files without . characters

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.1
- an issue causing a crash with the IntelliSense compiler
- an issue that could cause Visual Studio 2019 instances from closing if the Test Explorer is open in the solution
- a failure when developers would build partial solutions from the command line
- a failure in ClickOnce Publish for .NET Core applications
- an issue where the call stack window can crash Visual Studio 2019
- build error "Metadata file '***binDebugNativeLibrary.dll' could not be found" when building iOS Binding projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.0
- All C++20 features are now available under the /std:c++latest switch. While MSVC’s implementation of the C++20 standards (as currently published by ISO) is feature complete, some key C++20 library features are expected to be amended by upcoming Defect Reports (ISO C++20 bug fixes) that may change them in an ABI-incompatible way. Please see Microsoft/STL Issue #1814 for more details.
- C++20 immediate functions & constinit support added in 16.10
- The final pieces of : new clocks, leap seconds, time zones, and parsing
- Implementation of for text formating
- /openmp:llvm is now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64
- Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings
- Added the /await:strict switch to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes
- Debugger visualization of std::coroutine_handle now displays the original coroutine function name and signature and the current suspend point
- Added support for CMakePresets
- You will now be required to accept or deny the host key fingerprint presented by the server when adding a new remote connection in Visual Studio
- Added an /external switch to MSVC for specifying headers which should be treated as external for warning purposes

Docker Tools improvements:
- Ability to create a launch profile that configures which services to start in your Compose file
- Ability to tag an image
- Added a Volumes tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for images
- Containers are now grouped by Compose project

- For folks who want a less crowded experience, line spacing can be modified by searching for "line spacing" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under Text EditorGeneral.
- Find in Files and Find all References have a control to keep results. Based on feedback from our community, we've added an option to toggle the "Keep Results" option to on by default. This option can be found by searching for "keep search results by default" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under EnvironmentFind and Replace. Note that users are currently limited to 5 results for Find in Files and 5 more results for Find all References.
- A new option in Find in Files allows users to run additional searches and append those results to a previous search

Editor Extensibility:
- The behavior of the code that manages IntraTextAdornmentTags has changed. With this change, just like with any other ITagger, you must raise a tags changed event when the underlying tags change. Otherwise, your tags may never be updated.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Diagnostic Analysis of memory dumps now includes Managed Linux core dumps

Git Productivity:
- Jump to the web with deep links to create a new pull request and view PRs on GitHub or Azure DevOps from the Git menu
- Checkout local and remote branches with a single select from the branch picker
- Remove items from the repository picker through the context menu
- Turn on automatic loading of the solution when opening a Git repository through Git > Settings
- Toggle behavior of double-clicking to check out branches from the Git Repository window through Git > Settings
- Sync (Pull then Push) your branch with multiple remotes from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Customize your visible Git Changes window toolbar actions (Fetch, Pull, Push, Sync) from the overflow menu
- Open your repository in the browser from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Search and checkout local and remote branches from the status bar
- Search and switch between local Git repositories from the status bar
- Fixed an issue where local repositories list in the Git menu wasn't loading on Visual Studio launch
- Add nested project sub-repos to your local repositories list when opening a repository
- Keep solution open when switching repositories through Git > Settings
- Turn off open folder when opening repositories through Git > Settings
- Sync your branch with the remote from the unpushed commits button in the status bar, and from the Sync command in Git Menu
- Fetch and pull from the Git Repository window history pane even when there are no incoming commits
- View Commit Details and the comparison of file changes embedded in the Git Repository window
- Automatically re-connect or prompt to establish initial Azure DevOps connection when opening an Azure DevOps Git repository
- Merge and rebase with visible branch names, replacing confusing Source / Target terminology
- Improved performance and reliability for source control glyphs in Solution Explorer
- Preserve incoming/outgoing sections in Git Repository window even when empty
- Consolidated Fetch/Pull/Push dropdowns for multiple remotes in Git Changes window to a single Action menu

.NET Productivity:
- Argument completion in method calls
- EditorConfig UI
- Visually inspect and navigate the inheritance chain
- IntelliSense completion for casts, indexers, and operators
- Debugger support for Source Generators
- Code cleanup support for Visual Basic
- Edit and Continue (EnC) updates
- Remove Unused References
- Smart Break Line
- Simplify LINQ expression refactoring
- IntelliSense completion for Enum values
- IntelliSense completion mode setting
- Code style preference for new lines
- Find All References support for Source Generators

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Preview Editor:
- IntelliSense completion updates
- Go to Definition support for generic components
- New code style configuration for tabs and spaces
- Razor text editor in Tools Options is now called Razor (ASP.NET Core)

Test Experience Accessibility improvements:
- Console.Writeline now shows in the Test Explorer
- Test output can now preserve tags so hyperlinks and stacktrace links are navigable even from the log files.
- Log files are created for a single test result when output is over 300 characters or if there are over 10 files attached to the test result.
- Log files can also now open in preview so it’s easier to manage your tabs.
- Log files and the Test Explorer support Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for navigating the cursor and Shift+Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for selection.
- The log file editor is now using the IVsTextView interface which means it will now be able to open very large text files. This should eliminate the need for users to Copy All truncated logs and open them in a separate editor such as Notepad. For MSTest, we now also include a single log file that aggregates all the output instead of only having individual log files for each data row.
- You can now get cross-platform code coverage at the command-line on Ubuntu and Alpine with the dotnet cli. For users interested in getting code coverage on machines targeting those platforms you can now add the same code coverage collection commands that you'd normally use on windows. See more documentation for dotnet test.
- There is now an expand all button next to the collapse all button in the Test Explorer. This command has been available through keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+ right arrow), but more feedback indicated adding a button was worth the additional UI. As always
- There are also some slight changes to how the Test Explorer shows "staleness." "Staleness" is the grayed out or "faded" test results that indicate the result was not from the latest test run. If a result is not a part of the most recent test run it will appear as stale. Previously, new test discoveries (or even old test results that were rediscovered) were also shown with solid icons. This caused some confusion on why some 'Not Run' tests were faded and why others were not. This change will reduce the complexity of staleness.
- With the persisted test results feature (added in version 16.2) you can see test results from the last test run even if you've closed and re-opened Visual Studio. This helps users remember where they left off and gives more context without requiring another test run. We also modified the behavior of persisted results so they will always appear stale. This better indicates that they were not from a test run that executed during the current Visual Studio session.

Web Tools:
- Switch to V2 of API for Azure AD provisioning
- Azure App Configuration as a Connected Service now supports dynamic configuration

Windows Application Packaging Project Dependencies Tree:
- Added a "Dependencies Tree" to the WAP Project

XAML Tooling Improvements:
- Improved XAML IntelliSense and XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms customers
- Introduced XAML Sample Data for select ItemsControls in WPF
- Added new lightbulb for quick access to commonly edited properties
- Added new lightbulb in the XAML Editor to help create a view-model

Service Fabric Tools:
- Introducing StartupServices.xml in Service Fabric Applications

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.6
- Fixes "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:'System.Net.Http.StringContent'" when trying to create a certificate or running Automatic Provisioning.
- We have fixed a problem that prevents the iOS Hot Restart feature to work correctly

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.5
- an issue where Office tooling did not work as expected when using exports
- a Visual Studio 2019 crash that occurred during certain virtual calls between x64 and ARM64EC DLLs
- Resolved false-positive when running multi-threaded ASan-instrumented code
- a project failure producing the error "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to COM component"
- Fixes a problem when opening a C++ file on startup that would occasionally cause Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding
- an issue with CmakeSettings.json configuration of files in which new settings failed to persist
- Internal compiler error that was caused by analyzing a source file when the file path contains one or more non-ASCII characters has been fixed
- an issue in opening coverage files where one library has multiple entries in code coverage file
- a bug causing customers who login with non-work accounts with remote desktop enabled could result in access denial
- a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to crash when developers were customizing their menus and clicked on a separator in the customize dialog
- Floating document windows are restored when opening a solution
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations
- an issue causing a project build with fast deployment enabled will fail or deployment will take a long time
- Added Xcode 12.5 Support
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.4
- Fixed a SFINAE bug causing an error with some forms of template names in non-dependent base classes
- Fixed case where IntelliCode is trying to log into a temporary directory and access to the temporary directory was denied
- An issue where some Visual Studio functionality was limited when third-party privilege management software is also installed has been resolved
- Addressed an issue where customers repeatedly start debugging on XBox, more and more kernel resources are consumed. Eventually requiring the XBox to be restarted, which would lose any state
- Addressed a hang when debugging native code with Insider Preview builds of Windows
- Fixed an accessibility bug with keyboard focus
- Added back missing Xamarin templates (iOS/Android Class Library, iOS/Android Bindings Library, Android Wear, Xamarin.UITest) in the New Project dialog. These templates were hidden by mistake
- For C++ CMake-based projects targeting Linux using an SSH connection, the destination directory specified in CMakeSettings.json by the remoteCMakeListsRoot property has been restored to the previous behavior in VS 16.8, where the destination of the copy corresponds to the source directory's root.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.3
- There was an error in web.config
- Have to select publish profile before publishing
- After updating from 16.8 to 16.9 ServiceHub.Host.CLR.X86 stops working
- Visual Studio 2019 v 16.9.2 crashes when opening XAML editor
- Issues with the latest Visual Studio 2019 update

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.2
- Update ARM64X global function pointer names
- Fix for extracting first OBJ of an ARM64X LIB with link -lib -extract
- Fixed an error were code compiled with Address Sanitizer and optimzations may produce bad code generation that causes Visual Studio 2019 to crash.
- Fixed a crash caused by adding functions through the Dialog Editor in the Resource Editor
- will no longer need to be removed as a package source twice
- Improved NuGet package parsing performance
- Fixed an error message about deprecated APIs customer received when using Azure SQL Database node in Server Explorer
- Fixed an issue causing an error message indicating the CascadePackage did not load correctly
- Fixed an issue causing a building project with fast deployment enabled to fail deployment or take additional time
- Fixed an issue causing Hot Reload to now show saved changes under the "Full page" mode
- Fixed an issue with Hot Reload causing Live Visual Tree to not work or apply changes.
- From Developer Community
- Developer Community has a complete list of all of items shipping in this release.
- Escape sometimes no longer cancels inline Find Dialog in c#
- Xamarin forms application deployed with hot restart to iphone crash
- Performance Profiler reports incorrect session duration
- Xamarin.Forms HotReload not working since VS2019 16.9.0

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.1
- In some cases, C++ IntelliSense tries to use extremely large numbers of include paths and becomes non-responsive
- Increased stability of Live Share in C++ scenarios

- an issue where IntelliCode would stop loading symbols
- Improves solution load and close time in scenarios when users have the new experimental Razor editor enabled
- a crash scenario in ServiceHub that could happen after opening the Extensions and Updates dialog and then shutting down Visual Studio
- an error that would give a message that no updates were available when checking for updates on slower machines
- Improves performance of launching WAP projects from Visual Studio during incremental changes
- an issue causing setup to fail launching when using the Italian locale
- an upgrade scenario that would cause the installer to stop responding for a very long time while the .NET core tempalte cache is intialized
- an issue where C++ with FixIts turned on which is the default option, would see error squiggles upon opening code
- for emission of incorrect ARM64EC metadata to OBJs

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.0
Address Sanitizer:
- Our address sanitizer support on Windows is now out of experimental and has hit general availability
- Expanded RtlAllocateHeap support, fixed a compatibility issue with RtlCreateHeap and RtlAllocateHeap interceptors when creating executable memory pools.
- Added support for the legacy GlobalAlloc and LocalAlloc family of memory functions. You can enable these interceptors with ASAN_OPTIONS=windows_hook_legacy_allocators=true.
- Updated error messages for shadow memory interleaving and interception failure to make problems and resolutions explicit
- The IDE integration can now handle the complete collection of exceptions which ASan can report
- The compiler and linker will suggest emitting debug information if they detect you're building with ASan but not emitting debug information
- You can now target the LLVM version of the OpenMP runtime with the new CL switch /openmp:llvm. This adds support for the lastprivate clause on #pragma omp sections and unsigned index variables in parallel for loops. The /openmp:llvm switch is currently only available for the amd64 target and is still experimental.
- Visual Studio CMake projects now have first class support for remote Windows development. This includes configuring a CMake project to target Windows ARM64, deploying the project to a remote Windows machine, and debugging the project on a remote Windows machine from Visual Studio.
- The version of Ninja shipped with Visual Studio on Windows has been updated to version 1.10. Please see the Ninja 1.10 release notes for details on what is included.
- The version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio has been updated to version 3.19. Please see the CMake 3.19 release notes for details on what is included.
- Marked many lock/guard types in the STL as nodiscard

- Improved the stability and functionality of providing imported modules and header units completion in IntelliSense
- Added Go-to-definition on module imports, indexing support for export { … }, and more accurate module reference for modules with the same name
- Improved the language compliance of C++ IntelliSense by adding support for Copy-initialization of temporary in reference direct-initialization, __builtin_memcpy and __builtin_memmove, Fixing inconsistencies between constexpr and consteval functions, Lifetime-extended temporaries in constant expressions, and Similar types and reference binding.
- Added completion for make_unique, make_shared, emplace and emplace_back which provides completion based on the type parameter specified
- MSVC now determines the correct address sanitizer runtimes required for your binaries. Your Visual Studio project will automatically get the new changes. When using address sanitizer on the command line, you now only need to pass /fsanitize=address to the compiler.
- Visual Studio's Connection Manager now supports private keys using the ECDSA public key algorithm
- Updated the versions of LLVM and Clang shipped in our installer to v11. Read the release notes for LLVM and Clang for more information
- Visual Studio will now use CMake variables from toolchain files to configure IntelliSense. This will provide a better experience for embedded and Android development
- Implementation of the More Constexpr Containers proposal, which allows destructors and new expressions to be constexpr. This paves the way for utilities like constexpr std::vector and std::string.
- Extended support for C++20 modules IntelliSense, including Go To Definition, Go To Module, and member completion
- Abbreviated function templates are now supported in the MSVC compiler

- There is now support for Edge Chromium based WebView2 JavaScript/TypeScript debugging for applications such as WPF, WinForms and WinUI 3 projects. This can be enabled by selecting the JavaScript debugger from the Project Properties dialog box. Details on how to get started to can be found here

- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue and detects potentially blocking objects.
- Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue
- Visual Studio now filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception. It is now possible to see the base of the stack where an infinite recursion originated, which hopefully makes it easier to investigate these kinds of bugs.
- Filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception

- Added new dynamic instrumentation scenario that is faster (doesn't require VSInstr) and allows .NET Core applications to be instrumented without needing PDBs

.NET Productivity:
- There is now IntelliSense completion for preprocessor symbols
- Solution Explorer now displays the new .NET 5.0 Source Generators
- Go To All won't display duplicate results across netcoreapp3.1 and netcoreapp2.0
- Quick Info now displays compiler warning IDs or numbers for suppressions
- Using directives will now automatically get added when copying

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.6
Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.6:
- a high priority bug blocking developers from pushing code to Azure Functions or other Azure resources from Visual Studio 2019.
- VS 16.8.5 Create a Git repository - Create a new GitHub repository - PUBLIC (unchecked Private option) - FAIL

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.5
CVE-2021-1639 TypeScript Language Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when Visual Studio loads a malicious repository containing JavaScript or TypeScript code files

CVE-2021-1721 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability:
- A denial-of-service vulnerability exists when creating HTTPS web request during X509 certificate chain building

CVE-2021-24112 .NET 5 and .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when disposing metafiles when a graphics interface still has a reference to it. This vulnerability only exists on systems running on MacOS or Linux.

Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.5:
- Fixed an issue where x86 Microsoft.VCLibs Appx installed under ExtensionSDKs updated with correct signature
- Fixed a memory leak when using C++ DesignTime features
- Fixed an issue where an exception would occur if a password is not remembered when importing an existing database into an SSDT project
- Fixed an issue where the publish button is disabled the first time customers publish .NET Core projects to a folder or other hosting targets
- Fixed a hang that occasionally occurred when developers opened the publish profiles view page
- Adds Xcode 12.4 support

Items From Developer Community:
- Fixed an issue where .sqlproj is not updating with changes
- Visual Studio 2019 crashes with OOM failures on Chromium solutions
- Bug in optimization compiler of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7.6
- Visual Studio crashes when Adding New Item -> Table on a Database project
- VSDIIUnregisterServer is slowing Visual Studio 2019 down
- Unexpected Visual Studio 2019 crash when docking or splitting windows

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.4
- Fixed an issue where C#-specific IntelliCode components may not be installed if IntelliCode had previously been installed from the Visual Studio Marketplace in older versions of Visual Studio
- Transitive project references are now respected when a PackageReference projects references packages.config projects with PackageReference dependencies
- Adds Xcode 12.3 support
- Fixes x86_64 watchOS 7.0+ simulator support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.3
- Fixed an internal compiler error when a nested function template is defined outside of the parent class
- Fixed incorrect error C2355 when 'this' is used in the initializer of a non-static data member
- Ruleset loading error has been fixed for custom ruleset using /analyze:ruleset option with /analyze:rulesetdirectory and/or /analyze:projectdirectory option
- Fix for an intermittent crash in Visual Studio while using WinForms .NET Core designer
- .NET 5.0.1 insertion into Visual Studio v 16.8.3
- Fixed an issue where some of the UI context activiated tool windows can cause Visual Studio to crash
- Fixed Push from Manage Branches page when there is no Git remote tracking branch
Added Xcode 12.2 support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.2
- Fixed for optimization bug in loops
- Fixed internal compiler error in implementation of guaranteed copy elision (C++17 feature)
- Fixed build perf regression for large uses of anonymous types
- Resolved an issue where a gold bar with the message "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" would appear when editing C# code
- Fixed an issue that could cause a MissingMethodException when building a project that had T4 templates
- Fixes an issue where the search in the New Project Dialog could return zero results

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.1
- Fixed a high-impacting issue where “The 'SourceExplorerPackage' package did not load correctly.” warning pops up when cloning a repo in Team Explorer. When users encountered this problem, it would cause the product to stop responding.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.0
- F# 5 is now released alongside .NET 5
- Performance improvements and fixes for Visual Studio tooling via F# Tools version 11.0.0
- Full release notes available on GitHub

- C++20 Coroutines are now supported under /std:c++latest and the header.
- IntelliSense now provides support for C++20 and headers, and rename and browsing for concept definitions.
- Our STL now has support for the majority of C++20 Ranges.
- Conditionally trivial special member functions are now supported in MSVC.
- C11 and C17 are now supported under the /std:c11 and /std:c17 switches.
- Additional STL improvements include full support for std::atomic_ref, std::midpoint and std::lerp and std::execution::unseq, optimizations for std::reverse_copy, and more.
- Upgraded version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to CMake 3.18.
- Our code analysis tools now support the SARIF 2.1 standard: the industry standard static analysis log format.
- Missing build tools in Linux projects will now issue a warning in the toolbar and a clear description of the missing tools in the error list.
- You can now debug Linux core dumps on a remote Linux system or WSL directly from Visual Studio.
- For C++ Doxygen comment generation, we added additional comment style options (/*! and //!).
- Additional vcpkg announcements
- Compiler support for lambdas in unevaluated contexts
- /debug:full link performance improved by multi-threading pdb creation. Several large applications and AAA games see between 2 to 4 times faster linking.
- The Visual Studio debugger now has support for char8_t.
- Support for ARM64 projects using clang-cl.
- Intel AMX intrinsics support.

- .NET Core Linux core dump debugging support
- .NET and .NET Core Auto Analysis
- .NET and .NET Core memory hot path auto analysis

Experimental Razor Editor Updates:
- Blazor light bulbs
- C# light bulbs
- Enhanced Razor formatting
- Rename Razor components in markup from .razor files
- Go-to-definition on Blazor component tag namespace
- C# hover colorization
- C# completion toolitip colorization
- Go-to-definition/implementation for Razor, including closed files
- Find All References in closed Razor files
- Improved Razor editing preformance and stability for large projects and solutions

Fakes with SDK Style Projects:
- When using the new Fakes support for SDK style projects some users encountered the following error when generating shims

Git Productivity:
- Learn more about how to use all the Git features in our new online documentation
- Open the Git Repository window at any time through the Git Changes window, the View menu, and the Status bar
- Fetch, Pull, and Push from multiple remotes in the Git Changes window
- View success and error messages for Git commands at the top of the Git Repository window
- Create a new branch from an Azure DevOps work item
- Open a Git repository from a list of your local repositories in the Git menu
- The default source control provider is now Git instead of TFVC
- Single click to switch between branch histories in the Git Repository window
- View and select from a list of solutions in Solution Explorer after opening a repository
- Modify the history view and search for commits through a tool bar in the Git Repository window
- Fetch, pull, and push from the incoming and outgoing commits sections in the history graph of a branch
- Get prompted to create a pull request after pushing a branch to your remote
- View branch names in the merge and rebase commands in the branch list context menu
- Access Git commands through the context menu in Solution Explorer and the Editor
- Observe clone progress through a new modal dialog with the option to move the process to the background

- Get personalized IntelliCode completions in Visual Studio documentation
- Keep your IntelliCode completions up-to-date with your codebase and share as part of your team's CI workflow documentation

.NET Productivity:
- Roslyn analyzers are now included in the .NET 5.0 SDK
- Refactoring that introduces the new C# 9 not pattern matching syntax when a suppression operator is present
- Inline method refactoring to help replace usages of static, instance, and extension method within a single statement body
- Code fix to convert instances of typeof to nameof in C# and GetType to NameOf in Visual Basic
- C# and Visual Basic support for inline parameter name hints that inserts adornments for literals, casted literals, and object instantiations prior to each argument in function calls
- Refactoring that extracts members from a selected class to a new base class in both C# and Visual Basic
- Code cleanup has new configuration options that can apply formatting and file header preferences set in your EditorConfig file across a single file or an entire solution
- Code fix to remove the in keyword where the argument should not be passed by reference
- Refactoring that introduces the new C#9 pattern combinators and pattern matching suggestions such as converting == to use is where applicable
- Code fix to make a class abstract when you are trying to write an abstract method in a class that is not abstract
- IntelliSense completion in DateTime and TimeSpan string literals automatically appear when the first quote is typed
- Code fix to remove unnecessary pragma suppressions and unnecessary SuppressMessageAttributes
- Rename and Find All References understands references to symbols within the target string of global SuppressMessageAttributes
- ByVal fades to say it's not necessary along with a code fix to remove the unnecessary ByVal in Visual Basic
- Interactive window support for mu

Signal Desktop 5.26.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Signal Desktop 5.26.0
- Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.
- Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a "Save the screen real estate" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.

Signal Desktop 5.25.1
- This release fixes a bug preventing some users from starting Desktop after becoming unlinked
- It also fixes a bug where recording a voice note would change the microphone's recording volume

Signal Desktop 5.25.0
- This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothl

Signal Desktop 5.24.0
- You can now search in archived conversations. Imagine yourself searching (quickly) through ancient tomes, looking for the next clue
- If you've ever scrolled up and sent a message, you might wonder where your message was! Now, whenever you send a message, it'll be scrolled into view for you to admire your hard work
- Reacting to a message? It should now be more reliable, retrying for up to 24 hours

Signal Desktop 5.23.1
- This release fixes a bug preventing some users from starting Desktop

Signal Desktop 5.23.0
- This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly

Signal Desktop 5.22.0
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 5.21.0
- Get more information at a glance. The left pane has got a fresh new look and style.
- Know the when to the what. The timestamp, if available, associated with delivered, read, sent, and other status messages are now displayed in the message's details screen.
- Screen reader users should now find it easier to navigate through the conversation list on the left pane

Signal Desktop 5.20.0
- This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly

Signal Desktop 5.19.0
- Take a breath and relax into the new animations for dialogs and popups. Ease in. Ease out. Ease in. Ease out.
- Switching keyboard layouts is always a bit tricky, but keyboard shortcuts now track right along with you, reaching beyond the specific letter pressed to honor your intent.
- Silence (and your preferences) is golden, so muted conversations will no longer display “group call started" notifications!
- This feature goes out to everyone who reacts with ???? more than ???? : you can now customize the emojis that appear by default when you want to react to a message.

Signal Desktop 5.18.1
- This release fixes a few small bugs, including an issue where images could not be downloaded in the image viewer

Signal Desktop 5.17.2
- Try out the new 'send messages' permission to restrict who can send messages in your groups. Great for organizing an event, making an announcement, or just shouting from the rooftops. All members must be on the latest version of Signal for the setting to appear.
- You can now send messages wherever and whenever you are: on a plane, in a tunnel, or that sad moment when your internet just cut out. It will eventually get through; messages now automatically retry for up to 24 hours.

Signal Desktop 5.17.1
- Try out the new 'send messages' permission to restrict who can send messages in your groups. Great for organizing an event, making an announcement, or just shouting from the rooftops. All members must be on the latest version of Signal for the setting to appear.
- You can now send messages wherever and whenever you are: on a plane, in a tunnel, or that sad moment when your internet just cut out. It will eventually get through; messages now automatically retry for up to 24 hours.

Signal Desktop 5.17.0
- Try out the new 'send messages' permission to restrict who can send messages in your groups. Great for organizing an event, making an announcement, or just shouting from the rooftops. All members must be on the latest version of Signal for the setting to appear.
- You can now send messages wherever and whenever you are: on a plane, in a tunnel, or that sad moment when your internet just cut out. It will eventually get through; messages now automatically retry for up to 24 hours.

Signal Desktop 5.14.0
- Introducing “My Daily Life”, a new animated sticker pack by artist Plastic Thing
- Sending original HEIC and HEIF photos are now appear as photo messages in chats rather than appearing as file attachments

Signal Desktop 5.13.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 5.13.0
- Give your profile and group photos a makeover. Whether you want to upload a picture worth a thousand words or just type a few letters, the new avatar creator lets you create the perfect photo, or select one from our colorful new defaults.
- There's cause for celebration with this declaration! With this recent permutation there's no need to miss a notification and a chance at communication causing the chat unnecessary stagnation. Added a setting so you're notified when @mentioned even if your chat is muted.
- An improved incoming call experience.
- Squashed some bugs that were reported to us by our users

Signal Desktop 5.12.2
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 5.12.1
- This update fixes a bug that prevented people from linking their mobile device to Signal Desktop

Signal Desktop 5.12.0
- Curious whether your latest monologue got the attention it deserved? You can now see when someone has listened to your voice messages. If you see the dot on your voice message, it's still waiting for a listen.

