Sync 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 Blue Iris

Sync 歷史版本列表

Sync 是一個完全加密,零知識的雲服務,可以很容易地存儲,共享和訪問您的文件從任何地方 - 您的隱私保證。 Sync 由 Thomas Savundra,Suhan Shan 和 Darius Antia 於 2011 年創立,開創了 Netfirms - 全球最大的網絡託管公司之一。他們想要一個簡單的方法來在線存儲和分享他們的重要文件。麻煩的是,這意味著要讓第三方服務提供商訪問他們的數據。開... Sync 軟體介紹

Electron 14.2.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- BrowserView.setBackgroundColor() not working correctly
- a potential issue when setting backgroundColor on BrowserViews
- an issue where BrowserView may sometimes crash on browserView.webContents.destroy()
- an issue where BrowserViews crashed if view.webContents.destroy() is called after loading a URL
- crash in GTK open dialog when trying to preview huge image files
- default label text in GTK dialogs
- respecting aspect ratio when maximum size is set on BrowserWindow
- window frame glitch when calling setContentProtection

Electron 16.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a potential issue when setting backgroundColor on BrowserViews
- console windows from ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE instances

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 96.0.4664.55

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Major features:
- Updated Chronos Fast model for better quality results
- Improved performance for mac when the app is running in the background or when display is off

- Keep audio on Mac works correctly on Mac now
- The app will not slow down processing when in background, behind the screensaver or Lock Screen on mac
- ETA estimation is more accurate
- Files can be read and saved to all drives, remote directories and other writable paths
- Fixes issue with flickering download of the same model again and again on certain hardware
- Decimal places on output filenames rounds at 3 digits
- Output won’t be overwritten even on custom file path
- Batch processing model parameters stay as expected
- CRF setting works correctly on output and will not generate unintended huge mp4 files
- Output FPS can be set to as high as 240
- Fixed FPS to be correct for decimal values
- VEAI will not show version incompatible models
- Selected models in Model Manager should show correctly

OSForensics 9.1.1002 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Auto Triage:
- Fixed stack overflow when attempting to calculate folder size for logical image
- Updated info text for Logical Image Config Dialog Box
- When loading previous config, re-prompt for FTP server password if non-anonymous upload is enabled

Android Logical Image:
- Fixed bug where after imaging, OSForensics would fail to attach log to case "path not found"

Remote Acquisition:
- When loading config file, re-prompt for FTP server password if non-anonymous upload is enabled
- Added support for non-anonymous FTP upload without passing plain text password
- Added check if portable install version matches current version
- Fixed triage status file not being written when saving as compressed Case file format

- Fixed detection of OSForensics Portable for current running instance

Electron 16.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a potential crash when importing media files or custom file types

Electron 16.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added 'dom-ready' event to WebFrameMain which emits when the frame's document is ready
- Added 'frame-created' event to WebContents which emits when a frame is created in the page
- Added WebHID support
- Added <webview>.sendToFrame() / frameId to 'ipc-message' event
- Added <webview> 'did-redirect-navigation' event
- Added app.configureHostResolver API for configuring DNS-over-HTTPS
- Added commandLine.removeSwitch to allow apps to remove command line switches from Chromiums internal command line representation
- Added frame property to the params object of the 'context-menu' event
- Added isIssuedByKnownRoot to ses.setCertificateVerifyProc callback
- Added isMainFrame argument to 'certificate-error' event
- Added safeStorage string encryption API
- Added textWidth option to dialog.showMessageBox() / dialog.showMessageBoxSync()
- Added webContents.fromDevToolsTargetId(targetId) to lookup a WebContents instance from an associated Chrome DevTools Protocol TargetID
- Added an Electron Fuse for enforcing code signatures on the app.asar file your application loads. Requires the latest asar module
- Added fuses to disable NODE_OPTIONS and --inspect debug arguments in packaged apps
- Added new data parameter to app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
- Added support for Windows Control Overlay on Windows
- Added support for the U2F Web API
- Added warning when ipcRenderer.sendSync() is called with no listeners for channel on ipcMain

- Began passing securityOrigin in details for permission request handlers for media requests in addition to permission check handlers
- Clicking a hyperlink in a PDF now does what you'd expect
- Emit a warning when setting a crash key name longer than the maximum allowed length
- Enabled sandboxing by default on WebContents which do not use Node or preloads
- NativeImage objects are now serializable over IPC
- The crashReporter API is now powered by Crashpad on Linux

- Usage of the desktopCapturer.getSources API from the renderer process has been deprecated and will be removed

