TeraCopy 歷史版本列表
TeraCopy 是一個免費的實用程序,旨在復制 / 移動文件更快,更安全。關於較新版本的 Windows 最常見的抱怨之一就是複制速度慢,特別是在通過網絡傳輸大量文件時。如果您想加快複製速度,或者如果您經常傳輸大量數據,並且必須停止執行其他磁盤密集型任務的過程,則此程序可能正是您所需要的.TeraCopy 旨在將文件複製並移動到最大可能的速度。它會在復製過程中跳過壞文件,然後在傳輸結束時顯示它們... TeraCopy 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-03-19
What's new in this version:
- Improved shell extensions
- Improved extra long path support
- Use Documents folder for reports
- Use correct attributes for inaccessible folders
- Abort if the source is inside the target
- Minor bugfixes
What's new in this version:
- Buffer size option added
- Update UI on applying folder attributes
- Update progress bar when copying folders only
- 4 GB limit is removed for Google Drive File Stream
- Fixed checking hash in the clipboard
- A few other bugfixes
What's new in this version:
- Meet “Esperanza”, the first WordPress release of 2021. “Esperanza” is named in honor of Esperanza Spalding, a modern musical prodigy. Her path as a musician is varied and inspiring—learn more about her and give her music a listen!
- With this new version, WordPress brings you fresh colors. The editor helps you work in a few places you couldn’t before without getting into code or hiring a pro. The controls you use most are right where you need them. Layout changes that should be simple, are even simpler to make.
Now the new editor is easier to use:
- Font-size adjustment in more places: now, font-size controls are right where you need them in the List and Code blocks. No more trekking to another screen to make that single change!
- Reusable blocks: several enhancements make reusable blocks more stable and easier to use. And now they save automatically with the post when you click the Update button
- Inserter drag-and-drop: drag blocks and block patterns from the inserter right into your post
You can do more without writing custom code:
- Full-height alignment: have you ever wanted to make a block, like the Cover block, fill the whole window? Now you can
- Buttons block: now you can choose a vertical or a horizontal layout. And you can set the width of a button to a preset percentage
- Social Icons block: now you can change the size of the icons
A simpler default color palette:
- This new streamlined color palette collapses all the colors that used to be in the WordPress source code down to seven core colors and a range of 56 shades that meet the WCAG 2.0 AA recommended contrast ratio against white or black.
- Find the new palette in the default WordPress Dashboard color scheme, and use it when you’re building themes, plugins, or any other components. For all the details, check out the Color Palette dev note.
From HTTP to HTTPS in a single click:
- Starting now, switching a site from HTTP to HTTPS is a one-click move. WordPress will automatically update database URLs when you make the switch. No more hunting and guessing!
New Robots API:
- The new Robots API lets you include the filter directives in the robots meta tag, and the API includes the max-image-preview: large directive by default. That means search engines can show bigger image previews, which can boost your traffic (unless the site is marked not-public).
Lazy-load your iFrames:
- Now it’s simple to let iframes lazy-load. By default, WordPress will add a loading="lazy" attribute to iframe tags when both width and height are specified
Ongoing cleanup after update to jQuery 3.5.1:
- For years jQuery helped make things move on the screen in ways the basic tools couldn’t—but that keeps changing, and so does jQuery
- In 5.7, jQuery gets more focused and less intrusive, with fewer messages in the console
What's new in this version:
- Exclude specific files or folders
- Warn about FAT32 4GB file size limit
- Handle reparse points correctly
- Handle long paths (over 255 chars) correctly
- Warn when Explorer passes the cropped path to TeraCopy
- Context menu for menu items with long paths
- Check free space in the background
- A few UI fixes
What's new in this version:
- Perform database integrity check after startup error
- Check Database Integrity can now recover from additional database problems
- Fixed duplicate collections in exports (fixed previously for Zotero RDF via translator update)
- Fixed Cut/Copy/Paste context menu not appearing in Create Parent Item dialog
- Fixed New Collection button not working when My Publications is selected
- Use multi-line text box for all title fields (e.g., Case Name)
- [Mac] Fixed “Run Time Error: ‘5’” in Word on some computers
- Miscellaneous bibliographic output and word processor integration fixes
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.4.61
- Create log file in data directory during database upgrades for better debugging
- Improved handling of future data updates during sync
What's new in this version:
- "Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved" on custom taxonomy pages after WP 5.6.1 update
- Image options are not visible in pop up on clicking replace button from Image block
- Can't change font size with 5.6.1 paragraph block
- Block editor package updates for 5.6.2
- Zip Module 2.8.2 - class-pclzip fatal error with PHP 8.0