Sleipnir Browser 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 Sleipnir Browser 6.5.3

Sleipnir Browser 歷史版本列表

最終高級的 Web 瀏覽器 Sleipnir 將在您的計算機上新安裝。 Sleipnir 你到現在為止沒有被觸及,所以你可以在安裝後繼續使用它。此外,還可以從以前的版本和其他 browsers.Sleipnir Browser 功能導入書籤,歷史和更多:Fast 耐用閃爍 engineSleipnir 實現眨眼引擎谷歌瀏覽器也有使用,所以它是壓倒性快速的 durable.Chrome 功能 Ext... Sleipnir Browser 軟體介紹

SABnzbd 3.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Big changes:
- Python 3.5 and above are the only supported versions of Python
- Cache handling is greatly improved, resulting in more stable speeds on some systems
- Articles failing with CRC errors are now retried on other servers
- SFV files, even obfuscated, will be used for renaming when there are no par2 files
- Fully obfuscated RAR-sets with no verification files are detected and extracted
- Built-in internet bandwidth test
- Windows Service support was changed. The service will need to be reinstalled
- The Windows installer is 64-bit only, for 32-bit please use the standalone package

Other changes:
- Files inside an NZB that are fully identical are now skipped automatically
- Folders of jobs that failed post-processing are renamed to _FAILED_
- Blocking of unwanted extensions that are directly inside an NZB
- In Python 3 OpenSSL 1.1.1 is used for Windows and macOS, as a resul
- newsservers manually set to RC4-MD5 cipher can no longer connect
- TLS1.3 support for newsserver connections
- SABYenc, par2 and unrar are now required to start downloading
- Growl-support was removed
- The smpl skin was removed
- Using the API with output=text to add NZB's will report the nzo_ids instead of ok
- Queue-item labels are no longer part of the name but separated in API-property labels
- API-calls tapi and qstatus were removed
- On Windows only Multipar is available for repair
- Linux tray icon support was improved
- On Linux special permission bits are removed from files after download
- macOS features such as the menu and notifications now use native code

- Resolved potential security issue in FAT-filesystem check and Nice and IONice Parameters
- More information: GHSA-9x87-96gg-33w2
- Sample removal did not work if only 1 sample file was present
- Crash on badly formatted RSS-feeds or readout during editing
- Only really run pre-queue-script when it is set
- Always report API paused status as a boolean
- Automatic aborting of jobs that can't be completed would sometimes not trigger
- Windows systems could enter standby state during downloading
- Some errors thrown by unrar were not caught
- Files and sockets were not always closed correctly
- Unwanted extension check was overly aggressively deleting folders

XRECODE 1.103 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added option to "Verify encoded output" for WavPack .exe encoder
- fixed issue with handling of some DVDA iso files
- added some helpful functions in tags replace file
- added Korean (EUC-KR) char-set detection when retrieving Metadata
- improved appearance of the progress bars on a classic Win7 theme
-(console): added /pt command line parameter to preserve the timestamps of files and folders (the same option as in GUI version)

- fixed issue when "SplitBy" was used together with "Move source file to Recycle..."
- fixed decoding of .tak files on x64"
- fixed extracting of DST encoded dff files
- fixed issue when "Preserve the structure of the source folder" was creating incorrect file names on a network share

Windows Terminal 2020 1.1.2021.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Scrolling inside a mouse-enabled application should now be 98% less wild when you use a precision touchpad
- Terminal should no longer crash when you read its contents with Narrator's "scan mode"
- You may now double-click a tab to rename it
- The buttons in the tab color picker now have tooltips
- A hard reset will now fully reset the terminal instead of failing out halfway through
- The shapes and colors of the new tab button have been updated to better match the rest of the OS
- Terminal now ships with high contrast icons
- We've improved the performance of rendering by reducing unnecessary copies (thanks C++!)
- The Solarized color schemes have been updated to fix "bright black" and "normal black" having been swapped
- PowerShell's PSReadline prefers bright black to render command parameters, which rendered (!) them totally unreadable on Solariz
- This version of Windows Terminal ships with Cascadia Code v2007.15

MeshLab 2020.07 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- new plugin "Global Registration" based on OpenGR library
- option to reverse wheel direction
- snap package allows to associate file extensions and to open files on external disks
- u3d exporter is now more stable and works on every platform
- removed support for XML plugins and QtScript dependecy
- VisualSFM (and some other formats) output *.nvm, *.rd.out projects supported by meshlabserver
- various bugfixes

