Sweet Home 3D 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 Joplin 2.12.18

Sweet Home 3D 歷史版本列表

Sweet Home 3D 幫助您快速輕鬆地設計您的室內裝飾:根據現有計劃的圖像繪製您家的各個層面的房間,更改每個房間的顏色或紋理,並將家具從組織目錄拖放到計劃中通過類別(窗戶,門,客廳,廚房),您可以導入自己創建的 3D 模型或從各種網站下載的 3D 模型。在 2D 平面中進行的所有更改都會同時反映在 3D 視圖中,並且您可以從鳥瞰點或虛擬訪客視點進行導航。 最後,您可以通過添加尺寸和文本來改... Sweet Home 3D 軟體介紹

ONLYOFFICE (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Joplin 2.4.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Fixed running out of memory when importing large ENEX files

ONLYOFFICE (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Major improvements in support of chart styles
- Ability to Resolve all comments
- Change list symbols render
- Add chart styles for users with visual impairment
- Add ability to use tabshift+tab in some controls
- Ability to view unique user link count on info page
- Improved render of CJK fonts in PDF files

Document Editor:
- Ability to convert text to table
- Ability to convert table to text
- Auto-capitalize first letter
- New review mode: Simple markup

Spreadsheet Editor:
- Ability to add/remove/edit conditional formatting
- Ability to add sparklines
- Change select by pressing tab + enter
- Data import from txt, csv
- Add setting for hyperlink auto-correction
- Freeze panes presets
- Setting for show zeros in cells
- Chain comments support
- Add argument names to function wizard

Presentation Editor:
- Version History
- Ability to hide notes panel
- Auto-capitalize first letter

- All components received countless fixes

Joplin 2.4.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow importing certain corrupted ENEX files
- Improved accepting a folder share
- Make exported HTML more readable on mobile

- Fixed: Fix default sync target

Joplin 2.4.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Fixed Sync Wizard logo images on Windows
- Improved: Improved plugin search and installing new plugins from China

Spyder Python 5.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix docking of external plugins
- Plugins not appearing in tabs in 5.2.0dev

Spyder Python 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix serious memory leaks and improve performance when typing in the editor

Spyder Python 5.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed error when starting kernels in macOS application

Spyder Python 5.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Add an entry called Restart in debug mode to the File menu. That will allow users to inspect the log files generated by Spyder by going to the menu Tools > Debug logs after the restart.
- Add a new command line option called --conf-dir to set a custom configuration directory for Spyder
- Show hidden directories in Projects by default

New API features:
- Use toolbar ids and widget/action ids when adding an item to a toolbar
- Use menu and item ids to add items to the Main Menu plugin

Important fixes:
- Fix several performance issues in the Editor
- Fix slow browsing of variables in the Variable Explorer when Numpy and Pandas are not installed
- Discard symbols imported from other libraries in the Outline pane

- TypeError: runfile() got an unexpected keyword argument 'current_namespace' when trying to debug
- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'platformdirs.macos' on macOS App
- Error when clicking Tools menu
- Multiple IPython documentation help menus
- Maximum character line slightly wrong
- Variable explorer is very slow
- New Splash Screen misbehaves on dark backgrounds
- Mac OS - Execute in external system terminal not working
- "Format file or selection with Autopep8" cause the code to be misplaced
- 5.1.1 : omitted indentation when pasting with the editor
- Slow response when editing files (after some time)
- Feature Request: Specify a config directory on the command line
- Disabling monitor scale change warning when using two screens
- Highlight instances not shown when scrolling

Joplin 2.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: Allow setting a max width for the editor content
- Improved: Improved Markdown editor code styling, and add CSS classes for code
- Fixed: Bump hightlight.js to v11.2
- Fixed (Regression): Fixed file paths when exporting as HTML