Oracle VM VirtualBox 歷史版本列表 Page23

最新版本 VirtualBox 7.0.12 Build 159484

Oracle VM VirtualBox 歷史版本列表

Oracle VM VirtualBox 允許用戶在單台機器上運行幾乎任何操作系統,並可以在同時運行的操作系統實例之間自由切換。 VirtualBox 是 x86 和 AMD64 / Intel64 硬件的通用完整虛擬器,針對服務器,桌面和嵌入式應用。 VirtualBox 不僅是一款功能極為豐富,性能卓越的企業級產品,同時也是唯一一款免費提供的開源軟件專業解決方案. Oracle VM Virt... Oracle VM VirtualBox 軟體介紹

DS4Windows 2.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed possible sign flip issue with radial output curves
- Fixed NaN problem when radial cap is 0. Fixes output curve coordinate issues on the extreme low end
- Support for various non-standard DS4 gamepads which behave in BT just like USB connected DS4. Contribution made by mika-n
- Made a dedicated updater dialog window
- Added Changelog text to updater window
- Now actively using Newtonsoft Json.NET library
- Added Markdown.XAML library
- Fixed a few networking issues when pulling new version info
- Minor optimization of Controller Readings tab. Moved state copying outside of UI thread
- Updated UDP server to call the semaphore release on socket complete event
- Added German translation files. Changes made by Flo082002
- Added small log message stating whether running as Admin or User. Useful info when dealing with SendInput problems
- Fixed bug with 360 Steering Wheel output. Now two DS4 gamepads can be properly mapped to different VJoy output device axes

Ashampoo PDF Pro 2.0.7 查看版本資訊


BricsCAD 20.2.05-1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improvements to BricsCAD Core:
- Drag & drop IMPORT: drag & drop of a file type supported by IMPORT will call OPEN instead of IMPORT. This allows drag & drop of files onto the BricsCAD start page.
- Associative Arrays: BricsCAD now behaves properly on first command invocation, after loading a DWG2013 (or newer) drawing file, when encountering an associative array that is flagged for evaluation.
- BIMATTACHCOMPOSITION: localized text strings no longer overflow the available space in the Options widget
- COPY: changing the visibility state of a copied dynamic block no longer causes "issues"
- CenterLine and CenterMark grips: grips for the overshoot parameters of CenterLine and CenterMark entities are now ready and available
- Document Tabs: re-organized right-click menu options, and added direct access to the Recent Files list
- Export to picture format: exporting an image to a picture format (.bmp .emf .wmf) now abides by the value of the IMAGEFRAME system variable
- Layers: the merge functionality for the Layers view in the Drawing Explorer dialog now works as expected
- Layers: using the Purge command in the Drawing Explorer dialog now properly updates the Layers view
- Layers Panel: using 'Ctrl-N' to create a new Layer now works as expected when editing a Layer name
- Ribbon: at 4K resolution, large ribbon buttons are now automatically re-sized to remain twice as large as small ribbon buttons
- Selection: we totally made the window selection process faster
- Structure Tree: improved the performance of Structure Tree updates
- TTF text printing: improved the quality of non-clipped TTF text when it is printed as geometry with a 2D viewstyle

Improvements to Mechanical:
- BMTRAILINGLINES: layers for trailing lines are now added to generated drawing views

Improvements to BIM:
- BCF panel: the BCF panel can now also connect with BimTrack
- BIMSECTIONUPDATE: BIM Grid axes are shown in BIM section results for Boundary and Volume state sections

Improvements to Civil:
- Alignment subentities: you can now iterate through alignment subentities using the Property Panel