Signal Desktop 5.10.0
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by our users

Signal Desktop 5.8.0
- A picture may be worth 1k words, but now you can send them in 4k. Use the the new quality selector to optionally send higher-resolution photos.
- If you’re using Windows, a new setting now lets you minimize Signal to the system tray when you click the close button, or you can optionally start Signal minimized to the tray.

Signal Desktop 5.7.0
- This update fixes a few bugs, and makes some behind-the-scenes changes to make sure Signal Desktop is running smoothly

Signal Desktop 5.6.2
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by our users

Signal Desktop 5.6.1
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by our users

Signal Desktop 5.6.0
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by our users

Signal Desktop 5.5.0
- Feeling groggy when you wake up? Signal can now keep up better. When you resume your computer from sleep, Signal will reconnect faster.
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from screen sharing if you didn't have a webcam

Signal Desktop 5.4.1
- This update fixes a bug that affected users who linked Signal Desktop for the first time on a new computer

Signal Desktop 5.4.0
- Introducing screen sharing: Now you can present your computer’s entire screen or a specific window during video calls. Just click the start presenting button while in a video call to get started.
- Become a conversation artist. Use the new color selector to turn every chat into a masterpiece.
- Lay out the welcome mat by adding a description to your groups. We know some things are difficult to put into words, so maybe start with an emoji ????
- Letting go can be hard, but our new custom disappearing timer can help you find a little more time to process those fleeting messages before they're gone forever.
- Set a default disappearing message timer for new conversations, so you won't be reminded if you start off on the wrong foot

Signal Desktop 5.3.0
- Don’t leave them hanging. Now the desktop app can differentiate between your “Signal friends” and everyone else. You’ll now know if you try to message someone who’s not yet on Signal.

Signal Desktop 5.2.0
- Overreacting is never pleasant. Notifications for message reactions are now synced between your desktop and your mobile device
- A new option in settings allows you to start Signal on login on macOS and Windows

Signal Desktop 5.1.0
- Significant performance improvements will help you fly through your message backlog after your flight lands, or quickly power through what you missed while you were looking for a power outlet
- Forward messages between threads. Editing support lets you amend, extend, append, explain what you intend, or tie up loose ends before you hit send
- Message reaction icons are no longer cropped at small widths

Signal Desktop 5.0.0
- Create a group or edit group details right from your Desktop. You only need to grab your phone (along with your car keys) after the new "Brunch Crew" reaches a decision.
- We redesigned the Desktop voice message interface to look just as good as your friends and family sound. Voice messages no longer stop playing when you scroll within the same chat, so you can listen to the past without leaving the present behind.
- Look for the familiar pencil compose button to quickly start a new chat instead of searching for one that hasn't even started.
- Every chat header has a cleaner look, but additional details are still only a single click away
- Performance improvements let you switch between chats faster than ever

Signal Desktop 1.40.1
- This release includes a bugfix for the Windows users who have been seeing "URI malformed" or "URIError" crashes in recent builds

Signal Desktop 1.40.0
- Improved rendering performance means your friends won't look choppy during group calls (unless they are all doing the robot)
- See what's going on with support for displaying the new "About" field in Signal Profiles
- View the speaker whose voice is coming from your speakers during group calls with the new (and creatively named) "speaker view"
- Everyone hates a long goodbye, so we significantly sped up the process of deleting messages and message threads
- The title bar is now hidden on macOS; give it a title wave

Signal Desktop 1.39.6
- This update fixes a few bugs that caused errors for some users after linking a new device or re-linking an existing device

Signal Desktop 1.39.5
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by beta testers

Signal Desktop 1.39.4
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by beta testers

Signal Desktop 1.39.2
- Your Legacy Signal Groups will be automatically upgraded to New Groups so they can get in on the new features we recently released, like admins, @mentions, group links, and more. Upgrades don’t happen all at once or instantly, and some groups may not upgrade for a while.

Signal Desktop 1.38.2
 - Fixes a few bugs related to the composition area

Signal Desktop 1.38.1
- @mentions let you mention someone in New Groups. They’ll be able to jump directly to that mention the next time they open the chat
- Need a reminder to come back to a chat? You can now mark a conversation as unread for desktop. (FYI this won’t sync to your phone app for the time being)
- Emoji-nally available. You now have access to the 117 new emoji that are part of the latest Emoji v13

Signal Desktop 1.37.3
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by beta testers

Signal Desktop 1.37.2
- This update fixes a few bugs that were reported by beta testers

Signal Desktop 1.37.1
- Accidentally send a message to the wrong chat? Take backs are now permitted. When deleting a recently sent message, you now have the option to Delete for Everyone in the chat
- Picture-in-picture support within the app keeps your Signal calls in focus even if you focus on another conversation. It isn't multitasking if they still have your undivided attention
- You can now see a preview of yourself before you start a video call to make sure you look as good as you feel
- Improved message reactions, including the ability to customize skin tones
- Now you can retrieve link previews directly from any website for messages you send. If you don’t want to send link previews, you can disable them from your primary device
- Pin your favorite chats at the very top so the talk never stops
- Corrected an issue that caused some messages to show up out of order
- Improved the contributing documentation
- Added a missing validity check for the proxy URL

Signal Desktop 1.36.3
- This release resolves a bug that prevented some users from linking a new desktop instance

Signal Desktop 1.36.2
- Take your portrait-mode portraits to new heights. Support for very tall images has been added to the media viewer
- If you are a Linux user who has wanted an audible notification sound, the day that dream comes true is finally here (hear, hear!)
- Localization layout and default keybinding improvements

Signal Desktop 1.36.1
- Exceed your notification expectations with a revamped system that lets you see which group the message came from along with the message type (photo, video, file, etc.). Now you can drop whatever you're doing in another app when the latest GIF appears in your favorite memes group
- Accept the unexpected: Message requests let you quickly see more info before accepting the request, deleting it, or blocking the conversation

Signal Desktop 1.35.1
- Start using your mouse's scroll wheel as a rotary dial with support for one-to-one voice and video conversations on Signal Desktop
- Accept the unexpected: Message requests let you quickly see more info before accepting the request, deleting it, or blocking the conversation
- Give peace a chance and temporarily mute notifications for any conversation

Signal Desktop 1.34.5
- We added system theme support across all platforms. It's always darkest before the dawn -- especially if you configure your appearance settings based on sunrise and sunset

Signal Desktop 1.34.4
- This update fixes a few rare bugs that the Signal community discovered during the beta testing process. If you would like to test new Signal features before your friends (and sometimes discover new problems in the process), the Desktop beta program just might be exactly what you've been looking for. Simply launch Signal and select "Join the beta" from the "Help" menu to turn the dream into a reality.

Signal Desktop 1.34.3
- The help menu is a little more helpful. Quickly report bugs in more languages, or use the new shortcut to join the Signal Desktop beta and help us find them even earlier

Signal Desktop 1.34.2
- Feeling Emojionally unavailable? Now you can react to messages with any Emoji. React with a cricket ???? if nobody laughs at a joke, or fire ???? for a particularly hot take
- Avatar colors in the reaction viewer now match the avatar, so even if Aang doesn't have a profile picture set yet, he'll still be easy to find
- Saved attachment files are now consistent across Android and Desktop

Signal Desktop 1.34.1
- This update fixes a crash that could occur during startup on Windows

Signal Desktop 1.34.0
- Quickly switch between your recent conversations using several new keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9 will jump to that numbered thread, while Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab cycle forwards and backwards.
- See who updated a group right away instead of trying to figure out whose personality best matches the new group title or avatar
- We added support for the new (true) blue of ultramarine for Android linked devices
- If a sticker is really cool, sometimes a pack of one is all you need (and you can do that now). If a wolf is really cool, scientists say that's still not enough for a pack though. Maybe someday.
- Conversation titles are no longer displayed in a truncated form when they don't need to be
- Signal now automatically follows your system theme settings on macOS, but you can manually choose between eternal light and permanent darkness if you refuse to be a part of the system.
- This release fixes the update bug that was affecting some non-admin users on macOS
- Startup speed and networking improvements
- The unnecessary scrollbar on the About page is gone

Signal Desktop 1.33.4
- This update fixes a bug that prevented some users from re-linking Signal Desktop to their mobile device again

Signal Desktop 1.33.3
- We fixed a bug that could cause Signal to crash if the --use-tray-icon or --start-in-tray command-line arguments were specified

Signal Desktop 1.33.1
- Big icon improvements, especially for small taskbars
- No more leftover rendering pain in the left pane when the network status dialog disappears after Signal re-connects
- We fixed a bug that broke the display of group delivery receipts and group message details for some users

Signal Desktop 1.33.0
- Check out the improved Signal logo and icon. It's less like a new wardrobe, and more like carefully washing our favorite outfit
- Several performance optimizations to reduce background CPU usage. We apologize to fans of spinning fans

Signal Desktop 1.32.3
- We fixed a bug that could cause Signal to crash if the --use-tray-icon or --start-in-tray command-line arguments were specified

Signal Desktop 1.32.2
- Users whose language is set to something other than English, r̶e̶j̶i̶o̶c̶e̶rejoice! Spellcheck is back

Signal Desktop 1.32.1
- This update fixes a startup bug that affects non-English locales on some Linux distributions. Spellcheck support is temporarily disabled for these users, but it will be bakc.

Signal Desktop 1.32.0
- Updates are no longer interrupdates. We revamped the left pane to unobtrusively show you when a new version of Signal is available
- Two new official sticker packs. Swoon’s work has been featured in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Tate Modern in London, Galerie L.J. in Paris, the Museum of Sketches for Public Art in Sweden, and in hidden spaces in neighborhoods around the world. Now you can display it in the gallery of your own conversations too.

Signal Desktop 1.31.0
- Send a ❤ in a heartbeat. Reactions make it easy to quickly reply with how you feel
- Emoji images have been updated to version 12

Signal Desktop 1.30.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.30.0
- Make privacy stick: Create your own custom sticker packs (File > Create/Upload Sticker Pack)

Signal Desktop 1.29.6
- This release fixes a connectivity issue to Signal servers

Signal Desktop 1.29.5
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.29.4
- Fixes an issue where the most recent messages of a conversation wouldn't appear on first load of a conversation
- Fixes an issue where a received standalone conversation timer update might be ignored
- Fixes an issue where a view-once message viewed on another device might not result in a viewed state in desktop
- Fixes an issue where a 'Identity key changed' error might show repeatedly on attempted messages sends to a contact

Signal Desktop 1.29.3
- We peeled off the "Sticker Pack Installed" reminders that some users were seeing multiple times per day

Signal Desktop 1.29.2
- Make privacy stick: Stickers are now available in Signal

Signal Desktop 1.29.1
- Focus and accessibility enhancements when confirmation dialogs are displayed

Signal Desktop 1.29.0
- Explore a new set of keyboard shortcuts with CTRL+/ or CMD+/
- Try navigating around the application with Tab and Shift+Tab to take a break from the mouse

Signal Desktop 1.28.0
- A new set of keyboard shortcuts (hit CTRL+/ to see the list)
- Improved keyboard accessibility (try navigating around with Tab and Shift+Tab)

Signal Desktop 1.27.4
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.27.3
- Unless it's footage of total darkness, video thumbnails should no longer appear as black squares. You can also click on any video to immediately pause playback
- Switch between multiple desktop spaces on macOS without missing anything. Signal messages won't be marked as read until the window is in focus
- Support for Zoom In and Zoom Out on Windows and Linux
- If you always maximize Signal Desktop on Windows, this preference will now remain in effect when the app restarts
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented conversations from being displayed if the composition box contained a long draft message. We also added a few improvements around scrolling behavior and accessibility

Signal Desktop 1.27.2
- Brings back the orange highlight on Windows which previously came along with any message notification
- Fixes a startup issue present on some Linux distributions

Signal Desktop 1.27.1
- Find your new favorite feature. Full-text search is everything that you have been looking for. Quickly locate any message, whether in one conversation or across all of them
- Write a story-length Signal message using the new roomier composition mode. Got writer's block? No problem. Unplug and come back to your saved draft
- We improved startup and scrolling performance to get you to your messages faster

Signal Desktop 1.26.2
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.26.0
- Use emoji autocomplete to quickly locate the perfect character as you type

Signal Desktop 1.25.3
- This release fixes an issue that prevented Signal Desktop from starting up for some users on Ubuntu 19.04 who felt slightly nostalgic about seeing a frozen blue screen for the first time in years
- The minimum window size was increased in order to accommodate the new emoji selector

Signal Desktop 1.25.2
- The fuzzy emoji search is even fuzzier, so you can type "polo" to locate :woman-playing-water-poloor :man-playing-water-poloinstead of playing Marco Polo and trying to find them while yelling
- Improved conversation list update performance
- Badge counts are now supported on Ubuntu and Elementary OS

Signal Desktop 1.25.1
- Improved support for long contact names
- Pressing enter when the emoji picker is open will once again send your message

Signal Desktop 1.25.0
- An updated emoji panel adds a fuzzy search feature so that you can find coffee even if you haven't had any yet. It also includes quick access to recently used characters and support for "Fitzpatrick" customization
- Pinterest is now included in the list of sites that support link previews
- Check marks for read receipts and delivery receipts are updated more consistently when Signal Desktop reconnects after being offline
- Improved handling of group changes
- Windows build enhancements for users who were encountering rare DLL conflicts
- Users on macOS who launch Signal with the --use-tray-icon option will only see the dock icon when the window is open

Signal Desktop 1.24.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.24.0
- Give your messages more character(s) using the updated support for long text content that is compatible with the latest version of Signal for Android and iOS
- Quickly archive old conversations using everyone's favorite new shortcut (CTRL-E)
- ":TaDa:!" Now you can manually enter your emoji using whatever capitalization your heart desires
- Right-click on any URL or text selection and enjoy the new context menu
- Improved font rendering for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters on Windows
- Support for right-to-left contact names in quoted replies
- Menu improvements for users on macOS

Signal Desktop 1.23.2
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.22.0
- Tell yourself how you really feel with the new Note to Self feature
- Performance improvements help make Signal Desktop launch faster than ever, especially on slow Internet connections. Attachments are now seamlessly downloaded in the background instead of all at once during startup

Signal Desktop 1.21.2
- Additional link preview updates, including better behavior when composing quoted replies to messages without preview media

Signal Desktop 1.21.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.21.0
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.20.0
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.19.0
- Optional support for Typing Indicators. The dots between the lines help you read between the lines. Enable or disable them at any time on your mobile device (Signal Settings > Privacy > Typing Indicators)

Signal Desktop 1.18.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.17.3
- Resolved an import error that was blocking some legacy Chrome App users from migrating to the latest release

Signal Desktop 1.17.2
- We fixed an import error that was affecting a small number of users who were migrating from the legacy Chrome App
- Storage optimizations and improved synchronization performance

Signal Desktop 1.17.1
- Change log not available for this version

Signal Desktop 1.17.0
- New colors for your incoming Android messages: Blue, Burlap, Crimson, Forest, Indigo, Plum, Steel, Taupe, Teal, Vermilion, Violet, and Wintergreen
- Startup performance improvements
- Animated GIFs that are larger than 6 megabytes are now supported
- Localization updates for Albanian, Catalan, Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Khmer, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, and Turkish. We sincerely appreciate the volunteer translators whose efforts made this possible

Signal Desktop 1.16.3
- Fixed a bug that was preventing Signal from starting up for some users with a large conversation history

Signal Desktop 1.16.2
- Storage fixes
- Updated language strings for Estonian, Finnish, Italian, and Persian

Signal Desktop 1.16.1
- Message rendering improvements for better performance
- Shared contacts for users with a linked iOS device are easier to read
- Group conversations that are blocked on your mobile device will be blocked on Desktop too
- The list of supported languages has expanded to include Albanian, Esperanto, Estonian, Khmer, and Thai. We sincerely appreciate the volunteer translators whose efforts made this possible

Signal Desktop 1.16.0
- We optimized performance to fix the input lag that was affecting some users. Keystrokes should be instantaneous again, but occasional typing delays are still possible when you are thinking of the right thing to say
- The countdown timer icon is now displayed with the correct style and color in the iOS light and dark themes
- Updated language translations

Signal Desktop 1.15.5
- When iOS device has been linked, use iOS color scheme
- Conversation bubbles now better handle both large and small window sizes
- Quotes: Show warning if referenced message was not found

- Give event loop a rest when queuing large numbers of messages from cache
- Fix issue which caused contact syncs to be continually reprocessed from cache

- Add logging to help diagnose protocol handler false positives
- Only show 'upgrade is available' dialog if mainWindow is available
- Copy quoted message contents into quote on receipt
- Disable drag and drop if it's not a file attachment

Signal Desktop 1.15.4
- Increase timeout for database operations, as users have been seeing timeouts
- Additional logging to track performance of database operations
- New indices and query updates to ensure indices are used for all queries

- Style the scrollbar in both light and dark themes
- Ensure that the scroll down button is always on top of conversation content

- Properly flow errors back when errors happen during message processing or caching
- Use Base64 strings in temporary message cache instead of 'binary' encoding
- Eliminate write of config.json on exit of app, may be causing corruption

Signal Desktop 1.15.3

- Fixed: Visual attachment borders and overlays would show on top of safety number change banner
- Fixed: No-caption visual attachment metadata overlay was behind dark shading, making it hard to read

Signal Desktop 1.15.1
- Fixed: On some macOS machines, the light theme would render incorrectly
- Fixed: On an OS set to a right-to-left language, message bubbles were left-aligned
- Fixed: Incoming messages with errors would be shown as empty messages
- Fixed: SQLCipher migration of cached not-yet-processed messages did not preserve their data

Disappearing messages:
- Move expiring message time earlier if read sync has earlier time
- In partially-successful group send, don't start expire timer

- Clean up any orphaned external files on start
- Ensure that a SQL command timeout results in an error
- On error handling cached message, log error then delete

Signal Desktop 1.15.0
Visual changes:
- New colors and message bubbles
- Unified theme
- Video playback updates
- Disappearing messages can now be enabled without first turning them on with a '1 day' duration
- The status of the last conversation message (if outgoing) is now shown in the left pane
- One-click access for replying to message

Media Gallery:
- Fixed: Wrong attachment would be saved from lightbox after left/right navigation
- Better handling of videos - thumbnail of video is now used
- Dark theme honored in all UI elements
- Icons shown for all if no thumbnail is available

- New version 8 schema for messages: thumbnails and dimensions from image and video attachments, as well as a full-size video screenshot for use in conversation view
- Much of the application has been moved to React
- Dark theme rewritten from scratch
- New CSS is now using Block Element Modifier syntax (BEM)
- JSHint removed from project; ESLint now scans entire project
- _locales/en/messages.json is now included in jsprettier runs
- All backbone-related functionality removed from Style Guide
- Ensure set of Linux dev dependencies is complete in
- Introduce mandatory migration on startup, to minimum version 7
- Preserve migration state when deleting config due to failed login
- Conversation: store lastMessage/lastMessageStatus in memory only
- Moved to using window.log only for all browser-context logging, with new eslint rule to prevent direct use of console.log
- Full eslintification of files in libtextsecure to take advantage of new console.log rule
- Removed unnecessary and too-verbose console logging
- When making thumbnail for video attachment to be sent, we generate a 100x100 preview instead of taking a full screenshot of the video

Signal Desktop 1.14.4
- Fixed: Application does not start up on Linux w/tmp mounted as noexec
- Fixed: When attempting to record voice note with media permission disabled, popup would be blank

Signal Desktop 1.14.3
- Fixed: After upload, debug logs were not accessible
- Show error if debug log fails to upload

Signal Desktop 1.14.1
- Fixed: Changes to notification settings or menu hide setting would not be persisted
- Fixed: Settings window, debug log window, and permissions popup were not themed
- Fixed: When turning off disappearing messages timer, it would show 'to seconds' instead of 'to off'
- Fixed: Issue where error handling for incoming message would fail, resulting in no visible error

Signal Desktop 1.14.0

- New setting: media permission. Desktop now shows a popup dialog when this permission is not granted and the recording for a voice message fails
- Auto-scroll to selected conversation when they reorder

- Conversation preview would sometimes show already-expired message
- Upon resume from sleep, notifications would show for already-read messages as they arrived
- About window didn't include version number
- Idle detector would never turn off, slowing down app

- Minor documentation cleanup - bug templates, readme, etc
- Update conversation's last message whenever it is opened
- Add missing timer option localization strings
- Make all OS menus localizable
- Handle timer updates along with group updates
- Add 'newmessage' event handler to Conversation for reliability
- Debug log, settings and media permissions popup are all now in separate windows
- Pulled latest translations from Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.13.0
- Expire timer update would be sent even if change came from remote message
- It was impossible to send an attachment if we failed to create a thumbnail for it
- App would fail to start if user profile data is behind a junction
- Message detail screen errors were too narrow to see the complete message

- Add link to terms of service and privacy policy in About window
- Additional defense-in-depth enhancements
- Update strings for fr/tr languages
- Readme: Clarify beta install instructions

Signal Desktop 1.12.1
- Fixed: In iOS theme, quoted links were white on white
- Ensure that a disappearing message timer change notification is always above initiating message
- Ensure that sent messages immediately take conversation's expire timer

Signal Desktop 1.12.0
- Update to Electron v2.0.1
- Fixed: Emoji with skin tone modifiers would show up as a square
- Fixed: A few visual problems with the contact detail screen
- Fixed: complex kernel versions were causing problems in linux

- Add another Windows 7 dev setup requirement to
- Various defense-in-depth enhancements
- Refactor api.js into web_api, which encapsulates all web access
- Move a number of dependences from bower to npm
- Enable a large set of new tslint rules
- Use React for all emojification in the app
- Print out main process logs if electron unit tests fail
- Move all forks to @scottnonnenberg-signal account
- Remove jscs from the project
- Remove unused code and templates
- Remove broken stylesheets symlink

Signal Desktop 1.11.0
- Feature: Receive contact
- Fixed: Sometimes clicks on quoted message wouldn't work
- Fixed: In dark theme, it was hard to see a message's triple-dot menu on hover
- Fixed: Unsupported image and video types were missing from media pane
- Fixed: On small screens, the media lightbox view would show media off-screen
- Notification improvements
- Improved behavior for notifications that are added and removed quickly
- Better handling of notifications that were read on a linked device
- Media Gallery: A number of small visual fixes
- Emoji pane: Can now dismiss it by pressing escape key
- Update translations

- Windows 7: Use Electron-native notifications
- Better logging when we receive a read sync from a linked device
- Move to React for newlines, emoji, and links in message body
- Improve Logging For Disappearing Messages
- Prettier: Continue expanding its coverage of app
- Document Translations Setup + Remove Unused Strings
- Make Protocol Buffers available to commonjs code
- Build updates: remove unused commands and assets
- Document Windows 7 Developer Setup
- Update README copyright year to 2018

Signal Desktop 1.10.1
- Fixes a bug recently published

Signal Desktop 1.10.0

- Media Gallery showing all attachments in a given conversation. Note: Until all attachments have been migrated to disk (as part of a background process), only a partial set of a conversation's media will show up, skewed towards the most recent messages
- Increase speed of migration to move attachments to disk from database
- Video attachments: show first frame preview in composition area

- Show 'You' in Android theme instead of your own contact name
- Show thumbnails for quotes of messages with video attachments

Notification improvements:
- Remove all on remote read, on focus, on exit
- Show multi-message notifications like '5 new messages'

- Add comments clarifying our mechanisms for stripping EXIF info
- Move to prettierjs to format our code
- Fix break in styleguide; make filesize/Signal.Util.GoogleChrome available
- Remove duplicate entry from .gitignore

Signal Desktop 1.9.0
- Send quoted replies via hover menu on message
- Fixed: Linking a new iOS device would not initially show iOS theme
- Dev: Media Gallery: Phase 1 - currently disabled

Signal Desktop 1.8.0
- Support for receiving quoted replies
- iOS theme: one bubble for both attachment and message contents
- Dev: Fix beta install instructions in readme for debian-based linux

Signal Desktop 1.7.1
- Fixed: Conversation message preview would sometimes continue to show after message disappeared
- Improve URL Auto-Linking In Messages
- Redact More Variants Of Paths In Stack Traces
- Dev: Introduce React, TypeScript, TSLint and React-StyleGuidist

Signal Desktop 1.7.0

- Update to electron 1.8.4
- Migrate all attachments from IndexedDB to file system in the background
- Save attachments to disk when importing Chrome app export
- New option in settings: delete all application data
- Remove all configuration in database when we discover we are unlinked
- Delete everything in database when we link with a different phone number from previous link
- Windows: Delete all data on uninstall
- Fixed: Read receipts setting would not be synchronized along with re-link
- Fixed: Clicking conversation in left pane when already selected would remove focus on message composition field
- Fixed: Searching for the phone number of an existing contact, then selecting 'start conversation' would erase contact details
- Fixed: Selecting Settings menu option multiple times would open multiple instances of settings view

- Redact file paths in anything that goes to the log on disk
- When top-level process errors happen, don't show dialog with stack trace
- Add nsp to CI runs
- Add eslint-plugin-mocha to disallow exclusive tests using *.only
- Preparation for encrypted backups
- Updates to structure of exported data -, flat list of attachments
- Relax Node.js version requirements
- Fix a few typos in documentation
- Update issue template to mention that translation should be via Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.6.1
- Switch to a new service for debug logs, since GitHub is retiring anonymous gists

Signal Desktop 1.6.0
- Upgrade to the latest version of Electron, 1.8.2
- Replace custom notification sound with system sound

