SpiderOakONE (64-bit)

最新版本 Mono (64-bit)

Mono (64-bit)

Mono (64-bit)
SpiderOakONE 64 位(以前稱為 SpiderOak)結合了在線備份,安全文件同步以及基於雲的服務中的輕鬆共享。桌面客戶端可用於 Windows,Mac OS X 和多個 Linux 發行版。創建帳戶後可以使用幾千兆的免費存儲空間,並且可以升級到每月或每年收取 100+ GB 的費用。

SpiderOakONE 64 位將多種功能整合到一個工具中:免費在線備份,遠程訪問,同步,共享和存儲。數據備份可以從本地硬盤驅動器,網絡驅動器,USB 鑰匙,外部驅動器,CD / DVD 和其他存儲介質運行。為了防止第三方訪問,所有數據都經過加密存儲,並通過安全的 SSL 連接加密傳輸。所有這些功能都可用於免費和訂閱服務.

SpiderOakONE 功能:

訪問 Anywhere
Stay 連接到所有重要的文件,照片和視頻無論你走到哪裡。從任何設備訪問您的數據,無論是在你的口袋裡,背包裡,還是在桌上.

去一台 Macbook,一個 Windows 桌面,一台 Linux 服務器,2 台 iPhone 和一個 Droid 平板電腦? ?沒問題。只要你願意同步多個設備和操作系統.

Restore Everything
回到 SpiderOakONE 的數據,請放心,無論您的筆記本電腦,手機或平板電腦發生什麼事情,您的數據始終可用.

Trash Recovery
即使您意外刪除文件您的電腦,SpiderOak 保留一份副本,所以您永遠不必擔心丟失任何東西.

SpiderOak 在後台安靜地運行,以確保您的數據保持安全和最新.

如果你不斷地編輯文件,你可以訪問任何該文件的整個生命週期的版本 - ndash; 從創作到最後.

注意:60 天試用版。未註冊版本中的存儲空間限制為 2 GB。

也可用:下載 SpiderOak for Mac


檔案版本 Mono (64-bit)

檔案名稱 mono-
檔案大小 129 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 SpiderOak Inc.
官網 https://www.spideroak.com/
更新日期 2019-04-02

What's new in this version:

Resolved Issues:
- Type.IsSubclassOf Performance Regression
- unhandled-exception-2.exe crashes crash reporting
- BinaryReaderTest.ReadBytesException and BinaryReaderTest.ReadCharsException fail on FullAOT+LLVM after hybrid suspend change
- recent string loading changes break big endian with mojibake
- Process.GetProcessesByName Memory Leak, Not Disposing Filtered Process Objects
- Generic with “unmanaged” constraint crashes runtime
- ProductHeaderValue parser throws exception for empty values
- opt and llc missing from mono 2018-08 pkg
- [wasm] Make test.js use generated driver and bindings.
- Latest mono on macOS broke Xamarin Studio 5 compatibility: Marshal.SizeOf reports type 0x01 not handled
- Mono issuing SIGSEGV running C# Semantic Tests
- Native crash when debugging with exception watchpoint
- FullAOT LLVM Linux x64 one flaky failure.
- [ WASM ]Build fail host error
- [iOS] CalendarTest.Hijri and CalendarTest.UmAlQura fail
- mono_thread_info_exit ignores exit_code and just passes 0 on.
- iOS cannot save Entity models with Nullable Guid (Guid?) property types (among others) using EF Core 2.1.2.
- HttpWebRequest throws an uncatchable task exception when processing requests simultaneously with timeout specified
- Update CI build scripts to not hardcode -j4
- Wrong characters in decimal number representation on s390x
- Many scary “Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync” mono warnings when building for device
- [wasm] Stop using mmap for loading assemblies
- [wasm] Rename sdks WebAssembly framework libraries
- [wasm] Build fails - ninja can not be found.
- mono64[80780:1186894] error: * Assertion: should not be reached at debugger-agent.c:6619
- mono_jit_init on macOS 10.14 has graphics corruption due to mprotect invocation
- Error loading generic override of in parameter
- Possible GC hang while building msbuild with mono/2018-08 and mono/master
- Type.IsSubclassOf throws TypeLoadException
- Hybrid suspend: mono_add_internal_call is broken
- Unhandled exception at the end of MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.Tests test run
- Mac installer does not always clear out old files
- SDK ‘Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor’ not found
- ParameterInfo.[Raw]DefaultValue returns Missing.Value for non-null default values of DateTime? and decimal? parameters
- Unexpected behaviour of DateTime.ToString with Korean language on iOS/Android
- [WASM AOT] Method returning a ValueType is not returning its value as a value
- HttpClient requests not cancelled in Dispose()
- [XA] [2018-10] Failure in PropertyInfoTests.GetValue_Invalid
- Loading assembly generated using tlbimp.exe give error in mono runtime
- IronPython 2.7.9 strange issue on mono 5.16
- AOT crash: error: * Assertion: should not be reached at ../../../../../mono/mini/mini-arm64-gsharedvt.c:119
- watchOS: mini test failure in release mode: JitTests.Aot : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
- os-event-unix.c:82 assert(event) failure
- [iOS/32bit/device] mscorlib test failures: DoubleFormatterTest.TestFormatStringsN# and DoubleTest.LongLongValueRoundtrip
- MethodInfo.ReturnParameter.IsDefined(type) throws IndexOutOfRangeException
- [watchOS] MT3001: Could not AOT the assembly mscorlib.dll
- Crash while profiling roslyn compiler server
- FastCopy may silently fail to do anything
- Problem with DefaultValueAttribute and Color values
- Task calls SynchronizationContext.Post on cancelling
- ReflectionModelServices.IsExportFactoryImportDefinition should not throw
- xtro-sharpie.exe crashes with “Cannot transition thread 0x10c3ef5c0 from STATE_BLOCKING with DO_BLOCKING”
- System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute() throws undocumented ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- [iOS] Generic sharing with long float arguments list
- MonoDevelop SDB regressions
- Bug in TextRenderer.DrawText on Linux
- Calling TcpListener.Create(int port) on multiple threads can fail
- Mono mkbundle output executable throws: “Error mapping file: No error”
- struct with 3 bytes not marshaled correctly with LLVM on watchOS
- GetCustomAttributes on a type from an assembly in the LoadFile context fails
- Memory leak in HttpWebRequest / HttpWebResponse when using a WebProxy
- Starting process with empty ProcessStartInfo.Environment incorrectly inherits all variables
- Error when debugging
- Mono to SQL Server using integrated security no longer works on iOS
- WaitHandle.WaitAny returns invalid result
- SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient throws wrong exception types
- Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.sys_strerror_r SEGFAULT on musl libc
- flaky runtime.finalizer-exception.exe (Assertion at unwind.c:640, condition `cfa_reg != -1’ not met)
- Update macOS minimal version
- Behaviour difference between Mono and CoreCLR
- iOS: 32-bit device unit test failure: [FAIL] FSharpTest.SprintfTest : Expected: True
- tests/src/baseservices/threading/readerwriterlockslim/upgrader.cs CoreCLR acceptance-test fails
- WASM: Use BrowserHttpMessageHandler when available
- System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile should throw ArgumentException for relative path name
- AOT images compiled with safepoints should be usable with MONO_THREADS_SUSPEND=preemptive
- cross build regressed wrt System.Native and “shm_open that works well enough with mmap”
- Update framework facades list used by loader
- SynchronizedCollection.Add throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException

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FileHorse.com Free Software Download for Windows

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Mono (64-bit) 軟體版本mono- 檔案下載,PuTTY 是一個免費的Windows 和Unix 平台的Telnet 和SSH 實現,以及 ...


Mono (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

PuTTY軟體資訊介紹&下載,PuTTY 是一個免費的Windows 和Unix 平台的Telnet 和SSH 實現,以及一個xterm 終端模擬器。它主要由Simon Tatham ...


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Mac Mono,開源的Arduino para Mac(IDE)使得編寫代碼並將其上傳到開發板變得容易。它運行在Windows,Mac OS X 和Linux 上。環境是用Java 編寫的, ...