- 3D constraints: fixed 3D dimensional constraint creation when DYNMODE is disabled
- Attachments Panel: missing attachments are better depicted in the panel
- BCF: section planes are properly located in BCF issue views
- BIMCLASSIFY command: command options 'Building Element', 'Xref', 'Other', 'Auto' and 'Unclassify' now work as expected in localized versions
- BIMSECTIONUPDATE: grid axes are properly written to the section plane block
- Blockify: replacing 3D solids with references to existing blocks no longer creates superfluous block definitions
- Blockify: keywords are now handled properly when default names are used
- Blockify: limited the "match all equal solids" option to existing blocks, containing a single solid each
- Bmballoon: performance of the automatic placement of balloons has been improved
- Bmballoon: when a balloon is placed, it points to a visible line
- Boundary: gradient fill settings retain user settings when the BOUNDARY dialog closes
- Copyclip: a copy-pasteclip bug that is basically impossible to describe is now fixed
- Copyclip: corrupt AcmBOMStdISO objects no longer confuse and befuddle COPYCLIP
- CUI: removed menu items now stay deleted, instead of re-appearing at the next restart
- Communicator: communicator is now available under the BricsCAD Pro license level and higher, as designed
- CopyGuided: improved CopyGuided's handling of pre-selected selection sets
- Cursor: cursor tracking performance has been improved in drawings containing complex entities with dotted linetypes
- Dataextraction: the 'Combine equal rows' option now properly compares formatted values
- DCL: slides rendered in DCL dialogs now display the proper background color
- DCL: 'Shift + multi-click' selections in a list_box tile now perform with verve
- Exportlayout command: an exception, formerly caused by an errant Text entity, is no longer thrown
- Ifcimport: imports to the default Imperial template now work as expected
- Ifcimport: the import of a BREP containing a void no longer makes BricsCAD sleepy
- Ifcimport: we've improved color assignments for geometry that includes Boolean subtractions
- Layers: the drag & drop of a Layer across drawings, via the Explorer Dialog or by using copy/paste operations, now functions as expected
- License: the license level is checked, just once, during BricsCAD startup
- Mleader: Mleader content no longer moves around after it has been edited in the MText Editor
- Mleader: Mleader entities behave properly after the user previews styles in the Drawing Explorer
- Mleaders: the dog-leg line of a scaled MLeader, created in BricsCAD, is displayed, properly located, in AutoCAD
- Mtext: rotated MText, manipulated via its grips, is now displayed at the correct position on-screen
- Mechanical Browser: the current component node is now properly denoted in sub-menus of the Mechanical Browser
- Mechanical Browser: updating the Mechanical Browser happens a lot faster in this release
- Olequality: the setting range for OLEQUALITY is now restricted to 0 through 3
- Open: drawing file open no longer fails when opening from a network folder, via a user account that has restricted access to the network folder's root directory.
- Panels: dragging a collapsed panel-set now works as expected when STACKPANELTYPE=2
- Polyline: fixed a regression that caused dashed polylines to disappear when zooming in
- Physical Materials dialog: fixed options/scrollbar update issue in the 'Hatch Pattern Name' choice control
- Project Browser: enabled the editing of table cells on a double-click in the Sheetset Setup dialog
- Propagate fixed issues related to the display of detail file tags
- Quickdraw: UCS is now properly maintained in through the copy-floor option
- Quickdraw: when the UCS is not equal to the WCS, inner walls are now assigned the proper UCS
- Ribbon: enabling or disabling a split button item via the API now works as designed
- Selection: selection of a dynamic constraint dimension no longer yields bad behaviour on the part of BricsCAD
- SHape: the BricsCAD Shape application could fail to start after autosnaps had been adjusted
- Smconvert: prevent the creation of a hem if the model already has flanges
- SNapping: (getpoint) now responds expediently when processing an intersection snap between 2 polylines with thousands of vertices
- Snap Tracking: temporary snap tracking now behaves as expected when ORTHO is enabledSR100655
- TConnect: TConnect now clears attributes properly on exit
- Testflags: Added option "? to list flags" for the undocumented TESTFLAGS sysvar. #(OMG)_TESTFLAGSisNowDocumented
- Text: the in-place Text editor now handles Text with fields
- Tinextract: now behaves as expected with regard to solid creation for some specific cases
- Toolpalettes: changing TOOLPALETTEPATH to a custom folder no longer causes BricsCAD to give up
- Toolpalettes: the export of tool palettes now works better, generally
- Toolpalettes: switching between palette groups with a large number of palettes now behaves admirably
- Trim + Extend: we've improved Trim and Extend for Multilines, now correctly respecting the start and end cap styles
- TTF text (in transient graphics): TTF text in transient graphics no longer displays as improperly clipped (e.g., text in dynamic dimensions)
- Viewsection: BIMSECTION/VIEWSECTION now properly projects polyface mesh entities contained inside XREFs