Update menus:
- A few copy changes to make things clearer
- Settings now available via the File (Windows/Linux) or Signal Desktop (macOS) OS menu
- Eliminate the triple-dot menu in the top-center of the screen
- Fixed: Hitting enter after entering device name on install would not move to next screen

- Ensure consistent builds using yarn --frozen-lockfile
- Update code to match eslint-enforced formatting
- Upgrade to latest version of electron-builder and associated packages

Signal Desktop 1.5.2
- Fixed: In import/registration flow, choosing View -> Debug Log would do nothing

Signal Desktop 1.5.1
- Fixed: In some cases contact/group syncs would turn off disappearing messages in all conversations
- Fixed: On initial setup, conversations with disappearing messages enabled would be at the top of the conversation list

Signal Desktop 1.5.0
- Note: Includes fixes from 1.4.0-beta.1 (never released to production), 1.5.0-beta.1, and one additional pull request
- Update electron to 1.7.12
- New design for import and install flows
- Support for 'light' imports, which bring just messages, contacts and groups
- Set conversation disappearing messages state and contact block state on initial link
- 'Restart' -> 'Restart Signal' button in update dialog, thanks @StevenXL

- If app started offline, conversations would not open
- Attached images would sometimes show up rotated improperly
- Uncaught Exception: TypeError; 'getSize'
- File paths with special characters could be shown in misleading way
- Incoming messages sometimes didn't appear at all
- 'Cannot find module ./app/locale' error popup when attempting to start another instance of the app on Windows
- Setting NODE_ENV environment variable to 'development' would point it at staging servers

- Move ESLint environment configuration into .eslintrc
- Sync Protocol Buffers with libsignal-service-java
- Update to libsignal-protocol-javascript v1.3.0
- Make our binary comparisons constant time
- Fix typo in issue template
- Update to new signal branding

Basilisk Browser 2021.12.13 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Basilisk Browser 2021.12.13 (64-bit)
Security update:
- Added some extra sanity checks to timers and text fragments
- Added a potential crash safeguard in program threading logic
- Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 5 fixed, 3 DiD, 10 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2021.11.14 (64-bit)
- Fixed overall browser bustage due to branch confusion and telemetry removal

Basilisk Browser 2021.09.27 (64-bit)
This is a development, bugfix and security update:
- Implemented promise.allSettled()
- Implemented global origin on windows and workers
- Improved performance of memory allocations
- Updated SQLite to 3.36.0
- Fixed several crashes
- Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-38492
- Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 1 fixed, 7 DiD, 22 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2021.07.19 (64-bit)
Fixed and security update:
- Enabled brotli compression for http for sites that support it
- Implemented EventTarget as a constructor
- Updated Windows 10 toolkit styling
- Updated the port blacklist (removed 10080)
- CSS: Implemented calc() and animation support for stroke-dashoffset
- Added support for checking boolean preferences to chrome CSS style sheets, to support more advanced theming options
- Added support for dynamic dark color capable themes in CSS
- Updated ResizeObserver implementation to a more recent specification
- Removed a metric ton of Macintosh code
- Removed obsolete system theme support from the layout engine
- Fixed several crashes
- Linux: blocked particularly old versions of Mesa/Nouveau drivers due to issues
- Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-30547 and several other issues that don't have a CVE number
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 3 DiD, 2 deferred (DiD), 12 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2021.04.27 (64-bit)
Fixed and security updates:
- Enabled the scrollbar-width CSS keyword by default
- Removed unit restriction on SVG width and height attributes
- Implemented prefers-color-scheme CSS keyword (defaults to "light")
- Added CSS values smooth, high-quality and pixelated to the image-rendering keyword
- Implemented Intl.NumberFormat.formatToParts() to allow deconstruction of localized number formats by scripts
- Reinstated the dom.details_element.enabled preference and fixed a rendering issue with summary/details html elements
- Fixed an issue with CSP .nonce attributes on elements
- Added port restrictions for WebRTC PeerConnections to prevent network abuse through WebRTC connections
- Fixed an overflow in clip paths, potentially causing them to be rendered incorrectly
- Added a warning to opening from history if it would spawn many new tabs
- Fixed forcing an icon type image even for invalid icons in search plugins
- Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-23986, CVE-2021-23981 and defense-in-depth fixes for CVE-2021-29946, CVE-2021-23994, several crashes and potential document parser confusion
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 5 defense-in-depth, 21 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2021.03.17 (64-bit)
- Changed the version of NSS to a custom build to address certificate import and (hopefully also) keygen issues
- Updated the embedded emoji font for Yet More Professions With All Skin Colors&tm;
- Updated the YouTube Studio useragent for compatibility

Basilisk Browser 2021.03.11 (64-bit)
- Added support for missing ES2019 JavaScript functions and specifications
- Folder uploads through input elements now require user interaction on Windows 10
- Mitigated a potential problem with history location/state change updates if used in rapid succession
- Updated various libraries for compatibility and security
- Security issues fixed: CVE-2021-23973, CVE-2021-23974
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 2 defense-in-depth, 19 not applicable

- several memory safety hazards and potential browser crashes
- an issue with useragent updates
- a problem with WebCrypto failing to work properly with AES-GCM

Basilisk Browser 2021.02.06 (64-bit)
- Added a preference (browser.tabs.allowTabDetach) to control whether "tearing off" of tabs is allowed
- Updated some needed user-agent overrides for web compatibility with a few large sites
- Added support for the scrollbar-width CSS keyword
- Fixed a javascript performance issue
- Enabled several platform features by default for web compatibility
- Removed the use of in page content
- Fixed several memory safety hazards and potential browser crashes
- Security issues fixed: CVE-2021-23962, CVE-2021-23953 and ZDI-CAN-12197
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 6 defense-in-depth, 22 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2021.01.05 (64-bit)
- This is a development and security update
- Fixed the display of dates and times to honor what the user has set in their regional settings
- Disabled the use of the legacy database format for stored passwords and certificates
- Worked around crashes and run-time issues with module scripts
- Moved the global user-agent override to the networking component. Please note that this may interfere with some "user agent spoofing" extensions
- Fixed a website layout issue with table-styled elements potentially overlapping when placed inside a flexbox
- Updated the list of prohibited ports the browser can use
- Updated NSS to 3.59.1
- Security issues fixed: CVE-2020-26978 and CVE-2020-35112
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 16 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2020.11.25 (64-bit)
- Aligned CSS tab-size with the specification and un-prefixed it
- Updated Brotli library to 1.0.9
- Updated JAR lib code
- Cleaned up HPKP leftovers
- Disabled the DOM filesystem API by default
- Removed Phone Vibrator API
- Fixed an issue where the software uninstaller would not remove the program files it should
- Fixed a devtools crash related to timeline snapshots
- Fixed several data race conditions
- Security issues fixed: CVE-2020-26960, CVE-2020-26951, CVE-2020-26956, CVE-2020-15999 and several memory safety hazards
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 5 fixed, 4 defense-in-depth, 3 rejected, 19 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2020.10.28 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Basilisk Browser 2020.10.05 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Basilisk Browser 2020.09.11 (64-bit)
- Updated JavaScript module loading in accordance with the spec for web compatibility
- Disabled a function related to WebComponents to prevent mis-detection
- Improved compatibility with websites that try to style standard form elements
- Updated the SQLite library to 3.33.0
- Changed media errors to be a more generic response, improving user privacy
- Improved code stability (fixed a number of crashes)
- Updated the NSS library for various connection security fixes
- Security issues addressed in this release: CVE-2020-15664, CVE-2020-15666, CVE-2020-15667, CVE-2020-15668 and CVE-2020-15669
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 1 defense-in-depth, 1 rejected, 9 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2020.08.05 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Basilisk Browser 2020.06.10 (64-bit)
- Implemented URLSearchParams' sort() function
- Implemented ES2020 globalThis for web compatibility
- Implemented node.getRootNode() for web compatibility
- Improved our WebM media parser to be more tolerant to different encoding styles.
- Improved our MP3 media parser to be more tolerant to different encoding styles and particularly tiny files/stream chunks.
- Improved performance of table drawing for more corner cases
- Changed the way images without a src are handled in page layouts to align with the Chrome-pushed spec.
- Added modern MIPS support
- Split out the ICU data file from xul.dll on Windows
- Fixed a regression in WebAudio channel handling due to a landed security fix.
- Fixed a regression preventing scripting from properly disabling input controls
- Fixed an issue with border radius sometimes not being honored in tables
- Fixed some build issues in non-standard configurations.
- Removed more telemetry code
- Removed the in-browser speech recognition engine and API
- Removed support for the obsolete and unmaintained NVidia 3DVision stereoscopic interface.
- Changed handling of braille blanks in the ui (CVE-2020-12409)
- Mitigated a potential timing attack against DSA keys in NSS (CVE-2020-12399)
- Mitigated a potential use-after-free hazard in EME code.
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 1 fixed, 2 defense-in-depth, 7 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2020.05.08 (64-bit)
- On-going work for implementing ShadowDOM v1, aligning the way DOM works as-needed
- On-going work for solving dependency issues in C++ throughout the entire tree
- Removed unused Contextual Identity Service
- Implemented URLSearchParams sort()
- Enabled DOM High resolution timestamps
- Removed support for obsolete NV 3DVision stereoscopic hardware
- Fixed a potential vulnerability in the zip file reader. DiD
- Fixed a potential vulnerability in the JavaScript JIT compiler related to aliases. DiD
- Ported several upstream devtools fixes (addresses CVE-2020-12392 and CVE-2020-12393)
- Ported upstream sctp fix (addresses CVE-2020-6831)
- Improved memory safety of come WebAudio calls
- Improved memory safety in the XUL window destructor. DiD
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 3 DiD (Defense-in-depth), 15 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2020.04.17 (64-bit)
- This is a small compatibility update
- Enabled building of AV1 codec support (for real this time)

Basilisk Browser 2020.04.15 (64-bit)
- Changed site-specific overrides to use an operating system macro instead of hard-coding a version
- Changed the way hardware acceleration is set on various operating systems
- Fixed an incorrect preference preventing automatic updates by default
- Changed the geolocation service requests to https thanks to a generous service donation by
- Changed the security storage database type to SQLite
- Enabled AV1 support in all builds; this was erroneously not built in recent releases
- Fixed several potential crashes
- Re-imported the ExtensionStorage js module for use by browser extensions
- Removed the use of high-resolution Windows system timers from the layout refresh driver; this should help with some performance and battery life issues
- Fixed an issue with element outlines sometimes being drawn too large
- Fixed an issue with grid cell sizing
- Fixed an issue with layout frames (e.g. selection popups) being wrongly positioned
- Removed a potentially dangerous and otherwise ineffective optimization from the JavaScript engine
- Fixed unwanted behavior where created/focused pop-up windows could potentially cover the DOM fullscreen notification, hiding it from users. (CVE-2020-6810)
- Fixed an issue where copying data as a curl request from developer tools would not properly escape parameters. (CVE-2020-6811)
- Updated our sctp library code with several upstream fixes
- Fixed an issue with the release of document content viewers (CVE-2020-6819). Defense-in-depth
- Fixed an issue with handling functions with rest parameters. Defense-in-depth
- Removed HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)
- Removed HSTS preloading list support since these lists are no longer efficient

Basilisk Browser 2020.03.11 (64-bit)
- This is a small bugfix and compatibility update
- Cleaned up front-end code
- Fixed behavior for YouTube to prevent the deprecated interface being selected again

Basilisk Browser 2020.03.04 (64-bit)
This is a major development update:
- New modular setup for building: Basilisk has been split off from the UXP platform repository and will be maintained as its own application with UXP as a platform module
- Implemented asynchronous iterators (await and for await loops) (ES2018)
- Aligned with the overhauled specification
- Implemented promise-based media playback
- Enabled seeking to next frame in media files
- Improved table drawing performance again after the rewrite for sticky positioning making it slow
- Aligned the way DOM styles are computed with mainstream browser behavior
- Increased the maximum XML nesting depth to 2048 levels for extreme corner cases and to conservatively align with other browsers
- Implemented an NSS performance optimization for Master Password use with limited effect
- Implemented non-standard legacy CSSStyleSheet rules functions
- Implemented the html5 element. To switch this on, flip dom.dialog_element.enabled to true
- Implemented CustomElements v1. (preffed, not functional yet due to reliance on shadowDOM)
- Implemented rule processing stub for font-variation-settings
- Implemented optional catch binding (ES2019)
- Changed the way hardware acceleration is controlled from applications
- Updated CSP processing to allow custom scheme wildcards to be specified without a port
- Removed the (unused) DOM promise implementation
- Disabled some logging in production builds
- Disabled allowing remote jar: URIs by default for security reasons. If you need this functionality for your non-standard environment, you can enable it with the preference network.jar.block-remote-files, but please consider moving away from this method of providing web-based applications
- Completely removed showModalDialog
- Performed various tree-wide code cleanups
- Removed various gadgeteering/redundant/dead DOM APIs (casting/presentation, FlyWeb)
- Removed "Copy raw data" button from the troubleshooting information page, since it's never used by us in that format, and users mistakenly keep using it instead of copying text
- Removed a bunch of Android support code
- Backed out a large code cleanup patch for causing subtle issues in website operation (e.g. WordPress). This will have to be revisited later; the reintroduced code is not in use in practice
- Fixed several crashes
- Fixed a parsing issue with tags
- Fixed an issue with form elements sometimes being incorrectly disabled
- Fixed a potential pointer issue issue in cubeb. (DiD)
- Fixed a crash due to ES6 modules (CVE-2020-9545)

Basilisk Browser 2020.02.18 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue in CSP blocking requests without a port for custom schemes
- Fixed a potentially hazardous crash in layers
- Fixed random crashes on some sites using IndexedDB
- Changed the way the application can be invoked from the command-line to prevent a whole class of potential exploits involving modified omnijars
- Fixed an issue in the HTML parser after using HTML5 template tags, allowing JavaScript parsing and execution when it should not be allowed, risking XSS vulnerabilities on sites relying on correct operation of the browser. (CVE-2020-6798)
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 2 DiD, 10 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2020.02.06 (64-bit)
- This is a small bugfix and compatibility update
- Backed out regular expression lookbehind code for causing crashes
- Fixed an issue where some poorly-implemented FTP servers could hang the browser
- Changed behavior for YouTube to prevent the deprecated interface being selected by default

Basilisk Browser 2020.01.12 (64-bit)
- This is a security, bugfix and development update
- Please note: from this release forward, windows archives are compressed with 7-zip, and Linux tarballs with xz
- Added sticky positioning feature to HTML table parts
- Removed the non-standard watch()/unwatch() debugging features. Some Firefox extensions will have to be updated to compensate for this
- Fixed retrieving of certificates in the certificate exception dialog
- Updated multiple third-party libraries, fixing numerous bugs
- Removed Adobe PrimeTime EME CDM support
- Enabled basic implementation of module type scripting
- Implemented additional JavaScript features (regex lookbehind, regex dot-all flag, regex .matchAll(), promise .finally())
- Disabled HPKP preload list and the HPKP feature by default
- Added support for Emoji 12 (Unicode 12.0)
- Updated NSS to 3.41.4 to address CVE-2019-11756 and CVE-2019-11745
- Security issues fixed: CVE-2019-17019, CVE-2019-17026, and several potentially exploitable crashes and memory safety hazards that don't have a CVE number
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 15 DiD, 28 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2019.10.31 (64-bit)
- This is a security and bugfix update
- Updated timezone data for internationalization functions
- Fixed the option to use hardware acceleration over RDP for Windows 8.1 and 10
- Fixed an issue with inner window navigation potentially leaking
- Fixed a startup crash caused by Qihoo 360 Safeguard/360 Total Security
- Ported some expat parser fixes from upstream
- Ported several NSS upstream fixes to our build
- Aligned handling of U+0000 in the html5 parser with expectations
- Added size checks to WebGL data buffering
- Fixed build issues with newer glibc versions
- Fixed build issues for ARM targets
- Worked around a gcc9 compiler issue that would prevent building with it
- Security issues fixed: CVE-2019-15903, CVE-2019-11757, CVE-2019-11763 and several potentially exploitable crashes and memory safety hazards that don't have a CVE number
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 6 fixed, 6 DiD, 1 rejected, 24 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2019.09.12 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where saving a webpage to disk would sometimes drop tags from the document
- Fixed an issue with click-to-play plugin content throwing up a blank notification
- Fixed an issue in the renderer where region intersections would sometimes return the wrong result
- This fixes a regression caused by the fix for CVE-2016-5252
- Fixed security issues: CVE-2019-11744, CVE-2019-11752, CVE-2019-11737, CVE-2019-11746, CVE-2019-11750, CVE-2019-11747 and CVE-2019-11738
- Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 7 fixed, 1 DiD, 1 already covered, 22 not applicable

Basilisk Browser 2019.09.03 (64-bit)
- Implemented JavaScript parser improvements and several TC39 spec revisions for web compatibility
- Improved performance of the JavaScript engine
- Added support for gzip-compressed SVG-in-Opentype fonts
- Updated internationalization code to support updated time zones and the Japanese Reiwa era
- Updated NSS to a custom version to have better encryption strength for master passwords
- Added several performance improvements to DOM, the rendering engine and the parser
- Improved general security of access to FTP-sourced resource
- Changed the way file access is handled from scripts to prevent cross-file access
- Fixed SVG alignment issues causing blurry display of SVGs
- Added support for Matroska media containers and AAC audio
- Fixed security issues: CVE-2019-11719, CVE-2019-11711, CVE-2019-11715, CVE-2019-11717, CVE-2019-11714 (DiD), CVE-2019-11729 (DiD), CVE-2019-11727 (DiD), CVE-2019-11730 (DiD), CVE-2019-11713 (DiD) and several networking and memory-safety hazards that do not have CVE numbers.
- Fixed several memory safety hazards and crashes

Basilisk Browser 2019.06.08 (64-bit)
- Removed unused code: contextual identity, crash reporter leftovers, SecurityUI telemetry, "enhanced" new tab tiles
- Updated the installer and internal updater
- Removed all Firefox Accounts code and replaced the Sync client for compatibility
- Implemented JavaScript parser improvements and the TC39 toString() revision proposal for web compatibility
- Improved handling of url() tokens in CSS to better handle incorrect syntax
- Updated the embedded emoji font for broader emoji coverage
- Fixed print failure for some web pages
- Fixed Linux XRender performance issues over remote connections (e.g. X2Go)
- Improved JavaScript engine performance: dead compartment collection
- Fixed an address bar focus issue in Private Browsing mode
- Improved rendering performance for certain websites (with complex event regions)
- Implemented several ECMAScript 2019 features (String trimStart/trimEnd, Array flat/flatMap, Symbol description
- Fixed security issues: CVE-2019-7317, CVE-2019-11701, CVE-2019-11698, CVE-2019-9817 (DiD), CVE-2019-11700, CVE-2019-11696 and CVE-2019-11693
- Fixed several memory safety hazards and crashes

Basilisk Browser 2019.03.27 (64-bit)
- Added several site-specific overrides for web compatibility
- Aligned http "Accept:" headers with the fetch spec, with the exception of image requests to continue allowing content negotiation
- Fixed potential denial-of-service issues involving FTP (loading of subresources and spamming errors)
- Aligned URLSearchParams with the spec
- Fixed a corner case for flexbox layouts, improving rendering of some websites
- Fixed Widevine compatibility issues
- Fixed security issues: CVE-2019-9791, CVE-2019-9792, CVE-2019-9796, CVE-2019-9801, CVE-2019-9793, CVE-2019-9794, CVE-2019-9808, CVE-2019-9790, CVE-2019-9797, CVE-2019-9804 and ZDI-CAN-8368
- Fixed several memory safety hazards and crashes
- Windows binaries are now code-signed again (including the setup program for the installer)

Basilisk Browser 2019.03.08 (64-bit)
- Changed location to allow an empty string set on search to clear URL parameters
- Removed WebExtension support from the platform
- Implemented the "origin-clean" algorithm for ImageBitmap
- Switched to using C++11 thread-safe statics in the entire application
- Fixed several Skia security vulnerabilities (CVE-2018-18356, CVE-2018-18335 and CVE-2019-5785)
- Fixed a crash due to frames in some uncommon situations
- Aligned textarea placeholder strings with the spec (preserve line breaks)
- Removed the Windows maintenance service code
- Improved http basic auth DOS protection heuristics
- Fixed arrows on some toolkit controls
- Added a Netflix site-specific override to fix Silverlight playback

Basilisk Browser 2019.02.11 (64-bit)
- Removed experimental WebExtension support from the browser
- Please check your add-ons; you may need to find alternatives for extensions that are no longer supported
- For background to this change, please see the following forum announcement
- Removed more telemetry code from the platform
- Finalized spec compliance of the IntersectionObserver API, and enabled it by default
- Related this, also fixed a number of browser crashes
- Switched to the new ffmpeg decode API to avoid dropping of frames
- Removed Mozilla-proprietary AudioContext constructor, improving spec compliance of WebAudio
- Aligned Element.ScrollIntoView() with the spec
- Fixed a buffering issue in the WebP decoder that caused intermittent browser crashes
- Changed the Add-on Manager to the same one used by Pale Moon, unifying add-on handling
- Note: Some extensions that modify/style the Add-on Manager will have to be updated to work with Basilisk 2019 versions as a result
- Improved resource-efficiency for internal stopwatch timers
- Improved handling of incorrectly-encoded CTTS in media files, resolving some playback issues of videos
- Updated SQLite lib to 3.26
- Improved the Cycle Collector and Garbage Collector
- Set the Incremental Garbage Collection time slice to 20 ms for more efficient JavaScript memory handling (regression fix)
- Improved fullscreen navigation bar handling in the situation it has focus when switching to full screen
- Aligned instanceof with the final ES6 spec
- Fixed a potential use-after-free in IndexedDB code
- Improved proxy handling to avoid localhost getting proxied
- Fixed several potentially-exploitable memory safety hazards and crashes
- Improved Windows DIB clipboard data handling

Basilisk Browser 2018.12.18 (64-bit)

- Added a preference (network.http.upgrade-insecure-requests) to allow disabling requests for opportunistic encryption
- Removed more telemetry code from the platform
- Added experimental support for the AV1 video codec for MP4 containers (disabled by default)
- Cleaned up some media handling code, removing obsolete components for older target platforms
- Ported all applicable security fixes from Gecko/64. Most of these fixes were merely defense-in-depth
- Fixed a crash when using http pipelining over some broken proxies
- Enhanced the WebP decoder to properly handle animated lossy and lossless WebP
- Removed VR hardware support (both display and input types) from the platform
- Updated the GMP update service URL to improve compatibility with DRM-encumbered media
- Removed support for Firefox Accounts and changed the Sync client to work with Sync 1.1 (Weave)
- The default server for using Sync is now the Pale Moon Sync server
- Please see this announcement on the forum for more details
- Updated NSPR to 4.20
- Updated NSS to 3.41, finalizing our platform support for TLS 1.3
- Fixed a spec compliance issue with the location.protocol setter

Basilisk Browser 2018.11.07 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue that prevented the browser from starting properly on some systems after the most recent update

Basilisk Browser 2018.11.04 (64-bit)
- Removed more telemetry code from the platform
- Updated libnestegg from upstream
- Updated ffvpx library from upstream
- Web dev: Make all arguments to init*Event() optional except the first
- Ported all applicable security fixes from Gecko/63 and intermediate point releases
- Fixed an issue in session storage scripting that might prematurely throw an error and interrupt session restore
- Resolved an issue with long menus not scrolling if a submenu was open
- Cleaned up and updated some installer code
- Made caret width normal/thick behind CJK char configurable
- Fixed an issue with table border scaling at various zoom levels
- Updated handling of multimedia (on-going)
- Fixed a corner case behavioral issue when an Outlook-sourced mail message is dropped to the browser
- Removed the unfinished and disabled in-browser translation code
- Updated the Reader View components
- Added experimental AV1 support for WebM videos (disabled by default)
- Note: This is limited to WebM videos only at the moment, so it will not yet work on MP4 videos or MSE streaming (e.g. YouTube)
- Fixed an issue with CSS grid element sizing
- Updated sidebar conext menu behavior to be more in line with other browsers
- Fixed an issue where a separate content process could be launched despite e10s being disabled
- Disabled the reporting of CSS errors to the console by default to improve general performance

Basilisk Browser 2018.09.27 (64-bit)
- This is a development and security release
- Added support for local-ref URLs in SVG USE elements
- Reinstated part of the searchplugin API that was removed by Mozilla, improving compatibility with search-engine modifying extensions
- Improved compiler compatibility with GCC 8
- Ported all applicable security patches from Gecko/62
- Fixed wrong SVG sizes with non-integer values for viewBox width/height
- Fixed a performance regression when many workers are in use simultaneously
- Improved browser session restore speed by skipping unnecessary notifications
- Fixed a crash with http authentication
- Fixed a performance issue caused by rapid-fire timers due to value overflow
- Fixed an issue with launching executable files not working
- ixed an issue where sites allowed to store offline data could not be Fremoved from the permission list
- Fixed an issue with common dialog boxes having incorrect sizes for their content
- Fixed a regression: ICC v4 color profiles would not be honored
- Remove the blocking of binary components in extensions
- Added a preference to enable (experimental!) asynchronous panning and zooming on desktop
- Fixed a potential crash when using SOCKS
- Fixed a potential privacy issue in non-standard environments
- Fixed a memory leak when using SHA256 crypto

Firefox Developer Edition 96.0b5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.2
Issues Addressed in this release of 17.0.2:
- Fix for silent-bad codegen with memmove-like operations with overlapping data
- Added messaging in the output Window that appears when using C++ Modules or Header Units. This contains currently known issues using Modules or Header Units with IntelliSense.
- Fix issue with CMake Overview Pages and CMakeSettings editor being stuck on "Waiting for IntelliSense to finish initializing..."
- Corrected an issue where a templated destructor involved in a class hierarchy with data member initializers may be instantiated too early, potentially leading to incorrect diagnostics about uses of undefined types or other errors.
- Added Python 3.9.7 to Python workload. Removed Python 3.7.8 due to a security vulnerability.
- Fixed an issue where the Find Next (F3) and Find Next Selected (Ctrl+F3) would sometimes jump to the first occurrence in the file instead of the next occurrence.
- Resolve issue where dates in version control user interfaces were not respecting the customer's operating system locale.
- Address an issue on Windows 11 where customers set the Windows Terminal as default and the debugger can't stop debugging a console app properly and prevent future starts.

