SuperAntiSpyware 歷史版本列表 Page13

最新版本 SuperAntiSpyware Professional X 10.0.1256

SuperAntiSpyware 歷史版本列表

SuperAntiSpyware 免費版將刪除所有的間諜軟件,不只是簡單的。對硬盤,可移動驅動器,內存,註冊表或個人文件夾進行快速,完整和自定義掃描。包括信任項目,並且不包括完全自定義掃描的文件夾。檢測並刪除間諜軟件,廣告軟件,惡意軟件,木馬,撥號程序,蠕蟲,密鑰記錄器,劫持程序,寄生蟲,根工具包和許多其他類型的威脅。點亮系統資源,不會減慢計算機速度。 SuperAntiSpyware PC 脫機... SuperAntiSpyware 軟體介紹

Rust 1.45.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Rust 1.45.2
- Fix bindings in tuple struct patterns
- Fix track_caller integration with trait objects

Rust 1.45.1
- Change log not available for this version

Rust 1.45.0
- Out of range float to int conversions using as has been defined as a saturating conversion. This was previously undefined behaviour, but you can use the {f64, f32}::to_int_unchecked methods to continue using the current behaviour, which may be desirable in rare performance sensitive situations.
- mem::Discriminant now uses T's discriminant type instead of always using u64
- Function like procedural macros can now be used in expression, pattern, and statement positions. This means you can now use a function-like procedural macro anywhere you can use a declarative (macro_rules!) macro.

- You can now override individual target features through the target-feature flag. E.g. -C target-feature=+avx2 -C target-feature=+fma is now equivalent to -C target-feature=+avx2,+fma
- Added the force-unwind-tables flag. This option allows rustc to always generate unwind tables regardless of panic strategy
- Added the embed-bitcode flag. This codegen flag allows rustc to include LLVM bitcode into generated rlibs (this is on by default)
- Added the tiny value to the code-model codegen flag
- Added tier 3 support* for the mipsel-sony-psp target
- Added tier 3 support for the thumbv7a-uwp-windows-msvc target
- Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support

- net::{SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6} now implements PartialOrd and Ord
- proc_macro::TokenStream now implements Default
- You can now use char with ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeFull, RangeInclusive, RangeTo} to iterate over a range of codepoints. E.g. you can now write the following
- OsString now implements FromStr
- The saturating_neg method as been added to all signed integer primitive types, and the saturating_abs method has been added for all integer primitive types
- Arc, Rc now implement From<Cow<'_, T>>, and Box now implements From when T is [T: Copy], str, CStr, OsStr, or Path
- Box<[T]> now implements From<[T; N]>
- BitOr and BitOrAssign are implemented for all NonZero integer types
- The fetch_min, and fetch_max methods have been added to all atomic integer types
- The fetch_update method has been added to all atomic integer types

Rust 1.44.1
- rustfmt accepts rustfmt_skip in cfg_attr again
- Don't hash executable filenames on apple platforms, fixing backtraces
- Fix crashes when finding backtrace on macOS
- Clippy applies lint levels into different files

Rust 1.44.0
- You can now use async/.await with #[no_std] enabled
- Added the unused_braces lint

Syntax-only changes:
- Expansion-driven outline module parsing
- These are still rejected semantically, so you will likely receive an error but these changes can be seen and parsed by macros and conditional compilation

- Rustc now respects the -C codegen-units flag in incremental mode. Additionally when in incremental mode rustc defaults to 256 codegen units
- Refactored catch_unwind, to have zero-cost unless unwinding is enabled and a panic is thrown
- Added tier 3* support for the aarch64-unknown-none and aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat targets
- Added tier 3 support for arm64-apple-tvos and x86_64-apple-tvos targets

- Special cased vec![] to map directly to Vec::new(). This allows vec![] to be able to be used in const contexts
- convert::Infallible now implements Hash
- OsString now implements DerefMut and IndexMut returning a &mut OsStr
- Unicode 13 is now supported
- String now implements From<&mut str>
- IoSlice now implements Copy
- Vec now implements From<[T; N]>. Where N is at most 32
- proc_macro::LexError now implements fmt::Display and Error
- from_le_bytes, to_le_bytes, from_be_bytes, to_be_bytes, from_ne_bytes, and to_ne_bytes methods are now const for all integer types