- .NET: ColorDialog.ShowDialog() now releases the captured mouse cursor before displaying the color dialog
- .NET: custom entity selection keywords are now clickable in the Command Line prompt
- .NET: editor methods TurnForcedPickOn and TurnForcedPickOff are now implemented
- .NET: erasing entities before a repeated call to Editor.GetPoint() no longer triggers a crash during entity snap handling
- .NET: hatch.SetHatchPattern() now recalculates the hatch after the Origin point has been changed
- .NET: JigPrompt.AcquireDistance() no longer ignores the entered direct distance whilst a tracking point is active
- .NET: returned keywords from Editor.GetSelection() no longer include an unwanted underscore prefix
- .NET: the PlottingServices.PreviewEngineFlags enumeration has been addedSR100018
- .NET: the Windows.LineWeightDialog class has been implemented
- .NET: the command autocomplete pop-up no longer displays while a jig is prompting for input in an application context
- .NET: TransactionManager.TopTransaction.Dispose() no longer ends transactions whist they are referenced at an outer scope
- .NET: utility function Internal.CoreUtils.GraphScr() and Internal.CoreUtils.TextScr() have been implemented
- .NET: utility function Internal.CoreUtils.WcMatch() has been implemented
- Brx api smunfold: fixed an issue regarding the appearance of extra lines during the unfolding process
- BRX BModeler: improved the BModeler extrusion() and extrusionAlongPath() functions
- BRX BModeler: improved the BModeler extrusionAlongPath() function to support scaling and twisting
- BRX BModeler: Improved the BModeler extrusionAlongPath() function to support morphing of the start and end faces (as long as they contain the same number of vertices)
- BRX HLR: fixed issues with the HLR (hidden line removal) processing of ACIS entities inside of BLOCKs/XREFs
- BRX/.NET: the native function AcApDocument::isNamedDrawing() and managed property Document.IsNamedDrawing are now implemented
- BRX: AcEdUIContext::OnUpdateMenu() is now called before a custom context menu is displayed. This was a regression since V20.1.08.
- BRX: AcDbDxfFiler::writeResBuf() no longer crashes when called during a filing operation
- BRX: CAdUiBitmapButton now promises to search the current MFC resource module for its button bitmap
- BRX: initget keywords starting with non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g. '-') now deliver proper actions after being clicked in the Command Line
- BRX: once again, it is possible to change the picked entity within AcEdSSGetFilter::endEntsel(). This was a regression since V20.2.01.
- BRX: polar snap tracking now works correctly with custom entities that implement subentity protocols
- BRX: the main frame is no longer deactivated during direct calls to AcEdJig::acquirePoint(), when dynamic dimensions are enabled
- BRX: classes derived from AcDbDxfFiler now work as expected and work reliably
- BRX: we fixed the behaviour of OdDbCircle::getParamAtPoint() in situations where large coordinate systems are encountered
- LISP (trans): fixed the (trans ...) function; it was returning a 2D result for a 2D input point/vector; when the resultant return should always be 3D
- LISP (trans): the (trans ...) function now transforms to/from the DCS system
- LISP: we fixed the (acet-str-replace) function. It now accepts an empty string as a replacement
- SDS/LISP/BRX: added new (vle-safearray->list sa) function. It returns NIL for an empty SafeArray
- Added new (_vlax-safearray-mode T/NIL) to specify how (vlax-safearray->list) should handle an empty SafeArray : T allows it to return NIL
- SDS/LISP/BRX: the FileSelection dialog functions properly when the provided filename uses one or more "." (dot) characters

