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最新版本 Descript 83.1.3

SourceTree 歷史版本列表

SourceTree 是與 Git 和 Mercurial 一起工作的快捷方式。從一個應用程序輕鬆使用分佈式版本控制系統。在不離開應用程序的情況下使用您的 GitHub,Bitbucket 和 Kiln 帳戶。也適用於 Subversion 服務器! Atlassian 已經收購了 SourceTree,現在在有限的時間內免費! Full-powered DVCS告別命令行– 在 So... SourceTree 軟體介紹

SourceTree 3.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Repository Details window: displays metadata for both Git and Mercurial, provides a glanceable list of authors and their activity
- Add a 'Commit All' action to the Repository menu

Bug Fixes:
- Resolve issues with not opening clone links for Bitbucket Cloud and Server
- Email addresses as usernames for Bitbucket Server registration now work as expected
- Properly migrate extended integration settings when importing to Bitbucket Cloud
- iTerm 2 and 3 now behave as expected when opening (thanks Michael G!)
- Updated remaining VSTS references to Azure DevOps
- Smash the source of idle/background crashes
- Update copyright to 2019
- Update to Sparkle 1.21.2
- Updated localizations

SourceTree 3.0.17 查看版本資訊


SourceTree 3.0.15 查看版本資訊


SourceTree 3.0.12 查看版本資訊


Xojo 2018 Release 4 查看版本資訊


Bitwig Studio 2.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Scene could have wrong height in Mix view under certain circumstances
- Adjusted auto-suspend behavior for some amplitude-averaging devices (such as Compressor, Transient Control, and Peak Limiter)

Regression Fixes:
- Inserting beat markers via double-click sometimes would not work in layered Detail Editor Panel
- E-Kick device differences between 2.3 and 2.4
- Under rare circumstances, a clip copied from the Arranger to the Clip Launcher could play back with an incorrect amplitude

SourceTree 3.0.8 查看版本資訊


WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.2.1
- Fixed: Accordion content padding cannot be changed via property dialog
- Fixed: Crash when adding more than 12 cells in jQuery Mobile Layout Grid
- Fixed: z-index problem when using image-overlay in Flexbox Container
- Fixed: Automatic @font-face always uses verdana font (64bit version only)
- Improved: An improved messagebox is displayed when an extension is missing. You can now choose to continue, visit the forum FAQ for tips how to fix the error or cancel
- Improved: Added Google Fonts to Menubar->Tools
- New feature: Added 'Full width' option to Rollover text for use with layout grids. This makes the image flexible/responsive

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.2.0

- Fixed: Switching from Master Page to Master frame crashes program when the page is not active
- Fixed: Issue with Panel Menu hamburger image in breakpoints
- Fixed: Visibility issue with images in flexgrid and breakpoints
- Fixed: Login Name does not apply background alpha value
- Fixed: Panel Layer overlay hidden in breakpoints
- Improved: Added justify-content to Layout Grid when using flexbox/fixed height
- Improved: It is now possible to use multipe (form) conditions with the same value for "equal to (choice)/not equal to (choice)", so you can trigger different actions for the same value
- Improved: Now includes PHP Mailer 6.0.5 (upgraded from 5.2.26) with many improvements
- Improved: Implemented workaround for 'Failed to open document' error when extensions are missing
- Improved: Projects with extensions can now be opened in the TRIAL version. Extensions will not be functional in demo mode but the application will no longer generate an error (or crash)
- Improved: Form's encoding type defaults to 'multipart/form-data'
- Improved: Newly added objects in layers will automatically be moved into the viewport if they are not visible in breakpoints (experimental)

Single Page Protect:
- Improved: Redesigned 'Single Page Protect' so it's more mobile friendly
- New feature: Added extra styling options to 'Single Page Protect': colors, padding, border-radius, button and editbox styling etc.

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 6.x export:
- New feature: Added support for export to Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 6.x format

- New feature: Added 3 new built-in variables: $PAGE_NAME$, $PAGE_TITLE$ andf $PAGE_FILENAME$. These variables can be used anywhere in the page and will be replaced by their actual values when the page is published

List View:
- New feature: Added alignment property to List View. The alignment is responsive

Slide Menu:
- New feature: Added alignment property to Slide Menu. The alignment is responsive

- New feature: Added the ability to add YouTube/Vimeo videos to Cards
- New feature: Added 'Icon library' option to Card, this makes it possible to use custom fonts (in addition to Font Awesome)

Panel Menu:
- New feature: Added the ability to set different colors for the button and menu items in Panel Menu

- New feature: Responsive Menu, Breadcrumb, Tabs, Overlay Menu and Panel Menu now support custom icon fonts (in addition to Font Awesome and Material Icons)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.1
- Fixed Issue with Card alignment in breakpoints
- Fixed CSS menu border hover color
- Fixed Issue with progress bar percentages in floating layout
- Fixed Issue with empty Marquee and HTML formatting tools
- Improved Hidden Inline Frame now uses 'displaynone' instead of 'visibilityhidden' in Layout Grids