Stabilized APIs:
- PathBuf::with_capacity
- PathBuf::capacity
- PathBuf::clear
- PathBuf::reserve
- PathBuf::reserve_exact
- PathBuf::shrink_to_fit
- f32::to_int_unchecked
- f64::to_int_unchecked
- Layout::align_to
- Layout::pad_to_align
- Layout::array
- Layout::extend

- Added the cargo tree command which will print a tree graph of your dependencies
- You can also display dependencies on multiple versions of the same crate with cargo tree -d (short for cargo tree --duplicates)
- Misc
- Rustdoc now allows you to specify --crate-version to have rustdoc include the version in the sidebar

Compatibility Notes:
- Rustc now correctly generates static libraries on Windows GNU targets with the .a extension, rather than the previous .lib
- Removed the -C no_integrated_as flag from rustc
- The file_name property in JSON output of macro errors now points the actual source file rather than the previous format of . Note: this may not point a file that actually exists on the user's system.
- The minimum required external LLVM version has been bumped to LLVM 8
- mem::{zeroed, uninitialised} will now panic when used with types that do not allow zero initialization such as NonZeroU8. This was previously a warning
- In 1.45.0 (the next release) converting a f64 to u32 using the as operator has been defined as a saturating operation. This was previously undefined behaviour, you can use the {f64, f32}::to_int_unchecked methods to continue using the current behaviour which may desirable in rare performance sensitive situations.

Internal Only:
- These changes provide no direct user facing benefits, but represent significant improvements to the internals and overall performance of rustc and related tools
- dep_graph Avoid allocating a set on when the number reads are small
- Replace big JS dict with JSON parsing

Rust 1.43.1
- Updated openssl-src to 1.1.1g for CVE-2020-1967
- Fixed the stabilization of AVX-512 features
- Fixed cargo package --list not working with unpublished dependencies

Rust 1.43.0
- Fixed using binary operations with &{number} (e.g. &1.0) not having the type inferred correctly
- Attributes such as #[cfg()] can now be used on if expressions

Syntax only changes:
- Allow type Foo: Ord syntactically
- Fuse associated and extern items up to defaultness
- Syntactically allow self in all fn contexts
- Merge fn syntax + cleanup item parsing
- item macro fragments can be interpolated into traits, impls, and extern blocks
- These are still rejected semantically, so you will likely receive an error but these changes can be seen and parsed by macros and conditional compilation

- You can now pass multiple lint flags to rustc to override the previous flags. For example; rustc -D unused -A unused-variables denies everything in the unused lint group except unused-variables which is explicitly allowed. However, passing rustc -A unused-variables -D unused denies everything in the unused lint group including unused-variables since the allow flag is specified before the deny flag (and therefore overridden).
- rustc will now prefer your system MinGW libraries over its bundled libraries if they are available on windows-gnu
- rustc now buffers errors/warnings printed in JSON

- Arc<[T; N]>, Box<[T; N]>, and Rc<[T; N]>, now implement TryFrom<Arc<[T]>>,TryFrom<Box<[T]>>, and TryFrom<Rc<[T]>> respectively. Note These conversions are only available when N is 0..=32.
- You can now use associated constants on floats and integers directly, rather than having to import the module. e.g. You can now write u32::MAX or f32::NAN with no imports.
- u8::is_ascii is now const.
- String now implements AsMut.
- Added the primitive module to std and core. This module reexports Rust's primitive types. This is mainly useful in macros where you want avoid these types being shadowed.
- Relaxed some of the trait bounds on HashMap and HashSet.
- string::FromUtf8Error now implements Clone + Eq.

Stabilized APIs:
- Once::is_completed
- f32::LOG10_2
- f32::LOG2_10
- f64::LOG10_2
- f64::LOG2_10
- iter::once_with

- You can now set config [profile]s in your .cargo/config, or through your environment
- Cargo will now set CARGO_BIN_EXE_ pointing to a binary's executable path when running integration tests or benchmarks. is the name of your binary as-is e.g. If you wanted the executable path for a binary named my-programyou would use env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_my-program").