From Developer Community:
- Developer Community has a full list of fixes available in 17.0.
- It is impossible to search on selection if part of a single row is selected Visual Studio 2022
- Blazor C# completion can occasionally show wrong information
- PackageId:AndroidImage_x86_API25_Private;PackageAction:Install;ReturnCode:3;
- Ctrl-F3 sometimes jumps to top of document
- Ctrl-f3 has changed behavior from visual studio 2019 to visual studio 2022
- Visual Studio 2022 Test Explorer always showing test as "Not Run"
- Intellisense in blazor razor components
- Visual Studio 2022 show wrong add/delete icons in source control tree
- VS 2022 IntelliSense is taking a while or wont even come up in some scenarios.
- Intellisense in Razor files (.cshtml) is still not working in VS 2022

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.0
- devenv.exe is now 64-bit only

Azure Cloud Services:
- Azure Cloud Service (classic) and Azure Cloud Service (extended support) projects are now supported

- The v143 build tools are now available through the Visual Studio installer as well as the standalone build tools.
- The new Hot Reload experience is now available to native C++ applications when running under the debugger. It supports both MSBuild and CMake projects. For more information see our Hot Reload section below.
- You can now build and debug natively on WSL2 without establishing a SSH connection. Both cross-platform CMake projects and MSBuild-based Linux projects are supported.
- Visual Studio now supports the buildPresets.targets option in CMakePresets.json. This allows you to build a subset of targets in your CMake project.
- The Project menu in CMake projects has been streamlined and exposes options to "Delete Cache and Reconfigure" and "View Cache".
- CMake Overview Pages have been updated to support CMakePresets.json.
- Implemented /scanDependencies flag for outputting C++20 module dependencies for CMake projects as described in P1689r3. This is a step towards support for building modules-based projects with CMake and we are working on completing this support in later releases.
- You can now debug processes running on a remote systems from Visual Studio with LLDB.
- We have upgraded the version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to version 3.21. See the CMake 3.21 release notes for details on what is available.
- LLVM tools shipped with Visual Studio have been upgraded to LLVM 12. See the LLVM release notes for details.
- The MSVC toolset now defaults to SHA-256 source hashing in debug records. Previously, the toolset used MD5 for source hashing by default.
- The Game development with C++ workload now installs the latest Unreal Engine with support with for Visual Studio 2022
- Made improvements in C++ IntelliSense when providing navigation and syntax highlighting for types from imported Modules and Header Units
- Improved C++ IntelliSense performance by optimizing cached header usage and symbol database access, providing improved load times to get into your code
- The IntelliSense Code Linter for C++ is now on by default, providing instant as-you-type suggestions and fix suggestions for common code defects
- Support for libfuzzer under the switch -fsanitize=fuzzer. See the documentation for more details.
- We have improved null pointer dereference detection in our code analysis tooling
- Code analysis now enforces that return values of functions annotated with _Check_return_ or _Must_inspect_result_ must be checked
- Added support for gsl::not_null to code analysis
- Updated to NDK r21 LTS in C++ Mobile Development workload
- C++ AMP headers are now deprecated. Including <amp.h> in a C++ project will generate build errors. To silence the errors, define _SILENCE_AMP_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS. Please see our AMP Deprecation links for more details.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Attach to process dialog improvements
- Exception helper improvements
- Force Run to Click
- Memory Dump Diagnostic Analysis
- We have released a new type of breakpoint called Dependent Breakpoint, which allows you to configure a breakpoint to be enabled only if another breakpoint is first hit.
- We have added more updates to the Extrenal Sources node , you can now see the module under the sub-node "Modules without Sources" and load the symbols form solution explorer itself.
- Breakpoint Gutter improvements
- Temporary Breakpoint
- Drag and Drop Breakpoint
- External Sources Node in Solution Explorer
- Attach to process dialog improvements

- Added Color Tabs for vertical and horizontal tabs
- Added Theme Pack and worked with VS Code theme authors to launch collection of custom themes
- Built Theme Converter to convert VS Code themes to work in Visual Studio 2022
- Added capability to sync Visual Studio theme with Windows theme
- Added new document management capabilities inclduding customizing tab width, bolding active document, and additional close button in docwell

- Added subword navigation
- Autosave is now available as a preview feature
- Multi-caret copy/paste experience

- Removed APIs from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Client assemblies
- VS SDK contains several breaking changes and Visual Studio 2019 extensions will not work in 2022. See VSSDK documentation for more information.
- VS SDK Reference assemblies are no longer installed to the VSSDKVisualStudioIntegrationCommonAssemblies folder. If your build was relying on these assemblies, please migrate your project to use NuGet packages instead. For offline scenarios:
- Keep an in-org nuget feed from which to restore the nuget packages.
- Check in the binaries.
- Added ILanguageClient breaking change fixes

Cloud Services:
- Azurite will be used for local emulation of Azure Storage instead of the older and no longer actively developed Azure Storage Emulator.

Git Tooling:
- Multi-repo support under a preview flag for any Solution that spans different repositories (i.e. Solutions with projects hosted in different Git repositories)
- Publish to Azure DevOps is now fully supported in the create git repository experience
- Status bar enhancements including a new ability to view and open repositories from an empty VS and display a count of unpulled commits
- The overflow menu on the Git Changes window is now available for local only repositories with additional git operations
- Unified Diff toolbar containing the number of added/deleted lines and a discoverable configuration options
- Commit details enhancements including a more responsive and user friendly UI

Help Menu:
- During 17.0 we have remodeled the Help Menu with Get Started material and helpful Tips/Tricks.
- Provides more collaboration with our development team by adding things such as access to Developer Community, Release Notes, the Visual Studio product Roadmap, and our Social Media pages.

Hot Reload Experience:
- Hot Reload is now available to .NET developers through the Visual Studio debugger and without the debugger for many .NET 6 application types
- Hot Reload is now available to C++ developers when using the Visual Studio Debugger

- Whole line completions predict your next chunk of C# code based on your current context, and presents it as an inline suggestion to the right of your cursor.
- Whole line completions are now compatible with the newest builds of JetBrains ReSharper. Note that updating the line completion context based on ReSharpers custom completions list item selection is not supported - if required, ReSharper users can opt to use Visual Studio native IntelliSense instead, as documented here

- We have released a new JavaScript/TypeScript project type that builds standalone JavaScript/TypeScript projects with additional tooling. You will be able to create Angular and React projects in Visual Studio using the framework version installed on your computer.
- JavaScript and TypeScript testing is now available in the Visual Studio Test Explorer
- NPM GUI available, so you can now download NPM modules the same way you download Nuget packages

- The .NET 6 SDK is included in Visual Studio 2022

.NET Productivity:
- Introduce parameter refactoring can move a new parameter from the method implementation to its callers
- Track Value Source for data flow analysis
- Option to underline variables that are re-assigned
- Added search option in Generate Overrides dialog
- Quick info for XML tags now preserve whitespace and CDATA blocks
- Find All References window will now group multi-target projects
- Refactoring to remove repetitive types in Visual Basic
- Go to Implementation will no longer navigate to members with abstract declarations that are also overridden.
- Synchronize namespaces to match your folder structure from Solution Explorer
- Configure background code analysis from Solution Explorer
- Nullable reference types is now enabled by default for new .NET projects
- C# 10.0 File-scoped namespace refactoring
- Navigate to decompiled sources is now on by default
- Refactoring to prefer null check over type check
- XML comments will now automatically generate an tag when a method explicitly throws exceptions
- Inheritance Margin is now enabled by default

Programming languages:
- C#10

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Editor:
- Reduced UI freezes and improved performance on solution startup
- Faster semantic colorization up to 2x in some solutions
- F7 (view code) support in Razor files
- Snippet support in razor files which will complete a snippet session with a single tab instead of pressing tab-tab
- Better formatting in @code blocks when there's nested HTML and Razor Components
- Hot Reload support in Razor files
- Performance improvements
- Formatting and indentation enhancements
- New Razor editor colors
- TagHelpers are now colorized and have quick info classification support and completion tooltips
- Angle brace highlighting and navigation for Razor constructs
- Comments now have auto-completion, smart indentation, auto-inclusion of commenting continuations, and block comment navigation

Remote Testing:
- Very early experimental preview of enabling running tests on remote environments such as linux containers, WSL, and over SSH connections

Test tools support:
- Show in Test Explorer
- New versions of the test platform starting with 17.0 will not be able to run Generic tests and Ordered tests. These specific features only shipped as part of an early version of MSTestv1 and are not included in MSTestv2. We see very low usage of these features and ordered tests is now considered contrary to best testing practices.
- Some test experiences will not be available in 17.0 including creating new TestSettings files and the TestSettings editor. Test runs will still be able to use TestSettings files, however TestSettings was replaced with RunSettings and we encourage users to migrate improved performance and functionality. Read more.
- Web Load Test and Coded UI Test support updates. Coded UI Tests and [Web Load Tests](Cloud-based load testing service end of life | Azure DevOps Blog ( were officially deprecated in 2019. To minimize impact to users there is minimum support for these features in Visual Studio 2022. We strongly encourage users to move off Coded UI Test and Web Load Test.

Toolbox population for UWP Extension SDKs:
- UWP Extension SDKs are now required to explicitly declare the types that they wish to appear in the Toolbox by listing them in their SdkManifest.xml file. The behavior of older versions of Visual Studio is unchanged; they will ignore the list of controls in the manifest and instead dynamically enumerate the control types in the SDK's assemblies.

Trusted Locations:
- We have revamped the “Trust Settings” functionality and can now show a warning whenever untrusted code (e.g. files, projects or folders) is about to be opened inside the IDE.
- Trust checks are now done at the solution folder level
- User created projects are automatically added to the trusted list
- Users can skip trust checks on temporary locations created by Visual Studio

Updates, LTSC's and Deployment:
- With Visual Studio 2022, there will be multiple simultanouely supported servicing baselines that will release in the fall and in the spring. For more details, refer to Visual Studio Release Rhythm documentation and the Visual Studio 2022 Product Lifecycle.
- The new installer that comes with Visual Studio 2022 now has the capability of configuring where the Visual Studio product should get its updates from. This allows you to choose updates from a different LTSC, or, if you're in a managed enterprise environment, you can configure the client to get its updates from a layout. The ability to configure the source for updates is new functionality that comes with the Visual Studio Installer, and thus the behavior is applicable to downlevel versions of Visual Studio too, such as Visual Studio 2019. For additional information about configuring the update channel, refer to the Update Visual Studio documentation. For additional information about making this work for network layouts, refer to the Visual Studio Administrators Guide.
- IT Administrators can now report issues without having Visual Studio installed

User Interface:
- The default icons have been updated and refreshed

Web Tools:
- The Publish summary page now has actions to start / stop remote debugging and profiling under the '...' menu on the top right corner of the 'Hosting' section
- The Connected Services page now has an action to launch Storage Explorer
- The "ASP.NET Core Empty" template that comes with .NET 6 is using the new 'minimal APIs' paradigm for which we have started to add support
- Azurite will be used for local emulation of Azure Storage instead of the older and no longer actively developed Azure Storage Emulator.
- You can add authentication to your ASP.NET Core application using Microsoft identity platform through the Connected Services experience in Visual Studio.

WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework:
- The current WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework is replaced with a new WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework, based on the same architecture used for the WPF XAML Designer for .NET (.NET Core). The Visual Studio experience will look the same, but third-party control vendors need to support the new extensibility model since the previous model based on .design.dll and Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility is deprecated. If you already created a .designtools.dll extension for .NET (.NET Core), that same extension will work for the new WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework. Please refer to the migration document below for further information about how to migrate to the new extensibility model.

XAML Hot Reload:
- XAML Hot Reload Changes - Minor changes to in-app toolbar and settings

XAML Live Preview:
- XAML Live Preview is now available for WPF, UWP, WinUI and Xamarin.Forms developers running their apps in either Android Emulator or as a UWP desktop app. Live Preview captures a running applications user interface and brings it into a docked window within Visual Studio. This makes it easier to use XAML Hot Reload to change the app while seeing those changes inside Visual Studio itself, without the need to tab back and forth between the running app and Visual Studio while making live XAML code changes.

XAML Sample Data:
- Design-Time Sample Data will now be added by default when creating DataGrid, ListBox, and ListView controls from the toolbox in WPF applications. To disable this behavior, uncheck ‘Automatically add sample data on element creation’ under Tools -> Options -> XAML Designer.”
- To learn more about Sample Data , please visit the Sample Data documentation.
- Improved XAML binding experience:
- We’ve made a bunch of improvements to make data binding fast and easy, such as quick access to the Data Binding dialog from Property Inspector, ability to set binding from Quick Actions, ability to choose the property to bind to inside the Data Binding Dialog.

Known Issues:
Mobile Development with .NET:
- Xamarin iOS deployment failing after iOS 15 update
- Android Designer Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- iOS deployment fails in VS 2022
- Android Device Manager does not have any base devices available
- iOS app "Failed to install" on remote simulator
- Traditional iOS Project property pages fail to open "Object null reference exception"
- Failed to create an archive for Xamarin iOS
- Failed to deploy to an iPhone, Error MT1001: Could not find an application at the specified directory

Python Tooling:
- Python Profiler fails to launch because feature hasn't been added yet
- Choosing "Python (Latest)" when creating a Conda environment displays "Python Version 0.0"
- Formatter errors out with 'black' and 'autopep8' with "Invalid patch mode '' in: No newline at end of file". A quick work around is to add a newline to the end of the file and 'black and 'autopep8' will format correctly
- Django web project commands (migrate, create, check, etc.) error out currently
- Django completions in HTML files not working
- IPython interactive mode does not work on Python 3.9
- Even if a module is successfully installed, a warning will still be displayed in the output. A quick work around is to close and re-open the VS solution

C++ IntelliSense:
- When importing a C++20 module or header unit, IntelliSense may stop working or 'There are too many errors' error is shown

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.11.2
- Fixed an issue where CMake cache generation would fail, which blocked IntelliSense, build, and debug
- Fixed warning "Evaluating the function 'System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.Listeners.get' timed out and needed to be aborted in an unsafe way" when starting debugging on some .NET and dotnet Core application.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.4
- Remove use of disallowed registers in memset
- Fixed a codegen bug involving complicated nested expressions involving the bitwise-not operator
- Fixed shader debugging for VS Graphics Analyzer
- Fixed an IntelliSense crash that occurred when processing static data members in in-class template specializations
- X64 VC Redist no longer removes runtime files when run with /installer /passive switches
- Corrected an issue where the include search order may be incorrect when prepended to "Include Directories"
- We have fixed performance problem and false positives caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of VARIANTs
- We have fixed performance problem caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of enum values as index
- Introduces Live Share language services fix that restores major code editing features for collaboration session participants (code completion, syntax highlighting, errors, etc.)
- Concurrency analyzer should no longer produce false warnings C26110 (failure to acquire lock) with auto-lock patterns
- C# and Visual Basic compilers fixed a crashed involving InternalsVisibleTo clashing with other assembly level attributes

We have fixed an issue experienced by customers packaging their projects with Windows Application Packaging Projects, such as WPF NetCore apps and Project Reunion apps:
- Error Assets file '...objwappublishwin10-x86project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. App4 (Package) C:Program Filesdotnetsdk5.0.302SdksMicrosoft.NET.SdktargetsMicrosoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets 242
- This problem was caused by the Packaging Project looking for the project.assets.json file in the wrong directory, win10-$(configuration), when it should be looking in win-$(configuration).

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.3
- an issue where Go To Definition on symbols imported from modules sometimes goes to the start of the module file rather than the symbol's definition
- an issue where visually impaired developers would face difficulty to identify the focus on the screen since the Luminosity ratio of border color is less than 3:1 for the text box
- Database Project: Dragging a file from solution explorer into an opened one is deleting the file from the file system
- an issue where using a merge statement in database projects will result in build errors
No longer send paths on disk when reporting which extensions are installed.
Fixes an issue where attempting to close the quick start window can cause Visual Studio to crash.
Fix an issue where showing tool windows sometimes crash VS.
Fix for C++ Edit and Continue in user-code when unrelated G++/GCC generated symbols are loaded in the application.
Fixes private selector usages from the iAd framework.
- a crash in VS which results from errors occurring in the XAML Designer
- an issue with the Windows Application Packaging projects that reference .netcoreapp projects are generating a .msixbundle
- failure to conduct fast up-to-date check on WAP projects which was causing those projects to be built (instead of being skipped), even when project is up-to-date and does not need modifications, further causing increased incremental build times in IDE

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.2
- The concurrency checks in code analysis got smarter. They are harder to fool with complex control flow
- This fix restores the behavior for external headers by skipping analysis of external headers and suppressing warnings from external headers
- Fixed .aspx/ascx files where users may see incomplete IntelliSense or experience slow performance
- Fixed scalability issues with the Unity CodeLens provider when working on large projects
- Reinstated translated strings in the Azure Service Authentication options page
- Fixed intermittent visual code display issues when using Resharper extension
- Fixed an issue where certain tool windows, editors, and designers would be rendered too small to display any content
- Fixes Xamarin iOS missing app icon problems, either when running an app or when trying to publish it to the App Store
- Building projects with AOT+LLVM no longer fails with an XA3001 error
- After upgrading to Visual Studio 2019, version 16.10, under certain circumstances, publishing of UWP apps may fail with error message "The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file". This is now fixed
- Fixed an issue causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when device configuration changes

Fixes three issues in MSBuild:
- Avoids MSB4017 errors when building in Azure DevOps.
- $([MSBuild]::MakeRelative()) again preserves trailing slashes in its input.
- Exclude globs with a trailing ** pattern again exclude files without . characters

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.1
- an issue causing a crash with the IntelliSense compiler
- an issue that could cause Visual Studio 2019 instances from closing if the Test Explorer is open in the solution
- a failure when developers would build partial solutions from the command line
- a failure in ClickOnce Publish for .NET Core applications
- an issue where the call stack window can crash Visual Studio 2019
- build error "Metadata file '***binDebugNativeLibrary.dll' could not be found" when building iOS Binding projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.0
- All C++20 features are now available under the /std:c++latest switch. While MSVC’s implementation of the C++20 standards (as currently published by ISO) is feature complete, some key C++20 library features are expected to be amended by upcoming Defect Reports (ISO C++20 bug fixes) that may change them in an ABI-incompatible way. Please see Microsoft/STL Issue #1814 for more details.
- C++20 immediate functions & constinit support added in 16.10
- The final pieces of : new clocks, leap seconds, time zones, and parsing
- Implementation of for text formating
- /openmp:llvm is now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64
- Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings
- Added the /await:strict switch to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes
- Debugger visualization of std::coroutine_handle now displays the original coroutine function name and signature and the current suspend point
- Added support for CMakePresets
- You will now be required to accept or deny the host key fingerprint presented by the server when adding a new remote connection in Visual Studio
- Added an /external switch to MSVC for specifying headers which should be treated as external for warning purposes

Docker Tools improvements:
- Ability to create a launch profile that configures which services to start in your Compose file
- Ability to tag an image
- Added a Volumes tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for images
- Containers are now grouped by Compose project

- For folks who want a less crowded experience, line spacing can be modified by searching for "line spacing" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under Text EditorGeneral.
- Find in Files and Find all References have a control to keep results. Based on feedback from our community, we've added an option to toggle the "Keep Results" option to on by default. This option can be found by searching for "keep search results by default" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under EnvironmentFind and Replace. Note that users are currently limited to 5 results for Find in Files and 5 more results for Find all References.
- A new option in Find in Files allows users to run additional searches and append those results to a previous search

Editor Extensibility:
- The behavior of the code that manages IntraTextAdornmentTags has changed. With this change, just like with any other ITagger, you must raise a tags changed event when the underlying tags change. Otherwise, your tags may never be updated.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Diagnostic Analysis of memory dumps now includes Managed Linux core dumps

Git Productivity:
- Jump to the web with deep links to create a new pull request and view PRs on GitHub or Azure DevOps from the Git menu
- Checkout local and remote branches with a single select from the branch picker
- Remove items from the repository picker through the context menu
- Turn on automatic loading of the solution when opening a Git repository through Git > Settings
- Toggle behavior of double-clicking to check out branches from the Git Repository window through Git > Settings
- Sync (Pull then Push) your branch with multiple remotes from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Customize your visible Git Changes window toolbar actions (Fetch, Pull, Push, Sync) from the overflow menu
- Open your repository in the browser from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Search and checkout local and remote branches from the status bar
- Search and switch between local Git repositories from the status bar
- Fixed an issue where local repositories list in the Git menu wasn't loading on Visual Studio launch
- Add nested project sub-repos to your local repositories list when opening a repository
- Keep solution open when switching repositories through Git > Settings
- Turn off open folder when opening repositories through Git > Settings
- Sync your branch with the remote from the unpushed commits button in the status bar, and from the Sync command in Git Menu
- Fetch and pull from the Git Repository window history pane even when there are no incoming commits
- View Commit Details and the comparison of file changes embedded in the Git Repository window
- Automatically re-connect or prompt to establish initial Azure DevOps connection when opening an Azure DevOps Git repository
- Merge and rebase with visible branch names, replacing confusing Source / Target terminology
- Improved performance and reliability for source control glyphs in Solution Explorer
- Preserve incoming/outgoing sections in Git Repository window even when empty
- Consolidated Fetch/Pull/Push dropdowns for multiple remotes in Git Changes window to a single Action menu

.NET Productivity:
- Argument completion in method calls
- EditorConfig UI
- Visually inspect and navigate the inheritance chain
- IntelliSense completion for casts, indexers, and operators
- Debugger support for Source Generators
- Code cleanup support for Visual Basic
- Edit and Continue (EnC) updates
- Remove Unused References
- Smart Break Line
- Simplify LINQ expression refactoring
- IntelliSense completion for Enum values
- IntelliSense completion mode setting
- Code style preference for new lines
- Find All References support for Source Generators

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Preview Editor:
- IntelliSense completion updates
- Go to Definition support for generic components
- New code style configuration for tabs and spaces
- Razor text editor in Tools Options is now called Razor (ASP.NET Core)

Test Experience Accessibility improvements:
- Console.Writeline now shows in the Test Explorer
- Test output can now preserve tags so hyperlinks and stacktrace links are navigable even from the log files.
- Log files are created for a single test result when output is over 300 characters or if there are over 10 files attached to the test result.
- Log files can also now open in preview so it’s easier to manage your tabs.
- Log files and the Test Explorer support Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for navigating the cursor and Shift+Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for selection.
- The log file editor is now using the IVsTextView interface which means it will now be able to open very large text files. This should eliminate the need for users to Copy All truncated logs and open them in a separate editor such as Notepad. For MSTest, we now also include a single log file that aggregates all the output instead of only having individual log files for each data row.
- You can now get cross-platform code coverage at the command-line on Ubuntu and Alpine with the dotnet cli. For users interested in getting code coverage on machines targeting those platforms you can now add the same code coverage collection commands that you'd normally use on windows. See more documentation for dotnet test.
- There is now an expand all button next to the collapse all button in the Test Explorer. This command has been available through keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+ right arrow), but more feedback indicated adding a button was worth the additional UI. As always
- There are also some slight changes to how the Test Explorer shows "staleness." "Staleness" is the grayed out or "faded" test results that indicate the result was not from the latest test run. If a result is not a part of the most recent test run it will appear as stale. Previously, new test discoveries (or even old test results that were rediscovered) were also shown with solid icons. This caused some confusion on why some 'Not Run' tests were faded and why others were not. This change will reduce the complexity of staleness.
- With the persisted test results feature (added in version 16.2) you can see test results from the last test run even if you've closed and re-opened Visual Studio. This helps users remember where they left off and gives more context without requiring another test run. We also modified the behavior of persisted results so they will always appear stale. This better indicates that they were not from a test run that executed during the current Visual Studio session.

