Ultra Adware Killer 歷史版本列表 Page30

最新版本 Vita3K

Ultra Adware Killer 歷史版本列表

Ultra Adware Killer 是一個簡單但功能強大的 Windows 廣告軟件和惡意軟件卸載程序,它能夠為系統中的所有用戶檢測和刪除廣告軟件和惡意軟件。這可以為您節省大量時間登錄到其他用戶帳戶,並再次執行掃描.Ultra Adware Killer 刪除瀏覽器工具欄,廣告插件,插件,不需要的搜索提供商和劫持的主頁,可能有害的程序(PUP 的),以及流氓,木馬,rootkit,勒索軟件和所... Ultra Adware Killer 軟體介紹

Electron 8.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added ability to set and get title bar traffic light position on the fly (macOS)
- Added new spellcheck-dictionary-* events on the `session module to help track and debug dictionary initialization
- Allow some NODE_OPTIONs in packaged apps

Fixed process.getProcessMemoryInfo() return wrong private value on macOS
Fixed a potential crash on devices which had not connected any printers to their network
Fixed an occasional segfault with modal windows being closed or destroyed
Fixed issue where repositioned traffic lights would be in the wrong position after the user switches OS theme
Fixed some properties not working in webview tags
MacOS VoiceOver is now able to find its way back into web contents after it navigated "out" of an application
Removed assurance of object identity equality from the contextBridge as it is incapable of handling mutations
Updating the document title while in fullscreen with custom traffic light positions no longer makes the traffic lights invisible

- Updated Chromium to 80.0.3987.137. #22548

Electron 8.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed ARIA role="tree" for macOS VoiceOver
- Fixed issue where dictionary files for the spellchecker would be downloaded to the app install directory instead of the user data directory

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 80.0.3987.134
- Updated g_swizzle_imk_input_session for new SDK

Electron 7.1.14 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Backported V8 patch to fix bug in type inference

- "will-navigate" event not being emitted for sandboxed contents
- Electron apps getting rejected to Mac App Store
- an OOB access in ReadableStream::Close (https://crbug.com/1045931)
- an integer overflow crash in ICU (https://crbug.com/1044570)
- an issue with safeDialog preferences not being passed properly
- crash with seccomp-bpf sandbox on linux and glibc 2.31

JRiver Media Center 26.0.30 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


JRiver Media Center 26.0.29 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added a JRiver YouTube web service so that YouTube and trailers work again
- Made maximizing offscreen windows optional (Options > General > Advanced)

- Switching tracks would discard the sorting of a library list
- The audio tool could overflow in rare cases during audio analysis (it would message and ask to be reported)

- Updated Red October HQ to madVR to 0.92.17
- Lookup Lyrics will use Google last because it can return results formatted poorly
- Made the "Playback could not be started..." error message timeout after 15 seconds and just cancel
- Updated the Chromium web engine to the latest Chrome release
- Updated to Monkey's Audio 5.20
- When checking for complete albums, the system will allow one or two duplicate album listings (side-by-side conversions) in the same folder
- Updated Chinese (traditional) translation

Epic Pen 3.7.30 查看版本資訊


Electron 8.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed "will-navigate" event not being emitted for sandboxed contents
- Fixed Electron apps getting rejected to Mac App Store
- Fixed session.setSpellCheckerDictionaryDownloadURL to append the dictionary name at the end of requests instead of requesting the same URL for all dictionaries
- Fixed an issue where TypeError occurred on initializing CrashReporter
- Fixed an issue with safeDialog preferences not being passed properly
- Fixed issue where navigating with the mouse buttons 4/5 would result in full page loads instead of in-page popstate navigations
- Removed unneccessary breakpad_symbols directory from the dsym zip file

Epic Pen 3.7.28 查看版本資訊


JRiver Media Center 26.0.27 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Epic Pen 3.7.27 查看版本資訊