BricsCAD 20.2.05-1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improvements to BricsCAD Core:
- Drag & drop IMPORT: drag & drop of a file type supported by IMPORT will call OPEN instead of IMPORT. This allows drag & drop of files onto the BricsCAD start page.
- Associative Arrays: BricsCAD now behaves properly on first command invocation, after loading a DWG2013 (or newer) drawing file, when encountering an associative array that is flagged for evaluation.
- BIMATTACHCOMPOSITION: localized text strings no longer overflow the available space in the Options widget
- COPY: changing the visibility state of a copied dynamic block no longer causes "issues"
- CenterLine and CenterMark grips: grips for the overshoot parameters of CenterLine and CenterMark entities are now ready and available
- Document Tabs: re-organized right-click menu options, and added direct access to the Recent Files list
- Export to picture format: exporting an image to a picture format (.bmp .emf .wmf) now abides by the value of the IMAGEFRAME system variable
- Layers: the merge functionality for the Layers view in the Drawing Explorer dialog now works as expected
- Layers: using the Purge command in the Drawing Explorer dialog now properly updates the Layers view
- Layers Panel: using 'Ctrl-N' to create a new Layer now works as expected when editing a Layer name
- Ribbon: at 4K resolution, large ribbon buttons are now automatically re-sized to remain twice as large as small ribbon buttons
- Selection: we totally made the window selection process faster
- Structure Tree: improved the performance of Structure Tree updates
- TTF text printing: improved the quality of non-clipped TTF text when it is printed as geometry with a 2D viewstyle

Improvements to Mechanical:
- BMTRAILINGLINES: layers for trailing lines are now added to generated drawing views

Improvements to BIM:
- BCF panel: the BCF panel can now also connect with BimTrack
- BIMSECTIONUPDATE: BIM Grid axes are shown in BIM section results for Boundary and Volume state sections

Improvements to Civil:
- Alignment subentities: you can now iterate through alignment subentities using the Property Panel

- 3D constraints: fixed 3D dimensional constraint creation when DYNMODE is disabled
- Attachments Panel: missing attachments are better depicted in the panel
- BCF: section planes are properly located in BCF issue views
- BIMCLASSIFY command: command options 'Building Element', 'Xref', 'Other', 'Auto' and 'Unclassify' now work as expected in localized versions
- BIMSECTIONUPDATE: grid axes are properly written to the section plane block
- Blockify: replacing 3D solids with references to existing blocks no longer creates superfluous block definitions
- Blockify: keywords are now handled properly when default names are used
- Blockify: limited the "match all equal solids" option to existing blocks, containing a single solid each
- Bmballoon: performance of the automatic placement of balloons has been improved
- Bmballoon: when a balloon is placed, it points to a visible line
- Boundary: gradient fill settings retain user settings when the BOUNDARY dialog closes
- Copyclip: a copy-pasteclip bug that is basically impossible to describe is now fixed
- Copyclip: corrupt AcmBOMStdISO objects no longer confuse and befuddle COPYCLIP
- CUI: removed menu items now stay deleted, instead of re-appearing at the next restart
- Communicator: communicator is now available under the BricsCAD Pro license level and higher, as designed
- CopyGuided: improved CopyGuided's handling of pre-selected selection sets
- Cursor: cursor tracking performance has been improved in drawings containing complex entities with dotted linetypes
- Dataextraction: the 'Combine equal rows' option now properly compares formatted values
- DCL: slides rendered in DCL dialogs now display the proper background color
- DCL: 'Shift + multi-click' selections in a list_box tile now perform with verve
- Exportlayout command: an exception, formerly caused by an errant Text entity, is no longer thrown
- Ifcimport: imports to the default Imperial template now work as expected
- Ifcimport: the import of a BREP containing a void no longer makes BricsCAD sleepy
- Ifcimport: we've improved color assignments for geometry that includes Boolean subtractions
- Layers: the drag & drop of a Layer across drawings, via the Explorer Dialog or by using copy/paste operations, now functions as expected
- License: the license level is checked, just once, during BricsCAD startup
- Mleader: Mleader content no longer moves around after it has been edited in the MText Editor
- Mleader: Mleader entities behave properly after the user previews styles in the Drawing Explorer
- Mleaders: the dog-leg line of a scaled MLeader, created in BricsCAD, is displayed, properly located, in AutoCAD
- Mtext: rotated MText, manipulated via its grips, is now displayed at the correct position on-screen
- Mechanical Browser: the current component node is now properly denoted in sub-menus of the Mechanical Browser
- Mechanical Browser: updating the Mechanical Browser happens a lot faster in this release
- Olequality: the setting range for OLEQUALITY is now restricted to 0 through 3
- Open: drawing file open no longer fails when opening from a network folder, via a user account that has restricted access to the network folder's root directory.
- Panels: dragging a collapsed panel-set now works as expected when STACKPANELTYPE=2
- Polyline: fixed a regression that caused dashed polylines to disappear when zooming in
- Physical Materials dialog: fixed options/scrollbar update issue in the 'Hatch Pattern Name' choice control
- Project Browser: enabled the editing of table cells on a double-click in the Sheetset Setup dialog
- Propagate fixed issues related to the display of detail file tags
- Quickdraw: UCS is now properly maintained in through the copy-floor option
- Quickdraw: when the UCS is not equal to the WCS, inner walls are now assigned the proper UCS
- Ribbon: enabling or disabling a split button item via the API now works as designed
- Selection: selection of a dynamic constraint dimension no longer yields bad behaviour on the part of BricsCAD
- SHape: the BricsCAD Shape application could fail to start after autosnaps had been adjusted
- Smconvert: prevent the creation of a hem if the model already has flanges
- SNapping: (getpoint) now responds expediently when processing an intersection snap between 2 polylines with thousands of vertices
- Snap Tracking: temporary snap tracking now behaves as expected when ORTHO is enabledSR100655
- TConnect: TConnect now clears attributes properly on exit
- Testflags: Added option "? to list flags" for the undocumented TESTFLAGS sysvar. #(OMG)_TESTFLAGSisNowDocumented
- Text: the in-place Text editor now handles Text with fields
- Tinextract: now behaves as expected with regard to solid creation for some specific cases
- Toolpalettes: changing TOOLPALETTEPATH to a custom folder no longer causes BricsCAD to give up
- Toolpalettes: the export of tool palettes now works better, generally
- Toolpalettes: switching between palette groups with a large number of palettes now behaves admirably
- Trim + Extend: we've improved Trim and Extend for Multilines, now correctly respecting the start and end cap styles
- TTF text (in transient graphics): TTF text in transient graphics no longer displays as improperly clipped (e.g., text in dynamic dimensions)
- Viewsection: BIMSECTION/VIEWSECTION now properly projects polyface mesh entities contained inside XREFs