Web Tools:
- Switch to V2 of API for Azure AD provisioning
- Azure App Configuration as a Connected Service now supports dynamic configuration

Windows Application Packaging Project Dependencies Tree:
- Added a "Dependencies Tree" to the WAP Project

XAML Tooling Improvements:
- Improved XAML IntelliSense and XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms customers
- Introduced XAML Sample Data for select ItemsControls in WPF
- Added new lightbulb for quick access to commonly edited properties
- Added new lightbulb in the XAML Editor to help create a view-model

Service Fabric Tools:
- Introducing StartupServices.xml in Service Fabric Applications

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.6
- Fixes "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:'System.Net.Http.StringContent'" when trying to create a certificate or running Automatic Provisioning.
- We have fixed a problem that prevents the iOS Hot Restart feature to work correctly

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.5
- an issue where Office tooling did not work as expected when using exports
- a Visual Studio 2019 crash that occurred during certain virtual calls between x64 and ARM64EC DLLs
- Resolved false-positive when running multi-threaded ASan-instrumented code
- a project failure producing the error "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to COM component"
- Fixes a problem when opening a C++ file on startup that would occasionally cause Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding
- an issue with CmakeSettings.json configuration of files in which new settings failed to persist
- Internal compiler error that was caused by analyzing a source file when the file path contains one or more non-ASCII characters has been fixed
- an issue in opening coverage files where one library has multiple entries in code coverage file
- a bug causing customers who login with non-work accounts with remote desktop enabled could result in access denial
- a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to crash when developers were customizing their menus and clicked on a separator in the customize dialog
- Floating document windows are restored when opening a solution
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations
- an issue causing a project build with fast deployment enabled will fail or deployment will take a long time
- Added Xcode 12.5 Support
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.4
- Fixed a SFINAE bug causing an error with some forms of template names in non-dependent base classes
- Fixed case where IntelliCode is trying to log into a temporary directory and access to the temporary directory was denied
- An issue where some Visual Studio functionality was limited when third-party privilege management software is also installed has been resolved
- Addressed an issue where customers repeatedly start debugging on XBox, more and more kernel resources are consumed. Eventually requiring the XBox to be restarted, which would lose any state
- Addressed a hang when debugging native code with Insider Preview builds of Windows
- Fixed an accessibility bug with keyboard focus
- Added back missing Xamarin templates (iOS/Android Class Library, iOS/Android Bindings Library, Android Wear, Xamarin.UITest) in the New Project dialog. These templates were hidden by mistake
- For C++ CMake-based projects targeting Linux using an SSH connection, the destination directory specified in CMakeSettings.json by the remoteCMakeListsRoot property has been restored to the previous behavior in VS 16.8, where the destination of the copy corresponds to the source directory's root.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.3
- There was an error in web.config
- Have to select publish profile before publishing
- After updating from 16.8 to 16.9 ServiceHub.Host.CLR.X86 stops working
- Visual Studio 2019 v 16.9.2 crashes when opening XAML editor
- Issues with the latest Visual Studio 2019 update

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.2
- Update ARM64X global function pointer names
- Fix for extracting first OBJ of an ARM64X LIB with link -lib -extract
- Fixed an error were code compiled with Address Sanitizer and optimzations may produce bad code generation that causes Visual Studio 2019 to crash.
- Fixed a crash caused by adding functions through the Dialog Editor in the Resource Editor
- will no longer need to be removed as a package source twice
- Improved NuGet package parsing performance
- Fixed an error message about deprecated APIs customer received when using Azure SQL Database node in Server Explorer
- Fixed an issue causing an error message indicating the CascadePackage did not load correctly
- Fixed an issue causing a building project with fast deployment enabled to fail deployment or take additional time
- Fixed an issue causing Hot Reload to now show saved changes under the "Full page" mode
- Fixed an issue with Hot Reload causing Live Visual Tree to not work or apply changes.
- From Developer Community
- Developer Community has a complete list of all of items shipping in this release.
- Escape sometimes no longer cancels inline Find Dialog in c#
- Xamarin forms application deployed with hot restart to iphone crash
- Performance Profiler reports incorrect session duration
- Xamarin.Forms HotReload not working since VS2019 16.9.0

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.1
- In some cases, C++ IntelliSense tries to use extremely large numbers of include paths and becomes non-responsive
- Increased stability of Live Share in C++ scenarios

- an issue where IntelliCode would stop loading symbols
- Improves solution load and close time in scenarios when users have the new experimental Razor editor enabled
- a crash scenario in ServiceHub that could happen after opening the Extensions and Updates dialog and then shutting down Visual Studio
- an error that would give a message that no updates were available when checking for updates on slower machines
- Improves performance of launching WAP projects from Visual Studio during incremental changes
- an issue causing setup to fail launching when using the Italian locale
- an upgrade scenario that would cause the installer to stop responding for a very long time while the .NET core tempalte cache is intialized
- an issue where C++ with FixIts turned on which is the default option, would see error squiggles upon opening code
- for emission of incorrect ARM64EC metadata to OBJs

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.0
Address Sanitizer:
- Our address sanitizer support on Windows is now out of experimental and has hit general availability
- Expanded RtlAllocateHeap support, fixed a compatibility issue with RtlCreateHeap and RtlAllocateHeap interceptors when creating executable memory pools.
- Added support for the legacy GlobalAlloc and LocalAlloc family of memory functions. You can enable these interceptors with ASAN_OPTIONS=windows_hook_legacy_allocators=true.
- Updated error messages for shadow memory interleaving and interception failure to make problems and resolutions explicit
- The IDE integration can now handle the complete collection of exceptions which ASan can report
- The compiler and linker will suggest emitting debug information if they detect you're building with ASan but not emitting debug information
- You can now target the LLVM version of the OpenMP runtime with the new CL switch /openmp:llvm. This adds support for the lastprivate clause on #pragma omp sections and unsigned index variables in parallel for loops. The /openmp:llvm switch is currently only available for the amd64 target and is still experimental.
- Visual Studio CMake projects now have first class support for remote Windows development. This includes configuring a CMake project to target Windows ARM64, deploying the project to a remote Windows machine, and debugging the project on a remote Windows machine from Visual Studio.
- The version of Ninja shipped with Visual Studio on Windows has been updated to version 1.10. Please see the Ninja 1.10 release notes for details on what is included.
- The version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio has been updated to version 3.19. Please see the CMake 3.19 release notes for details on what is included.
- Marked many lock/guard types in the STL as nodiscard

- Improved the stability and functionality of providing imported modules and header units completion in IntelliSense
- Added Go-to-definition on module imports, indexing support for export { … }, and more accurate module reference for modules with the same name
- Improved the language compliance of C++ IntelliSense by adding support for Copy-initialization of temporary in reference direct-initialization, __builtin_memcpy and __builtin_memmove, Fixing inconsistencies between constexpr and consteval functions, Lifetime-extended temporaries in constant expressions, and Similar types and reference binding.
- Added completion for make_unique, make_shared, emplace and emplace_back which provides completion based on the type parameter specified
- MSVC now determines the correct address sanitizer runtimes required for your binaries. Your Visual Studio project will automatically get the new changes. When using address sanitizer on the command line, you now only need to pass /fsanitize=address to the compiler.
- Visual Studio's Connection Manager now supports private keys using the ECDSA public key algorithm
- Updated the versions of LLVM and Clang shipped in our installer to v11. Read the release notes for LLVM and Clang for more information
- Visual Studio will now use CMake variables from toolchain files to configure IntelliSense. This will provide a better experience for embedded and Android development
- Implementation of the More Constexpr Containers proposal, which allows destructors and new expressions to be constexpr. This paves the way for utilities like constexpr std::vector and std::string.
- Extended support for C++20 modules IntelliSense, including Go To Definition, Go To Module, and member completion
- Abbreviated function templates are now supported in the MSVC compiler

- There is now support for Edge Chromium based WebView2 JavaScript/TypeScript debugging for applications such as WPF, WinForms and WinUI 3 projects. This can be enabled by selecting the JavaScript debugger from the Project Properties dialog box. Details on how to get started to can be found here

- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue and detects potentially blocking objects.
- Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue
- Visual Studio now filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception. It is now possible to see the base of the stack where an infinite recursion originated, which hopefully makes it easier to investigate these kinds of bugs.
- Filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception

- Added new dynamic instrumentation scenario that is faster (doesn't require VSInstr) and allows .NET Core applications to be instrumented without needing PDBs

.NET Productivity:
- There is now IntelliSense completion for preprocessor symbols
- Solution Explorer now displays the new .NET 5.0 Source Generators
- Go To All won't display duplicate results across netcoreapp3.1 and netcoreapp2.0
- Quick Info now displays compiler warning IDs or numbers for suppressions
- Using directives will now automatically get added when copying

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.6
Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.6:
- a high priority bug blocking developers from pushing code to Azure Functions or other Azure resources from Visual Studio 2019.
- VS 16.8.5 Create a Git repository - Create a new GitHub repository - PUBLIC (unchecked Private option) - FAIL

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.5
CVE-2021-1639 TypeScript Language Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when Visual Studio loads a malicious repository containing JavaScript or TypeScript code files

CVE-2021-1721 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability:
- A denial-of-service vulnerability exists when creating HTTPS web request during X509 certificate chain building

CVE-2021-24112 .NET 5 and .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when disposing metafiles when a graphics interface still has a reference to it. This vulnerability only exists on systems running on MacOS or Linux.

Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.5:
- Fixed an issue where x86 Microsoft.VCLibs Appx installed under ExtensionSDKs updated with correct signature
- Fixed a memory leak when using C++ DesignTime features
- Fixed an issue where an exception would occur if a password is not remembered when importing an existing database into an SSDT project
- Fixed an issue where the publish button is disabled the first time customers publish .NET Core projects to a folder or other hosting targets
- Fixed a hang that occasionally occurred when developers opened the publish profiles view page
- Adds Xcode 12.4 support

Items From Developer Community:
- Fixed an issue where .sqlproj is not updating with changes
- Visual Studio 2019 crashes with OOM failures on Chromium solutions
- Bug in optimization compiler of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7.6
- Visual Studio crashes when Adding New Item -> Table on a Database project
- VSDIIUnregisterServer is slowing Visual Studio 2019 down
- Unexpected Visual Studio 2019 crash when docking or splitting windows

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.4
- Fixed an issue where C#-specific IntelliCode components may not be installed if IntelliCode had previously been installed from the Visual Studio Marketplace in older versions of Visual Studio
- Transitive project references are now respected when a PackageReference projects references packages.config projects with PackageReference dependencies
- Adds Xcode 12.3 support
- Fixes x86_64 watchOS 7.0+ simulator support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.3
- Fixed an internal compiler error when a nested function template is defined outside of the parent class
- Fixed incorrect error C2355 when 'this' is used in the initializer of a non-static data member
- Ruleset loading error has been fixed for custom ruleset using /analyze:ruleset option with /analyze:rulesetdirectory and/or /analyze:projectdirectory option
- Fix for an intermittent crash in Visual Studio while using WinForms .NET Core designer
- .NET 5.0.1 insertion into Visual Studio v 16.8.3
- Fixed an issue where some of the UI context activiated tool windows can cause Visual Studio to crash
- Fixed Push from Manage Branches page when there is no Git remote tracking branch
Added Xcode 12.2 support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.2
- Fixed for optimization bug in loops
- Fixed internal compiler error in implementation of guaranteed copy elision (C++17 feature)
- Fixed build perf regression for large uses of anonymous types
- Resolved an issue where a gold bar with the message "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" would appear when editing C# code
- Fixed an issue that could cause a MissingMethodException when building a project that had T4 templates
- Fixes an issue where the search in the New Project Dialog could return zero results

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.1
- Fixed a high-impacting issue where “The 'SourceExplorerPackage' package did not load correctly.” warning pops up when cloning a repo in Team Explorer. When users encountered this problem, it would cause the product to stop responding.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.0
- F# 5 is now released alongside .NET 5
- Performance improvements and fixes for Visual Studio tooling via F# Tools version 11.0.0
- Full release notes available on GitHub

- C++20 Coroutines are now supported under /std:c++latest and the header.
- IntelliSense now provides support for C++20 and headers, and rename and browsing for concept definitions.
- Our STL now has support for the majority of C++20 Ranges.
- Conditionally trivial special member functions are now supported in MSVC.
- C11 and C17 are now supported under the /std:c11 and /std:c17 switches.
- Additional STL improvements include full support for std::atomic_ref, std::midpoint and std::lerp and std::execution::unseq, optimizations for std::reverse_copy, and more.
- Upgraded version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to CMake 3.18.
- Our code analysis tools now support the SARIF 2.1 standard: the industry standard static analysis log format.
- Missing build tools in Linux projects will now issue a warning in the toolbar and a clear description of the missing tools in the error list.
- You can now debug Linux core dumps on a remote Linux system or WSL directly from Visual Studio.
- For C++ Doxygen comment generation, we added additional comment style options (/*! and //!).
- Additional vcpkg announcements
- Compiler support for lambdas in unevaluated contexts
- /debug:full link performance improved by multi-threading pdb creation. Several large applications and AAA games see between 2 to 4 times faster linking.
- The Visual Studio debugger now has support for char8_t.
- Support for ARM64 projects using clang-cl.
- Intel AMX intrinsics support.

- .NET Core Linux core dump debugging support
- .NET and .NET Core Auto Analysis
- .NET and .NET Core memory hot path auto analysis

Experimental Razor Editor Updates:
- Blazor light bulbs
- C# light bulbs
- Enhanced Razor formatting
- Rename Razor components in markup from .razor files
- Go-to-definition on Blazor component tag namespace
- C# hover colorization
- C# completion toolitip colorization
- Go-to-definition/implementation for Razor, including closed files
- Find All References in closed Razor files
- Improved Razor editing preformance and stability for large projects and solutions

Fakes with SDK Style Projects:
- When using the new Fakes support for SDK style projects some users encountered the following error when generating shims

Git Productivity:
- Learn more about how to use all the Git features in our new online documentation
- Open the Git Repository window at any time through the Git Changes window, the View menu, and the Status bar
- Fetch, Pull, and Push from multiple remotes in the Git Changes window
- View success and error messages for Git commands at the top of the Git Repository window
- Create a new branch from an Azure DevOps work item
- Open a Git repository from a list of your local repositories in the Git menu
- The default source control provider is now Git instead of TFVC
- Single click to switch between branch histories in the Git Repository window
- View and select from a list of solutions in Solution Explorer after opening a repository
- Modify the history view and search for commits through a tool bar in the Git Repository window
- Fetch, pull, and push from the incoming and outgoing commits sections in the history graph of a branch
- Get prompted to create a pull request after pushing a branch to your remote
- View branch names in the merge and rebase commands in the branch list context menu
- Access Git commands through the context menu in Solution Explorer and the Editor
- Observe clone progress through a new modal dialog with the option to move the process to the background

- Get personalized IntelliCode completions in Visual Studio documentation
- Keep your IntelliCode completions up-to-date with your codebase and share as part of your team's CI workflow documentation

.NET Productivity:
- Roslyn analyzers are now included in the .NET 5.0 SDK
- Refactoring that introduces the new C# 9 not pattern matching syntax when a suppression operator is present
- Inline method refactoring to help replace usages of static, instance, and extension method within a single statement body
- Code fix to convert instances of typeof to nameof in C# and GetType to NameOf in Visual Basic
- C# and Visual Basic support for inline parameter name hints that inserts adornments for literals, casted literals, and object instantiations prior to each argument in function calls
- Refactoring that extracts members from a selected class to a new base class in both C# and Visual Basic
- Code cleanup has new configuration options that can apply formatting and file header preferences set in your EditorConfig file across a single file or an entire solution
- Code fix to remove the in keyword where the argument should not be passed by reference
- Refactoring that introduces the new C#9 pattern combinators and pattern matching suggestions such as converting == to use is where applicable
- Code fix to make a class abstract when you are trying to write an abstract method in a class that is not abstract
- IntelliSense completion in DateTime and TimeSpan string literals automatically appear when the first quote is typed
- Code fix to remove unnecessary pragma suppressions and unnecessary SuppressMessageAttributes
- Rename and Find All References understands references to symbols within the target string of global SuppressMessageAttributes
- ByVal fades to say it's not necessary along with a code fix to remove the unnecessary ByVal in Visual Basic
- Interactive window support for multiple runtimes, such as .NET Framework and .NET Core.
- Added a new RegisterAdditionalFileAction API that allows analyzer authors to create an analyzer for additional files.

Visual Studio 2019 IDE:
- Add your Github account using the account management experience
- In this release, the legacy Find in Files experience has been deprecated and all users are being moved to the new experience. The Editor team is working with folks who leave feedback in Developer Community who are experiencing issues with the modern Find in Files experience.
- The ClickOnce publish provider is now available for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 Windows Desktop Apps.

XAML Tools (WPF, UWP, & Xamarin.Forms):
- XAML Binding Failures diagnostic improvements
- XAML Hot Reload Settings moved to "Debugging > Hot Reload"
- Toolbox population from unreferenced NuGet packages

- The JavaScript/TypeScript debugger now supports debugging service workers, web workers, iFrames, and your page JavaScript all at the same time! In addition, the new debugging experience adds support for debugging your back-end node server applications and client-side JavaScript in the browser simultaneously. This feature is still experimental. You can enable the new debugging experience in the Debugging options menu
- You can now trigger refactors anywhere they might be available by using the code action shortcut (ctrl + .). You don't even need to select any text - TypeScript is now smart enough to look around your cursor location for the best available refactors!
- You can now fine tune which packages TypeScript searches for automatic import completion. This can lead to performance improvements in some projects with a lot of dependencies. For more details, please reference the TypeScript 4.0
- We added a message in the output pane showing which types we install to support intellisense. We recommend adding a tsconfig to your project to customize which types are used.
- Please note we include the TypeScript 4.0 compiler and language service

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.7
- Added Xcode 12.1 GM support
- Update of MSVC 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, and 14.26 toolsets to match latest servicing releases
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when renaming a type and file currently not open in the editor

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.6
- Get the message "Working on it" when switching to a tab
- Visual Studio Feedback - new Web-Browser based Version crashes due to proxy failure
- Unable to build xamarin.ios library project with .xib interface declaration on specific version of VS
- Cannot generate s

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.0.0
- devenv.exe is now 64-bit only

Azure Cloud Services:
- Azure Cloud Service (classic) and Azure Cloud Service (extended support) projects are now supported

- The v143 build tools are now available through the Visual Studio installer as well as the standalone build tools.
- The new Hot Reload experience is now available to native C++ applications when running under the debugger. It supports both MSBuild and CMake projects. For more information see our Hot Reload section below.
- You can now build and debug natively on WSL2 without establishing a SSH connection. Both cross-platform CMake projects and MSBuild-based Linux projects are supported.
- Visual Studio now supports the buildPresets.targets option in CMakePresets.json. This allows you to build a subset of targets in your CMake project.
- The Project menu in CMake projects has been streamlined and exposes options to "Delete Cache and Reconfigure" and "View Cache".
- CMake Overview Pages have been updated to support CMakePresets.json.
- Implemented /scanDependencies flag for outputting C++20 module dependencies for CMake projects as described in P1689r3. This is a step towards support for building modules-based projects with CMake and we are working on completing this support in later releases.
- You can now debug processes running on a remote systems from Visual Studio with LLDB.
- We have upgraded the version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to version 3.21. See the CMake 3.21 release notes for details on what is available.
- LLVM tools shipped with Visual Studio have been upgraded to LLVM 12. See the LLVM release notes for details.
- The MSVC toolset now defaults to SHA-256 source hashing in debug records. Previously, the toolset used MD5 for source hashing by default.
- The Game development with C++ workload now installs the latest Unreal Engine with support with for Visual Studio 2022
- Made improvements in C++ IntelliSense when providing navigation and syntax highlighting for types from imported Modules and Header Units
- Improved C++ IntelliSense performance by optimizing cached header usage and symbol database access, providing improved load times to get into your code
- The IntelliSense Code Linter for C++ is now on by default, providing instant as-you-type suggestions and fix suggestions for common code defects
- Support for libfuzzer under the switch -fsanitize=fuzzer. See the documentation for more details.
- We have improved null pointer dereference detection in our code analysis tooling
- Code analysis now enforces that return values of functions annotated with _Check_return_ or _Must_inspect_result_ must be checked
- Added support for gsl::not_null to code analysis
- Updated to NDK r21 LTS in C++ Mobile Development workload
- C++ AMP headers are now deprecated. Including <amp.h> in a C++ project will generate build errors. To silence the errors, define _SILENCE_AMP_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS. Please see our AMP Deprecation links for more details.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Attach to process dialog improvements
- Exception helper improvements
- Force Run to Click
- Memory Dump Diagnostic Analysis
- We have released a new type of breakpoint called Dependent Breakpoint, which allows you to configure a breakpoint to be enabled only if another breakpoint is first hit.
- We have added more updates to the Extrenal Sources node , you can now see the module under the sub-node "Modules without Sources" and load the symbols form solution explorer itself.
- Breakpoint Gutter improvements
- Temporary Breakpoint
- Drag and Drop Breakpoint
- External Sources Node in Solution Explorer
- Attach to process dialog improvements

- Added Color Tabs for vertical and horizontal tabs
- Added Theme Pack and worked with VS Code theme authors to launch collection of custom themes
- Built Theme Converter to convert VS Code themes to work in Visual Studio 2022
- Added capability to sync Visual Studio theme with Windows theme
- Added new document management capabilities inclduding customizing tab width, bolding active document, and additional close button in docwell

- Added subword navigation
- Autosave is now available as a preview feature
- Multi-caret copy/paste experience

- Removed APIs from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Client assemblies
- VS SDK contains several breaking changes and Visual Studio 2019 extensions will not work in 2022. See VSSDK documentation for more information.
- VS SDK Reference assemblies are no longer installed to the VSSDKVisualStudioIntegrationCommonAssemblies folder. If your build was relying on these assemblies, please migrate your project to use NuGet packages instead. For offline scenarios:
- Keep an in-org nuget feed from which to restore the nuget packages.
- Check in the binaries.
- Added ILanguageClient breaking change fixes

Cloud Services:
- Azurite will be used for local emulation of Azure Storage instead of the older and no longer actively developed Azure Storage Emulator.

Git Tooling:
- Multi-repo support under a preview flag for any Solution that spans different repositories (i.e. Solutions with projects hosted in different Git repositories)
- Publish to Azure DevOps is now fully supported in the create git repository experience
- Status bar enhancements including a new ability to view and open repositories from an empty VS and display a count of unpulled commits
- The overflow menu on the Git Changes window is now available for local only repositories with additional git operations
- Unified Diff toolbar containing the number of added/deleted lines and a discoverable configuration options
- Commit details enhancements including a more responsive and user friendly UI

Help Menu:
- During 17.0 we have remodeled the Help Menu with Get Started material and helpful Tips/Tricks.
- Provides more collaboration with our development team by adding things such as access to Developer Community, Release Notes, the Visual Studio product Roadmap, and our Social Media pages.

Hot Reload Experience:
- Hot Reload is now available to .NET developers through the Visual Studio debugger and without the debugger for many .NET 6 application types
- Hot Reload is now available to C++ developers when using the Visual Studio Debugger

- Whole line completions predict your next chunk of C# code based on your current context, and presents it as an inline suggestion to the right of your cursor.
- Whole line completions are now compatible with the newest builds of JetBrains ReSharper. Note that updating the line completion context based on ReSharpers custom completions list item selection is not supported - if required, ReSharper users can opt to use Visual Studio native IntelliSense instead, as documented here

- We have released a new JavaScript/TypeScript project type that builds standalone JavaScript/TypeScript projects with additional tooling. You will be able to create Angular and React projects in Visual Studio using the framework version installed on your computer.
- JavaScript and TypeScript testing is now available in the Visual Studio Test Explorer
- NPM GUI available, so you can now download NPM modules the same way you download Nuget packages

- The .NET 6 SDK is included in Visual Studio 2022

.NET Productivity:
- Introduce parameter refactoring can move a new parameter from the method implementation to its callers
- Track Value Source for data flow analysis
- Option to underline variables that are re-assigned
- Added search option in Generate Overrides dialog
- Quick info for XML <code> tags now preserve whitespace and CDATA blocks
- Find All References window will now group multi-target projects
- Refactoring to remove repetitive types in Visual Basic
- Go to Implementation will no longer navigate to members with abstract declarations that are also overridden.
- Synchronize namespaces to match your folder structure from Solution Explorer
- Configure background code analysis from Solution Explorer
- Nullable reference types is now enabled by default for new .NET projects
- C# 10.0 File-scoped namespace refactoring
- Navigate to decompiled sources is now on by default
- Refactoring to prefer null check over type check
- XML comments will now automatically generate an <exception> tag when a method explicitly throws exceptions
- Inheritance Margin is now enabled by default

Programming languages:
- C#10

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Editor:
- Reduced UI freezes and improved performance on solution startup
- Faster semantic colorization up to 2x in some solutions
- F7 (view code) support in Razor files
- Snippet support in razor files which will complete a snippet session with a single tab instead of pressing tab-tab
- Better formatting in @code blocks when there's nested HTML and Razor Components
- Hot Reload support in Razor files
- Performance improvements
- Formatting and indentation enhancements
- New Razor editor colors
- TagHelpers are now colorized and have quick info classification support and completion tooltips
- Angle brace highlighting and navigation for Razor constructs
- Comments now have auto-completion, smart indentation, auto-inclusion of commenting continuations, and block comment navigation

Remote Testing:
- Very early experimental preview of enabling running tests on remote environments such as linux containers, WSL, and over SSH connections

Test tools support:
- Show in Test Explorer
- New versions of the test platform starting with 17.0 will not be able to run Generic tests and Ordered tests. These specific features only shipped as part of an early version of MSTestv1 and are not included in MSTestv2. We see very low usage of these features and ordered tests is now considered contrary to best testing practices.
- Some test experiences will not be available in 17.0 including creating new TestSettings files and the TestSettings editor. Test runs will still be able to use TestSettings files, however TestSettings was replaced with RunSettings and we encourage users to migrate improved performance and functionality. Read more.
- Web Load Test and Coded UI Test support updates. Coded UI Tests and [Web Load Tests](Cloud-based load testing service end of life | Azure DevOps Blog ( were officially deprecated in 2019. To minimize impact to users there is minimum support for these features in Visual Studio 2022. We strongly encourage users to move off Coded UI Test and Web Load Test.

Toolbox population for UWP Extension SDKs:
- UWP Extension SDKs are now required to explicitly declare the types that they wish to appear in the Toolbox by listing them in their SdkManifest.xml file. The behavior of older versions of Visual Studio is unchanged; they will ignore the list of controls in the manifest and instead dynamically enumerate the control types in the SDK's assemblies.

Trusted Locations:
- We have revamped the “Trust Settings” functionality and can now show a warning whenever untrusted code (e.g. files, projects or folders) is about to be opened inside the IDE.
- Trust checks are now done at the solution folder level
- User created projects are automatically added to the trusted list
- Users can skip trust checks on temporary locations created by Visual Studio

Updates, LTSC's and Deployment:
- With Visual Studio 2022, there will be multiple simultanouely supported servicing baselines that will release in the fall and in the spring. For more details, refer to Visual Studio Release Rhythm documentation and the Visual Studio 2022 Product Lifecycle.
- The new installer that comes with Visual Studio 2022 now has the capability of configuring where the Visual Studio product should get its updates from. This allows you to choose updates from a different LTSC, or, if you're in a managed enterprise environment, you can configure the client to get its updates from a layout. The ability to configure the source for updates is new functionality that comes with the Visual Studio Installer, and thus the behavior is applicable to downlevel versions of Visual Studio too, such as Visual Studio 2019. For additional information about configuring the update channel, refer to the Update Visual Studio documentation. For additional information about making this work for network layouts, refer to the Visual Studio Administrators Guide.
- IT Administrators can now report issues without having Visual Studio installed

User Interface:
- The default icons have been updated and refreshed

Web Tools:
- The Publish summary page now has actions to start / stop remote debugging and profiling under the '...' menu on the top right corner of the 'Hosting' section
- The Connected Services page now has an action to launch Storage Explorer
- The "ASP.NET Core Empty" template that comes with .NET 6 is using the new 'minimal APIs' paradigm for which we have started to add support
- Azurite will be used for local emulation of Azure Storage instead of the older and no longer actively developed Azure Storage Emulator.
- You can add authentication to your ASP.NET Core application using Microsoft identity platform through the Connected Services experience in Visual Studio.

WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework:
- The current WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework is replaced with a new WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework, based on the same architecture used for the WPF XAML Designer for .NET (.NET Core). The Visual Studio experience will look the same, but third-party control vendors need to support the new extensibility model since the previous model based on .design.dll and Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility is deprecated. If you already created a .designtools.dll extension for .NET (.NET Core), that same extension will work for the new WPF XAML Designer for .NET Framework. Please refer to the migration document below for further information about how to migrate to the new extensibility model.

XAML Hot Reload:
- XAML Hot Reload Changes - Minor changes to in-app toolbar and settings

XAML Live Preview:
- XAML Live Preview is now available for WPF, UWP, WinUI and Xamarin.Forms developers running their apps in either Android Emulator or as a UWP desktop app. Live Preview captures a running applications user interface and brings it into a docked window within Visual Studio. This makes it easier to use XAML Hot Reload to change the app while seeing those changes inside Visual Studio itself, without the need to tab back and forth between the running app and Visual Studio while making live XAML code changes.

XAML Sample Data:
- Design-Time Sample Data will now be added by default when creating DataGrid, ListBox, and ListView controls from the toolbox in WPF applications. To disable this behavior, uncheck ‘Automatically add sample data on element creation’ under Tools -> Options -> XAML Designer.”
- To learn more about Sample Data , please visit the Sample Data documentation.
- Improved XAML binding experience:
- We’ve made a bunch of improvements to make data binding fast and easy, such as quick access to the Data Binding dialog from Property Inspector, ability to set binding from Quick Actions, ability to choose the property to bind to inside the Data Binding Dialog.

Known Issues:
Mobile Development with .NET:
- Xamarin iOS deployment failing after iOS 15 update
- Android Designer Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- iOS deployment fails in VS 2022
- Android Device Manager does not have any base devices available
- iOS app "Failed to install" on remote simulator
- Traditional iOS Project property pages fail to open "Object null reference exception"
- Failed to create an archive for Xamarin iOS
- Failed to deploy to an iPhone, Error MT1001: Could not find an application at the specified directory

Python Tooling:
- Python Profiler fails to launch because feature hasn't been added yet
- Choosing "Python (Latest)" when creating a Conda environment displays "Python Version 0.0"
- Formatter errors out with 'black' and 'autopep8' with "Invalid patch mode '' in: No newline at end of file". A quick work around is to add a newline to the end of the file and 'black and 'autopep8' will format correctly
- Django web project commands (migrate, create, check, etc.) error out currently
- Django completions in HTML files not working
- IPython interactive mode does not work on Python 3.9
- Even if a module is successfully installed, a warning will still be displayed in the output. A quick work around is to close and re-open the VS solution

C++ IntelliSense:
- When importing a C++20 module or header unit, IntelliSense may stop working or 'There are too many errors' error is shown

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.11.2
- Fixed an issue where CMake cache generation would fail, which blocked IntelliSense, build, and debug
- Fixed warning "Evaluating the function 'System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.Listeners.get' timed out and needed to be aborted in an unsafe way" when starting debugging on some .NET and dotnet Core application.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.4
- Remove use of disallowed registers in memset
- Fixed a codegen bug involving complicated nested expressions involving the bitwise-not operator
- Fixed shader debugging for VS Graphics Analyzer
- Fixed an IntelliSense crash that occurred when processing static data members in in-class template specializations
- X64 VC Redist no longer removes runtime files when run with /installer /passive switches
- Corrected an issue where the include search order may be incorrect when prepended to "Include Directories"
- We have fixed performance problem and false positives caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of VARIANTs
- We have fixed performance problem caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of enum values as index
- Introduces Live Share language services fix that restores major code editing features for collaboration session participants (code completion, syntax highlighting, errors, etc.)
- Concurrency analyzer should no longer produce false warnings C26110 (failure to acquire lock) with auto-lock patterns
- C# and Visual Basic compilers fixed a crashed involving InternalsVisibleTo clashing with other assembly level attributes

We have fixed an issue experienced by customers packaging their projects with Windows Application Packaging Projects, such as WPF NetCore apps and Project Reunion apps:
- Error Assets file '...objwappublishwin10-x86project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. App4 (Package) C:Program Filesdotnetsdk5.0.302SdksMicrosoft.NET.SdktargetsMicrosoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets 242
- This problem was caused by the Packaging Project looking for the project.assets.json file in the wrong directory, win10-$(configuration), when it should be looking in win-$(configuration).

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.3
- an issue where Go To Definition on symbols imported from modules sometimes goes to the start of the module file rather than the symbol's definition
- an issue where visually impaired developers would face difficulty to identify the focus on the screen since the Luminosity ratio of border color is less than 3:1 for the text box
- Database Project: Dragging a file from solution explorer into an opened one is deleting the file from the file system
- an issue where using a merge statement in database projects will result in build errors
No longer send paths on disk when reporting which extensions are installed.
Fixes an issue where attempting to close the quick start window can cause Visual Studio to crash.
Fix an issue where showing tool windows sometimes crash VS.
Fix for C++ Edit and Continue in user-code when unrelated G++/GCC generated symbols are loaded in the application.
Fixes private selector usages from the iAd framework.
- a crash in VS which results from errors occurring in the XAML Designer
- an issue with the Windows Application Packaging projects that reference .netcoreapp projects are generating a .msixbundle
- failure to conduct fast up-to-date check on WAP projects which was causing those projects to be built (instead of being skipped), even when project is up-to-date and does not need modifications, further causing increased incremental build times in IDE

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.2
- The concurrency checks in code analysis got smarter. They are harder to fool with complex control flow
- This fix restores the behavior for external headers by skipping analysis of external headers and suppressing warnings from external headers
- Fixed .aspx/ascx files where users may see incomplete IntelliSense or experience slow performance
- Fixed scalability issues with the Unity CodeLens provider when working on large projects
- Reinstated translated strings in the Azure Service Authentication options page
- Fixed intermittent visual code display issues when using Resharper extension
- Fixed an issue where certain tool windows, editors, and designers would be rendered too small to display any content
- Fixes Xamarin iOS missing app icon problems, either when running an app or when trying to publish it to the App Store
- Building projects with AOT+LLVM no longer fails with an XA3001 error
- After upgrading to Visual Studio 2019, version 16.10, under certain circumstances, publishing of UWP apps may fail with error message "The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file". This is now fixed
- Fixed an issue causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when device configuration changes

Fixes three issues in MSBuild:
- Avoids MSB4017 errors when building in Azure DevOps.
- $([MSBuild]::MakeRelative()) again preserves trailing slashes in its input.
- Exclude globs with a trailing ** pattern again exclude files without . characters

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.1
- an issue causing a crash with the IntelliSense compiler
- an issue that could cause Visual Studio 2019 instances from closing if the Test Explorer is open in the solution
- a failure when developers would build partial solutions from the command line
- a failure in ClickOnce Publish for .NET Core applications
- an issue where the call stack window can crash Visual Studio 2019
- build error "Metadata file '***binDebugNativeLibrary.dll' could not be found" when building iOS Binding projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.0
- All C++20 features are now available under the /std:c++latest switch. While MSVC’s implementation of the C++20 standards (as currently published by ISO) is feature complete, some key C++20 library features are expected to be amended by upcoming Defect Reports (ISO C++20 bug fixes) that may change them in an ABI-incompatible way. Please see Microsoft/STL Issue #1814 for more details.
- C++20 immediate functions & constinit support added in 16.10
- The final pieces of : new clocks, leap seconds, time zones, and parsing
- Implementation of for text formating
- /openmp:llvm is now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64
- Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings
- Added the /await:strict switch to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes
- Debugger visualization of std::coroutine_handle now displays the original coroutine function name and signature and the current suspend point
- Added support for CMakePresets
- You will now be required to accept or deny the host key fingerprint presented by the server when adding a new remote connection in Visual Studio
- Added an /external switch to MSVC for specifying headers which should be treated as external for warning purposes

Docker Tools improvements:
- Ability to create a launch profile that configures which services to start in your Compose file
- Ability to tag an image
- Added a Volumes tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for images
- Containers are now grouped by Compose project

- For folks who want a less crowded experience, line spacing can be modified by searching for "line spacing" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under Text EditorGeneral.
- Find in Files and Find all References have a control to keep results. Based on feedback from our community, we've added an option to toggle the "Keep Results" option to on by default. This option can be found by searching for "keep search results by default" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under EnvironmentFind and Replace. Note that users are currently limited to 5 results for Find in Files and 5 more results for Find all References.
- A new option in Find in Files allows users to run additional searches and append those results to a previous search

Editor Extensibility:
- The behavior of the code that manages IntraTextAdornmentTags has changed. With this change, just like with any other ITagger, you must raise a tags changed event when the underlying tags change. Otherwise, your tags may never be updated.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Diagnostic Analysis of memory dumps now includes Managed Linux core dumps

Git Productivity:
- Jump to the web with deep links to create a new pull request and view PRs on GitHub or Azure DevOps from the Git menu
- Checkout local and remote branches with a single select from the branch picker
- Remove items from the repository picker through the context menu
- Turn on automatic loading of the solution when opening a Git repository through Git > Settings
- Toggle behavior of double-clicking to check out branches from the Git Repository window through Git > Settings
- Sync (Pull then Push) your branch with multiple remotes from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Customize your visible Git Changes window toolbar actions (Fetch, Pull, Push, Sync) from the overflow menu
- Open your repository in the browser from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Search and checkout local and remote branches from the status bar
- Search and switch between local Git repositories from the status bar
- Fixed an issue where local repositories list in the Git menu wasn't loading on Visual Studio launch
- Add nested project sub-repos to your local repositories list when opening a repository
- Keep solution open when switching repositories through Git > Settings
- Turn off open folder when opening repositories through Git > Settings
- Sync your branch with the remote from the unpushed commits button in the status bar, and from the Sync command in Git Menu
- Fetch and pull from the Git Repository window history pane even when there are no incoming commits
- View Commit Details and the comparison of file changes embedded in the Git Repository window
- Automatically re-connect or prompt to establish initial Azure DevOps connection when opening an Azure DevOps Git repository
- Merge and rebase with visible branch names, replacing confusing Source / Target terminology
- Improved performance and reliability for source control glyphs in Solution Explorer
- Preserve incoming/outgoing sections in Git Repository window even when empty
- Consolidated Fetch/Pull/Push dropdowns for multiple remotes in Git Changes window to a single Action menu

.NET Productivity:
- Argument completion in method calls
- EditorConfig UI
- Visually inspect and navigate the inheritance chain
- IntelliSense completion for casts, indexers, and operators
- Debugger support for Source Generators
- Code cleanup support for Visual Basic
- Edit and Continue (EnC) updates
- Remove Unused References
- Smart Break Line
- Simplify LINQ expression refactoring
- IntelliSense completion for Enum values
- IntelliSense completion mode setting
- Code style preference for new lines
- Find All References support for Source Generators

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Preview Editor:
- IntelliSense completion updates
- Go to Definition support for generic components
- New code style configuration for tabs and spaces
- Razor text editor in Tools Options is now called Razor (ASP.NET Core)

Test Experience Accessibility improvements:
- Console.Writeline now shows in the Test Explorer
- Test output can now preserve tags so hyperlinks and stacktrace links are navigable even from the log files.
- Log files are created for a single test result when output is over 300 characters or if there are over 10 files attached to the test result.
- Log files can also now open in preview so it’s easier to manage your tabs.
- Log files and the Test Explorer support Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for navigating the cursor and Shift+Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for selection.
- The log file editor is now using the IVsTextView interface which means it will now be able to open very large text files. This should eliminate the need for users to Copy All truncated logs and open them in a separate editor such as Notepad. For MSTest, we now also include a single log file that aggregates all the output instead of only having individual log files for each data row.
- You can now get cross-platform code coverage at the command-line on Ubuntu and Alpine with the dotnet cli. For users interested in getting code coverage on machines targeting those platforms you can now add the same code coverage collection commands that you'd normally use on windows. See more documentation for dotnet test.
- There is now an expand all button next to the collapse all button in the Test Explorer. This command has been available through keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+ right arrow), but more feedback indicated adding a button was worth the additional UI. As always
- There are also some slight changes to how the Test Explorer shows "staleness." "Staleness" is the grayed out or "faded" test results that indicate the result was not from the latest test run. If a result is not a part of the most recent test run it will appear as stale. Previously, new test discoveries (or even old test results that were rediscovered) were also shown with solid icons. This caused some confusion on why some 'Not Run' tests were faded and why others were not. This change will reduce the complexity of staleness.
- With the persisted test results feature (added in version 16.2) you can see test results from the last test run even if you've closed and re-opened Visual Studio. This helps users remember where they left off and gives more context without requiring another test run. We also modified the behavior of persisted results so they will always appear stale. This better indicates that they were not from a test run that executed during the current Visual Studio session.

Web Tools:
- Switch to V2 of API for Azure AD provisioning
- Azure App Configuration as a Connected Service now supports dynamic configuration

Windows Application Packaging Project Dependencies Tree:
- Added a "Dependencies Tree" to the WAP Project

XAML Tooling Improvements:
- Improved XAML IntelliSense and XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms customers
- Introduced XAML Sample Data for select ItemsControls in WPF
- Added new lightbulb for quick access to commonly edited properties
- Added new lightbulb in the XAML Editor to help create a view-model

Service Fabric Tools:
- Introducing StartupServices.xml in Service Fabric Applications

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.6
- Fixes "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:'System.Net.Http.StringContent'" when trying to create a certificate or running Automatic Provisioning.
- We have fixed a problem that prevents the iOS Hot Restart feature to work correctly

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.5
- an issue where Office tooling did not work as expected when using exports
- a Visual Studio 2019 crash that occurred during certain virtual calls between x64 and ARM64EC DLLs
- Resolved false-positive when running multi-threaded ASan-instrumented code
- a project failure producing the error "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to COM component"
- Fixes a problem when opening a C++ file on startup that would occasionally cause Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding
- an issue with CmakeSettings.json configuration of files in which new settings failed to persist
- Internal compiler error that was caused by analyzing a source file when the file path contains one or more non-ASCII characters has been fixed
- an issue in opening coverage files where one library has multiple entries in code coverage file
- a bug causing customers who login with non-work accounts with remote desktop enabled could result in access denial
- a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to crash when developers were customizing their menus and clicked on a separator in the customize dialog
- Floating document windows are restored when opening a solution
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations
- an issue causing a project build with fast deployment enabled will fail or deployment will take a long time
- Added Xcode 12.5 Support
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.4
- Fixed a SFINAE bug causing an error with some forms of template names in non-dependent base classes
- Fixed case where IntelliCode is trying to log into a temporary directory and access to the temporary directory was denied
- An issue where some Visual Studio functionality was limited when third-party privilege management software is also installed has been resolved
- Addressed an issue where customers repeatedly start debugging on XBox, more and more kernel resources are consumed. Eventually requiring the XBox to be restarted, which would lose any state
- Addressed a hang when debugging native code with Insider Preview builds of Windows
- Fixed an accessibility bug with keyboard focus
- Added back missing Xamarin templates (iOS/Android Class Library, iOS/Android Bindings Library, Android Wear, Xamarin.UITest) in the New Project dialog. These templates were hidden by mistake
- For C++ CMake-based projects targeting Linux using an SSH connection, the destination directory specified in CMakeSettings.json by the remoteCMakeListsRoot property has been restored to the previous behavior in VS 16.8, where the destination of the copy corresponds to the source directory's root.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.3
- There was an error in web.config
- Have to select publish profile before publishing
- After updating from 16.8 to 16.9 ServiceHub.Host.CLR.X86 stops working
- Visual Studio 2019 v 16.9.2 crashes when opening XAML editor
- Issues with the latest Visual Studio 2019 update

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.2
- Update ARM64X global function pointer names
- Fix for extracting first OBJ of an ARM64X LIB with link -lib -extract
- Fixed an error were code compiled with Address Sanitizer and optimzations may produce bad code generation that causes Visual Studio 2019 to crash.
- Fixed a crash caused by adding functions through the Dialog Editor in the Resource Editor
- will no longer need to be removed as a package source twice
- Improved NuGet package parsing performance
- Fixed an error message about deprecated APIs customer received when using Azure SQL Database node in Server Explorer
- Fixed an issue causing an error message indicating the CascadePackage did not load correctly
- Fixed an issue causing a building project with fast deployment enabled to fail deployment or take additional time
- Fixed an issue causing Hot Reload to now show saved changes under the "Full page" mode
- Fixed an issue with Hot Reload causing Live Visual Tree to not work or apply changes.
- From Developer Community
- Developer Community has a complete list of all of items shipping in this release.
- Escape sometimes no longer cancels inline Find Dialog in c#
- Xamarin forms application deployed with hot restart to iphone crash
- Performance Profiler reports incorrect session duration
- Xamarin.Forms HotReload not working since VS2019 16.9.0

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.1
- In some cases, C++ IntelliSense tries to use extremely large numbers of include paths and becomes non-responsive
- Increased stability of Live Share in C++ scenarios

- an issue where IntelliCode would stop loading symbols
- Improves solution load and close time in scenarios when users have the new experimental Razor editor enabled
- a crash scenario in ServiceHub that could happen after opening the Extensions and Updates dialog and then shutting down Visual Studio
- an error that would give a message that no updates were available when checking for updates on slower machines
- Improves performance of launching WAP projects from Visual Studio during incremental changes
- an issue causing setup to fail launching when using the Italian locale
- an upgrade scenario that would cause the installer to stop responding for a very long time while the .NET core tempalte cache is intialized
- an issue where C++ with FixIts turned on which is the default option, would see error squiggles upon opening code
- for emission of incorrect ARM64EC metadata to OBJs

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.0
Address Sanitizer:
- Our address sanitizer support on Windows is now out of experimental and has hit general availability
- Expanded RtlAllocateHeap support, fixed a compatibility issue with RtlCreateHeap and RtlAllocateHeap interceptors when creating executable memory pools.
- Added support for the legacy GlobalAlloc and LocalAlloc family of memory functions. You can enable these interceptors with ASAN_OPTIONS=windows_hook_legacy_allocators=true.
- Updated error messages for shadow memory interleaving and interception failure to make problems and resolutions explicit
- The IDE integration can now handle the complete collection of exceptions which ASan can report
- The compiler and linker will suggest emitting debug information if they detect you're building with ASan but not emitting debug information
- You can now target the LLVM version of the OpenMP runtime with the new CL switch /openmp:llvm. This adds support for the lastprivate clause on #pragma omp sections and unsigned index variables in parallel for loops. The /openmp:llvm switch is currently only available for the amd64 target and is still experimental.
- Visual Studio CMake projects now have first class support for remote Windows development. This includes configuring a CMake project to target Windows ARM64, deploying the project to a remote Windows machine, and debugging the project on a remote Windows machine from Visual Studio.
- The version of Ninja shipped with Visual Studio on Windows has been updated to version 1.10. Please see the Ninja 1.10 release notes for details on what is included.
- The version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio has been updated to version 3.19. Please see the CMake 3.19 release notes for details on what is included.
- Marked many lock/guard types in the STL as nodiscard

- Improved the stability and functionality of providing imported modules and header units completion in IntelliSense
- Added Go-to-definition on module imports, indexing support for export { … }, and more accurate module reference for modules with the same name
- Improved the language compliance of C++ IntelliSense by adding support for Copy-initialization of temporary in reference direct-initialization, __builtin_memcpy and __builtin_memmove, Fixing inconsistencies between constexpr and consteval functions, Lifetime-extended temporaries in constant expressions, and Similar types and reference binding.
- Added completion for make_unique, make_shared, emplace and emplace_back which provides completion based on the type parameter specified
- MSVC now determines the correct address sanitizer runtimes required for your binaries. Your Visual Studio project will automatically get the new changes. When using address sanitizer on the command line, you now only need to pass /fsanitize=address to the compiler.
- Visual Studio's Connection Manager now supports private keys using the ECDSA public key algorithm
- Updated the versions of LLVM and Clang shipped in our installer to v11. Read the release notes for LLVM and Clang for more information
- Visual Studio will now use CMake variables from toolchain files to configure IntelliSense. This will provide a better experience for embedded and Android development
- Implementation of the More Constexpr Containers proposal, which allows destructors and new expressions to be constexpr. This paves the way for utilities like constexpr std::vector and std::string.
- Extended support for C++20 modules IntelliSense, including Go To Definition, Go To Module, and member completion
- Abbreviated function templates are now supported in the MSVC compiler

- There is now support for Edge Chromium based WebView2 JavaScript/TypeScript debugging for applications such as WPF, WinForms and WinUI 3 projects. This can be enabled by selecting the JavaScript debugger from the Project Properties dialog box. Details on how to get started to can be found here

- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue and detects potentially blocking objects.
- Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue
- Visual Studio now filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception. It is now possible to see the base of the stack where an infinite recursion originated, which hopefully makes it easier to investigate these kinds of bugs.
- Filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception

- Added new dynamic instrumentation scenario that is faster (doesn't require VSInstr) and allows .NET Core applications to be instrumented without needing PDBs

.NET Productivity:
- There is now IntelliSense completion for preprocessor symbols
- Solution Explorer now displays the new .NET 5.0 Source Generators
- Go To All won't display duplicate results across netcoreapp3.1 and netcoreapp2.0
- Quick Info now displays compiler warning IDs or numbers for suppressions
- Using directives will now automatically get added when copying

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.6
Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.6:
- a high priority bug blocking developers from pushing code to Azure Functions or other Azure resources from Visual Studio 2019.
- VS 16.8.5 Create a Git repository - Create a new GitHub repository - PUBLIC (unchecked Private option) - FAIL

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.5
CVE-2021-1639 TypeScript Language Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when Visual Studio loads a malicious repository containing JavaScript or TypeScript code files

CVE-2021-1721 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability:
- A denial-of-service vulnerability exists when creating HTTPS web request during X509 certificate chain building

CVE-2021-24112 .NET 5 and .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when disposing metafiles when a graphics interface still has a reference to it. This vulnerability only exists on systems running on MacOS or Linux.

Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.5:
- Fixed an issue where x86 Microsoft.VCLibs Appx installed under ExtensionSDKs updated with correct signature
- Fixed a memory leak when using C++ DesignTime features
- Fixed an issue where an exception would occur if a password is not remembered when importing an existing database into an SSDT project
- Fixed an issue where the publish button is disabled the first time customers publish .NET Core projects to a folder or other hosting targets
- Fixed a hang that occasionally occurred when developers opened the publish profiles view page
- Adds Xcode 12.4 support

Items From Developer Community:
- Fixed an issue where .sqlproj is not updating with changes
- Visual Studio 2019 crashes with OOM failures on Chromium solutions
- Bug in optimization compiler of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7.6
- Visual Studio crashes when Adding New Item -> Table on a Database project
- VSDIIUnregisterServer is slowing Visual Studio 2019 down
- Unexpected Visual Studio 2019 crash when docking or splitting windows

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.4
- Fixed an issue where C#-specific IntelliCode components may not be installed if IntelliCode had previously been installed from the Visual Studio Marketplace in older versions of Visual Studio
- Transitive project references are now respected when a PackageReference projects references packages.config projects with PackageReference dependencies
- Adds Xcode 12.3 support
- Fixes x86_64 watchOS 7.0+ simulator support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.3
- Fixed an internal compiler error when a nested function template is defined outside of the parent class
- Fixed incorrect error C2355 when 'this' is used in the initializer of a non-static data member
- Ruleset loading error has been fixed for custom ruleset using /analyze:ruleset option with /analyze:rulesetdirectory and/or /analyze:projectdirectory option
- Fix for an intermittent crash in Visual Studio while using WinForms .NET Core designer
- .NET 5.0.1 insertion into Visual Studio v 16.8.3
- Fixed an issue where some of the UI context activiated tool windows can cause Visual Studio to crash
- Fixed Push from Manage Branches page when there is no Git remote tracking branch
Added Xcode 12.2 support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.2
- Fixed for optimization bug in loops
- Fixed internal compiler error in implementation of guaranteed copy elision (C++17 feature)
- Fixed build perf regression for large uses of anonymous types
- Resolved an issue where a gold bar with the message "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" would appear when editing C# code
- Fixed an issue that could cause a MissingMethodException when building a project that had T4 templates
- Fixes an issue where the search in the New Project Dialog could return zero results

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.1
- Fixed a high-impacting issue where “The 'SourceExplorerPackage' package did not load correctly.” warning pops up when cloning a repo in Team Explorer. When users encountered this problem, it would cause the product to stop responding.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.0
- F# 5 is now released alongside .NET 5
- Performance improvements and fixes for Visual Studio tooling via F# Tools version 11.0.0
- Full release notes available on GitHub

- C++20 Coroutines are now supported under /std:c++latest and the header.
- IntelliSense now provides support for C++20 and headers, and rename and browsing for concept definitions.
- Our STL now has support for the majority of C++20 Ranges.
- Conditionally trivial special member functions are now supported in MSVC.
- C11 and C17 are now supported under the /std:c11 and /std:c17 switches.
- Additional STL improvements include full support for std::atomic_ref, std::midpoint and std::lerp and std::execution::unseq, optimizations for std::reverse_copy, and more.
- Upgraded version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to CMake 3.18.
- Our code analysis tools now support the SARIF 2.1 standard: the industry standard static analysis log format.
- Missing build tools in Linux projects will now issue a warning in the toolbar and a clear description of the missing tools in the error list.
- You can now debug Linux core dumps on a remote Linux system or WSL directly from Visual Studio.
- For C++ Doxygen comment generation, we added additional comment style options (/*! and //!).
- Additional vcpkg announcements
- Compiler support for lambdas in unevaluated contexts
- /debug:full link performance improved by multi-threading pdb creation. Several large applications and AAA games see between 2 to 4 times faster linking.
- The Visual Studio debugger now has support for char8_t.
- Support for ARM64 projects using clang-cl.
- Intel AMX intrinsics support.