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.0
- Fixed: Extra quote in Overlay Menu
- Fixed: Line position in floating layers.
- Fixed: Issue with Replace ID 1234xxxxx to a1234xxxxx
- Improved: Added flexbox support to CMS View
- Improved: 'Login Name' no longer shows a broken image when the avatar is not set
- Improved: Rendering speed of layer/layout grid 'ondragover' highlighting
- Improved: Implemented responsive text alignment for Heading, Editbox, Text Area and Label
- Improved: Implemented responsive menu alignment for CSS menu, Breadcrumb, Pagination, Text menu, Overlay Menu and Responsive Menu
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the maximum dimensions of the avatar image in login signup
- New feature: Added alpha support to CSS Menu border color (menu items)
- New feature: Added 'alignment' property to Pagination menu
- New feature: Added 'border width' property to Themeable Button
- New feature: Added hard line-break support to Card text
- New feature: Added 'full width' option to Horizontal Line. When set to false, the line can have a fixed width (instead of 100%)
- New feature: Added 'box shadow' to Heading object
- New feature: Added 'text shadow' to Heading object
- New feature: Added 'padding' to rollover layer (for use with floating children)
- New feature: Added the ability to add custom options to full page Carousel. For an overview of available options please visit:
- New feature: Added background overlay options to Flex Grid
- New feature: Added the ability to use the Flex grid as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)
- New feature: Added 'Default breakpoint' template in Flex Grid editor. This option will apply the layout from the default breakpoint to the current breakpoint, so you do not have to redo it for all breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.5
- Fixed: Font sizes in extension datasets are not converted to pixels
- Fixed: Issue with edit profile/avatar and minified HTML
- Fixed: Structured Data Object Adds Scrollba
- Fixed: Cannot insert new item in empty card item list
- Improved: Added confirmation box to 'Reset toolbox'
- Improved: Reversed the order of @font-face fonts (woff2, woff, tff, svg, eot
- Improved: Sticky Layer now uses CSS instead of JavaScript when delay is set to
- Improved: Added 'mute=1' to YouTube and Vimeo background video
- Improved: Added latitude/longitude properties to 'Google Maps with Info' script

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.4
- Removed: input:-webkit-appearance, hides checkboxes in with non-safari browsers
- Fixed: 'Select Page' dialog should be on the foreground in nested dialogs
- Fixed: Combobox height issue in breakpoints
- Fixed: Layout grid column border rendering issue
- Fixed: Overlay menu styling crashes WWB
- Fixed: missing semicolumn in label line-height
- Fixed: Conflict with flexible carousel and 'center in browser'
- Improved: Overflow of panel layer
- Improved: Optimized layout calculation when switching between breakpoints
- Improved: Initial 'Horizontal Line' height is set to grid size, when using drag & drop from toolbox
- Improved: Modal Layer positioning in breakpoints
- Improved: Font size update in toolbar
- Improved: Flex Grid editor now displays a warning if one of the grid item names is invalid

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.3
- Fixed: Login Admin Action icon's not showing
- Fixed: Issue with jQuery Mobile Panel corner property.
- Fixed: Issue with jQuery Mobile Header/Footer text color.
- Fixed: Incorrect date styling in blog templates bootstrap and testimonial.
- Fixed: Some styles are not saved for jQuery UI widgets when using breakpoints.
- Fixed: CSS menu is not synchronized with other menus.
- Fixed: Box-shadow type setting is not saved.
- Improved: Editbox line-height is now responsive.
- Improved: Long label text wraps in layout grid.
- Improved: The page size is no longer updated automatically when editing text inside a footer.
- Improved: Ruler update after page size change.
- Improved: Removed YouTube's ugly border.
- Improved: Included jquery-2.2.4.min.js again for backwards compatibility.
- Improved: 32bit version can now read most projects saved with 64 version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.2

- Login Admin code missing semicolon when using avatars
- Issue with Material Icons json file
- Ctrl+Click does not work for Tables and Carousel
- Folder should not be included in Twitter Card URL

- Added 'User role' property to Login Signup form. This specifies the default user role for new users
- Added keyboard shortcut support to search input fields of the Object Manager, Site Manager and Toolbox

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.1

- Missing 'width' in Bulleted List
- Rendering issue with zoomed workspace
- Conflict with external scripts and JSON
- 'Find not found' error with some extensions
- Implemented workaround for Layout grids with maximum width, so they use 'old' behavior automatically. See the help for more details
- Login Admin produces demo code
- Single character glyphs in Icon Fonts do not render
- Issue with user roles in Login Admin

- SVG output for Material Icons.
- During the setup, blocks/icons will no longer be installed in the user's document folder. Because when the setup is executed with different credentials, the files ended up in the wrong folder
- Added support for Unicode files names in zip backup
- class property does not disable object's CSS output

New feature:
- Added 'trigger change' action to Form Conditions. When you set the value of another object via conditions, then browsers will not trigger a change event for that object. This action adds the ability to force a change event, which may be useful if the value is used in other conditions

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.0
Flex Grid:
- New feature: WB14 introduces a new way of creating flexible layouts based on the new CSS Grid Layout
- The CSS grid is a new technique in CSS that allows web developers to create complex responsive web design layouts more easily and consistently across browsers. 'CSS Grid Layout' is a two-dimensional grid system that is native to CSS. It does not rely on floats or other hacks. This result in clean code and reliable code. The idea behind the Grid Layout is to divide a webpage into columns and rows. The columns and rows have named areas where you can drag & drop object in. The definition of the layout can be different for each breakpoint. Each grid area supports it own padding, (flexbox) alignment, border and background style

- New feature: Added 'Card' object. A card is a lightweight, flexible content container. It includes options for headers and footers, a wide variety of content, styling, and powerful display options. When used in combination with a flexbox container, multiple cards with different content can have the same height, which normally would be difficult to achieve.
- New feature: Popovers, this basically uses the Card as an advanced tooltip/pop-up box that appears when the user clicks or hovers on an element

Google Fonts:
- New feature: Added Google Fonts Manager. Adding Google Fonts to your website has never been easier. You no longer have to manually download/install the fonts from the Google website.

