Universal Media Server 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 JProfiler 14.0

Universal Media Server 歷史版本列表

Universal Media Server 是一種媒體服務器,能夠將視頻,音頻和圖像提供給任何支持 DLNA 的設備。它是免費的,定期更新,並具有比任何其他媒體服務器,包括付費媒體服務器更多的功能。支持所有主要的操作系統,Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X 的版本。程序流或轉碼視頻,音頻和圖像格式幾乎沒有配置。它由 FFmpeg,MEncoder,tsMuxeR,MediaInfo... Universal Media Server 軟體介紹

Universal Media Server 11.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added a release for Apple ARM (Apple Silicon, M1/M2) processors, for 3x faster transcoding
- Added renderer option SendDateMetadataYearForAudioTags
- Added netbeans git exclusions for developers
- Media Library Movies folders ignore files with durations under 40 minutes
- Fixed broken browsing on some renderers
- Fixed audio playback on web interface
- Cleanup old transcoding engines
- Removed dead code and language terms

- Update assertj to v3.23.1
- Update checkstyle to v10.3.1
- Update h2database to v2.1.214
- Update jna to v5.12.1
- Update JRE to
- Update maven-assembly-plugin to v3.4.0
- Update oshi to v6.2.1
- Update pako to v2

Twine 2.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features and Improvements:
- The German localization has been improved
- Updated the version of Electron used for app Twine to the latest v17 release

- Fixed a bug related to updating stories' story formats. This showed up in 2.4.0 as a crash message the first time a story was edited.
- Browser Twine now uses the Storage Manager API to determine how much space is left for Twine to use. You may see a change in the value reported from previous versions, which estimated it by trying to save increasingly large amounts of data until it failed. This should fix error messages seen in 2.4.0 like Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'twine-passages-abcdef-ghijklmn' exceeded the quota.)
- Backups work properly in app Twine

TextSeek 2.16.3580 查看版本資訊


Twine 2.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A lot has changed between the 2.3 series and 2.4.0 and I'd recommend reading the Reference for a thorough description of how it all works. I'll summarize here, though.
- Even with these changes, 2.4.0 should work fine with stories created with 2.3 without any problems. If you decide you don't like 2.4.0 and want to continue using 2.3, you may run into some weirdness, as this hasn't been tested. If you use the online version, you can go back to the previous version at https://twinery.org/2.3.16.

Even though 2.4.0 has been a long time in the making, it's still a .0 release. I wouldn't recommend updating yet if:
- You are in the middle of a large project. Or at the very least, please make backup copies of your work before upgrading!
- You are using a non-English localization. Many UI changes have occurred and unfortunately, it has been hard to get help translating new text. (If you can help out, please see these directions!) So using Twine with a non-English locale setting will show a mishmash of translated and untranslated text.

General UI Updates:
- There's now a toolbar that appears at the top of the screen for all actions. The toolbar's separated into tabs, similar to a menu bar, and has a back button allowing navigation between screens.
- The system font is used instead of a custom one. This is mostly an aesthetic change, but it also helps with non-Latin text.
- Some actions, like changing preferences or editing story formats, are available regardless of where you are in the app.
- The desktop app now has an ARM Linux build, and the macOS app is universal, running on both Intel and Apple Silicon processors natively.
- The desktop app has a new icon.

The Story List:
- You now select a story from the list and then take an action on it using the toolbar instead of using a gear menu. Double-clicking a story will edit it.
- Stories can now be tagged, and the story list can be filtered to show only certain tags. Just like passage tags, story tags can have colors associated with them.
- Story previews have been updated to look hopefully nicer

The Story Format List:
- By default, only the most up-to-date version of a story format is shown in the list. You can see all installed formats using the View top toolbar tab.

The Story Map:
- You can now undo and redo changes
- You can now edit multiple passages at one time
- You can rename a passage without editing it
- You can now delete more than one passage at a time
- All detail dialogs, like the find & replace text dialog, are now modeless, meaning that you can do other work in your story while they're open
- You can customize the font used in passage editors and disable cursor blinking
- Story formats now have an official way to extend the editor. (The Harlowe story format used undocumented methods to do this in the past.) Story formats can add syntax highlighting to passage editors, a toolbar of actions to passage editors, and add additional connections between passages in the map.
- Right now, Harlowe and Chapbook have extensions but other story formats may add them in the future
- You can disable story format extensions if they are causing trouble or you prefer not to use them
- If you're a story format developer, learn how extensions work here
- Editing larger stories is faster

Story Formats:
- Harlowe 3.3.0 is included, and release notes are here
- Chapbook 1.2.2 is also included. It's the same as the last version, 1.2.1, except for the addition of editor extensions.