- .NET: ColorDialog.ShowDialog() now releases the captured mouse cursor before displaying the color dialog
- .NET: custom entity selection keywords are now clickable in the Command Line prompt
- .NET: editor methods TurnForcedPickOn and TurnForcedPickOff are now implemented
- .NET: erasing entities before a repeated call to Editor.GetPoint() no longer triggers a crash during entity snap handling
- .NET: hatch.SetHatchPattern() now recalculates the hatch after the Origin point has been changed
- .NET: JigPrompt.AcquireDistance() no longer ignores the entered direct distance whilst a tracking point is active
- .NET: returned keywords from Editor.GetSelection() no longer include an unwanted underscore prefix
- .NET: the PlottingServices.PreviewEngineFlags enumeration has been addedSR100018
- .NET: the Windows.LineWeightDialog class has been implemented
- .NET: the command autocomplete pop-up no longer displays while a jig is prompting for input in an application context
- .NET: TransactionManager.TopTransaction.Dispose() no longer ends transactions whist they are referenced at an outer scope
- .NET: utility function Internal.CoreUtils.GraphScr() and Internal.CoreUtils.TextScr() have been implemented
- .NET: utility function Internal.CoreUtils.WcMatch() has been implemented
- Brx api smunfold: fixed an issue regarding the appearance of extra lines during the unfolding process
- BRX BModeler: improved the BModeler extrusion() and extrusionAlongPath() functions
- BRX BModeler: improved the BModeler extrusionAlongPath() function to support scaling and twisting
- BRX BModeler: Improved the BModeler extrusionAlongPath() function to support morphing of the start and end faces (as long as they contain the same number of vertices)
- BRX HLR: fixed issues with the HLR (hidden line removal) processing of ACIS entities inside of BLOCKs/XREFs
- BRX/.NET: the native function AcApDocument::isNamedDrawing() and managed property Document.IsNamedDrawing are now implemented
- BRX: AcEdUIContext::OnUpdateMenu() is now called before a custom context menu is displayed. This was a regression since V20.1.08.
- BRX: AcDbDxfFiler::writeResBuf() no longer crashes when called during a filing operation
- BRX: CAdUiBitmapButton now promises to search the current MFC resource module for its button bitmap
- BRX: initget keywords starting with non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g. '-') now deliver proper actions after being clicked in the Command Line
- BRX: once again, it is possible to change the picked entity within AcEdSSGetFilter::endEntsel(). This was a regression since V20.2.01.
- BRX: polar snap tracking now works correctly with custom entities that implement subentity protocols
- BRX: the main frame is no longer deactivated during direct calls to AcEdJig::acquirePoint(), when dynamic dimensions are enabled
- BRX: classes derived from AcDbDxfFiler now work as expected and work reliably
- BRX: we fixed the behaviour of OdDbCircle::getParamAtPoint() in situations where large coordinate systems are encountered
- LISP (trans): fixed the (trans ...) function; it was returning a 2D result for a 2D input point/vector; when the resultant return should always be 3D
- LISP (trans): the (trans ...) function now transforms to/from the DCS system
- LISP: we fixed the (acet-str-replace) function. It now accepts an empty string as a replacement
- SDS/LISP/BRX: added new (vle-safearray->list sa) function. It returns NIL for an empty SafeArray
- Added new (_vlax-safearray-mode T/NIL) to specify how (vlax-safearray->list) should handle an empty SafeArray : T allows it to return NIL
- SDS/LISP/BRX: the FileSelection dialog functions properly when the provided filename uses one or more "." (dot) characters