Icons Fonts:
- New feature: Added support for custom Icon Fonts Libraries. Add your own icon libraries or third party icon sets. Extra Icon Fonts support the same styling options as the built-in Font Awesome. Add-on packs are available for : Drip Icons, Elusive Icons, Feather, Foundation Icons, Glyphicons Halflings, Ionicons, LineAwesome, Material Icons, Open Iconic, Linea Icons

Structured Data (
- New feature: Added support for Structured Data (JSON-LD). Provide a better browsing experience for users on your website and in search engines, and improve your SEO with the built-in JSON-LD generator. The following schemes are currently supported: Event, Review, Person, NewsArticle, SoftwareApplication, Product, Organization, Recipe, Restaurant, VideoObject, MusicAlbum, MusicPlaylist.

Twitter Cards:
- New feature: Added support for Twitter Cards: Summary, Summary with large image and Player. Twitter specific meta tags can be configured in the Meta Tags section of the Page Properties

Layout Grid:
- New feature: Added background overlay support to grid columns
- New feature: Added semantic HTML5 tag support
- New feature: Adding padding properties to columns. Padding is responsive
- New feature: Adding border properties to columns. This make it possible to configure border for each column. Border properties are responsive
- New feature: Added the ability to make layout grids full screen: Column height->100vh (100% of the viewport height)
- New feature: Added support for 'CSS Grid Layout' (in addition to Bootstrap and Flexbox)

- New feature: Added new 'Wizard' object. This implements a wizard like component, which can be used (for example) to create a multi-page form. The wizard can either be modal (popup) or used as a standard element

Site Search:
- Improved: Most search related code is now part of wb.sitesearch.min.js, this makes it possible to share the code between multiple page and results in a smaller footprint
- Improved: Results font-family now supports @font-face/Google Fonts
- New feature: Added 'Include all text in search index' option in Search Index settings. This will use all text from the page instead of just unique words. This will increase the size of the search index, but the search results will look better and it makes it possible to search for phrases
- New feature: Added the possibility to use quotes in the search queries to search for an exact phrase. Example: 'open source'. To make this useful, the option 'Include all text in search index' should be enabled
- New feature: Added the possibility to use the minus character before a word to exclude all results that include that word. Example: web -designer
- New feature: Added 'Include timing' option. This displays the total time it took to execute the search query
- New feature: In addition to jQuery Dialog, you can now also display the results in a Bootstrap modal
- New feature: Added an option to set maximum number of characters to display in the results. The description text contains the context of the keyword within the text
- New feature: Added support for pagination
- New feature: Added item padding property. This specifies the padding between result items
- New feature: Added option to make search terms bold
- New feature: Added option to include the URL in search results

Overlay Menu:
- New feature: Added new 'Overlay Menu' object. This implements a multi-level, responsive full screen menu. With 10 show/hide animations. social icons support

Tab Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Tab Menu will switch to stacked (vertical) mode so it can be also be used on smaller screens

Text Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. This works in combination with Layout->Type->Responsive. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Text Menu will switch from horizontal to vertical

Panel Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Panel Menu will switch to full screen mode (with close button)
- New feature: Added 'hamburger animations'. 12 different animations are available
- New feature: Added the possibility to add footer text. For example, to add a copyright message at the bottom of the menu
- New feature: Added the possibility to add a logo to the menu
- New feature: Added menu padding. This sets the padding around the entire menu
- New feature: Added support for 'Social Icons'. To add a social icon set the of the menu item and leave the 'text' field empty
- New feature: Added support for dividers. Set the text to '---' to insert a divider

Mega Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Mega Menu will display a hamburger icon to trigger a full screen menu
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' property. This adds the possibility to align the button inside the menu's container
- New feature: Added sub menu 'Alignment' property. Specifies the alignment of the text inside the sub menu
- New feature: Added sub menu 'Orientation' property. Specifies the orientation of the sub menu relatively to the button

CSS Menu:
- New feature: Border styles of the main menu now support for individual sides

Other navigation:
- Improved: You can now use
in menu text, which makes it possible to have multi-line text. Note that this mainly useful for menu items that do not have the same size like sub menu, panel/overlay menu items
- New feature: Added 'Synchronize with another menu" option. Enabling this option will synchronize the links of the menu with the specified menu, This may be useful when you have multiple menus on the page, for example a desktop and mobile menu. So, you will have to change the link(s) only once
- New feature: Added 'Do not follow this link' option to links. Enabling this option adds 'rel=nofollow' to prevent robots/search engines following the link

Master Page/Master Frame:
- New feature: Added support for background transparency (alpha) in Content Place Holder
- New feature: Added new master page functionality. In addition to Master Frame you can now also use another page as master page. This does not require a content place holder