- Twine has been migrated to TypeScript, a JavaScript dialect which automatically checks for certain kinds of coding errors
- Test coverage of Twine has improved significantly and changes now require code linting and tests to pass before being merged

Universal Media Server 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed failed database update for some users
- Fixed Docker startup crash
- Document HLS-MPEGTS-H264-AAC transcoding option

Translations via Crowdin:
- Added Estonian (23%)

- Update dependency maven-enforcer-plugin to v3.1.0

Western Digital Dashboard 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed rare crash on startup caused by Windows returning invalid strings from boot drive
- Force all erase options through the Linux embedded toolkit, which provides a more
stable and feature-complete environment for drive erasure
- Enable Format on supported devices when the security state is Frozen
- Resolved an issue which caused a long load time after running Sanitize on some devices
- Resolved detection issues for P40 devices, and improved Dashboard's performance
when they're attached to USB ports of older standards
- Resolved an issue for P50 devices which could cause stale data or an invalid LBA count
to be shown
- Restricted Gaming Mode 2.0 file watcher to only support drives local to the system and
adjusted behavior to only start Gaming Mode on the drive that launched the game
- Resolved issue where Gaming Mode 2.0 could be left in the wrong state until a game
starts when set to AUTO and the system was rebooted
- Restricted volumes without assigned letters or names from being shown in Dashboard
- Improved messages relating to write cache settings and NVMe SMART data for better

Installer (
- Added a silent mode
- Removed installation of the P40 HAL, it is no longer required

Universal Media Server 11.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved caching of web interface files
- Added getServerPlaylists to playlist API
- Fixed broken thumbnail-url for playlist folder resolved by DbIdResourceLocator
- Added support for more language characters on web interface
- Updated and removed old links on About tab
- Fixed database fields truncating to less than the limit
- Fixed rare and unpredictable bugs

Translation updates via Crowdin:
- Catalan (99%) (thanks, Toni Grau i Quellos!)
- French (100%) (thanks, Archaos!)
- Polish (100%) (thanks, Karol Szastok!)

- Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.3
- Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-pmd-plugin to v3.17.0
- Update surefire-version to v3.0.0-M7
- Bump com.sun.xml.bind-version from 3.0.2 to 4.0.0
- Bump junrar from 7.5.1 to 7.5.2

Universal Media Server 11.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Uses image backgrounds and logos for movies, TV series and episodes on the web interface
- Web interface switches between dark and light themes in Media Library based on background images
- Automatic quality adjustment on web interface, with optional manual settings
- Improved video forward-backward positioning in videos via the web video player
- Improved web interface design
- Improved web video player design
- Improved API metadata matches for TV series
- Added HLS video option which may improve support for transcoding via some renderers like Philips TVs
- Log splitting/zipping
- Implemented network state scanner
- Show the addresses of servers on the Status tab
- Allow to set the log level of FFmpeg in its engine settings in the desktop UI
- Increased maximum memory limit on macOS to match Windows
- Fixed Restart server when network interface becomes available
- Fixed Network Interface not found
- Fixed GetProtocolInfo not being recieved
- Fixed Font scaling issues on some elements of the GUI for some users
- Fixed UMS doesn't free DLNA ports after closing
- Fixed Service wrapper for Windows doesn't work with 64 bit JVM
- Fixed Deinstallation does not remove autostart entry for wrapper.exe
- Fixed Attempt to remove medias.lock on install/startup
- Fixed Media Library no longer populated and startup scan slowness
- Fixed Cound not open the default web browser: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!
- Added editable server-side playlist support
- Prevent users from enabling startup scanning while the cache is disabled
- Removed second toolbar on the web interface video page
- Increased speed of API lookups
- Improved video and TV series posters
- Fixed some API metadata not updating
- Fixed Resume videos on the web interface
- Fixed API response handling
- Backgrounds for TV series, episodes and movies fade in
- Image backgrounds in Media Library without text are prioritized over ones with text
- Match more TV series in API
- Use markdown in changelog
- Use main branch instead of master
- Fixed audio files detected as video files

- Samsung 2021 TVs use HLS transcoding

Translation updates via Crowdin:
- Catalan (100%)
- Chinese (Simplified) (97%)
- Czech (100%)
- Danish (99%)
- English (UK) (99%)
- Finnish (100%)
- French (100%)
- Italian (100%
- Korean (100%)
- Persian (34%)
- Polish (100%)
- Portuguese (100%)
- Portuguese (Brazilian) (100%)
- Swedish (99%)
- Turkish (100%)

- Started using Renovate for dependency tracking
- Added x64 windows service wrapper
- Replaced Cling with JUPnP
- Update actions/cache action to v3
- Update actions/checkout action to v3
- Update dependency com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin to v4.7.0.0
- Update dependency moment.js to v2.29.3
- Update dependency pako to v1.0.11
- Bump checkstyle from 9.3 to 10.2
- Bump Jackson from 2.13.1 to
- Bump JRE from 8u332 to 17.0.3
- Bump metadata-extractor from 2.17.0 to 2.18.0
- Bump Video.js from 7.13.3 to 7.19.2
- Fixed support for latest Maven versions

Julia Language 1.7.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Universal Media Server 10.21.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved parsing of miniseries
- Fixed crash for users with cache disabled
- Fixed macOS build not installing for some users
- Reduced macOS build size

Translation updates via Crowdin:
- English (United Kingdom) (45%)
- Slovenian (55%)
- Turkish (100%)

- Bump junrar from 7.5.0 to 7.5.1
- Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0