Windows Terminal 2020 1.0.1811.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- The cursor will no longer obscure text, unless that text is the same color as the cursor
- Known issue: underlines are now drawn on top of the cursor. Follow #6499 for updates
- Win32-OpenSSH 7.7 is here to stay, so we decided to fix the issue that allowed it to break mouse input
- Our caption buttons now fade like everyone else's when you hover over them
- Text copied from the File Explorer's "Copy Address" option will now be pasteable
- Every time the window was resized, we'd lose track of another GDI handle. Now, we don't
- Maximized terminal windows will finally put their tab strips right at the top of the screen. Unrelatedly, Paul Fitts called to let us know about this one weird law
- The maximize/restore button now more accurately tracks the state of the window
- Right-clicking the negative space between the tabs and the caption buttons will now open the system menu
- Some of you thought it would be a good idea to close a tab while dragging it around. I couldn't figure out why you wanted to do that, but it will at least now not do something strange..
- You can now drag and drop snippets of text onto the Terminal and it'll do roughly what you'd expect
- The keen-eyed among you may have noticed that the 6x6x6 xterm color cube was totally horked. Thanks to @j4james, this egregious sin has been corrected
- Terminal will no longer rely on PATH lookup for cmd and powershell. They ship as part of Windows, so we should know exactly where they are

- We've added a couple fast paths to things that the profiler told us were taking more time than we expected

Pianoteq 6.7.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed ugly noise issue when loading Pianoteq 6 VST3 in FL Studio

MeshLab 2020.06 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Due to the deprecation of QtScript and all the issues related to it, we are dropping from MeshLab the support to XML plugins, and therefore all the XML plugins have been transformed to classic plugins in this MeshLab version. The involved plugins are: Screened Poisson; Measure; Voronoi; Mutualinfo; Sketchfab. Due to this porting, all old .mlx MeshLab scripts that involve one of these plugins may not work on MeshLab and MeshLabServer 2020.06. Starting from MeshLab 2020.07, XML plugins won't compile and they cannot be loaded anymore.

XRECODE 1.102 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added possibility to use semicolon (;) in tagsreplace file
- added decoding support for .amr files
- fixed issue with handling of some DVDA iso files
- fixed issue when program got stuck on some Win7 PCs
- properly handle skipped frames when decoding SACD .iso files
- added option to replace illegal characters in file names will space or underscore (under Pattern settings/Additional)
- added feature to specify several (comma separated ) values in the file name pattern optional parts

- fixed issue with transcoding DSD 5.1 to 2.0
- fixed issue with decoding of some DTS/CUE files
- fixed issue when matrices were not properly used when encoding to dsd

Sleipnir Browser 6.4.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated Blink (Chrome / 83.0.4103.61)
- Removed Fenrir Pass Connect integration feature


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- 3rd party externals: dialog to allow 3rd party unsigned externals
- dialog: three new modes (Alert, Confirmation, Extended)
- jit.pworld: new object that encapsulates jit.pwindow and a GL context
- jit.pwindow: support for texture input without a CPU readback
- Jitter Probing: added texture support
- JS Patcher / Maxobj: getattrnames / setattr functions
- JS Task: new freepeer() function to unroot and mark object as invalid
- JS: new MaxobjListener, ParameterListener, ParameterInfoProvider objects
- jweb: added rendermode for transparent background
- jweb: preference to enable debugging and set port for jweb / CEF
- jweb: update to Chromium 80
- package: support installing .maxpacks by dragging them onto Max
- Patcher: assistshowspatchername attribute to set inlet/outlet assistance behavior
- Patcher: enabletransparentbgwithtitlebar attribute to enable transparent background when title bar is visible (Mac)
- patcher: transform abstraction to subpatcher
- playlist~ / jit.playlist: preset/pattr/snapshot support
- playlist~ / jit.playlist: added duration, durationms to content dictionary
- playlist~: added selectionms, channelcount, samplerate to content dictionary
- playlist~: autocreate mc.playlist~ when dragging multichannel files
- playlist~: implement signal cue triggering / new mapcue feature
- playlist~: set play head position with milliseconds
- playlist~: signal driven playback
- playlist~ / jit.playlist: undo/redo for slot changes
- playlist~ / jit.playlist : exposed sfplay~ and attributes
- rslider: thickness attribute
- VIDDLL: defaultcachesize preference (defaults to 0.5 GB)
- Video objects: support for dynamic patchcords based on output type (matrix or texture)
- Video Browser: support for Hap files