- Removed: Disable IE toolbar. IE no longer supports this feature
- Improved: All built-in JavaScript files are now loaded from the 'js' sub folder instead of embedded in the executable. This reduced the size of the application and memory usage. And it makes it easier to replace the files, if needed
- Improved: More objects now support ARIA role attributes. For example: tabs, accordion, search, blog, news feed ticker, navigation etc.
- Improved: The 'margin' property is now responsive for most objects
- Improved: If a full width object has margin then the margin value will be subtracted from the total width using css's calc function so the object does not become wider than its container
- Improved: Removed browser prefixes for box-shadow
- Improved: HTML viewer has a better contrast for dark color schemes
- Improved: Many DPI improvements. For example, all built-in images/icons/toolbars now have high resolution versions for use on high DPI screens
- New feature: Added 'Set initial zoom level based on DPI scaling' option. On some computers with a high resolution (4k) display, the initial workspace may be to small. By enabling this option, the DPI value of your system will be used as the initial zoom level
- New feature: Added 'Default' accent color to color schemes. VS 2017 and Office 2016 color schemes may use Windows accent color now
- New feature: Added 'Search' option to Site Manager to filter pages in the list and quickly find a page
- New feature: Added 'Search' option to Page selection dialog (for internal links) to quickly find a page
- New feature: Added 'Project backup in zip' option to File menu. This will create a full backup of the project and images etc.
- New feature: Added 'Load built-in JavaScript files asynchronously' option in Tools->Options->HTML. Note: only useful when using external JavaScript file
- New feature: Added 'ctrl+click+drag' support to quickly duplicate objects just like in Word/PowerPoint: select the object that you want to duplicate
- hover over the object with your mouse and press the CTRL key
- while still pressing the CTRL key, click and drag the object to the new location

- New feature: Make a backup of the complete project (including images) in zip format

- Improved: Templates/Blocks are now stored more efficiently. If a project uses the same image multiple times then it wil be embedded only once

- New feature: The application now officially supports SVG

- New feature: Add ‘Full width’ mode to Shape, Text Art and Clip Art for use with SVG output mode. This makes it possible to have scalable/flexible shapes/text/clipart in layout grids
- Improved: Shapes in 'Insert Shape' gallery are now rendered larger and sharper, just like other 'Insert' galleries

Color picker:
- New feature: Added 'Alpha slider' to color picker

Font Awesome/Material Icons:
- New feature: Implemented a new icon selection window. With categories (just like in the Ribbon) and a search option, so you can quickly find the icon you are looking for

- New feature: Added 'Disable CSS media query' option to Page Properties. If this option is enabled, then breakpoints will not be published. This may be useful for testing purposes
- New feature: Added 'Disable HTML/CSS/JavsaScript formatting'. This option disables beautify/minify options for the current page. This may be useful for testing purposes or when you have added code to the page which does not support formatting
- New feature: Added 'Disable custom code'. If this option is enabled, then custom code with not be included in the published page. This way you can test the page without custom code (for example, in case something does not work)
- New feature: Added 'Use Safari mobile background fix'. This option implements a workaround for issues with full width (parallax/fixed/cover) background images on Safari mobile (iOS) browsers
- New feature: Added 'Apply these breakpoints to other page' in Manage breakpoints. This option applies the breakpoints to other pages (if they do not already exist). Note that this does not affect the layout

- New feature: Added 'ID' property in Advanced section of Link properties. This makes it possible to create bookmarks to links. Related tutorial: How to create bookmarks in Text? + style => no-pointer
- New feature: Added 'Font Family' and 'Font Size' to property dialog and Property Grid. This can be used to set the font of the text object when using responsive fonts
- New feature: Added 'Recently Used Fonts' to the font dropdown list in the Ribbon and Format toolbar

Blog / Article:
- Improved: Added the ability to change the editor color. This can be useful if you are using white text
- New feature: Added 'bootstrap' layout template
- New feature: Added 'clean' layout template
- New feature: Added 'testimonial' layout template
- New feature: Added ‘quote’ layout template

News Feed Ticker:
- New feature: Added support for background transparency (alpha)
- New feature: Added border radius option

- Improved: Google Maps scripts now display a preview image in the workspace (instead of the generic JavaScript logo)
- Improved: Text scripts now show a preview of the text in the workspace
- Improved: Added support for Google Fonts
- Improved: Added support for Global Replace (fonts and colors)
- New feature: Added ‘Countdown Days’ script
- New feature: Added ‘Typewriter’ and ‘Typewriter Deluxe’ scripts. The typewriter scripts simulate typing text. Typewriter Deluxe also includes a cursor and reverse mode

Style Manager:
- Improved: The Style Manager window is now resizable
- Improved: pseudo classes are no longer displayed in the style selection list, because it is only useful to select the main class anyway
- Improved: 'Import' and 'Advanced' parser updated. It now recognizes rgba() values, animations, transitions, cursors, border-radius and more
- Improved: Enabled 'predefined style' for Heading, Bullets, Layout grid, Flex Container, Rollover Layer
- New feature: Most objects now have a 'class' property in the Property Inspector. This adds the ability (for advanced users) to set the classname (style) for any object, note that this may not make sense for some objects
- New feature: Border styles now support for individual sides
- New feature: Added support for background gradients in styles
- New feature: Added support for the 'cursor' property. This specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing on an element
- New feature: Added support for the 'background-clip' property. This specifies the painting area of the background. This can be useful in combination with transparent borders
'border-box' clips the background to the border box. When using a transparent border, the background will be visible behind the border. 'padding-box' clips the background to the padding box (excluding the border). The background behind the border will be transparent

