
最新版本 Unity 2021.1.18

Unity 2021.1.18

Unity 2021.1.18
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.

For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲在任何 platform.

Unity 特點是鉤和喜悅的球員:

Rapidly 組裝您的場景在一個直觀的,可擴展的編輯工作區。為對你的成品 game.

Create 與 AAA 視覺逼真度,音頻和全油門動作執行平整光潔任何 screen.

2D 和放大器遊戲快速迭代播放,測試和編輯; 3D
Get 專用於 2D 和 3D 內容創建與利用共享 conventions.

Unity&rsquo 的高效的工作流程工具; S 唯一強大和靈活的動畫系統帶來生命的任何字符或物體與難以置信天然和流體 movement.

Reliable 性能,光滑幀率,和高超的遊戲跨越目標 platforms.

No 其他遊戲引擎發揮的經驗給你這麼多的發布平台與近費力 deployment.

Unity 雲 Build
Get 選擇你的構建與新的雲服務構建的簡單方法。檢測項目中的變化,你的工作,並建立對您的設備自動傳送,或可玩的 Web.

Note:Unity 是免費的,自帶 Unity Pro.

Also 提供全功能的 30 天試用版:下載 Unity 為 Mac


檔案版本 Unity 2021.1.18

檔案名稱 UnityDownloadAssistant-2021.1.18f1.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Unity Technologies
官網 http://unity3d.com/unity
更新日期 2021-08-27

What's new in this version:

- Android: Adding support for Multi-window environments in Android applications. This include Split Screen, popup windows and freeform windowing.

- 2D: Improved performance of RuleTile caching
- Android: Added boot-config/command-line switch "platform-android-cpucapacity-threshold" that can be used to specify which CPU cores are treated as big cores. The cpu capacity is a value in the range between 0 and 1024. A capacity value of 870 yields the same behavior as before the fix for case 1349057.
- Asset Import: Improved loading performances of import settings for models with a lot of animation clips
- Editor: UnityEvent callbacks can be reordered

API Changes:
- Asset Bundles: Added: Added public API to specify the amount of memory reserved for the shared AssetBundle loading cache
- Asset Bundles: Added: Adding new API DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.autoLoadAssetBundle for loading AssetBundles asynchronously from DownloadHandlerAssetBundle
- XR: Added: Added IUnityGraphicsVulkanV2 plugin interface to add support for chaining vulkan initialization intercepts

- 2D: Allow non-public fields with the SerializeField attribute as custom fields for RuleTile
- Package: com.unity.purchasing updated to 3.2.3. Please refer to the package changelog online here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/changelog/CHANGELOG.html
- XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.10.0
- XR: Unity 2020 LTS will be the last version of the editor which supports Magic Leap 1 Developers can continue to build for Magic Leap 1 using Unity 2020 LTS or 2019 LTS

- 2D: Fixed an exception when adding a new Rule when no Rule was selected
- 2D: Fixed an issue where clear buffer was executed out of order
- 2D: Fixed an issue where IKManager2D did not detect classes inheritted from Solver2D
- 2D: Fixed dynamic batching issue when Sprite Renderers and Tilemap Renderers in Individual mode whose batching parameters should match in runtime platforms
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where duplicating folders and assets did not invoke the OnWillCreateAsset callbacks on the duplicated items.- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with OnPostProcessAllAsset listing unchanged assets as imported, when leaving safe mode.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where changes from the shader files were note propagated correctly due to keyword Enums not being excluded from the caching in the material inspector
- Editor: Fixed an issue where SerializedObject.hasModifiedProperties was returning false after modifying reorderable array element values
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the tooltips for the labels were placed at a fixed position. They now appear at the mouse cursor.
- Editor: [macOS | Linux | WebGL] Fixed an issue where Application.systemLanguage returned "Unknown" when system language was set to Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk. These were add in SystemInfo for macOS and Linux, and to SystemInfo in Runtime/Misc used by WebGL and MetroPlayer.
- Editor: [macOS | Linux] Fixed an issue where basic system information was not logged to the log file when launching the Editor
- GI: Fixed an Editor crash on EnlightenSceneMapping::GetTerrainChunkUVST when loading a scene with a corrupt Lighting Data Asset
- Graphics: Fixed a crash that was caused by a memory error when using Vulkan
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where ImageConversion.LoadImage and Texture2D.LoadImage always returned true even in case of a failure
- Graphics: Fixed various Store Actions setup issues
- iOS: Fixed a crash when going to the background, after switching from autorotation to a fixed orientation
- iOS: Fixed a crash when using external display connected with USB-C
- iOS: Fixed an issue where the video became unplayable after resuming an app when video's audio output mode was set to API Only
- macOS: Fixed a crash when attempting to use bluetooth from native plugin instead of crashing. Unity Editor now asks for bluetooth permission. Added "Bluetooth usage description" field to macOS player settings which is displayed in the player when asking for bluetooth.
- macOS: Fixed an issue where the usage description fields for macOS in player settings was not visible on Windows and Linux editors
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the user could not view their assets in package manager0) error
- Particles: Fixed a corrupt particle colors issue when using a Skinned Mesh Renderer in the Shape Module
- Particles: Fixed a pivot setting for Horizontal and Vertical billboard render modes issue
- Prefabs: Fixed a cannot move/rotate/scale static objects issue in Prefab Mode when playing.
- Scripting: Fixed an issue of missing details in the sharing violation errors that happened when the Script Compilation pipeline copied assembly to their target directories.
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where double-clicking in some cases would not open the correct line
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where there where empty lines between logs being logged when logging errors, warning or messages. The editor no longer prints newlines for Debug.Log* variants when StackTrace set to 'None'.
- Scripting: Fixed globalgamemanagers.assets to only contain scripts that will be part of the player builds
- Serialization: Fixed an issue where UnityEvent did not correctly populate the function drop down list when used with polymorphic serialization
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where Shader keywords were not sorted in the error and warning messages that came from the shader compiler
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where the caching preprocessor report did not include dependencies in raw GLSL shaders
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where the Properties section could not be folded in the Shader Inspector
- uGUI: Fixed an issue when a canvas was created manually by the user for a Template elementropdown), Sorting Layer was over written
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a corruption issue of the stencil buffer caused by misplaced geometry used to pop masks
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Toolbar turned white when loading certain native plugins
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash in master builds when a scene that uses lightmaps was unloaded
- Video: Fixed an issue where the VideoPlayer did not work on some AMD switchable GPUs
- WebGL: Fixed an error with prevViewport when full screen resized
- WebGL: Fixed an issue where gamepad stick Y being inverted
- Windows: Fixed an issue where IME composition text duplicated between InputFields due to an issue in 3rd party Chinese IMEs.- Windows: Fixed an issue where the Input System failed to detect gamepad if it was connected during splash screen logos.
- Windows: Fixed an issue where the Input System failed to detect touchscreen devices that were connected after startup
- Windows: Fixed an issue where the mouse deltas was always 0 when running Windows in a VM

Unity 2021.1.18 相關參考資料
Download Archive - Unity

Unity 2021.1.18. 26 Aug, 2021. Release notes. Downloads (Mac). Unity Installer · Unity Editor · Built in shaders · Unity Accelerator · Torrent download ...


What's new in Unity 2021.1.18

Ads: [Android] Unity Ad return app to Lock screen (1281041) · Asset Import Pipeline: Editor crashes with out of memory while importing a lot of assets (mostly ...