- Certain checks in the const_err lint were deemed unrelated to const evaluation, and have been moved to the unconditional_panic and arithmetic_overflow lints

Compatibility Notes:
- Having trailing syntax in the assert! macro is now a hard error. This has been a warning since 1.36.0
- Fixed Self not having the correctly inferred type. This incorrectly led to some instances being accepted, and now correctly emits a hard error

Internal Only:
- These changes provide no direct user facing benefits, but represent significant improvements to the internals and overall performance of rustc and related tools.
- All components are now built with opt-level=3 instead of 2
- Improved how rustc generates drop code
- Improved performance from #[inline]-ing certain hot functions
- traits: preallocate 2 Vecs of known initial size
- Avoid exponential behaviour when relating types
- Skip Drop terminators for enum variants without drop glue
- Improve performance of coherence checks
- Deduplicate types in the generator witness
- Invert control in struct_lint_level

Rust 1.41.0
- You can now pass type parameters to foreign items when implementing traits. E.g. You can now write impl From for Vec {}
- You can now arbitrarily nest receiver types in the self position. E.g. you can now write fn foo(self: Box) {}. Previously only Self, &Self, &mut Self, Arc, Rc, and Box were allowed.
- You can now use any valid identifier in a format_args macro. Previously identifiers starting with an underscore were not allowed
- Visibility modifiers (e.g. pub) are now syntactically allowed on trait items and enum variants. These are still rejected semantically, but can be seen and parsed by procedural macros and conditional compilation

- Rustc will now warn if you have unused loop 'labels
- Removed support for the i686-unknown-dragonfly target
- Added tier 3 support* for the riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu target
You can now pass an arguments file passing the @path syntax to rustc. Note that the format differs somewhat from what is found in other tooling; - please see the documentation for more information
- You can now provide --extern flag without a path, indicating that it is available from the search path or specified with an -L flag
- Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support

- The core::panic module is now stable. It was already stable through std
- NonZero* numerics now implement From<NonZero*> if it's a smaller integer width. E.g. NonZeroU16 now implements From
- MaybeUninit now implements fmt::Debug

Stabilized APIs:
- Result::map_or
- Result::map_or_else
- std::rc::Weak::weak_count
- std::rc::Weak::strong_count
- std::sync::Weak::weak_count
- std::sync::Weak::strong_count

- Cargo will now document all the private items for binary crates by default
- cargo-install will now reinstall the package if it detects that it is out of date
- Cargo.lock now uses a more git friendly format that should help to reduce merge conflicts
- You can now override specific dependencies's build settings E.g. [] opt-level = 2 sets the image crate's optimisation level to 2 for debug builds. You can also use [] to override build scripts and their dependencies

- You can now specify edition in documentation code blocks to compile the block for that edition. E.g. edition2018 tells rustdoc that the code sample should be compiled the 2018 edition of Rust
- You can now provide custom themes to rustdoc with --theme, and check the current theme with --check-theme
- You can use #[cfg(doc)] to compile an item when building documentation

Rust 1.40.0
- You can now use tuple structs and tuple enum variant's constructors in const contexts. e.g.
pub struct Point(i32, i32);
const ORIGIN: Point = {
let constructor = Point;
constructor(0, 0)
- You can now mark structs, enums, and enum variants with the #[non_exhaustive] attribute to indicate that there may be variants or fields added in the future. For example this requires adding a wild-card branch (_ => {}) to any match statements on a non-exhaustive enum. (RFC 2008)
- You can now use function-like procedural macros in extern blocks and in type positions. e.g. type Generated = macro!()
- Function-like and attribute procedural macros can now emit macro_rules! items, so you can now have your macros generate macros
- The meta pattern matcher in macro_rules! now correctly matches the modern attribute syntax. For example (#[$m:meta]) now matches #[attr], #[attr{tokens}], #[attr[tokens]], and #[attr(tokens)]

- Added tier 3 support* for the thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-musleabihf target
- Added tier 3 support for the aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat target
- Added tier 3 support for the mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64, and mips64el-unknown-linux-muslabi64 targets
- Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support

- The is_power_of_two method on unsigned numeric types is now a const function

Stabilized APIs:
- BTreeMap::get_key_value
- HashMap::get_key_value
- Option::as_deref_mut
- Option::as_deref
- Option::flatten
- UdpSocket::peer_addr
- f32::to_be_bytes
- f32::to_le_bytes
- f32::to_ne_bytes
- f64::to_be_bytes
- f64::to_le_bytes
- f64::to_ne_bytes
- f32::from_be_bytes
- f32::from_le_bytes
- f32::from_ne_bytes
- f64::from_be_bytes
- f64::from_le_bytes
- f64::from_ne_bytes
- mem::take
- slice::repeat
- todo!