CSS3 Animations:
- Improved: When using onscrollreveal events with css animate (css), then the target object will be initially hidden automatically (via class 'visibility-hidden'). This behavior can be overwritten by adding $SCROLLREVEAL_AUTOHIDE$ -> false to the user defined variables
- New feature: Added animations preview
- New feature: Added support for ‘filter’ property in transitions and CSS animations. This adds the possibility to animate brightness, contrast, hue, blur, invert, saturate, grayscale and sepia
- New feature: Added 'Neon' text animation
- New feature: Added 'Fire' text animation
- New feature: Added 'Classic Movie' text animation
- New feature: Added 'transform-wobble-top', ‘transform-wobble-center’ and ‘transform-wobble-bottom’ animations
- New feature: Added several text letterspacing animations. For example: ‘letterspacing focus in’ and ‘letterspacing expand’. Plus, more than 25 other new animations, including: animate-border-fade, background position, focus-in / focus-out, jello, ken-burns, pop, push, shadow-top-bottom / shadow-left-right, slide-in-elliptic/ slide-out-elliptic, text-popup, transform diagonal and many others

- New feature: Added 'background image+overlay' support to Flex Container
- New feature: Flexbox properties (flex grow, flex shrink, align self, flex basis) of objects are now responsive, so you can use different values in breakpoints

Photo Gallery/Photo Collage:
- New feature: When loading new images, the gallery will automatically use the meta data of the image (if available)
- New feature: Added the ability to set a separate 'Thumbnail' image. This allows you to use a different (smaller) version of the image for thumbnails. It is also still possible to automatically generate a thumbnail image. This can be useful for example if you want a use a square image for the preview and the full sized image with normal aspect ratio
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap modal in jQuery Dialog settings. This implements a responsive modal popup
- New feature: Added the ability to get images from a folder on the server. If the images contain description meta data then this will automatically be used for the title

- New feature: When loading new images, the gallery will automatically use the meta data of the image (if available)
- New feature: Added 'Line' shape option to pagination, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel indicators
- New feature: Added new built-in navigation arrows, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel arrows. To use the new arrows, enter '<' for previous and '>' for next in the filename fields
- New feature: Added ‘Maximum width’ property which limits the width of the slide show when used in full width (floating) mode. In previous versions this was fixed to 1920
- New feature: Added the ability to get images from a folder on the server
- New feature: Added ‘Full screen background’ slideshow mode. The images will cover the entire viewport. The slideshow will be fixed at the background, so it will not scroll with the rest of the content. Full screen background uses CSS3 animations, no JavaScript

Image / Picture:
- New feature: Added ‘Object-fit’ property. Specifies how the image should be resized to fit its container. Requires a modern browser! For example, Internet Explorer does not support this property

- New feature: Added the ability to show percentages in the progressbar

- New feature: Added border width property
- New feature: Added box-shadow properties
- New feature: Added animation duration and easing properties
- New feature: Added 'Bootstrap' mode. This will use Bootstrap's modal instead of jQuery UI
- New feature: Added the ability to use the dialog as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)
- New feature: Added floating mode. When this option is enabled objects inside the dialog float instead of having a fixed position, so you can create flexible layouts
- New feature: Added 'Breakpoint' property. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the dialog will switch to full width mode. For use with floating mode
- New feature: Added 'Buttons' properties. Buttons will be added at the bottom of the dialog and can be used to close the dialog or trigger other actions (events). This feature replaces the previous hardcoded button options
- New feature: Added 'Button alignment' and 'Button margin' properties. These specify the alignment and margins of the buttons in the footer of dialog
- New feature: Added the ability to customize the style of the buttons

- New feature: Added show and hide animations. This animates showing/hiding the panels
- New feature: Added the possibility to add a description and icon (fontawesome/material icon) to tabs
- New feature: Added support for vertical tabs: Tabs at the left and Tabs at the right
- New feature: Added the ability to use the Tabs object as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)

- New feature: Added the ability to use the accordion as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)

Themable Button (previous known as jQueryButton):
- New feature: Added box-shadow property
- New feature: Added the ability to set the button(s) full width in Layout grid. This may be useful (for example) to create flexible (radio) button rows

- New feature: Added box-shadow property

- New feature: Added 'Form Submit' and 'Form Reset' actions to events. These actions can be used to submit or reset a form through events! For example, to submit a form via a button that is not part of the form
- New feature: Added 'ondocumentready' to page events. This event is will be triggered once the page Document Object Model (DOM) is ready for JavaScript code to execute. This can be useful for example, to apply a style to an object

Scroll Events and Transitions:
- New feature: Added 'Disable scroll events on small screens' to the Page Properties. This option adds the ability to disable scroll events on small screens (eg. phones)
- New feature: Added 'Disable scroll transitions on small screens' to the Page Properties. This option adds the ability to disable scroll transitions on small screens (eg. phones)
'Minimum width' specifies the width at which the scroll events/ transitions will be disabled
- New feature: Added 'Exclude browsers' to the Page Properties. This option adds the ability to disable scroll events and transitions on specific browsers (eg. iOS, Android)

Signup/Edit Profile:
- New feature: Added the ability for the user to set an avatar image. The image can be displayed on the page with the "Login Name' object

Login Name:
- New feature: Added border, background, padding, vertical alignment properties
- New feature: Added 'Display Avatar' option. This will display the avatar of the logged in user

Login Tools:
- New feature: Added support for background and border transparency (alpha)
- New feature: Added 'User Roles' functionality. Users roles are used to create different types of users. These users will only have access to the pages that have configure this role. The roles are customizable in the properties of the Login admin

Login Admin:
- New feature: Redesigned the layout of the Login Admin for a modern look and feel
- New feature: Added styling options for button and input fields
- New feature: Added support for striped and hover rows
- New feature: Added the ability to customize/translate the text of the various items (headers, buttons)
- New feature: Added table cell padding
- New feature: Added search/filter option
- New feature: Added pagination
- New feature: Added 'avatar' support (see 'Signup/Edit Profile)