- Enables support for navigator.keyboard.lock()
- Fixed <webview> background transparency regression
- Fixed BrowserView.setBackgroundColor() not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where some transparent windows would show with a white background
- Fixed an issue where transparency was not always set correctly on webContents
- Fixed an issue where windows with vibrancy types set on them would incorrectly have a white instead of transparent background
- Fixed behaviour on posix when passing lists into app.requestSingleInstanceLock(additionalData) API
- Fixed crash in webview creation caused by UAF in the browser process
- Fixed crash when using singleton api with packaged apps on macOS
- Fixed detached DevTools window not closing when a menu item with the toggleDevTools role was triggered
- Fixed imageAnimationPolicy not being respected
- Having a secure CSP will no longer cause a CSP violation warning to appear in console
- ~/.config/{App Name} will no longer be incorrectly deleted if it is a symlink on unix systems

Electron 15.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- BrowserView.setBackgroundColor() not working correctly
- an issue where BrowserView may sometimes crash on browserView.webContents.destroy()
- an issue where BrowserViews crashed if view.webContents.destroy() is called after loading a URL
- an issue where playing media would open Accessibility permissions dialog on macOS
- crash in GTK open dialog when trying to preview huge image files
- default label text in GTK dialogs

OSForensics 9.1.1001 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NEW JSON Viewer:
- Supports syntax highlighting for JSON documents
- Treeview shows the hierarchical dependencies between JSON nodes
- Supports JSON formatting and indenting
- Supports compressing (minifying) JSON documents
- Supports encoding: UTF8, ASCII, UTF16 BE/LE

NEW Remote Acquisition:
- Preliminary implementation of remote acquisition module
- Added encryption to configuration file. Prompt user for password when loading/saving config file
- Automatically import case when remote acquisition complete
- Support for domain user accounts
- Support for compressed Case File

Auto Triage:
- Fixed bug in FTP case file upload
- Added error messages when uploading of case file failed
- Save FTP config to OSF config file on close
- Fixed minor UI bug when hovering over triage tasks
- Refactor to support running without GUI (ie. command line option)
- Added command line options to run Auto Triage in standalone mode

Case Management:
- Added Case Size column to the list of selectable cases. Size is calculated in background thread
- Added option to "Export to file" in "Export Case" button dropdown menu
- Create / Search Index
- Fixed crash bug when searching in index containing long file paths in the protected files list
- Deleted Files
- Fixed multiple device scanning

Email Viewer:
- Tiff Export, Moved tiff export menu item, changed emails md5 to sha1 and added attachments sha1, added tiff export progress to title bar
- Updated tiff export folder structure
- Updated load file format, added text extraction (using code from Zoom)
- Renamed concordance export option, removed debugging print
- Added right click option to export emails to concordance load file
- Forensic Imaging:
- Improved image creation speed significantly
- Changed buffers sizes used to be 16MB by default and 256MB if there is greater than 6GB free system RAM and changed file access method which results in much better performance on very fast drives
- Changed zlib library in use for 64bit build to the cloudflare fork for increased speed when compressing E01 images
- Changed AFF4 compression from using ZLIB to LZ4 which results in increased speed when creating the image
- Fixed a bug where selecting "None" for the hashing function was still creating an MD5 hash while creating the image resulting in a slower speed than expected
- Added CRC32-C to the available hashing options, an SSE4 enhanced version of CRC that is much faster
- Added hash outputs to create image tab

Install to USB:
- Added option to set the workflow to a minimal set of modules for portable OSF installations
- Allow installation of OSF portable to network folder
- Added option to include python packages

Image Viewer:
- Fixed possible bug where the thumbnails may not be display/extracted the second time the image is analyzed

Password Recovery:
- Fixed crash due to using freed OpenSSL structure

Start Page:
- Re-assigned Modules to different groups
- File System Browser moved to File Searching & Indexing
- Web Browser and Analyze Memory with Volatility moved to House Keeping
- Program Artifacts moved to System Artifacts & Passwords
- Change to "Install to USB" to 'Install to USB or Network'
- Modules hidden in both the workflow menu and start page (via customize workflow) will have grey text and have the word [Hidden] appended when appearing in the Module Feature Search. Note: This does not prevent user from accessing these modules
- SQLite Browser:
- Fixed bug where it opened the add to case dialog using the main window's handle instead of SQLite Browser's
- Fixed bug where it opened the file select dialog using the main window's handle instead of SQLite Browser's when selecting 'Load DB'

User Activity:
- Added Browser Custom Dictionary entries for Opera and Firefox.
- Added new Browser Custom Dictionary entries activity type. (Chrome, Chromium Edge, Opera, Firefox)