- Cargo will now always display warnings, rather than only on fresh builds
- Feature flags (except --all-features) passed to a virtual workspace will now produce an error. Previously these flags were ignored
- You can now publish dev-dependencies without including a version.

- You can now specify the #[cfg(doctest)] attribute to include an item only when running documentation tests with rustdoc

Compatibility Notes:
- As previously announced, any previous NLL warnings in the 2015 edition are now hard errors
- The include! macro will now warn if it failed to include the entire file. The include! macro unintentionally only includes the first expression in a file, and this can be unintuitive. This will become either a hard error in a future release, or the behavior may be fixed to include all expressions as expected.
- Using #[inline] on function prototypes and consts now emits a warning under unused_attribute lint. Using #[inline] anywhere else inside traits or extern blocks now correctly emits a hard error

Rust 1.39.0
- You can now create async functions and blocks with async fn, async move {}, and async {} respectively, and you can now call .await on async expressions.
- You can now use certain attributes on function, closure, and function pointer parameters. These attributes include cfg, cfg_attr, allow, warn, deny, forbid as well as inert helper attributes used by procedural macro attributes applied to items. e.g.
- fn len(
- #[cfg(windows)] slice: &[u16],
- #[cfg(not(windows))] slice: &[u8],
- ) -> usize {
- slice.len()
- You can now take shared references to bind-by-move patterns in the if guards of match arms. e.g.
- fn main() {
- let array: Box<[u8; 4]> = Box::new([1, 2, 3, 4]);
- match array {
- nums
- // ---- `nums` is bound by move.
- if nums.iter().sum::() == 10
- // ^------ `.iter()` implicitly takes a reference to `nums`.
- => {
- drop(nums);
- // ----------- Legal as `nums` was bound by move and so we have ownership.
- _ => unreachable!(),

- Added tier 3* support for the i686-unknown-uefi target
- Added tier 3 support for the sparc64-unknown-openbsd target
- rustc will now trim code snippets in diagnostics to fit in your terminal. Note Cargo currently doesn't use this feature. Refer to cargo#7315 to track this feature's progress
- You can now pass --show-output argument to test binaries to print the output of successful tests
- * Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support

- Vec::new and String::new are now const functions
- LinkedList::new is now a const function
- str::len, [T]::len and str::as_bytes are now const functions
- The abs, wrapping_abs, and overflowing_abs numeric functions are now const

Stabilized APIs:
- Pin::into_inner
- Instant::checked_duration_since
- Instant::saturating_duration_since

- You can now publish git dependencies if supplied with a version
- The --all flag has been renamed to --workspace. Using --all is now deprecated

- You can now pass -Clinker to rustdoc to control the linker used for compiling doctests

Compatibility Notes:
- Code that was previously accepted by the old borrow checker, but rejected by the NLL borrow checker is now a hard error in Rust 2018. This was previously a warning, and will also become a hard error in the Rust 2015 edition in the 1.40.0 release
- rustdoc now requires rustc to be installed and in the same directory to run tests. This should improve performance when running a large amount of doctests
- The try! macro will now issue a deprecation warning. It is recommended to use the ? operator instead
- asinh(-0.0) now correctly returns -0.0. Previously this returned 0.0

Rust 1.38.0
- The #[global_allocator] attribute can now be used in submodules
- The #[deprecated] attribute can now be used on macros

- Added pipelined compilation support to rustc. This will improve compilation times in some cases. For further information please refer to the "Evaluating pipelined rustc compilation" thread
- Added tier 3 support for the aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc, i686-uwp-windows-gnu, i686-uwp-windows-msvc, x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu, and x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc targets
- Added tier 3 support for the armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi and armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi targets
- Added tier 3 support for the hexagon-unknown-linux-musl target
- Added tier 3 support for the riscv32i-unknown-none-elf target