- Improved: Borders are now rendered with all properties (style, radius, individual borders) in the workspace
- New feature: Added support for transparent borders (alpha)

- New Feature: Added support for Google Maps background rendering. You can now use a (static) Google Map image as background in most objects
- Improved: Background mode -> image now displays the color picker to select the color for image + color and image + overlay
- New feature: Added ‘image+fade’ option in background properties. This will add a fading gradient overlay effect to the background

Box Shadow:
- New feature: Added support for shadow type: inset. This changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset) to an inner shadow

- New feature: Added 'Line' shape option to pagination, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel indicators
- New feature: Added new built-in navigation arrows, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel arrows. To use the new arrows, enter '<' for previous and '>' for next in the filename fields
- New feature: Added 'Flexible' mode. When this option is selected the child elements of the Carousel will be floating (instead of fixed). In this case the Carousel will be fully responsive and it can also be used inside layout grids. In 'Flexible mode' the Carousel can also be set to use the full height of the viewport

- New feature: Added 'breakpoint' property to Panel Layer. When the viewport is smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the panel layer will become full width

CMS Admin:
- Improved: WWB editor has new icons
- New feature: Added styling options for button and input fields. All plug-ins have been updated to support the new styling
- New feature: Added support for hover rows
- New feature: Added table cell padding

- New feature: Added the possibility to add images to dividers

Property Inspector:
- New feature: The Property Inspector will display a 'Responsive' icon, if the property has different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'Reset Property (RWD)'. This will reset the selected value, so will be the same across all breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'Reset All Properties (RWD)'. This will reset all responsive values of the object
- New feature: Added commands section with shortcuts to 'More properties', Events, HTML and Animations

Global Replace:
- New feature: Added the ability to replace internal links

Error Reports:
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when a style does not have the same breakpoints as the page. If you are using styles in responsive pages then these styles should have the same breakpoints
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when an event refers to an object that is no longer on the page: Invalid event target

Form Conditions:
- New feature: Added 'Less than' and 'Greater than' conditions. It is also possible to create a range (greater than/less than combined)
- New feature: Added 'else' conditions. This can be used in combination with 'equal to', 'not equal to', 'greater than' and 'less than'

- New feature: Added 'From' property to built-in form processor settings. This will set the 'from' address of email sent messages to the specified email address. If you leave the field empty then it will work like in previous versions: either the 'email' input will be used (if it exists) or the 'to' address
- New feature: Added 'Set envelope-from address for PHP mail() with the -f option' in form properties (Form Properties->Advanced->Miscellaneous). This replaces the PHP7 option in page properties. It serves the same purpose
- New feature: Added server sided input validation (Form Properties->Advanced->Miscellaneous). This adds extra security to the form by also validating the input on the server side (using PHP). This feature uses the same settings as the JavaScript (client side) validation

Editbox / Textarea:
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the color of the placeholder text

- Improved: Lightbox preview image now automatically keeps aspect ratio of the image
- New feature: Added the possibility to use fancybox v3. Due to license restrictions we are not allowed to distribute fancybox v3. However if you copy the files from to DocumentsWYSIWYG Web Buildersystemlightboxfancybox, then application will use these files instead of the included ones (fancybox v1)
- New feature: Added support for 3 new (third party) responsive lightboxes: lightcase, tosrus, venobox. Available in 'Free extras'
- New feature: The lightbox (in Page Properties) now supports : colorbox, lightcase, prettyphoto, swipebox, tosrus, venobox. These lightboxes can be used for YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 video, Inline frames and links
- New feature: Added the ability to add a border (style, color, width, radius) to the lightbox preview image in YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 video

User defined variables:
- New feature: Added $PROJECT_CSS$ system variable. This makes it possible to specify a different name for the global (external) style sheet, instead of using the project name

Bitwig Studio 2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Sampler overhaul (see section below)
- Program-wide MIDI channel support (see section below)
- New device: Note FX Layer, for stacking note effects as parallel layers
- New device: Channel Filter, for suppressing select MIDI channels
- New device: Channel Map, for remapping select MIDI channels
- New modulator: ParSeq-8, a unique parameter step sequencer
- New modulator: Note Counter, an incrementer for creating swirling modulation patterns
- Tracks can be horizontally resized in the Mix View
- Scenes can be horizontally resized in the Arrange View
- Scenes can be colored
- Global controller takeover modes, to set how hardware controllers and software parameters interact
- On-screen controller visualizations of takeover status, showing the current bank of controls with their parameter values
- Interaction-based hints, displaying all currently available mouse actions
- New Quick Start templates in the Dashboard
- Modulation mappings can now be copied/pasted by various methods
- Updated device: Bit-8 now has new quantization modes, additional parameters, and an optimized layout
- Updated device: HW Instrument now has an MPE mode that outputs note expressions as MIDI channel voice messages and dynamically allocates MIDI channels, if appropriate
- Updated modulator: Steps now has ping-pong looping and pattern generation/processing functions (available via right-click)
- Controller Scripting API now supports USB device detection and communication
- Controller Scripting API now offers graphics API (for passing bitmap data to controllers)
- Added controller support for Novation Launchkey MK2, Launch Control XL, and Launchkey Mini
- Added controller support for Sensel Morph
- Added controller support for MIDIPLUS X2mini, X3mini, X4mini, X6mini, X6pro, and X6pro
- Added controller support for Vault Apex 25, Apex 49, and Apex 61
- Various writings systems are now displayed properly, including: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Cham, Cherokee, Chinese, Devanagari, Georgian, Gurmukhi, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Runic, Tamil, Telugu, and Thai
- Updated user guide for version 2.4