- .NET Core Linux core dump debugging support
- .NET and .NET Core Auto Analysis
- .NET and .NET Core memory hot path auto analysis

Experimental Razor Editor Updates:
- Blazor light bulbs
- C# light bulbs
- Enhanced Razor formatting
- Rename Razor components in markup from .razor files
- Go-to-definition on Blazor component tag namespace
- C# hover colorization
- C# completion toolitip colorization
- Go-to-definition/implementation for Razor, including closed files
- Find All References in closed Razor files
- Improved Razor editing preformance and stability for large projects and solutions

Fakes with SDK Style Projects:
- When using the new Fakes support for SDK style projects some users encountered the following error when generating shims

Git Productivity:
- Learn more about how to use all the Git features in our new online documentation
- Open the Git Repository window at any time through the Git Changes window, the View menu, and the Status bar
- Fetch, Pull, and Push from multiple remotes in the Git Changes window
- View success and error messages for Git commands at the top of the Git Repository window
- Create a new branch from an Azure DevOps work item
- Open a Git repository from a list of your local repositories in the Git menu
- The default source control provider is now Git instead of TFVC
- Single click to switch between branch histories in the Git Repository window
- View and select from a list of solutions in Solution Explorer after opening a repository
- Modify the history view and search for commits through a tool bar in the Git Repository window
- Fetch, pull, and push from the incoming and outgoing commits sections in the history graph of a branch
- Get prompted to create a pull request after pushing a branch to your remote
- View branch names in the merge and rebase commands in the branch list context menu
- Access Git commands through the context menu in Solution Explorer and the Editor
- Observe clone progress through a new modal dialog with the option to move the process to the background

- Get personalized IntelliCode completions in Visual Studio documentation
- Keep your IntelliCode completions up-to-date with your codebase and share as part of your team's CI workflow documentation

.NET Productivity:
- Roslyn analyzers are now included in the .NET 5.0 SDK
- Refactoring that introduces the new C# 9 not pattern matching syntax when a suppression operator is present
- Inline method refactoring to help replace usages of static, instance, and extension method within a single statement body
- Code fix to convert instances of typeof to nameof in C# and GetType to NameOf in Visual Basic
- C# and Visual Basic support for inline parameter name hints that inserts adornments for literals, casted literals, and object instantiations prior to each argument in function calls
- Refactoring that extracts members from a selected class to a new base class in both C# and Visual Basic
- Code cleanup has new configuration options that can apply formatting and file header preferences set in your EditorConfig file across a single file or an entire solution
- Code fix to remove the in keyword where the argument should not be passed by reference
- Refactoring that introduces the new C#9 pattern combinators and pattern matching suggestions such as converting == to use is where applicable
- Code fix to make a class abstract when you are trying to write an abstract method in a class that is not abstract
- IntelliSense completion in DateTime and TimeSpan string literals automatically appear when the first quote is typed
- Code fix to remove unnecessary pragma suppressions and unnecessary SuppressMessageAttributes
- Rename and Find All References understands references to symbols within the target string of global SuppressMessageAttributes
- ByVal fades to say it's not necessary along with a code fix to remove the unnecessary ByVal in Visual Basic
- Interactive window support for multiple runtimes, such as .NET Framework and .NET Core.
- Added a new RegisterAdditionalFileAction API that allows analyzer authors to create an analyzer for additional files.

Visual Studio 2019 IDE:
- Add your Github account using the account management experience
- In this release, the legacy Find in Files experience has been deprecated and all users are being moved to the new experience. The Editor team is working with folks who leave feedback in Developer Community who are experiencing issues with the modern Find in Files experience.
- The ClickOnce publish provider is now available for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 Windows Desktop Apps.

XAML Tools (WPF, UWP, & Xamarin.Forms):
- XAML Binding Failures diagnostic improvements
- XAML Hot Reload Settings moved to "Debugging > Hot Reload"
- Toolbox population from unreferenced NuGet packages

- The JavaScript/TypeScript debugger now supports debugging service workers, web workers, iFrames, and your page JavaScript all at the same time! In addition, the new debugging experience adds support for debugging your back-end node server applications and client-side JavaScript in the browser simultaneously. This feature is still experimental. You can enable the new debugging experience in the Debugging options menu
- You can now trigger refactors anywhere they might be available by using the code action shortcut (ctrl + .). You don't even need to select any text - TypeScript is now smart enough to look around your cursor location for the best available refactors!
- You can now fine tune which packages TypeScript searches for automatic import completion. This can lead to performance improvements in some projects with a lot of dependencies. For more details, please reference the TypeScript 4.0
- We added a message in the output pane showing which types we install to support intellisense. We recommend adding a tsconfig to your project to customize which types are used.
- Please note we include the TypeScript 4.0 compiler and language service

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.7
- Added Xcode 12.1 GM support
- Update of MSVC 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, and 14.26 toolsets to match latest servicing releases
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when renaming a type and file currently not open in the editor

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.6
- Get the message "Working on it" when switching to a tab
- Visual Studio Feedback - new Web-Browser based Version crashes due to proxy failure
- Unable to build xamarin.ios library project with .xib interface declaration on specific version of VS
- Cannot generate shim for System.DateTime
- IntelliCode suggestion, filtering compilation errors
- Inserting .NET Core SDK 3.1.403 into Visual Studio 2019
- Fixed a bug that affects debugging https enabled Service Fabric Application
- Support Service Fabric nuget packages with external dependencies

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.5
- Incorrect code gen on ARM64 with vector math (DirectXMath.h)
- Faulty type casts : VS.2019 V16.7.1, native C++
- C++ builds with Windows SDK 8.1 fail after upgrade to Visual Studio 16.7
- With VC++ 16.7 ABI change in vtable.
- fatal error C1001: Internal compiler error with 16.7.0
- CET/EHCONT Exception handling metadata is broken in vcruntime140.dll. This fix may have an increased chance of requiring a reboot of the machine in order to install an updated VC++ Redistributable package.
- PGO switch MEMMAX seems not respected
- [19.26.28900] New compiler causing possible bad codegen
- Code analysis crashed with buffer underflow
- Fixed a bug in the C++ compiler when importing classes with methods containing a combination of default arguments and [params] / [ParamArray] argument list

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.4
- Adds Xcode 12.0 GM support
- Adds support for setting a Color set as Accent Color in the Info.plist editor

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.3
- Fixed a compiler crash for switch statements or switch expressions that use pattern matching
- Restored the "Stop Debugging(Shift +F5)" workflow for Unit Testing by terminating the test run
- Prevent VS crash on switching project configuration when WinForms .NET Core designer has unsaved changes
- Out of support versions of .NET Core will no longer be reinstalled during a repair or upgrade if they were removed outside of VS setup
- Fixed an issue where External Dependencies weren't accurately searched in Find in Files
- Reintroduced the "Commit..." button in the Git submenu in Solution Explorer's conte


Sonic Visualiser 4.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.11.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.11.2
- Fixed an issue where CMake cache generation would fail, which blocked IntelliSense, build, and debug
- Fixed warning "Evaluating the function 'System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.Listeners.get' timed out and needed to be aborted in an unsafe way" when starting debugging on some .NET and dotnet Core application.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.4
- Remove use of disallowed registers in memset
- Fixed a codegen bug involving complicated nested expressions involving the bitwise-not operator
- Fixed shader debugging for VS Graphics Analyzer
- Fixed an IntelliSense crash that occurred when processing static data members in in-class template specializations
- X64 VC Redist no longer removes runtime files when run with /installer /passive switches
- Corrected an issue where the include search order may be incorrect when prepended to "Include Directories"
- We have fixed performance problem and false positives caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of VARIANTs
- We have fixed performance problem caused by one of the checker extensions that finds bugs in misuse of enum values as index
- Introduces Live Share language services fix that restores major code editing features for collaboration session participants (code completion, syntax highlighting, errors, etc.)
- Concurrency analyzer should no longer produce false warnings C26110 (failure to acquire lock) with auto-lock patterns
- C# and Visual Basic compilers fixed a crashed involving InternalsVisibleTo clashing with other assembly level attributes

We have fixed an issue experienced by customers packaging their projects with Windows Application Packaging Projects, such as WPF NetCore apps and Project Reunion apps:
- Error Assets file '...objwappublishwin10-x86project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. App4 (Package) C:Program Filesdotnetsdk5.0.302SdksMicrosoft.NET.SdktargetsMicrosoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets 242
- This problem was caused by the Packaging Project looking for the project.assets.json file in the wrong directory, win10-$(configuration), when it should be looking in win-$(configuration).

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.3
- an issue where Go To Definition on symbols imported from modules sometimes goes to the start of the module file rather than the symbol's definition
- an issue where visually impaired developers would face difficulty to identify the focus on the screen since the Luminosity ratio of border color is less than 3:1 for the text box
- Database Project: Dragging a file from solution explorer into an opened one is deleting the file from the file system
- an issue where using a merge statement in database projects will result in build errors
No longer send paths on disk when reporting which extensions are installed.
Fixes an issue where attempting to close the quick start window can cause Visual Studio to crash.
Fix an issue where showing tool windows sometimes crash VS.
Fix for C++ Edit and Continue in user-code when unrelated G++/GCC generated symbols are loaded in the application.
Fixes private selector usages from the iAd framework.
- a crash in VS which results from errors occurring in the XAML Designer
- an issue with the Windows Application Packaging projects that reference .netcoreapp projects are generating a .msixbundle
- failure to conduct fast up-to-date check on WAP projects which was causing those projects to be built (instead of being skipped), even when project is up-to-date and does not need modifications, further causing increased incremental build times in IDE

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.2
- The concurrency checks in code analysis got smarter. They are harder to fool with complex control flow
- This fix restores the behavior for external headers by skipping analysis of external headers and suppressing warnings from external headers
- Fixed .aspx/ascx files where users may see incomplete IntelliSense or experience slow performance
- Fixed scalability issues with the Unity CodeLens provider when working on large projects
- Reinstated translated strings in the Azure Service Authentication options page
- Fixed intermittent visual code display issues when using Resharper extension
- Fixed an issue where certain tool windows, editors, and designers would be rendered too small to display any content
- Fixes Xamarin iOS missing app icon problems, either when running an app or when trying to publish it to the App Store
- Building projects with AOT+LLVM no longer fails with an XA3001 error
- After upgrading to Visual Studio 2019, version 16.10, under certain circumstances, publishing of UWP apps may fail with error message "The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file". This is now fixed
- Fixed an issue causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when device configuration changes

Fixes three issues in MSBuild:
- Avoids MSB4017 errors when building in Azure DevOps.
- $([MSBuild]::MakeRelative()) again preserves trailing slashes in its input.
- Exclude globs with a trailing ** pattern again exclude files without . characters

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.1
- an issue causing a crash with the IntelliSense compiler
- an issue that could cause Visual Studio 2019 instances from closing if the Test Explorer is open in the solution
- a failure when developers would build partial solutions from the command line
- a failure in ClickOnce Publish for .NET Core applications
- an issue where the call stack window can crash Visual Studio 2019
- build error "Metadata file '***binDebugNativeLibrary.dll' could not be found" when building iOS Binding projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.10.0
- All C++20 features are now available under the /std:c++latest switch. While MSVC’s implementation of the C++20 standards (as currently published by ISO) is feature complete, some key C++20 library features are expected to be amended by upcoming Defect Reports (ISO C++20 bug fixes) that may change them in an ABI-incompatible way. Please see Microsoft/STL Issue #1814 for more details.
- C++20 immediate functions & constinit support added in 16.10
- The final pieces of : new clocks, leap seconds, time zones, and parsing
- Implementation of for text formating
- /openmp:llvm is now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64
- Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings
- Added the /await:strict switch to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes
- Debugger visualization of std::coroutine_handle now displays the original coroutine function name and signature and the current suspend point
- Added support for CMakePresets
- You will now be required to accept or deny the host key fingerprint presented by the server when adding a new remote connection in Visual Studio
- Added an /external switch to MSVC for specifying headers which should be treated as external for warning purposes

Docker Tools improvements:
- Ability to create a launch profile that configures which services to start in your Compose file
- Ability to tag an image
- Added a Volumes tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for containers
- Added a Labels tab for images
- Containers are now grouped by Compose project

- For folks who want a less crowded experience, line spacing can be modified by searching for "line spacing" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under Text EditorGeneral.
- Find in Files and Find all References have a control to keep results. Based on feedback from our community, we've added an option to toggle the "Keep Results" option to on by default. This option can be found by searching for "keep search results by default" in Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q). The option is under EnvironmentFind and Replace. Note that users are currently limited to 5 results for Find in Files and 5 more results for Find all References.
- A new option in Find in Files allows users to run additional searches and append those results to a previous search

Editor Extensibility:
- The behavior of the code that manages IntraTextAdornmentTags has changed. With this change, just like with any other ITagger, you must raise a tags changed event when the underlying tags change. Otherwise, your tags may never be updated.

Debugging & Diagnostics:
- Diagnostic Analysis of memory dumps now includes Managed Linux core dumps

Git Productivity:
- Jump to the web with deep links to create a new pull request and view PRs on GitHub or Azure DevOps from the Git menu
- Checkout local and remote branches with a single select from the branch picker
- Remove items from the repository picker through the context menu
- Turn on automatic loading of the solution when opening a Git repository through Git > Settings
- Toggle behavior of double-clicking to check out branches from the Git Repository window through Git > Settings
- Sync (Pull then Push) your branch with multiple remotes from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Customize your visible Git Changes window toolbar actions (Fetch, Pull, Push, Sync) from the overflow menu
- Open your repository in the browser from the Git Changes window overflow menu
- Search and checkout local and remote branches from the status bar
- Search and switch between local Git repositories from the status bar
- Fixed an issue where local repositories list in the Git menu wasn't loading on Visual Studio launch
- Add nested project sub-repos to your local repositories list when opening a repository
- Keep solution open when switching repositories through Git > Settings
- Turn off open folder when opening repositories through Git > Settings
- Sync your branch with the remote from the unpushed commits button in the status bar, and from the Sync command in Git Menu
- Fetch and pull from the Git Repository window history pane even when there are no incoming commits
- View Commit Details and the comparison of file changes embedded in the Git Repository window
- Automatically re-connect or prompt to establish initial Azure DevOps connection when opening an Azure DevOps Git repository
- Merge and rebase with visible branch names, replacing confusing Source / Target terminology
- Improved performance and reliability for source control glyphs in Solution Explorer
- Preserve incoming/outgoing sections in Git Repository window even when empty
- Consolidated Fetch/Pull/Push dropdowns for multiple remotes in Git Changes window to a single Action menu

.NET Productivity:
- Argument completion in method calls
- EditorConfig UI
- Visually inspect and navigate the inheritance chain
- IntelliSense completion for casts, indexers, and operators
- Debugger support for Source Generators
- Code cleanup support for Visual Basic
- Edit and Continue (EnC) updates
- Remove Unused References
- Smart Break Line
- Simplify LINQ expression refactoring
- IntelliSense completion for Enum values
- IntelliSense completion mode setting
- Code style preference for new lines
- Find All References support for Source Generators

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Preview Editor:
- IntelliSense completion updates
- Go to Definition support for generic components
- New code style configuration for tabs and spaces
- Razor text editor in Tools Options is now called Razor (ASP.NET Core)

Test Experience Accessibility improvements:
- Console.Writeline now shows in the Test Explorer
- Test output can now preserve tags so hyperlinks and stacktrace links are navigable even from the log files.
- Log files are created for a single test result when output is over 300 characters or if there are over 10 files attached to the test result.
- Log files can also now open in preview so it’s easier to manage your tabs.
- Log files and the Test Explorer support Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for navigating the cursor and Shift+Ctrl PgUp/PgDn for selection.
- The log file editor is now using the IVsTextView interface which means it will now be able to open very large text files. This should eliminate the need for users to Copy All truncated logs and open them in a separate editor such as Notepad. For MSTest, we now also include a single log file that aggregates all the output instead of only having individual log files for each data row.
- You can now get cross-platform code coverage at the command-line on Ubuntu and Alpine with the dotnet cli. For users interested in getting code coverage on machines targeting those platforms you can now add the same code coverage collection commands that you'd normally use on windows. See more documentation for dotnet test.
- There is now an expand all button next to the collapse all button in the Test Explorer. This command has been available through keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+ right arrow), but more feedback indicated adding a button was worth the additional UI. As always
- There are also some slight changes to how the Test Explorer shows "staleness." "Staleness" is the grayed out or "faded" test results that indicate the result was not from the latest test run. If a result is not a part of the most recent test run it will appear as stale. Previously, new test discoveries (or even old test results that were rediscovered) were also shown with solid icons. This caused some confusion on why some 'Not Run' tests were faded and why others were not. This change will reduce the complexity of staleness.
- With the persisted test results feature (added in version 16.2) you can see test results from the last test run even if you've closed and re-opened Visual Studio. This helps users remember where they left off and gives more context without requiring another test run. We also modified the behavior of persisted results so they will always appear stale. This better indicates that they were not from a test run that executed during the current Visual Studio session.

Web Tools:
- Switch to V2 of API for Azure AD provisioning
- Azure App Configuration as a Connected Service now supports dynamic configuration

Windows Application Packaging Project Dependencies Tree:
- Added a "Dependencies Tree" to the WAP Project

XAML Tooling Improvements:
- Improved XAML IntelliSense and XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms customers
- Introduced XAML Sample Data for select ItemsControls in WPF
- Added new lightbulb for quick access to commonly edited properties
- Added new lightbulb in the XAML Editor to help create a view-model

Service Fabric Tools:
- Introducing StartupServices.xml in Service Fabric Applications

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.6
- Fixes "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name:'System.Net.Http.StringContent'" when trying to create a certificate or running Automatic Provisioning.
- We have fixed a problem that prevents the iOS Hot Restart feature to work correctly

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.5
- an issue where Office tooling did not work as expected when using exports
- a Visual Studio 2019 crash that occurred during certain virtual calls between x64 and ARM64EC DLLs
- Resolved false-positive when running multi-threaded ASan-instrumented code
- a project failure producing the error "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to COM component"
- Fixes a problem when opening a C++ file on startup that would occasionally cause Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding
- an issue with CmakeSettings.json configuration of files in which new settings failed to persist
- Internal compiler error that was caused by analyzing a source file when the file path contains one or more non-ASCII characters has been fixed
- an issue in opening coverage files where one library has multiple entries in code coverage file
- a bug causing customers who login with non-work accounts with remote desktop enabled could result in access denial
- a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to crash when developers were customizing their menus and clicked on a separator in the customize dialog
- Floating document windows are restored when opening a solution
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations
- an issue causing a project build with fast deployment enabled will fail or deployment will take a long time
- Added Xcode 12.5 Support
- an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.4
- Fixed a SFINAE bug causing an error with some forms of template names in non-dependent base classes
- Fixed case where IntelliCode is trying to log into a temporary directory and access to the temporary directory was denied
- An issue where some Visual Studio functionality was limited when third-party privilege management software is also installed has been resolved
- Addressed an issue where customers repeatedly start debugging on XBox, more and more kernel resources are consumed. Eventually requiring the XBox to be restarted, which would lose any state
- Addressed a hang when debugging native code with Insider Preview builds of Windows
- Fixed an accessibility bug with keyboard focus
- Added back missing Xamarin templates (iOS/Android Class Library, iOS/Android Bindings Library, Android Wear, Xamarin.UITest) in the New Project dialog. These templates were hidden by mistake
- For C++ CMake-based projects targeting Linux using an SSH connection, the destination directory specified in CMakeSettings.json by the remoteCMakeListsRoot property has been restored to the previous behavior in VS 16.8, where the destination of the copy corresponds to the source directory's root.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.3
- There was an error in web.config
- Have to select publish profile before publishing
- After updating from 16.8 to 16.9 ServiceHub.Host.CLR.X86 stops working
- Visual Studio 2019 v 16.9.2 crashes when opening XAML editor
- Issues with the latest Visual Studio 2019 update

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.2
- Update ARM64X global function pointer names
- Fix for extracting first OBJ of an ARM64X LIB with link -lib -extract
- Fixed an error were code compiled with Address Sanitizer and optimzations may produce bad code generation that causes Visual Studio 2019 to crash.
- Fixed a crash caused by adding functions through the Dialog Editor in the Resource Editor
- will no longer need to be removed as a package source twice
- Improved NuGet package parsing performance
- Fixed an error message about deprecated APIs customer received when using Azure SQL Database node in Server Explorer
- Fixed an issue causing an error message indicating the CascadePackage did not load correctly
- Fixed an issue causing a building project with fast deployment enabled to fail deployment or take additional time
- Fixed an issue causing Hot Reload to now show saved changes under the "Full page" mode
- Fixed an issue with Hot Reload causing Live Visual Tree to not work or apply changes.
- From Developer Community
- Developer Community has a complete list of all of items shipping in this release.
- Escape sometimes no longer cancels inline Find Dialog in c#
- Xamarin forms application deployed with hot restart to iphone crash
- Performance Profiler reports incorrect session duration
- Xamarin.Forms HotReload not working since VS2019 16.9.0

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.1
- In some cases, C++ IntelliSense tries to use extremely large numbers of include paths and becomes non-responsive
- Increased stability of Live Share in C++ scenarios

- an issue where IntelliCode would stop loading symbols
- Improves solution load and close time in scenarios when users have the new experimental Razor editor enabled
- a crash scenario in ServiceHub that could happen after opening the Extensions and Updates dialog and then shutting down Visual Studio
- an error that would give a message that no updates were available when checking for updates on slower machines
- Improves performance of launching WAP projects from Visual Studio during incremental changes
- an issue causing setup to fail launching when using the Italian locale
- an upgrade scenario that would cause the installer to stop responding for a very long time while the .NET core tempalte cache is intialized
- an issue where C++ with FixIts turned on which is the default option, would see error squiggles upon opening code
- for emission of incorrect ARM64EC metadata to OBJs

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.9.0
Address Sanitizer:
- Our address sanitizer support on Windows is now out of experimental and has hit general availability
- Expanded RtlAllocateHeap support, fixed a compatibility issue with RtlCreateHeap and RtlAllocateHeap interceptors when creating executable memory pools.
- Added support for the legacy GlobalAlloc and LocalAlloc family of memory functions. You can enable these interceptors with ASAN_OPTIONS=windows_hook_legacy_allocators=true.
- Updated error messages for shadow memory interleaving and interception failure to make problems and resolutions explicit
- The IDE integration can now handle the complete collection of exceptions which ASan can report
- The compiler and linker will suggest emitting debug information if they detect you're building with ASan but not emitting debug information
- You can now target the LLVM version of the OpenMP runtime with the new CL switch /openmp:llvm. This adds support for the lastprivate clause on #pragma omp sections and unsigned index variables in parallel for loops. The /openmp:llvm switch is currently only available for the amd64 target and is still experimental.
- Visual Studio CMake projects now have first class support for remote Windows development. This includes configuring a CMake project to target Windows ARM64, deploying the project to a remote Windows machine, and debugging the project on a remote Windows machine from Visual Studio.
- The version of Ninja shipped with Visual Studio on Windows has been updated to version 1.10. Please see the Ninja 1.10 release notes for details on what is included.
- The version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio has been updated to version 3.19. Please see the CMake 3.19 release notes for details on what is included.
- Marked many lock/guard types in the STL as nodiscard

- Improved the stability and functionality of providing imported modules and header units completion in IntelliSense
- Added Go-to-definition on module imports, indexing support for export { … }, and more accurate module reference for modules with the same name
- Improved the language compliance of C++ IntelliSense by adding support for Copy-initialization of temporary in reference direct-initialization, __builtin_memcpy and __builtin_memmove, Fixing inconsistencies between constexpr and consteval functions, Lifetime-extended temporaries in constant expressions, and Similar types and reference binding.
- Added completion for make_unique, make_shared, emplace and emplace_back which provides completion based on the type parameter specified
- MSVC now determines the correct address sanitizer runtimes required for your binaries. Your Visual Studio project will automatically get the new changes. When using address sanitizer on the command line, you now only need to pass /fsanitize=address to the compiler.
- Visual Studio's Connection Manager now supports private keys using the ECDSA public key algorithm
- Updated the versions of LLVM and Clang shipped in our installer to v11. Read the release notes for LLVM and Clang for more information
- Visual Studio will now use CMake variables from toolchain files to configure IntelliSense. This will provide a better experience for embedded and Android development
- Implementation of the More Constexpr Containers proposal, which allows destructors and new expressions to be constexpr. This paves the way for utilities like constexpr std::vector and std::string.
- Extended support for C++20 modules IntelliSense, including Go To Definition, Go To Module, and member completion
- Abbreviated function templates are now supported in the MSVC compiler

- There is now support for Edge Chromium based WebView2 JavaScript/TypeScript debugging for applications such as WPF, WinForms and WinUI 3 projects. This can be enabled by selecting the JavaScript debugger from the Project Properties dialog box. Details on how to get started to can be found here

- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Auto Analyzer that inspects threads for deadlocks
- Added a new Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue and detects potentially blocking objects.
- Auto Analyzer that inspects the .NET Core Finalizer queue
- Visual Studio now filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception. It is now possible to see the base of the stack where an infinite recursion originated, which hopefully makes it easier to investigate these kinds of bugs.
- Filters out redundant repeating frames from the call stack when the debugger stops on a StackOverflow Exception

- Added new dynamic instrumentation scenario that is faster (doesn't require VSInstr) and allows .NET Core applications to be instrumented without needing PDBs

.NET Productivity:
- There is now IntelliSense completion for preprocessor symbols
- Solution Explorer now displays the new .NET 5.0 Source Generators
- Go To All won't display duplicate results across netcoreapp3.1 and netcoreapp2.0
- Quick Info now displays compiler warning IDs or numbers for suppressions
- Using directives will now automatically get added when copying

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.6
Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.6:
- a high priority bug blocking developers from pushing code to Azure Functions or other Azure resources from Visual Studio 2019.
- VS 16.8.5 Create a Git repository - Create a new GitHub repository - PUBLIC (unchecked Private option) - FAIL

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.5
CVE-2021-1639 TypeScript Language Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when Visual Studio loads a malicious repository containing JavaScript or TypeScript code files

CVE-2021-1721 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability:
- A denial-of-service vulnerability exists when creating HTTPS web request during X509 certificate chain building

CVE-2021-24112 .NET 5 and .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:
- A remote code execution vulnerability exists when disposing metafiles when a graphics interface still has a reference to it. This vulnerability only exists on systems running on MacOS or Linux.