- ascii::EscapeDefault now implements Clone and Display
- Derive macros for prelude traits (e.g. Clone, Debug, Hash) are now available at the same path as the trait. (e.g. The Clone derive macro is available at std::clone::Clone). This also makes all built-in macros available in std/core root. e.g. std::include_bytes!
- str::Chars now implements Debug
- slice::{concat, connect, join} now accepts &[T] in addition to &T
- *const T and *mut T now implement marker::Unpin
- Arc<[T]> and Rc<[T]> now implement FromIterator.
- Added euclidean remainder and division operations (div_euclid, rem_euclid) to all numeric primitives. Additionally checked, overflowing, and wrapping versions are available for all integer primitives
- thread::AccessError now implements Clone, Copy, Eq, Error, and PartialEq
- iter::{StepBy, Peekable, Take} now implement DoubleEndedIterator

Stabilized APIs:
- <*const T>::cast
- <*mut T>::cast
- Duration::as_secs_f32
- Duration::as_secs_f64
- Duration::div_duration_f32
- Duration::div_duration_f64
- Duration::div_f32
- Duration::div_f64
- Duration::from_secs_f32
- Duration::from_secs_f64
- Duration::mul_f32
- Duration::mul_f64
- any::type_name

- Added pipelined compilation support to cargo
- You can now pass the --features option multiple times to enable multiple features

- rustc will now warn about some incorrect uses of mem::{uninitialized, zeroed} that are known to cause undefined behaviour

Compatibility Notes:
- The x86_64-unknown-uefi platform can not be built with rustc 1.38.0
- The armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf platform is known to have issues with certain crates such as libc

Rust 1.37.0
- #[must_use] will now warn if the type is contained in a tuple, Box, or an array and unused.
- You can now use the cfg and cfg_attr attributes on generic parameters.
- You can now use enum variants through type alias. e.g. You can write the following:
- type MyOption = Option;
- fn increment_or_zero(x: MyOption) -> u8 {
- match x {
- MyOption::Some(y) => y + 1,
- MyOption::None => 0,
- You can now use _ as an identifier for consts. e.g. You can write const _: u32 = 5;.
- You can now use #[repr(align(X)] on enums.
- The ? Kleene macro operator is now available in the 2015 edition.

You can now enable Profile-Guided Optimization with the -C profile-generate and -C profile-use flags. For more information on how to use profile - guided optimization, please refer to the rustc book.
- The rust-lldb wrapper script should now work again.

- mem::MaybeUninit is now ABI-compatible with T.
- Stabilized APIs:
- BufReader::buffer
- BufWriter::buffer
- Cell::from_mut
- Cell<[T]>::as_slice_of_cells
- DoubleEndedIterator::nth_back
- Option::xor
- Wrapping::reverse_bits
- i128::reverse_bits
- i16::reverse_bits
- i32::reverse_bits
- i64::reverse_bits
- i8::reverse_bits
- isize::reverse_bits
- slice::copy_within
- u128::reverse_bits
- u16::reverse_bits
- u32::reverse_bits
- u64::reverse_bits
- u8::reverse_bits
- usize::reverse_bits

- Cargo.lock files are now included by default when publishing executable crates with executables.
- You can now specify default-run="foo" in [package] to specify the default executable to use for cargo run.

Zoiper 5.4.5 查看版本資訊


cURL 7.71.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- cirrus-ci: disable FreeBSD 13 (again)
- Curl_inet_ntop: always check the return code
- CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.3: provide the upload data size up front
- fix a typo: trail => tail
- escape: make the URL decode able to reject only %00-bytes
- escape: zero length input should return a zero length output
- examples/multithread.c: call curl_global_cleanup()
- http2: set the correct URL in pushed transfers
- http: fix proxy auth with blank password
- mbedtls: fix build with disabled proxy support
- ngtcp2: sync with current master
- openssl: Fix compilation on Windows when ngtcp2 is enabled
- Revert "multi: implement wait using winsock events"
- sendf: improve the message on client write errors
- terminology: call them null-terminated strings
- tool_cb_hdr: Fix etag warning output and return code
- url: allow user + password to contain "control codes" for HTTP(S)
- vtls: compare cert blob when finding a connection to reuse

cURL 7.71.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS: optional use of Windows' CA store (with openssl)
- Setopt: add CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT(_BLOB) for coherency
- Setopt: support certificate options in memory with struct curl_blob
- Tool: Add option --retry-all-errors to retry on any error