Sampler overhaul:
- Repitch playback mode, for traditional sampling
- Cycles playback mode, using wavetable techniques
- Textures playback mode, using granular techniques
- Freeze option (❄︎) for manually controlling the playhead in any playback mode
- Visual crossfade looping
- Ping-pong looping mode
- One-shot envelope mode now has fade-in and -out controls
- Keyboard tracking can be turned on or off, or set as a percentage
- Detect root key function (from right-click menu) detects sample pitch from the start of the loop region
- Editing playback and loop points snaps to zero crossings by default
- Each Sampler device can load its audio in RAM or play it back from disk
- Updated multisample interface now with a detail view, showing note ranges along with velocity/select ranges for each zone
- Select parameter (*) controls what zones are played at note on
- Zones can crossfade with other zones based on key, velocity, and/or the Select parameter
- Three per-zone modulation sources are available, with modulation amounts set in each zone
- Groups can be created for managing zones
- Round-robin option per zone, to only trigger one matching zone at a time

Program-wide midi channel support:
- Each track has settings for the incoming MIDI channel(s) it responds to and which channel(s) it writes to
- Layers (such as in the Instrument Layer device) have channel options as well, supporting multitimbral tracks
- Each note stores which channel it plays back on
- MIDI automation lanes are defined by channel
- Layered editing mode can work by channel, with various view/edit options
- Detail Editor Panel provides various note color options, including by clip, by MIDI channel, by pitch class, and by velocity
- The tool menu in the Detail Editor Panel contains an Insert Channel setting as the destination for new notes

- Better anti-click fading for audio Launcher clips
- Default anti-click fade time is now set in seconds instead of beats
- Automatic fades for audio clips and events are now applied in additional editing cases
- Last used velocity is applied when drawing a new note
- Linear velocity ramps by can be created by alt-clicking (and then clicking/dragging again adds curvature)
- EQ band-type can now be changed in the GUI by right-clicking
- Right-clicking a modulation source allows you to change its modulation amount(s) from the context menu
- Right-clicking in an empty modulator slot now targets the modulator slot
- Nested device chain channels have a smaller width in the Mixer Panel
- Modulation sources are now sorted in the Inspector Panel
- Browser items can now be added to a collection via the context menu
- Now supports drag and drop of a sample filename from Sampler to the Arranger or Launcher, etc.
- Enhanced device logic for note channels information (Note Echo and Note Latch)
- Expressions modulator now has a smoothing option (was always on before)
- LFO, Steps, and ParSeq-8 now follow the pitch bend when set to track the pitch
- Polysynth device’s glide is consistent across different audio interface settings
- Arpeggiator device now holds keys with the sustain pedal (MIDI CC64)
- The Button and Buttons modulators now show their modulation routing button in the Remote Controls pane
- Steps modulator can copy/paste patterns from/to other instances of Steps
- Steps modulator has better visuals when minimized
- Extended filter range in Phase-4 and Polysynth to match Sampler
- Voice settings have moved to device inspector for several instruments (FM-4, Organ, Phase-4, Polysynth, Sampler)
- Pitch bend range used in MPE for plug-ins can now be set in the Device Inspector
- Text editing of parameters is now more robust (only selecting editable values)
- Added unselect-all command to Edit menu, with escape key as premapped shortcut
- Note FX Layer now uses larger LEDs
- Open file starts from the current project directory, or from the standard project directory if the dashboard is shown
- Demos and templates are now under Quick Start in the Dashboard
- Demos and templates can now install required packs automatically
- Improved tooltip display logic
- Added pitch-bend range setting to LinnStrument controller extension
- Updated support for Nektar controllers

