TeamSpeak Server (32-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 TeamSpeak Server (32-bit)

TeamSpeak Server (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

TeamSpeak 服務器是非常受歡迎的免費通信軟件,通過互聯網向不僅一對一聊天感興趣的用戶提供高質量的語音聊天,而且還可以有幾十個,有時甚至幾百個參與者的群聊。 TeamSpeak 的基本功能是連接在 PC 客戶端和互聯網專用服務器之間,作為所有音頻流的轉接點。這種集中式結構比使用對等連接的其他解決方案提供更高質量的聲音。 TeamSpeak 客戶端的界面組織良好,用戶可以輕鬆訪問服務器加載區... TeamSpeak Server (32-bit) 軟體介紹

TeamSpeak Server 3.0.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* anti spam system reworked
- removed virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_warning, virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_kick, virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ban, virtualserver_antiflood_ban_time
- added virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block
- stops executing of commands, no ban is invoked anymore
- added virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block
- prevents from connecting, no ban is invoked
* mysql users please alter all fields in tables "servers" and "clients" regarding download/upload from "int unsigned" to "bigint unsigned"
* whoami shows client_origin_server_id (server which the client does belong too)
* addded servergroupautodelperm and servergroupautoaddperm bound to b_permission_modify_power_ignore (check docu for details)
* fixed empty channeledit command invoked an channeledit message to clients
* fixed query ban message had no line endings
* fixed issue with permlist commands giving not correct error back on an empty list

TeamSpeak Server 3.0.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- removed database logging (sqlite users please manually do an vacuum on your database)
- we got now a logfile for every virtualserver and one general
- logview command revoked, please check docs for details
- added new start parameter logappend ; starting the instance with logappend=1 will append the logfile and wont create a new one on each instance start
- removed client_login_name and client_login_password properties from snapshots
- properties CHANNEL_ICON_ID and CLIENT_ICON_ID wont be stored anymore in database
- fixed bug within server deploy (correct snapshot returned invalid_client_id)
- command serverlist -all returns "other_instance" for virtualserver_status if the virtualserver belongs to an other instance
- some improvements for quering virtualservers regarding machine_id parameter
- command servercreate wont need an virtualserver_name anymore, will use the template default name instead
- fixed guest client can set channel_icon_id and channel_flag_password
- fixed b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions == 0 only overwrites skipped permission if negated
- fixed that channel deletion with parent channels gives wrong log output
- fixed token could be created in an channel where you dont got correct permissions

TeamSpeak Server 3.0.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- disable_db_logging set to true by default
- serversnapshotdeploy can deploy into a new virtualserver now, to archive this do a "use 0" just before the command
- clients table got a new field "client_lastip" where we store last ip used by the client
- clientdbinfo, clientdblist, clientdbfind does show client_lastip
- fixed clientdblist count parameter returned always 1
- fixed issue where server kept status virtual_online while using logout command
- fixed problem where a channel you could not subscribe was not automatically unsubscribed when you left it
- fixed issue where VIRTUALSERVER_ASK_FOR_PRIVILEGEKEY && VIRTUALSERVER_AUTOGENERATED_PRIVILEGEKEY where exported/imported through a snapshot
- fixed issues with channel permission wont take values from clientchannel permissions
- fixed multiple complains by one user possibility if autoban count is set to two
- fixed strange serverquery password behavior
- improved client traffic reset performance
- improved database performance