- *_sspi: fix bad uses of CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
- All: fix codespell errors
- Altsvc: bump to h3-29
- Altsvc: fix 'dsthost' may be used uninitialized in this function
- Altsvc: fix parser for lines ending with CRLF
- Altsvc: remove the num field from the altsvc struct
- Appveyor: add non-debug plain autotools-based build
- Appveyor: disable flaky test 1501 and ignore broken 1056
- Appveyor: disable test 1139 instead of ignoring it
- Asyn-*: remove support for never-used NULL entry pointers
- Azure: use matrix strategy to avoid configuration redundancy
- Build: disable more code/data when built without proxy support
- Buildconf: remove -print from the find command that removes files
- Checksrc: enhance the ASTERISKSPACE and update code accordingly
- CI/macos: fix 'is already installed' errors by using bundle
- Cirrus: disable SFTP and SCP tests
- CMake: add ENABLE_ALT_SVC option
- CMake: add HTTP/3 support (ngtcp2+nghttp3, quiche)
- CMake: add libssh build support
- CMake: do not build test programs by default
- CMake: fix with CMake, add new test targets
- CMake: ignore INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets for pkg-config file
- CMake: rebuild when changes
- how to do code reviews in curl
- Configure: fix pthread check with static boringssl
- Configure: for wolfSSL, check for the DES func needed for NTLM
- Configure: only strip first -L from LDFLAGS
- Configure: repair the check if argv can be written to
- Configure: the wolfssh backend does not provide SCP
- Connect: improve happy eyeballs handling
- Connect: make happy eyeballs work for QUIC (again)
- Curl.1: Quote globbed URLs
- Curl: remove -J "informational" written on stdout
- Curl_addrinfo: use one malloc instead of three
- CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET.3: clarify the description
- Doc: add missing closing parenthesis in CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT.3
- Doc: Rename VERSIONS to as it already has Markdown syntax
- Docs/HTTP3: add qlog to the quiche build instruction
- Docs/options-in-versions: which version added each cmdline option
- Docs: unify protocol lists
- Dynbuf: introduce internal generic dynamic buffer functions
- Easy: fix dangling pointer on easy_perform fail
- Examples/ephiperfifo: turn off interval when setting timerfd
- Examples/http2-down/upload: add error checks
- Examples: remove asiohiper.cpp
- FILEFORMAT: add more features that tests can depend on
- FILEFORMAT: describe verify/stderr
- Ftp: make domore_getsock() return the secondary socket properly
- Ftp: mark return-ignoring calls to Curl_GetFTPResponse with (void)
- Ftp: shut down the secondary connection properly when SSL is used
- Hostip: make Curl_printable_address not return anything
- Hostip: on macOS avoid DoH when given a numerical IP address
- Http2: keep trying to send pending frames after req.upload_done
- Http2: simplify and clean up trailer handling
- clarify cargo build directory
- Http: move header storage to Curl_easy from connectdata
- Libcurl.pc: Merge Libs.private into Libs for static-only builds
- Libssh2: improved error output for wrong quote syntax
- Libssh2: keep sftp errors as 'unsigned long'
- Libssh2: set the expected total size in SCP upload init
- Libtest/cmake: Remove commented code
- List-only.d: this option existed already in 4.0
- Manpage: add three missing environment variables
- Multi: add defensive check on data->multi->num_alive
- Multi: implement wait using winsock events
- Ngtcp2: cleanup memory when failing to connect
- Ngtcp2: fix build with current ngtcp2 master implementing draft 28
- Ngtcp2: fix happy eyeballs quic connect crash
- Ngtcp2: introduce qlog support
- Ngtcp2: never call fprintf() in lib code in release version
- Ngtcp2: update with recent API changes
- Ntlm: enable NTLM support with wolfSSL
- Openssl: set FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST unconditionally
- Projects: Add crypt32.lib to dependencies for all OpenSSL configs
- Quiche: enable qlog output
- Quiche: update SSLKEYLOGFILE support
- Revert "buildconf: use find -execdir"
- Revert "ssh: ignore timeouts during disconnect"
- Runtests: remove sleep calls
- Runtests: show elapsed test time with higher precision (ms)
- Select: always use Sleep in Curl_wait_ms on Win32
- Select: fix overflow protection in Curl_socket_check
- Sendf: make failf() use the mvsnprintf() return code
- Server/sws: fix asan warning on use of uninitialized variable
- Server/util: fix logmsg format using curl_off_t argument
- Sha256: fixed potentially uninitialized variable
- Share: don not set the share flag it something fails
- Sockfilt: make select_ws stop waiting on exit signal event
- Socks: detect connection close during handshake
- Socks: fix expected length of SOCKS5 reply
- Socks: remove unreachable breaks in socks.c and mime.c
- Source cleanup: remove all custom typedef structs
- Test1167: fixes in
- Test1177: look for curl.h in source directory