- Fix bugs in Clip.scrollKeysPageUp/Down via controller API
- It was possible to sometimes get clip contents scrolled out of view on the clip launcher if a project was saved on a hi res monitor and then opened on a low res one
- Step modulator has an offset of 1 when using note advance and smooting
- Error playing back .multisample files which had non-ASCII filenames inside them
- There was no inspector on the second display of the "Dual Display (Studio)" layout
- Fixed certain ASIO input formats
- Corrected note playback behavior for non-overdubbed arranger recording
- Content of looped Audio Clips in Launcher should not be doubled, when using Bounce in Place on them
- Transport.fastForward() and Transport.rewind() did not do anything when the transport was playing
- Devices/modulators with any source routing selected (sidechain, etc) will now never go to sleep
- E-Hat amplitude fluctuated with certain attack/decay settings
- It was possible to get the application into a state where the dashboard could never be shown again
- Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKONTROL2 on Mac and Linux
- Preserve note-channel (whenever possible) for notes sent to VSTs with the "Use MPE" setting enabled
- Clips visualized on Maschine JAM don't get turned off when deleting them
- Creating a new project before the audio engine has finished connecting to the existing project could get the application into a state where the engine could not connect to the new project
- Marian Seraph ASIO driver didn't work
- Crossfade to next clip gets replaced by fade out when cutting clip using knife tool
- Delay-2: audio cuts out if Delay time goes below 0ms due to Detune
- Crash when switching between different controller extensions using the drop-down when ports where already selected
- Use MPE setting can now be turned off even for plug-ins which are automatically detected as supporting MPE
- When connecting an engine to a project that has some parameter automation manually overridden the engine would still play back the automation even though it shouldn't
- Selecting notes via alt+left/right keys sometimes does not work when note editor is in clip mode
- Beat markers created by dragging a ghost marker at the end of the sample sometimes jump to an invalid location
- Reversing a looped clip sometimes moves the start marker when it should not, or result in a non-looped clip
- Stretch tool might snap to timeline grid with an incorrect offset
- Deleting a modulation mapping from the source context menu did not remove it in the context menu but did delete the mapping
- On 4k monitors the minimum width of the scrollbar in the arranger could get too small to be of much use
- Remote controls panel layout would get broken if a page had a very long name
- File dialog on Linux may sometimes open behind the application window and show the file dialog as a separate application in the taskbar
- Modulation copy/paste allows to make modulators modulate themselves
- Device remote controls open/closed state would not be restored correctly when dragging a preset to the empty track area to create a new track
- Issue with controller scripts using both MPE and a note-translation map
- When playing two notes of the same pitch using MPE controllers, releasing either note would stop both notes from playing
- Send RPN 6 to plug-ins when "Use MPE" is enabled (or auto-detected).
- Excessive CPU load for note-inputs of controllers
- Sustain pedal CC64 does not return to 0 when stopping transport
- Steep automation curves are not being read under certain conditions
- Jump to play position in clip has offset if clip start is not at 1.1.1
- Dropping samples on the zone list header now maps the whole key-range
- Don't use AltGr modifier during drag and drop on Mac as this key is not present
- Clip color indicator for group scenes does not redraw when changing clip colors
- Drag-and-drop on windows didn't work for some sources
- Takeover modes sometimes not working correctly
- Possible to lock the application up in multi display profile by editing shortcuts and not providing a valid name for the shortcuts and closing the dashboard
- When browsing for devices and presets for the first device with a mix parameter in an effect track using the popup browser make sure to set the mix parameter to full wet
- Application could end up not being able to quit if it was closing and asking user about saving a project and user changed display profile before responding to the question
- EQ-5 lowpass4 was called "2 poles" instead of "4 poles"
- Sometimes notes get recorded one bar further than you actually play them in clip launcher
- Beat LFO could go wonky gonky bonky at high transport beat time
- Polynom modulators are all called "Out" in Inspector and context menus
- Hold pedal automation was sent with the transport stopped when setting the transport position
- APC40 MKII: the knob's ring might not be properly initialized
- On certain Linux system, Bitwig Studio did not start because of missing
- Polysynth glide might sound steppy when playing with large buffer size
- Improved oscillator retrigger in Polysynth
- Legato glide's pitch might jump under certain conditions
- Crash when toggling pre-fader in the inspector of an FX track
- Control Surface API: crossfade enum got broken ("Off" instead of "AB")
- Moving clips while playing could make the sequencer out-of-time
- Text editing of integer fields was annoying if the display had a pre or post-fix
- Note counter modulator does not update gfx (0/5) when being used in monophonic device
- Remote controls: button modulator name was not properly shown
- Engine crash when using Note Counter Modulator on a Monophonic device like E-Kick
- Possible to scroll the key zone out of screen using the bottom scroll bar in the multisample editor
- Launch Control XL auto-detection for firmware older than 1.2 is not working
- Launch Control XL: device LEDs not painting correctly
- Crash when dropping clip on note editor piano keyboard
- Crash when dropping sample on empty device list area of a track in mix view
- Maschine JAM version 0.6 by Native Instruments crashed
- Right-click on a Track Group Slot from the mixer view does nothing
- Stop the modulation mapping if a modulation source gets disabled
- Sampler - Reverse mode calculates offset play start/end off of sample start (instead of sample end)
- Multisample editor: some parameter values are not mirrored between GUI and Zone Inspector
- Channel list should not be visible in layered note editor when editing audio
- Remote controls should show the parameter value as provided by the plug-in instead of a 0..1 range
- Fixed auto detection of Akai MPK25, Akai MPK49 on Windows and macOS
- Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKontrol2 on macOS
- It was possible to get launcher clips out-of-sync with the transport if the transport was started as a result of launching the clips
- Crash when performing undo after slice to drum machine
- File open dialog starts in temporary folder for a new project or the templates folder if it was created from a template
- When dragging a clip to the track above in the clip launcher it easily lands in the slot to the right
- Wrong arranger playback start position when double-clicking into note editor timeline ruler
- Notes sometimes get pasted multiple times
- Not possible to move an automation segment by using cmd-drag in clip automation editor
- Shift-clicking on notes to select a range of notes does not behave as expected
- Cryptic device type text in Browser side panel
- Channel aftertouch did not get recorded anymore
- Pitch-bend automation was recorded wrong
- Steps modulator in transport mode did not start if device chain was not in focus
- Should not be possible to drag expression nodes beyond note end.
- Copy devices modifier was not shown when dragging clips to new tracks
- Copy modifier was not shown when dragging remote control pages
- Setting crossFadeMode of a track via API does not work
- Recording of audio clips in the clip-launcher finished too early when stopped by launching a clip (including itself)
- Flowing layouts were line-breaking too early
- Paste at the start of device chain was broken
- It was possible to get two audio clips playing at the same time on the same track
- Elastique Pro formant resolution parameter only worked for every second audio event
- Cross-fade between launcher clips added a slight offset to automation
- Issue with polynom display
- Loops were not read for some SFZ files which didn't follow spec
- Crash when reading metadata from some SFZ files
- Plug-in parameter value text is not updated

SourceTree 查看版本資訊