Fixed Bugs:
- allpass~: no longer randomly removes one sample delay
- append / prepend: modernized and fixed 64-bit truncation issue
- Audio Status: added bullet style check mark in driver menu
- Audio: non-signal connections from MSP objects no longer triggers DSP chain recompile
- bitand~: fixed int usage in mode 2
- bitor~: calculates output values correctly
- buffer~ playback objects: fixed potential deadlock when changing reference to buffer
- buffer~: filetype and format are now attributes
- buffer~: sizing attributes change when any change (including sizeinsamps message)
- capture: fixed crash when precision argument is invalid
- dict: fixed readagain message
- dict: quiet mode remains quiet for subdicts
- fft~/ifft~: proper help patches open
- fpic: fixed hang when loading SVG files via attribute
- hover: works on contained components in a locked patcher
- Inspector: fixed issues with color picker when setting gradient
- Inspector: improvements for undo of non-box attributes
- itable: fixed hint attribute
- jit.mgraphics: svg_set method works
- viddll engine can load JPG from URL
- jit.playlist / playlist~: improved drawing performance
- jit.playlist: improved attribute exposure and display
- jit.playlist: improved still image support
- jit.playlist: loadmess 1 can be used to start playback on patch open
- jit.playlist: loads project media when using VIDDLL engine
- jit.playlist: vol message works when clip is not playing
- jit.pwindow: fixed zooming issues when rendering OpenGL
- Jitter Probing: fixed matrix probing for video objects
- JS Task: improved reliability (Task objects are now rooted)
- jstrigger: fixed crash when entering two double quotes in box
- jweb: better url path handling
- jweb: fixed crashes when using max.outlet CEF js API
- jweb: fixed interaction when "operate-while-unlocked" is enabled
- jweb: txt & html files render properly
- key: fixed reporting of arrow keys when bpatcher has focus
- limi~: fixed assistance and reference page issues
- limi~: properly constrain release and lookahead attributes
- limi~: threshold attribute is now absolute instead of relative and eliminated ramp
- live.banks: correctly handle live.banks in a subpatcher
- live.banks: more descriptive errors when present in amxd~ in Max
- live.slider: fixed mousing in horizontal slider when steps are used
- live.thisdevice: no longer outputs preview state twice when inside a subpatcher
- M4L info view: fixed visibility of info on mouse over (Win)
- Mac Standalone: fixed app store entitlement crash
- Mapping: don't draw outlines for hidden boxes in locked patchers
- mapping: improved hit-testing of subpatcher views
- Max For Live: clicking on a parameter will correctly change focus to device
- Max for Live: increase sysex buffer to match Live's limits (256k per device)
- Max For Live: reworked warning that VIDDLL is not installed by default
- MC: mc.pack~, mc.combine~, mc.wrapper~ protect against > 1024 channels
- mc.list~: minimum channel count is now 1
- menubar: dirties patcher when script is manually changed
- mtr: fixed play data corruption when triggering play from object output
- multislider: fixed drawing vertical bars
- packages: verify platform compatibility when the server reports an update
- parameter window: fixed crash when adding columns
- parameter: improve shortname behavior when restoring devices
- parameter: improved ordering output in Max
- parameter: initial_enable output improvements for patcher load
- parameters: fixed potential memory corruption and crashing with blobs
- patchcords: display improvements based on data type
- patcher->bpatcher transform: fixed @ style args and memory leak
- Patching: 'snapping' improvements and shortcuts
- pattrstorage: recallmulti normalized weights more reliable
- playlist~: beginning of long sample is no longer played twice when timestretching is enabled
- playlist~: contextual menu follows object position (Win)
- playlist~: fixed crash when adjusting channel count with audio on
- playlist~: fixed crash when loading long filename with weird characters
- playlist~: fixed issues when shift-dragging past right edge
- playlist~: fixed playback at different sampling rates
- playlist~: fixed playback when direction changes
- playlist~: improved cursor position for command / option + drag operations
- playlist~: improved playhead redraw when using signal playback
- playlist~: removed click at end of sample when timestretch is enabled
- playlist~: reports errors properly (instead of being labeled as sfplay~)
- playlist~: sync outlet improvements
- playlist~: sync output follows Max's sampling rate
- playlist~: timestretching state is properly restored
- playlist~ / jit.playlist: can drag attributes from inspector to create attrui
- playlist~ / jit.playlist: fixed erroneous "start" notification when stopping a playing clip
- playlist~ / jit.playlist: UI & interaction improvements
- print: double-click in console on object print will open bpatcher's window
- Project: retains chosen amxd export type
- Projects: accepts folder names which are a superstring of the project name
- scale: bang outputs last list to be consistent with number output
- sfplay~: all attributes are listed (and greyed out, if appropriate) in quickref menu
- sfplay~: eliminated repeated audio at the start of a long file when timestretch is enabled
- sfplay~: ensure loop range under extreme conditions
- sfplay~: fixed potential issues with cue loading
- sysaudio: fixed crash when freeing audio engine
- tabbed patcher: fixed crash switching tabs in fullscreen patcher with transparent background
- textedit: ASCII 13 (cr) no longer adds an extra space
- thispatcher: window notitle no longer zooms the window
- tosymbol: single symbol can be up to 32K, input symbol can be 4K
- VIDDLL: Fixed crash when using FlexASIO and VIDDLL
- VIDDLL: improved performance with Hap files
- vst~: fixed crash when replacing plugin
- vst~: improvements to subname output
- waveform~: fixed errors after second standalone build
- Zooming: works more broadly across objects (chooser, umenu, playlist~, etc)