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cURL 7.70.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- curl: add --ssl-revoke-best-effort to allow a "best effort" revocation check
- mqtt: add new experimental protocol
- schannel: add "best effort" revocation check option: CURLSSLOPT_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT
- writeout: support to generate JSON output with '%{json}'

- appveyor: add Unicode winbuild jobs
- appveyor: completely disable tests that fail to timeout early
- appveyor: show failed tests in log even if test is ignored
- appveyor: sort builds by type and add two new variants
- appveyor: turn disabled tests into ignored result tests
- appveyor: use random test server ports based upon APPVEYOR_API_URL
- build: fixed build for systems with select() in unistd.h
- buildconf: avoid using tempfile when removing files
- checksrc: warn on obvious conditional blocks on the same line as if()
- CI-fuzz: increase fuzz time to 40 minutes
- ci/tests: fix Azure Pipelines not running Windows containers
- CI: add build with ngtcp2 + gnutls on Travis CI
- CI: bring GitHub Actions fuzzing job in line with macOS jobs
- CI: migrate macOS jobs from Azure and Travis CI to GitHub Actions
- CI: remove default Ubuntu build from GitHub Actions
- cirrus: no longer ignore test 504 which is working again
- cirrus: re-enable the FreeBSD 13 CI builds
- cleanup: insert newline after if() conditions
- cmake: add aliases so exported target names are available in tree
- cmake: add support for building with wolfSSL
- cmake: Avoid MSVC C4273 warnings in send/recv checks
- cmdline: fix handling of OperationConfig linked list (--next)
- compressed.d: stress that the headers are not modified
- config: remove all defines of HAVE_DES_H
- configure: convert -I to -isystem as a last step
- configure: document 'compiler_num' for gcc
- configure: don't check for Security.framework when cross-compiling
- configure: fix -pedantic-errors for GCC 5 and later
- configure: remove use of -vec-report0 from CFLAGS with icc
- connect: happy eyeballs cleanup
- connect: store connection info for QUIC connections
- copyright: fix out-of-date copyright ranges and missing headers
- curl-functions.m4: remove inappropriate AC_REQUIRE
- curl.h: remnove CURL_VERSION_ESNI. Never supported nor documented
- curl.h: update comment typo
- curl: allow both --etag-compare and --etag-save with same file name
- curl_setup: define _WIN32_WINNT_[OS] symbols
- CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET: return true for 304 http status code
- CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS: improve accuracy
- CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.3: add inline example and new see-also
- dist: add mail-rcpt-allowfails.d to the tarball
- docs/make: generate curl.1 from listed files only
- docs: add warnings about FILE: URLs on Windows
- easy: fix curl_easy_duphandle for builds missing IPv6 that use c-ares
- examples/sessioninfo.c: add include to fix compiler warning
- github actions: run when pushed to master or */ci + PRs
- gnutls: bump lowest supported version to 3.1.10
- gnutls: Don't skip really long certificate fields
- gnutls: ensure TLS 1.3 when SRP isn't requested
- gopher: check remaining time left during write busy loop
- gskit: use our internal select wrapper for portability
- http2: Fix erroneous debug message that h2 connection closed
- http: don't consider upload done if the request isn't completely sent off
- http: free memory when Alt-Used header creation fails due to OOM
- lib/mk-ca-bundle: skip empty certs
- lib670: use the same Win32 API check as all other lib tests
- lib: fix typos in comments and errormessages
- lib: never define CURL_CA_BUNDLE with a getenv
- libcurl-multi.3: added missing full stop
- libssh: avoid options override by configuration files
- libssh: Use new ECDSA key types to check known hosts
- mailmap: fixup a few author names/fields
- Makefile.m32: Improve windres parameter compatibility