Issued Addressed in this Release of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.5:
- Fixed an issue where x86 Microsoft.VCLibs Appx installed under ExtensionSDKs updated with correct signature
- Fixed a memory leak when using C++ DesignTime features
- Fixed an issue where an exception would occur if a password is not remembered when importing an existing database into an SSDT project
- Fixed an issue where the publish button is disabled the first time customers publish .NET Core projects to a folder or other hosting targets
- Fixed a hang that occasionally occurred when developers opened the publish profiles view page
- Adds Xcode 12.4 support

Items From Developer Community:
- Fixed an issue where .sqlproj is not updating with changes
- Visual Studio 2019 crashes with OOM failures on Chromium solutions
- Bug in optimization compiler of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7.6
- Visual Studio crashes when Adding New Item -> Table on a Database project
- VSDIIUnregisterServer is slowing Visual Studio 2019 down
- Unexpected Visual Studio 2019 crash when docking or splitting windows

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.4
- Fixed an issue where C#-specific IntelliCode components may not be installed if IntelliCode had previously been installed from the Visual Studio Marketplace in older versions of Visual Studio
- Transitive project references are now respected when a PackageReference projects references packages.config projects with PackageReference dependencies
- Adds Xcode 12.3 support
- Fixes x86_64 watchOS 7.0+ simulator support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.3
- Fixed an internal compiler error when a nested function template is defined outside of the parent class
- Fixed incorrect error C2355 when 'this' is used in the initializer of a non-static data member
- Ruleset loading error has been fixed for custom ruleset using /analyze:ruleset option with /analyze:rulesetdirectory and/or /analyze:projectdirectory option
- Fix for an intermittent crash in Visual Studio while using WinForms .NET Core designer
- .NET 5.0.1 insertion into Visual Studio v 16.8.3
- Fixed an issue where some of the UI context activiated tool windows can cause Visual Studio to crash
- Fixed Push from Manage Branches page when there is no Git remote tracking branch
Added Xcode 12.2 support

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.2
- Fixed for optimization bug in loops
- Fixed internal compiler error in implementation of guaranteed copy elision (C++17 feature)
- Fixed build perf regression for large uses of anonymous types
- Resolved an issue where a gold bar with the message "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" would appear when editing C# code
- Fixed an issue that could cause a MissingMethodException when building a project that had T4 templates
- Fixes an issue where the search in the New Project Dialog could return zero results

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.1
- Fixed a high-impacting issue where “The 'SourceExplorerPackage' package did not load correctly.” warning pops up when cloning a repo in Team Explorer. When users encountered this problem, it would cause the product to stop responding.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.8.0
- F# 5 is now released alongside .NET 5
- Performance improvements and fixes for Visual Studio tooling via F# Tools version 11.0.0
- Full release notes available on GitHub

- C++20 Coroutines are now supported under /std:c++latest and the header.
- IntelliSense now provides support for C++20 and headers, and rename and browsing for concept definitions.
- Our STL now has support for the majority of C++20 Ranges.
- Conditionally trivial special member functions are now supported in MSVC.
- C11 and C17 are now supported under the /std:c11 and /std:c17 switches.
- Additional STL improvements include full support for std::atomic_ref, std::midpoint and std::lerp and std::execution::unseq, optimizations for std::reverse_copy, and more.
- Upgraded version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to CMake 3.18.
- Our code analysis tools now support the SARIF 2.1 standard: the industry standard static analysis log format.
- Missing build tools in Linux projects will now issue a warning in the toolbar and a clear description of the missing tools in the error list.
- You can now debug Linux core dumps on a remote Linux system or WSL directly from Visual Studio.
- For C++ Doxygen comment generation, we added additional comment style options (/*! and //!).
- Additional vcpkg announcements
- Compiler support for lambdas in unevaluated contexts
- /debug:full link performance improved by multi-threading pdb creation. Several large applications and AAA games see between 2 to 4 times faster linking.
- The Visual Studio debugger now has support for char8_t.
- Support for ARM64 projects using clang-cl.
- Intel AMX intrinsics support.

- .NET Core Linux core dump debugging support
- .NET and .NET Core Auto Analysis
- .NET and .NET Core memory hot path auto analysis

Experimental Razor Editor Updates:
- Blazor light bulbs
- C# light bulbs
- Enhanced Razor formatting
- Rename Razor components in markup from .razor files
- Go-to-definition on Blazor component tag namespace
- C# hover colorization
- C# completion toolitip colorization
- Go-to-definition/implementation for Razor, including closed files
- Find All References in closed Razor files
- Improved Razor editing preformance and stability for large projects and solutions

Fakes with SDK Style Projects:
- When using the new Fakes support for SDK style projects some users encountered the following error when generating shims

Git Productivity:
- Learn more about how to use all the Git features in our new online documentation
- Open the Git Repository window at any time through the Git Changes window, the View menu, and the Status bar
- Fetch, Pull, and Push from multiple remotes in the Git Changes window
- View success and error messages for Git commands at the top of the Git Repository window
- Create a new branch from an Azure DevOps work item
- Open a Git repository from a list of your local repositories in the Git menu
- The default source control provider is now Git instead of TFVC
- Single click to switch between branch histories in the Git Repository window
- View and select from a list of solutions in Solution Explorer after opening a repository
- Modify the history view and search for commits through a tool bar in the Git Repository window
- Fetch, pull, and push from the incoming and outgoing commits sections in the history graph of a branch
- Get prompted to create a pull request after pushing a branch to your remote
- View branch names in the merge and rebase commands in the branch list context menu
- Access Git commands through the context menu in Solution Explorer and the Editor
- Observe clone progress through a new modal dialog with the option to move the process to the background

- Get personalized IntelliCode completions in Visual Studio documentation
- Keep your IntelliCode completions up-to-date with your codebase and share as part of your team's CI workflow documentation

.NET Productivity:
- Roslyn analyzers are now included in the .NET 5.0 SDK
- Refactoring that introduces the new C# 9 not pattern matching syntax when a suppression operator is present
- Inline method refactoring to help replace usages of static, instance, and extension method within a single statement body
- Code fix to convert instances of typeof to nameof in C# and GetType to NameOf in Visual Basic
- C# and Visual Basic support for inline parameter name hints that inserts adornments for literals, casted literals, and object instantiations prior to each argument in function calls
- Refactoring that extracts members from a selected class to a new base class in both C# and Visual Basic
- Code cleanup has new configuration options that can apply formatting and file header preferences set in your EditorConfig file across a single file or an entire solution
- Code fix to remove the in keyword where the argument should not be passed by reference
- Refactoring that introduces the new C#9 pattern combinators and pattern matching suggestions such as converting == to use is where applicable
- Code fix to make a class abstract when you are trying to write an abstract method in a class that is not abstract
- IntelliSense completion in DateTime and TimeSpan string literals automatically appear when the first quote is typed
- Code fix to remove unnecessary pragma suppressions and unnecessary SuppressMessageAttributes
- Rename and Find All References understands references to symbols within the target string of global SuppressMessageAttributes
- ByVal fades to say it's not necessary along with a code fix to remove the unnecessary ByVal in Visual Basic
- Interactive window support for multiple runtimes, such as .NET Framework and .NET Core.
- Added a new RegisterAdditionalFileAction API that allows analyzer authors to create an analyzer for additional files.

Visual Studio 2019 IDE:
- Add your Github account using the account management experience
- In this release, the legacy Find in Files experience has been deprecated and all users are being moved to the new experience. The Editor team is working with folks who leave feedback in Developer Community who are experiencing issues with the modern Find in Files experience.
- The ClickOnce publish provider is now available for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 Windows Desktop Apps.

XAML Tools (WPF, UWP, & Xamarin.Forms):
- XAML Binding Failures diagnostic improvements
- XAML Hot Reload Settings moved to "Debugging > Hot Reload"
- Toolbox population from unreferenced NuGet packages

- The JavaScript/TypeScript debugger now supports debugging service workers, web workers, iFrames, and your page JavaScript all at the same time! In addition, the new debugging experience adds support for debugging your back-end node server applications and client-side JavaScript in the browser simultaneously. This feature is still experimental. You can enable the new debugging experience in the Debugging options menu
- You can now trigger refactors anywhere they might be available by using the code action shortcut (ctrl + .). You don't even need to select any text - TypeScript is now smart enough to look around your cursor location for the best available refactors!
- You can now fine tune which packages TypeScript searches for automatic import completion. This can lead to performance improvements in some projects with a lot of dependencies. For more details, please reference the TypeScript 4.0
- We added a message in the output pane showing which types we install to support intellisense. We recommend adding a tsconfig to your project to customize which types are used.
- Please note we include the TypeScript 4.0 compiler and language service

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.7
- Added Xcode 12.1 GM support
- Update of MSVC 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, and 14.26 toolsets to match latest servicing releases
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when renaming a type and file currently not open in the editor

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.6
- Get the message "Working on it" when switching to a tab
- Visual Studio Feedback - new Web-Browser based Version crashes due to proxy failure
- Unable to build xamarin.ios library project with .xib interface declaration on specific version of VS
- Cannot generate shim for System.DateTime
- IntelliCode suggestion, filtering compilation errors
- Inserting .NET Core SDK 3.1.403 into Visual Studio 2019
- Fixed a bug that affects debugging https enabled Service Fabric Application
- Support Service Fabric nuget packages with external dependencies

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.5
- Incorrect code gen on ARM64 with vector math (DirectXMath.h)
- Faulty type casts : VS.2019 V16.7.1, native C++
- C++ builds with Windows SDK 8.1 fail after upgrade to Visual Studio 16.7
- With VC++ 16.7 ABI change in vtable.
- fatal error C1001: Internal compiler error with 16.7.0
- CET/EHCONT Exception handling metadata is broken in vcruntime140.dll. This fix may have an increased chance of requiring a reboot of the machine in order to install an updated VC++ Redistributable package.
- PGO switch MEMMAX seems not respected
- [19.26.28900] New compiler causing possible bad codegen
- Code analysis crashed with buffer underflow
- Fixed a bug in the C++ compiler when importing classes with methods containing a combination of default arguments and [params] / [ParamArray] argument list

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.4
- Adds Xcode 12.0 GM support
- Adds support for setting a Color set as Accent Color in the Info.plist editor

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.3
- Fixed a compiler crash for switch statements or switch expressions that use pattern matching
- Restored the "Stop Debugging(Shift +F5)" workflow for Unit Testing by terminating the test run
- Prevent VS crash on switching project configuration when WinForms .NET Core designer has unsaved changes
- Out of support versions of .NET Core will no longer be reinstalled during a repair or upgrade if they were removed outside of VS setup
- Fixed an issue where External Dependencies weren't accurately searched in Find in Files
- Reintroduced the "Commit..." button in the Git submenu in Solution Explorer's context menu
- Fixed a bug that caused the TFVC Check-in Notes label to be invisible
- Fix crash when using WinForm designer in SDK-style csproj with multiple target frameworks
- Fixed issue where <d:Style.DataContext> was reporting an invalid markup error
- VS 2019 cannot find the commit code function after the modified commit code
- WinForms Designer not load Forms with visual inheritance. VS CRASH!
- Find in Files--Some *.h files are not included in the search even though they clearly belong to a project
- Regression c++ background intellisense hangs on opensslconf.h fron a unc path in 16.7
- C++ refactoring by change signature forgets header files
- TFVC check-in notes not displayed in vs 2019
- WPF XAML Designer - Style Data Context Design Time
- Stop Debugging (Shift+ F5) does not stop the test run VS 2019 update 16.7.2.
- VS2019 won't open folder with CMake project

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.2
- Gold bar following RPC exception in StreamPipeReader.AdvanceTo: No reading operation to complete
- We have resolved a crashing issue that would occur when typing the comma separating positional records, but before having typed the next character
- Visual Studio 2019 v16.7 Xamarin Android crash on start up in debug

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.1
- SQL Server Project is crashing when editing columns using design panel
- SQL Server Database project : Fast scrolling in Design View of a table crashes VS
- CImage::Draw() has ambiguous call to DrawImage() in 16.7.0 Preview1
- Compiler Error when lowering x86 switch statements
- arm64: function too large after upgrade from 15.9.16 to 16.4.11
- Arm64: Indirect register (x8) contains invalid value at start of function
- Unexpected error C2027: use of undefined type when using templates with /permissive-
- Fixed a bug causing the C++ compiler to crash when building NanoRange

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.7.0
- Fixed WMI Provider component installation failure
- Fixed an issue where users were not able to see test run progress by clicking the left button at the bottom of the bar
- Improved performance of discovering available Visual Studio Codespace billing plans
- When creating a Visual Studio Codespace, we changed the default suspend time from 30minutes to 3 hours
- Fix bug where the Git Changes window informs the user they have incoming/outgoing commits, when in fact they have none
- Improved stability of the Diagnostic Tools and Performance Profiler
- Addressed an issue where Azure Sphere Visual Studio extension will not be automatically updated due to a minor version mismatch. With the fix, Azure Sphere will be able to get automatically updated when the VSIX auto updater runs

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.6.5
- Added Apple Xcode support to Visual Studio 2019
- WPF XAML IntelliSense not working on 16.6.0

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.6.4
CVE-2020-1393 Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability:
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Windows Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service fails to properly sanitize input, leading to an unsecure library-loading behavior

CVE-2020-1416 Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability:
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Visual Studio when it loads software dependencies

CVE-CVE-2020-1147 .NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability:
- A remote unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability by issuing specially crafted requests to an ASP.NET Core application, or other application that parses certain types of XML. The security update addresses the vulnerability by restricting the types that are allowed to be present in the XML payload.

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.4:
- WPF XAML IntelliSense not working in 16.6.0
- Creating new files no longer crashes Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.6.3
- WMI Provider MSI still failing to install in 16.6
- View History on context menu in Solution Explorer doesn't do anything
- Cannot generate shim for X509Certificate2 with Visual Studio 2019 16.6.0
- Add Controller and Add New Scaffolded Item dialogs are not showing all data contexts after upgrading Visual Studio Enterprise 16.5.6->16.6.0
- Cannot open new json file
- About Microsoft Visual Studio frozen
- Visual Studio 2019 16.6.0 Microsoft Fakes Issue
- VSSDK IVsHierarchy Regression in VS 16.6.x
- Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.1)- ARM64 memcpy crashes when accessing unaligned uncached memory
- Add script to SQL Server Database project does not open User Scripts list
- Fakes generation with ref argument
- Frequent soft hang with Code Analysis callstack in Open Folder project
- Visual Studio Class Designer dark theme support
- Added support for Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4) in .NET Core projects
- Separate IntelliCode team completions model acquisition from model production
- Addressed an issue where users may have experienced critical update or installation failures due to the WMIProvider package that would block use of the IDE. Failures in this component no longer block use of the IDE.
- Fixed a problem causing the product to stop responding when working with Xamarin projects on certain scenarios
- Fixed a bug where VS would crash when attempting to decrypt an invalid UWP code-signing certificate

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.6.2
- Visual Studio 2019 16.60 hang at run or build when modified not saved in C++/CLI project
- An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.WpfTap.dll
- Recurring null reference when reopening documents
- "Create new project" dialog search does not find templates for third-party language providers
- IntelliSense shows that "tilde-slash" (~/) points to ASP .NET Core 3.1 project root instread of wwwroot subfolder after upgrading Visual Studio Enterprise 16.5.6->16.6.0
- Fixed a compiler error (error C2475: redefinition; 'constexpr' specifier mismatch) affecting std::atomic when compiled as C++/CX in C++17 mode
- URL completion values and format was fixed in Razor views. App-relative URL format is now used again and the values in the URL completion list show files and folders rooted under app root, i.e. wwwroot
- Fixed a crash when using snippets
- Restore item templates that could be hidden by extensions

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.6.1
- Fixed issue when using HotRestart to deploy iOS application
- Fixed and issue where Xamarin.iOS fails to build with MessagingRemoteException
- Fixed an issue which would place constant-initialized static local 'const' variables in 'inline' functions which were previously dynamically-initialized in the read-only data segment. This can cause compatibility issues when linking against OBJs compiled with older toolsets.
- Fixed a build error in Xamarin.Android projects that could be encountered when Android layout files contain certain characters
- Fixed an issue with .resx localization at runtime for Xamarin.Android applications
- C++ IntelliSense vcpkgsrv.exe frequently crashes with set_parent_scope_on_push
- Fixed WMI Provider component installation failure
- Fixed a crash in some cases when displaying the Quick Info tooltip for C++ code
- Fixed a crash when closing Visual Studio
- Adds Xcode 11.5 SDK support
- Removes abstract modifier to BGTask

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.6.0
- When New Git experience feature flag is enabled, a message will appear in Team Explorer guiding users to the new Git tool window
- Fix for intermittent UI delay while closing VS when WinForms .NET Core designer is in open state
- Fixed issues creating projects using type providers, throwing missing method exception at runtime
- Fixed project creation for .NET framework projects
- New find in files experience respects options in Tools-Options-Find and Replace pane
- Fixed a bug where Git repository does not change when closing a Folder and opening a Solution
- Fixed bug when building iOS app using full debug symbols
- Added back browing of Mac Distribution provisioning profiles and certificates from Windows
- Fixed a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding when working with Xamarin projects on certain scenarios
- Added keyboard shortcut for "Copy with Headers" option in SQL Script Results Gri
- SSDT users will now be able to set and view sensitivity properties for all version above SQL Server 200
- Improve Connection Properties dialog for accessibility users
- Fixed occasional crashes when using Tested By Code Lens indicator
- Ensure auto population of text in Find in files is as per legacy behavior
- Ensure left arrow key behavior in find in files is correct
- An issue blocking C++ users of the C++20 Ranges library from using algorithms

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.5
- Team Explorer not loading after update to mandatory latest visual studio version for Visual studio 2019
- Find Highlighting Fails when Matching with Match Case Disabled and Regex Option Enabled

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.4
- Modified the find "List View" to work with the VsColorOutput extension
- Fixed a regression introduced with version 16.5 where use of default indexed properties with value-types caused an internal compiler error
- Modified find in files to preserve user settings between Visual Studio 2019 sessions
- Fixed an issue where Goto next/previous entry failed to work in the find results list when "preview selected files in find results" is turned off
- Fixed an issue with find when doing a regex search a pattern that did not contain regex special characters
- Fixed the button placement in find in files tool window when its in a docked position. Changed alignments for better experience in docked mode.
- Fixed an issue where the find list view did not navigate to results when enter was hit
- Fixed an issue where Goto next/previous entry failed to work in the find results list when "preview selected files in find results" is turned off

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.3
- An error occurred while generating the SSH keys. Please check that the environment is properly configured. Details: cat: /Users/cc/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/Keys/1984b83a-dde9-4031-919d-b1d1b8411d0d: No such file or directory
- InvalidOperationException while debugging Xamarin Forms app
- Frame note in module in Xamarin Forms Android
- Internal compiler error is fixed and analysis for WDK completes as usual.
- We fixed an issue in the new Find in Files experience where hidden files and auto-generated files were not searchable.
- Fixed issue with deployment of UWP apps to remote machines where deployment fails with message "DEP0600: Deployment failed. DkmException - Error in the application."
- Local static variable not initialized in inlined function of class imported from dll
- VS 2019 16.5.X: Multiple startup projects while Live Visual Tree was last opened in a debug session crashes
- Fixed issues where for the C++ formatting indentation of new lines with only ending parenthesis
- Fixed a bug preventing some users from installing 16.5
- Fix an issue where Visual Studio can crash when the display configuration changes.
- Fixed an issue causing slow downs when opening solutions that are impacting the IntelliSense code and related operations
- Fixed a crash with the debugger that users can run into when the target application being debugged raises an exception
- Added support for Xcode 11.4

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.2
- An error occurred while generating the SSH keys. Please check that the environment is properly configured. Details: cat: /Users/cc/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/Keys/1984b83a-dde9-4031-919d-b1d1b8411d0d: No such file or directory
- InvalidOperationException while debugging Xamarin Forms app
- Frame note in module in Xamarin Forms Android
- Internal compiler error is fixed and analysis for WDK completes as usual
- We fixed an issue in the new Find in Files experience where hidden files and auto-generated files were not searchable
- Fixed issue with deployment of UWP apps to remote machines where deployment fails with message "DEP0600: Deployment failed. DkmException - Error in the application."
- Local static variable not initialized in inlined function of class imported from dll
- VS 2019 16.5.X: Multiple startup projects while Live Visual Tree was last opened in a debug session crashes
- Fixed issues where for the C++ formatting indentation of new lines with only ending parenthesis
- Fixed a bug preventing some users from installing 16.5
- Fix an issue where Visual Studio can crash when the display configuration changes
- Fixed an issue causing slow downs when opening solutions that are impacting the IntelliSense code and related operations
- Fixed a crash with the debugger that users can run into when the target application being debugged raises an exception
- Added support for Xcode 11.4

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.1
- A bug is fixed in loop unroller which might lead to wrong condition codes being generated in the unrolled loop
- Fixed a bug that caused ServiceHub.Host.CLR.x64 to stop working
- Fixes issue in Chinese version of compiler errors C4533 and C2362 which resulted in incorrect order of string substitution for those languages
- Improved stability of the Diagnostic Tools and Performance Profiler
- Code generation problem causing crash with pure virtual destructor in const object
- Fixed a constant evaluation regression from 16.5 Preview 2
- Fixed an issue where MacOS couldn't be paired
- Fixed an issue where the Diagnostic Tools while debugging and Performance Profiler fail to launch on XBox devices

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.0
Visual Studio IDE:
- On-hover a close button appears for each document in the tab group overflow list
- Multi-selection of Azure directories
- Implemented user suggested improvements in vertical tabs

- Decompilation of C# code
- Attach to processes running in Docker Windows containers
- Open Enclave debugging for Azure Confidential Computing
- Improvements to Allocation view in .NET Object Allocation Tracking tool
- View which managed thread is holding a .NET object lock
- Open Enclave debugging for Azure Confidential Computing
- Pin properties in DataTips and the Autos, Locals, and Watch windows in C++

Azure Tools:
- Productivity Improvements | Now provides .NET Core Worker Server support
- Support was added for Azure Functions v3. This gives a new option during project creation to use v3 instead of v2
- When publishing to App Service Linux, Visual Studio now waits until the app is running before opening the browser window

- IntelliCode Team Completions model & member variables support
- IntelliSense improvements
- Connection Manager over the command line
- Debug/deploy for WSL
- Support for FIPS 140-2 compliance mode
- Language services for CMake Language files & better CMake project manipulation
- Visual Studio Linux projects now have more accurate IntelliSense and allow you to control remote header synchronization on a project-by-project basis

F# language and tools:
- Performance improvements for large solutions
- Preview FSharp.Core features are now guarded by the LangVersion flag
- Various bug fixes and enhancements

.NET Productivity:
- Refactoring to turn a fragment of code from an existing method into a local function
- Refactoring to make members static
- Refactoring to simplify string interpolations
- EditorConfig option to exclude analyzers to run on generated files or folders
- Analyzer authors can now distribute custom code refactorings as a NuGet package
- Ability to convert if to switch statements or switch expressions
- IntelliSense completion for unimported extension methods
- Ability to use System.HashCode to implement the GetHashCode method when System.HashCode is available

- Profile a unit test in .NET Core
- Default processor architecture 'Auto' setting
- Performance improvements in memory consumption and load time
- Better diagnostics for Live Unit Testing

- Code Search for JavaScript/TypeScript
- ESLint for Type

Clonezilla 2.7.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Enhancements and changes from 2.7.2-39:
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Aug/17).
- Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.46-1.
- ocs-restore-mdisks: support wildcard for device name. E.g., ocs-restore-mdisks -b -a choose -p "-g auto -e1 auto -e2 -r -j2 -c -scr -p true" focal-mbr-20210531 sd*
- ocs-restore-mdisks: "all" can be used as all non-busy local disks. It will countdown 15 secs, not 7 secs before going on for the device name is assigned as "all"
- Update USAGE about the option -j2 for ocs-sr. Add warning messages about skipping option "-j2" (clone_hidden_data) when it's in restoreparts.
- Package python3-crypto was removed since it's not used in Clonezilla live.
- Add short options -bm & -em for the beginner/expert modes in: drbl-ocs, ocs-live-feed-img, ocs-onthefly, ocs-restore-mdisks, and ocs-sr.
- Support mounting bitlocker device as image repository. Thanks to fiddyschmitt for requesting this.
- ocs-clean-part-fs is renamed as ocs-clean-disk-part-fs.
- Add the mechanism to clean the RAID metadata in disk in ocs-clean-disk-part-fs.
- Improve the mechanism to expand LVM when -k1 (hence -r) is enabled.
- ocs-expand-lvm: add a new program to expand LVM.
- ocs-resize-part: instead of checking device format, check if it exists.
- Append "--force" to the "--rescue" option for Partclone to run in rescue mode

- Improved the mechanism to judge /dev/md* is a disk or partition. Thanks to Enrix for reporting this issue.
- update-efi-nvram-boot-entry: should test if shimx64.efi exists before grubx64.efi.
- The ntfsclone without compression image was not detected correctly.