Trojan Killer 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 pgAdmin 4 4.23

Trojan Killer 歷史版本列表

Trojan Killer 是您記憶棒的有效反惡意軟件工具。無論您身在何處,都要確保您的網絡安全無虞!如果您的計算機感染了病毒和特洛伊木馬,或者在瀏覽互聯網之後出現問題.使用完美的病毒清除工具!快速,有效和可靠。終極的反惡意軟件解決方案與真棒 feathures 不留下任何網絡威脅的機會 - 現在是便攜式!抓住你的機會,利用新的 Trojan Killer 便攜式版本。無限激活 隨著木馬殺手便攜... Trojan Killer 軟體介紹

Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Resolved Issues:
- Type.IsSubclassOf Performance Regression
- unhandled-exception-2.exe crashes crash reporting
- BinaryReaderTest.ReadBytesException and BinaryReaderTest.ReadCharsException fail on FullAOT+LLVM after hybrid suspend change
- recent string loading changes break big endian with mojibake
- Process.GetProcessesByName Memory Leak, Not Disposing Filtered Process Objects
- Generic with “unmanaged” constraint crashes runtime
- ProductHeaderValue parser throws exception for empty values
- opt and llc missing from mono 2018-08 pkg
- [wasm] Make test.js use generated driver and bindings.
- Latest mono on macOS broke Xamarin Studio 5 compatibility: Marshal.SizeOf reports type 0x01 not handled
- Mono issuing SIGSEGV running C# Semantic Tests
- Native crash when debugging with exception watchpoint
- FullAOT LLVM Linux x64 one flaky failure.
- [ WASM ]Build fail host error
- [iOS] CalendarTest.Hijri and CalendarTest.UmAlQura fail
- mono_thread_info_exit ignores exit_code and just passes 0 on.
- iOS cannot save Entity models with Nullable Guid (Guid?) property types (among others) using EF Core 2.1.2.
- HttpWebRequest throws an uncatchable task exception when processing requests simultaneously with timeout specified
- Update CI build scripts to not hardcode -j4
- Wrong characters in decimal number representation on s390x
- Many scary “Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync” mono warnings when building for device
- [wasm] Stop using mmap for loading assemblies
- [wasm] Rename sdks WebAssembly framework libraries
- [wasm] Build fails - ninja can not be found.
- mono64[80780:1186894] error: * Assertion: should not be reached at debugger-agent.c:6619
- mono_jit_init on macOS 10.14 has graphics corruption due to mprotect invocation
- Error loading generic override of in parameter
- Possible GC hang while building msbuild with mono/2018-08 and mono/master
- Type.IsSubclassOf throws TypeLoadException
- Hybrid suspend: mono_add_internal_call is broken
- Unhandled exception at the end of MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.Tests test run
- Mac installer does not always clear out old files
- SDK ‘Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor’ not found
- ParameterInfo.[Raw]DefaultValue returns Missing.Value for non-null default values of DateTime? and decimal? parameters
- Unexpected behaviour of DateTime.ToString with Korean language on iOS/Android
- [WASM AOT] Method returning a ValueType is not returning its value as a value
- HttpClient requests not cancelled in Dispose()
- [XA] [2018-10] Failure in PropertyInfoTests.GetValue_Invalid
- Loading assembly generated using tlbimp.exe give error in mono runtime
- IronPython 2.7.9 strange issue on mono 5.16
- AOT crash: error: * Assertion: should not be reached at ../../../../../mono/mini/mini-arm64-gsharedvt.c:119
- watchOS: mini test failure in release mode: JitTests.Aot : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
- os-event-unix.c:82 assert(event) failure
- [iOS/32bit/device] mscorlib test failures: DoubleFormatterTest.TestFormatStringsN# and DoubleTest.LongLongValueRoundtrip
- MethodInfo.ReturnParameter.IsDefined(type) throws IndexOutOfRangeException
- [watchOS] MT3001: Could not AOT the assembly mscorlib.dll
- Crash while profiling roslyn compiler server
- FastCopy may silently fail to do anything
- Problem with DefaultValueAttribute and Color values
- Task calls SynchronizationContext.Post on cancelling
- ReflectionModelServices.IsExportFactoryImportDefinition should not throw
- xtro-sharpie.exe crashes with “Cannot transition thread 0x10c3ef5c0 from STATE_BLOCKING with DO_BLOCKING”
- System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute() throws undocumented ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- [iOS] Generic sharing with long float arguments list
- MonoDevelop SDB regressions
- Bug in TextRenderer.DrawText on Linux
- Calling TcpListener.Create(int port) on multiple threads can fail
- Mono mkbundle output executable throws: “Error mapping file: No error”
- struct with 3 bytes not marshaled correctly with LLVM on watchOS
- GetCustomAttributes on a type from an assembly in the LoadFile context fails
- Memory leak in HttpWebRequest / HttpWebResponse when using a WebProxy
- Starting process with empty ProcessStartInfo.Environment incorrectly inherits all variables
- Error when debugging
- Mono to SQL Server using integrated security no longer works on iOS
- WaitHandle.WaitAny returns invalid result
- SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient throws wrong exception types
- Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.sys_strerror_r SEGFAULT on musl libc
- flaky runtime.finalizer-exception.exe (Assertion at unwind.c:640, condition `cfa_reg != -1’ not met)
- Update macOS minimal version
- Behaviour difference between Mono and CoreCLR
- iOS: 32-bit device unit test failure: [FAIL] FSharpTest.SprintfTest : Expected: True
- tests/src/baseservices/threading/readerwriterlockslim/upgrader.cs CoreCLR acceptance-test fails
- WASM: Use BrowserHttpMessageHandler when available
- System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile should throw ArgumentException for relative path name
- AOT images compiled with safepoints should be usable with MONO_THREADS_SUSPEND=preemptive
- cross build regressed wrt System.Native and “shm_open that works well enough with mmap”
- Update framework facades list used by loader
- SynchronizedCollection.Add throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Mullvad VPN 2019.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Remove the Mullvad OpenVPN intermediate transition CA. Used when transitioning from the old to the new root CA. Now the app only bundles and trust the new Mullvad root CA valid until 2028