Everyone Piano 查看版本資訊


VirtualBox 6.1.6 Build 137129 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixed and/or added:
- GUI: Multiple enhancements including visual elements updates
- Graphics: Fixed monitor resizing and multi-monitor handling bugs on X11 guests with VMSVGA graphics adapter
- Graphics: Enhancements in 2D and 3D acceleration and rendering
- USB: Multiple enhancements improving prformance and stability
- Serial port: Improve error handling and fix hang when host port disappears
- VBoxManage: Multiple fixes for guestcontrol operations
- API: Fix for exception handling bug in Python bindings
- Shared clipboard: Multiple fixes including possible crash and HTML data support
- Linux host and guest: Support Linux kernel 5.6

DS4Windows 2.0.16 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Made stick output curves radial
- Doubled SocketAsyncEventArgs buffer length in UDP server (now 80)
- Added semaphore to UDP server class to control SocketAsyncEventArgs instances used
- Changed access flags used while enumerating controllers
- Increased HID disable time when attempting to get exclusive access (now 100 ms)
- Added updated DS4Updater downloading and version check
- Removed DS4Updater copy routine at start of DS4Windows. Changed responsibility to end of DS4Updater script
- Added rounding back to LS and RS Deadzone Profile Editor controls
- Now download latest updater version number from online repository
- Reduce confusion with minimize to taskbar/sys tray. Contributed by SteelShot
- Bundled DS4Updater version 1.4.2

DS4Windows 2.0.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Made a wrapper script for launching process in Explorer. Needed for opening URLs with query strings in un-elevated mode
- Loosened enhanced precision curves
- Changed check for remapping execution. Take some Gyro mode settings into account
- Increased virtual device hotplug delay time to 500 ms (previously 200 ms)
- Changed to store force feedback delegate and unsubscribe before virtual controller is disconnected
- Force initial lightbar color change on profile load
- Added extra profile flag caching when loading a profile
- Temporarily establish main lightbar color after turning off lag flashing
- Changed how state data is read for Controller Readings tab in Profile Editor
- Added Newtonsoft.Json library to dependencies
- Fixed setting arguments string for Launch Program special action
- Added reference check while unplugging virtual device
- Added tooltip showing program path for Launch Program special action

BricsCAD 20.2.04-1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- PUBLISH: Publishing to a multi-sheet PDF in the foreground could prevent saving of documents
- TX: The missing ModelerGeometry.tx module has been restored to the V20 installer

BricsCAD 20.2.04-1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- PUBLISH: Publishing to a multi-sheet PDF in the foreground could prevent saving of documents
- TX: The missing ModelerGeometry.tx module has been restored to the V20 installer