Web Browser:
- Capture Screenshot Region will capture upon left mouse up (previously required user to hit 'Enter' key)

Web Capture:
- Internal changes to better support timing out when a page fails to load, adding delays after page has completed loading before taking capture, setting the page scale

- Updated Crypto++ library to 8.6.0

OSForensics 9.1.1000 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NEW JSON Viewer:
- Supports syntax highlighting for JSON documents
- Treeview shows the hierarchical dependencies between JSON nodes
- Supports JSON formatting and indenting
- Supports compressing (minifying) JSON documents
- Supports encoding: UTF8, ASCII, UTF16 BE/LE

NEW Remote Acquisition:
- Preliminary implementation of remote acquisition module
- Added encryption to configuration file. Prompt user for password when loading/saving config file
- Automatically import case when remote acquisition complete
- Support for domain user accounts
- Support for compressed Case File

Auto Triage:
- Fixed bug in FTP case file upload
- Added error messages when uploading of case file failed
- Save FTP config to OSF config file on close
- Fixed minor UI bug when hovering over triage tasks
- Refactor to support running without GUI (ie. command line option)
- Added command line options to run Auto Triage in standalone mode

Case Management:
- Added Case Size column to the list of selectable cases. Size is calculated in background thread
- Added option to "Export to file" in "Export Case" button dropdown menu
- Create / Search Index
- Fixed crash bug when searching in index containing long file paths in the protected files list
- Deleted Files
- Fixed multiple device scanning

Email Viewer:
- Tiff Export, Moved tiff export menu item, changed emails md5 to sha1 and added attachments sha1, added tiff export progress to title bar
- Updated tiff export folder structure
- Updated load file format, added text extraction (using code from Zoom)
- Renamed concordance export option, removed debugging print
- Added right click option to export emails to concordance load file
- Forensic Imaging:
- Improved image creation speed significantly
- Changed buffers sizes used to be 16MB by default and 256MB if there is greater than 6GB free system RAM and changed file access method which results in much better performance on very fast drives
- Changed zlib library in use for 64bit build to the cloudflare fork for increased speed when compressing E01 images
- Changed AFF4 compression from using ZLIB to LZ4 which results in increased speed when creating the image
- Fixed a bug where selecting "None" for the hashing function was still creating an MD5 hash while creating the image resulting in a slower speed than expected
- Added CRC32-C to the available hashing options, an SSE4 enhanced version of CRC that is much faster
- Added hash outputs to create image tab

Install to USB:
- Added option to set the workflow to a minimal set of modules for portable OSF installations
- Allow installation of OSF portable to network folder
- Added option to include python packages

Image Viewer:
- Fixed possible bug where the thumbnails may not be display/extracted the second time the image is analyzed

Password Recovery:
- Fixed crash due to using freed OpenSSL structure

Start Page:
- Re-assigned Modules to different groups
- File System Browser moved to File Searching & Indexing
- Web Browser and Analyze Memory with Volatility moved to House Keeping
- Program Artifacts moved to System Artifacts & Passwords
- Change to "Install to USB" to 'Install to USB or Network'
- Modules hidden in both the workflow menu and start page (via customize workflow) will have grey text and have the word [Hidden] appended when appearing in the Module Feature Search. Note: This does not prevent user from accessing these modules
- SQLite Browser:
- Fixed bug where it opened the add to case dialog using the main window's handle instead of SQLite Browser's
- Fixed bug where it opened the file select dialog using the main window's handle instead of SQLite Browser's when selecting 'Load DB'

User Activity:
- Added Browser Custom Dictionary entries for Opera and Firefox.
- Added new Browser Custom Dictionary entries activity type. (Chrome, Chromium Edge, Opera, Firefox)

Web Browser:
- Capture Screenshot Region will capture upon left mouse up (previously required user to hit 'Enter' key)

Web Capture:
- Internal changes to better support timing out when a page fails to load, adding delays after page has completed loading before taking capture, setting the page scale

- Updated Crypto++ library to 8.6.0

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Major features:
- Native M1 Mac support
- Chronos Fast model for videos with rapid motion
- Proteus, Artemis and Dione updated for reduced artifacts, faster processing

- Improved preferences panel with all settings in one place
- The VRAM slider is local to the user hardware, so max will mean use all - memory on device
- Ability to view and use all models without using model manager
- All models now maintain color consistency better than before
- Installer size has been reduced significantly
- Lots of bug fixes

Known Issues:
- Keep audio on Mac does not work