- Read the relay list from cache only if it's newer than the version bundled in the app

Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Mullvad VPN 2019.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Handle "block when disconnected" extra kill-switch level in the GUI, showing the disconnected state as blocked when appropriate and also having a toggle switch for the setting in the Advanced Settings screen
- Add a drop-down warning to notify the user when the account credits are running low
- Allow the private network in addition to the other networks allowed when local network sharing is enabled
- Improve the confirmation dialog when submitting a bug report without an email specified
- Add a monochromatic tray icon option for the GUI.

- Disable buttons and menus that open external links when the app knows that there is no internet connection.
- The auto-start and auto-connect toggles in the GUI have been reworked so that auto-connect configures the GUI to automatically connect when it starts and so that it will only auto-connect on boot when both settings are set

- Stop GUI from glitching during the short reconnect state
- Dismiss notifications automatically after four seconds in all platforms
- Fix error printed from the CLI when issuing relay update
- Fix relay list update interval. Should now handle sleep better
- Prevent GUI from sending connect commands to the daemon every time it establishes a connection to it. Only send connect once (if auto-connect is enabled)
- Prevent possible reconnect loop where the GUI would indefinitely reconnect to the daemon
- Fix the bug which enabled users to return to the login view if they went to settings while logging in
- Handle in the GUI, if something external changes the account token in the daemon. I.e. triggered by CLI unsetting or resetting it
- Gracefully block when TAP adapter is missing or disabled, instead of retrying to connect

Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

In Depth
- General: Due to limitations in the TLS stack on 10.7 we are updating the minimum macOS development target from 10.7 to 10.9. Mono will be supported only on 10.9 or newer versions starting with this release.

- AOT: Few hard to track race conditions in trampolines unboxing for AOT backend targetting amd64 were fixed.
- Interpreter: The interpreter received the first set of low-level optimizations, improving the execution time of typeof call by the factor of 10. Further changes were made to avoid unnecessary allocations and support Xamarin native types (nint/nuint).
- Custom Marshalers: The logic handling custom marshalers, types implementing IICustomMarshaler has been mostly rewritten in managed code with additional caching mechanisms to match .NET Framework behaviour.
- Optimizations: The intrinsics built on top of SSE41 for Math.Round/Math.Floor/Math.Ceiling were added.
- Windows: Mono Windows cross-compiler is using the same LLVM release branch as Linux resolving issues in scenarios where llvm-config.exe can’t be run (none WSL/CygWin build target).

Class Libraries
- CoreFX convergence: In this release, more CoreFX code was imported in particular in System.Reflection namespace. Many common types in mscorlib System namespace are now fully CoreFX based including System.Math. The Registry implementation on Windows is now fully based on CoreFX implementation.
- Mono.Options: A new CommandSet.GetCompletions() method was introduced, which returns all possible commands which match a given completion prefix. This is intended for e.g. bash completion support.
- System.Runtime.InteropServices: It’s now possible to use RuntimeInformation API to detect ARM and ARM64 platforms.

- MSBuild: Reference assemblies for .NET 4.7.2 are included to allow targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2 using MSBuild on Mono.

Trojan Killer 2.0.60 查看版本資訊


Trojan Killer 2.0.59 查看版本資訊


Trojan Killer 2.0.49 查看版本資訊


Trojan Killer 2.0.46 查看版本資訊