- Makefile: run the cd commands in a subshell
- memdebug: don't log free(NULL)
- mime: properly check Content-Type even if it has parameters
- multi-ssl: reset the SSL backend on `Curl_global_cleanup()`
- multi: improve parameter check for curl_multi_remove_handle
- nghttp2: 1.12.0 required
- ngtcp2: update to git master for the key installation API change
- nss: check for PK11_CreateDigestContext() returning NULL
- openssl: adapt to functions marked as deprecated since version 3
- OS400: update strings for ccsid-ifier (fixes the build)
- output.d: quote the URL when globbing
- packages: add OS400/chkstrings.c to the dist
- run the script!
- Revert "file: on Windows, refuse paths that start with
- runtests: always put test number in servercmd file
- runtests: provide nicer errormsg when protocol "dump" file is empty
- schannel: Fix blocking timeout logic
- schannel: support .P12 or .PFX client certificates
- scripts/ add helper script for RELEASE-NOTES maintenance
- select: make Curl_socket_check take timediff_t timeout
- select: move duplicate select preparation code into Curl_select
- select: remove typecast from SOCKET_WRITABLE/READABLE macros
- server/getpart: make the "XML-parser" stricter
- server/resolve: remove AI_CANONNAME to make macos tell the truth
- smtp: set auth correctly
- sockfilt: add logmsg output to select_ws_wait_thread on Windows
- sockfilt: fix broken pipe on Windows to be ready in select_ws
- sockfilt: fix handling of ready closed sockets on Windows
- sockfilt: fix race-condition of waiting threads and event handling
- socks: Fix blocking timeout logic
- src: Remove C99 constructs to ensure C89 compliance
- Fix example code for setting CA cert file
- test1148: tolerate progress updates better (again)
- test1154: set a proper name
- test1177: verify that all the CURL_VERSION_ bits are documented
- test1566: verify --etag-compare that gets a 304 back
- test1908: avoid using fixed port number in test data
- test2043: use instead of
- test2100: fix static port instead of dynamic value being used
- tests/data: fix some XML formatting issues in test cases
- tests/FILEFORMAT: converted to markdown and extended
- tests/server/util.c: use curl_off_t instead of long for pid
- tests: add %NOLISTENPORT and use it
- tests: add Windows compatible pidwait like pidkill and pidterm
- tests: fix conflict between Cygwin/msys and Windows PIDs
- tests: introduce preprocessed test cases
- tests: make Python-based servers compatible with Python 2 and 3
- tests: make runtests check that disabled tests exists
- tests: move pingpong server to dynamic listening port
- tests: remove python_dependencies for smbserver from our tree
- tests: run the RTSP test server on a dynamic port number
- tests: run the SOCKS test server on a dynamic port number
- tests: run the sws server on "any port"
- tests: run the TFTP test server on a dynamic port number
- tests: use Cygwin/msys PIDs for stunnel and sshd on Windows
- tls: remove the BACKEND define kludge from most backends
- tool: do not declare functions with Curl_ prefix
- tool_operate: fix add_parallel_transfers when more are in queue
- transfer: cap retries of "dead connections" to 5
- transfer: Switch PUT to GET/HEAD on 303 redirect
- travis: bump the wolfssl CI build to use 4.4.0
- travis: update the ngtcp2 build to use the latest OpenSSL patch
- url: allow non-HTTPS altsvc-matching for debug builds
- version: add 'cainfo' and 'capath' to version info struct
- version: increase buffer space for ssl version output
- version: skip idn2_check_version() check and add precaution
- vquic: add support for GnuTLS backend of ngtcp2
- vtls: fix ssl_config memory-leak on out-of-memory
- warnless: remove code block for icc that didn't work
- windows: enable UnixSockets with all build toolchains
- windows: suppress UI in all CryptAcquireContext() calls

Foxit PhantomPDF Standard 9.7.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed some security and stability issues